Beloved (5 page)

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Authors: Roxanne Regalado

BOOK: Beloved
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Chapter 10



They were both so busy the next week that they were hardly able to see each other, but they talked to each other on the phone every night talking about how they spent each other's day. So great is his love for Violet that he decided to build a house for her and their unborn children. He decided not to tell her about it until it's done. He chose to buy a farm lot at the outskirts of the city and they would have a garden at the back of the house similar to the one where they once went for their photo shoot. The garden will have every kind of fruit that is possible to plant and grow and every kind of vegetable and grains. They would also have a swimming pool at the back of their house. He saved up his money for his future family so that when time comes for them to have kids, he will already be financially ready and secure. He went to the site where his restaurant is being built and checked on the progress of the construction. He found that it's okay and there seems to be no problem. He loaned money from the bank to be able to build his house and then he contacted people who would be in charge to build their house. He made sure that there would be a space for a swimming pool and a huge garden at the backyard.

              He spent the weekend practicing the song that he wrote for Violet with his band. They rehearsed for two days until their performance is flawless. After making sure that their performance is perfect, he decided to call and invite Violet because their band would be playing at a local bar for the next weekend, which will be Friday next week.

              "Hello Violet. How have you been doing lately?", asked he.

              "Well, I've been doing fine. Just busy with work, I guess. How about you? How was your week?", asked she.

              "Great to hear that you're doing fine. I'm doing well too, I was busy with rehearsals together with my band mates. By the way, I'm inviting you to watch our performance, it will be this coming Friday at eight o'clock at Leonardo's Bar and Grill. So, will you be coming to watch us? It's very important for me that you could come", said he.

              "Yeah sure I will. How could I say no to your charms? I'll be there, I promise", said she.

              "Don't you know how happy you make me, Violet?",asked he.

              "I'm so happy too that you invited me to watch you sing", said she.

              "Just be sure to be there, ok? I guess I'll be seeing you this Friday then", said he.

              "Bye Jacob", said she.

              "Bye Violet", said he putting the phone down.

Chapter 11




He would be proposing marriage to her soon. He doesn't want to wait until she is pregnant for him to do it. After a few minutes, his phone rang.

              "Hello Jacob. I am Mr. Phillips and I work as a talent scout for Golden Lion Film Productions. We are looking for someone for the leading role of a movie that we will be making. Well, we thought that you would be great for the leading role", said Mr. Phillips.

              "Well, that is just great. Of course, I would like to, I could never say no to a great opportunity like this", said he.

              "Great. We will start filming next month. In the meantime, I would like you to study the script", said Mr. Phillips.

              "Great. This is just so amazing. I'd be most happy to do so", said he smiling from ear to ear. This means that his loan from the bank for their house will be paid in no time.

              "Good. I will be personally handing over the script to you. What do you say about meeting me for lunch at twelve o'clock tomorrow at The Cavern", said Mr. Phillips.

              "Okay. I'll meet you there at lunch tomorrow at twelve o'clock. Bye Mr. Phillips!", said he.

              "It's been nice talking to you. Bye Jacob!", said Mr. Phillips.

              Wow. He couldn't believe that somebody was able to offer him to do a movie, and a leading role at that. He couldn't wait to tell the news to Violet and to his parents. He called his Mom on the phone and she called his Dad. They were just so happy for him. He asked his Mom and Dad if they can have dinner at their house in order for them to meet Violet and they said yes. He called Violet.

              "Hi Violet! I hope I'm not disturbing you or anything. I just want to tell you something very important", said he.

              "Hi Jacob! It's okay, no, you're not disturbing me at all. Go ahead, tell me", said she.

              "Well, you know what? I got an offer to do the leading role of a movie. The talent scout called me just a while ago. I still don't know what the movie is all about though. I would have to meet him tomorrow so that he could give me the script and I could study it", said he excitedly.

              "Wow, that's great. I'm so happy for you Jacob", said she.

              "And by the way, may I invite you to have dinner at my parents’ house tomorrow at around eight o'clock in the evening, so that you can meet my parents, my brother and my sister", he asked her.

              "Sure, that would be great!", said she. 

              "Ok, I'll pick you up tomorrow at around seven thirty in the evening, ok?",said he.

              "Okay. Bye Jacob!. See you tomorrow", said Violet.

              "Okay Violet, see you, bye!", said Jacob.

              He is just so glad about finally being discovered and receiving a movie offer for a leading role. Even his dog Furball was so glad, he can't stop wagging his tail as if he knew what they were talking about on the phone. He could not believe how lucky and blessed he is at that moment. He is also happy that she could finally meet his parents, brother and sister. His brother and sister are still living with their parents’ house and they are still studying in college. After his house will be finished, he's going to move in there with Violet and this house will be occupied with his younger brother and younger sister.

              He spent the whole morning the next day cleaning up his house. At noon time, he met Mr. Phillips, the talent scout, for lunch.

              "Hi Jacob. Nice to see you today!", greeted Mr. Phillips.

              "Hi there Mr. Phillips! I'm so thankful to you for choosing me for the role", said he.

              "Oh, it's nothing. You should be thankful to yourself. You're really fit for the role. In fact, we had you in mind for the leading actor", said Mr. Phillips.

              "That's good to hear from you, Mr. Phillips, but I still feel grateful for this blessing and opportunity that you gave me", said Jacob.

              "You are most welcome, Jacob. By the way, here is the script for the movie that you will be doing. We will start filming next month", said Mr. Phillips as he hands him over the script.

              "Okay, thanks for the information. I'll just study this and be sure that I'll be ready by next month", said Jacob.

              They finished their coffee and sandwiches and continued to talk about the movie filming. 

              "By the way, we will meet again sometime in the first week of next month. Hopefully, together with the other actresses and actors", said Mr. Phillips.

              "Okay sure, I'll be looking forward to that", said Jacob.

              "Ok. Start studying and memorizing the script as soon as you can. Bye for now Jacob!", said Mr. Phillips.

              "Bye Mr. Phillips, till we meet again!", said Jacob.

              Jacob went back home after having lunch with Mr. Phillips. He made some coffee for himself and studied the script. He then prepared himself for dinner with Violet and his family. She was already waiting for him in the living room of their house when he picked her up.

              "Bye Mom, bye Dad", Violet called out to her parents as they were about to leave.

              "Bye Mr. and Mrs. Sanders. We're going now to have dinner at our house so that Violet could meet my whole family", said he to Violet's parents.

              "Okay, Bye! Take care, both of you", Violet's parents called out as they were about to leave Violet's house.

              When they arrived at his parents’ house, his Mom and Dad were waiting for them at the doorway just outside their house.

              "Hello son. Me and your father missed you so much. So does Ben and Hailey", said his Mom while hugging him.

              "Well, look at who you got there with you. I guess this is your new serious girlfriend, huh? We all knew how the other one broke your heart", said his father.

              "Well, we all hope that you are kind enough not to do what his ex-girlfriend did to him. Sweetheart, be careful of my son's heart", said his Mom to Violet.

              "Yes of course, I will. I promise I'll never do what she did to Jacob", said she to his parents.

              "By the way, her name is Violet, and yes she's my new serious girlfriend. We dated in about a more than two months now", he told his family.

              "Hello Violet and welcome to the family. This is Ben and Hailey, Jacob's younger brother and younger sister", said Jacob’s Dad after shaking hands with Violet.

              She saw that he had two siblings who look like they could be in their early twenties.

              "Nice to meet you, Violet. We had heard so much about you from Jacob", said Ben to Violet.

              "He told us that aside from working as an actress, model and product endorser, you are also helping out charitable organizations. That's very nice of you", said Hailey.

              "Yeah, I guess I have just been blessed with so much and it wouldn't hurt to give some of my money to help out those who are in need. It just feels good to be able to do that", said she.

              "Yes, we know. If we have lots of money like you, we would also do the same", said Jacob's Dad.

              "Come on guys, dinner's ready!" called his Mom out from the kitchen.

              They all had dinner of Roast Chicken and Lasagna and Lemonade for their drinks. They ate homemade Apple Pie for dessert.

              "Wow, thank you so much for this delicious dinner that you have prepared for us, Mr. and Mrs. Sanders.

              "Don't mind it, sweetie. It's our pleasure to have finally met you. Jacob is very lucky to have a good and beautiful girlfriend such as you", said Jacob's Dad.

              "God bless your heart, sweetheart", said Jacob's Dad.

              "I hope this world would have a lot of people like you, Violet", said Ben.

              "If that would be the case, the world would surely be a better place", said Hailey.

              "It sure would. Thanks to people like Violet", said Jacob kissing her on the forehead. Then he took something out of his pocket, it's a small box and inside it is a ring that his Mom and Dad gave him a long time ago.

              "What's this?" asked Violet dumbfounded and surprised.

              "I know that it's too soon, but I would like to ask you if you would like to marry me?" asked he.

              "Of course I would. Wow, I wasn't expecting this Jacob", said she.

              She can't believe that Jacob is proposing marriage to her so early. To her, this was just like a dream. They had been together for about two months.

              "Thank you Violet for saying yes to me. I don't want to wait too long to get married when it seemed like I've met the right person and we are both financially ready and secure to start a family. I mean, I don't want to waste time. I'm so excited to finally settle down and have kids", said Jacob.

              "Yeah, me too", said she and then there were tears from her eyes. Tears of joy and happiness. They hugged and embraced each other and the whole family was so happy.

              "I'm inviting you all for a dinner party this coming Saturday at my house so that you guys can meet my family", said Violet.

              "Thanks sweetheart. That's so thoughtful of you" said Jacob's mother.

              "Well, what can I say?I guess I'm just so happy to have your son as my future husband. I'm so happy to finally be able to have a family of my own. I could never forget this moment ever", said Violet.

              "We are all so happy for both of you. May you have a happy and blessed family", said Jacob's father.

              "Thank you for the nice wishes", said Jacob.

              "Thank you so much", said Violet.

              After eating Roast Chicken and Lasagna, they ate Apple Pie for dessert. And when they are all done eating, they continued to talk. After they're done talking Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, Ben and Hailey walked out the door together with Jacob and Violet.

              "Bye Jacob, bye Violet. It was nice to finally meet you. I hope you can come back here again", said Mrs. Sanders.

              "Bye son, bye sweetheart", said Mr. Sanders.

              "Bye!", called out Ben.

              "Bye, take care", called out Hailey.

              "Bye Mom, bye Dad", said Jacob.

              "Bye and thank you so much for the sumptuous dinner. See you all again this coming Saturday at eight o'clock", said Violet.

              Jacob drove Violet home. He then went home and slept for the night.

              The whole week passed by so quickly and it was spent by both of them working hard in their respected jobs. By Friday, Violet went to The Cavern to meet Jacob there. He was sitting at the table by the time she arrived. They talked for a short while and then Jacob was called by his other band mates.

              “I hope you don't mind excusing me Violet. I think it's our turn to play the music", said Jacob.

              "Of course, I don't mind. I'm so excited to finally hear and watch you play! Good luck!",said she to Jacob.

              "Thanks Violet. I'll get back to you later!", said Jacob.

              He went up the stage, in front of everyone and together with this band mates.

              "This song is entitled "A song for Violet". This song is dedicated to my best friend and my wife to be Ms. Violet Sanders, soon to be Mrs. Rafael", said Jacob.

              Everybody clapped their hands and listened to the music until they were done playing and the whole band came down the stage.

              "That was a great performance Jacob. It really shows that you were practicing for this. You did your best and it shows", said Violet to Jacob hugging him.

              "Well, everybody this is Violet, my soon to be wife", said Jacob to his band mates.

              "Hi Violet, nice to meet you", said one of Jacob's band mates.

              They went back to their seat and ordered Cheeseburger, French Fries and Coke for their dinner. After a few minutes, the food arrived and they ate their dinner. They didn't drink any alcoholic drinks because they still have to drive back home. Jacob offered to help out with the preparation of dinner for tomorrow's party. Violet gladly accepted his offer. He would pick her up tomorrow morning and both of them will go to the supermarket to buy what they need for the dinner party. They said their goodbyes to Jacob's band mates and he drove her home. They said goodnight and hugged and kissed each other and Jacob went back home. He gave food and water to Furball. He then took a bath and went straight to bed.

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