Authors: D.W. Ulsterman
I swallowed the last of my eggs Benedict. Why Dedra was holding out on me, combined with her increasing nervousness, left me wondering what else I was being kept in the dark about.
“You haven’t explained how this is T3 business. If they’re all about telling the truth, then what truth isn’t being told regarding all of this? What’s the connection with your buried legislation and the T3 Group?”
Dedra’s eyes repeated her earlier agitation at my hesitation to simply take the assignment.
“That’s why we need to know who is behind the opposition to the legislation Mr. Bennington. If our suspicions are confirmed, then we will also know it is in fact a T3 matter, and as I already said, from there we will plan and act accordingly.”
“So you’re just sending me on some fishing expedition for now, is that it?”
Dedra was again looking behind me toward the bar.
“If that’s what you wish to call it Mr. Bennington. I will say that your refusal would be a signal to those who pay for your services that perhaps we cannot rely on you as much as we’d hoped.”
“What’s the assigned bill?”
Dedra cocked her head slightly to the right.
“I’m sorry?”
“The designation. I need to know it if I’m going to go asking people about who is trying to kill it.”
Dedra’s eyes widened as she realized what I was asking.
“Of course! It’s H.R. 4221.”
I stared back at Dedra and then gave her a wide smile.
“Ok then, I’ll ask around. Give me a few days.”
Dedra shook her head.
“You have forty eight hours Mr. Bennington. Sooner would be better. I will check in on your progress first thing tomorrow morning.”
I watched as Dedra stood up and walked quickly toward the exit, admiring once again the tight, well formed lines of her ass. My appreciative attention on Dedra’s rear view disintegrated though as my eyes also noted both of the men at the bar closely watching her departure as well. Perhaps Dedra’s paranoia was well deserved.
Then my own paranoia spiked upward as each of the two men left together no more than a half minute after Dedra walked out the exit. I moved from my table and walked to the bar, motioning for Reg to make his way toward me.
“Hey Reg, you know those two guys who just left?”
The bartender shook his closely shaved head as he cleaned a shot glass with a pristine white bar towel.
“No, don’t recall them ever coming in here before Frank, why?”
I gave a soft shrug as I looked toward the
Off the Record’s
upstairs exit.
“Just curious Reg. Just curious.”
I decided then to follow the two men. If they felt the need to keep tabs on Dedra, than it was only fair I did the same to them. It seemed like a good enough plan at the time, but a few moments later, I sure as hell regretted it.
Man, did I ever…
End Excerpt.
If you haven’t yet read the first introduction to the
character of Fra
nk Bennington, please check out:
The Second Oldest Profession
Colin O'Shea is a young, talented newcomer to the Washington D.C. corridors of power. Soon after his arrival in the nation's capital, he finds himself desperate to protect a young woman endangered by the jealous rage of an emotionally corrupt congressman intent on becoming President of the United States. It is a fast paced, tense and taught romantic thriller crafted by bestselling author, D.W. Ulsterman.