Betrayal (39 page)

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Authors: The Investigative Staff of the Boston Globe

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BOOK: Betrayal
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Pope John Paul II's comments on celibacy were made in an address to visiting Nigerian bishops on April 20, 2002.

Ecclesia in America
is an apostolic exhortation given by Pope John Paul II in Mexico City on January 22, 1999.

William J. Bennett wrote about the clergy sexual abuse scandal in the
Wall Street Journal on
March 18, 2002.

William F. Buckley Jr. wrote about the clergy sexual abuse crisis in a column syndicated by Universal Press Syndicate on February 13, 2002.

Patrick J. Buchanan wrote about the clergy sexual abuse crisis in a column syndicated by Creators Syndicate, Inc., on March 20, 2002.

Wall Street Journal
editorial on the Church and its critics was published on April 26, 2002.

Cardinal J. Francis Stafford's comments on “changing the faith” were reported in the
New York Times
on April 19, 2002.

Cardinal Darió Castrillóu Hoyos's news conference on clergy sexual abuse was held at the Vatican on March 21, 2002.

Bishop Charles V. Grahmann's demand that priests get permission before speaking to reporters was reported by the
Dallas Morning News
on April 27, 2002.

Cardinal Law's declaration about secrecy came in a letter to priests on April 12, 2002.

Cardinal Law's assertion that negligence by Gregory Ford and his parents contributed to Ford's abuse came in a legal filing in April 2002.

The Pope's description of “a deep-seated crisis of sexual morality” came in an address to the cardinals of the United States on April 23, 2002.

John L. Alien Jr.’s comments on the next pope are from his book
Conclave: The Politics, Personalities, and Process of the Next Papal Election
(New York: Doubleday, 2002), page 38.

Mary Ann Keyes corresponded with the
by e-mail.

Richard W. Rohrbacber corresponded with the
by e-mail.

Other sources:
William V. D’ Antonio et al.,
Laity, American and Catholic: Transforming the Church
(Kansas City, Mo.: Sheed & Ward, 1996).

Richard P. McBrien, editor,
The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism
(New York: HarperCollins, 1995).

Thomas J. Reese,
Inside the Vatican: The Politics and Organization of the Catholic Church
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998).

George Weigel,
Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II
(New York: HarperCollins, 1999).


se would like to thank everyone who gave generously of their time to sit for interviews, take our phone calls, or point us toward the latest twist in a story that seems likely to unfold for some time. Some of these people were victims; some were parents. Others were priests, prosecutors, police officers, lawyers, doctors, professors — too many to mention by name. You gave us your time, your experience, and your expertise, and we appreciate it.

There is hardly an editor, reporter, or researcher at the
who hasn't contributed to the newspaper's coverage of this story, but we would be remiss if we didn't mention at least some of them by name; Ellen Barry, Kathleen Burge, Diego. Ribadeneira, Tatsha Robertson, Charles M. Sennott, Farah Stockman, and Jack Thomas. Their enterprising efforts made our work easier.

many talented photographers, graphic artists, and designers helped our readers better understand this complex story. Teresa M. Hanafin and her able staff at dramatically increased the impact of our work by making it available to millions of Web surfers around the world. Lisa Tuite, her staff at the
library, and researcher Kathleen Hennrikus helped us sort through a mountain of information.

attorneys, Jonathan M. Albano and Anthony E. Fuller of Bingham Dana, with herculean effort and reasoned legal arguments, helped convince three superior court judges, and a justice of the state appeals court, of the public's right to have access to documents that other judges had scaled at the urging of the Archdiocese of Boston.

We are enormously grateful to the folks for whom we do this work: the readers of the
Boston Globe.
Their response to this story has been immediate and intense. In thousands of phone calls, letters, and e-mails they have often lauded and occasionally lambasted us; they have shared their pain and anger, their sorrow and their stories; they have offered us tips and ideas and sources, and they have reminded us of our duty to be both fair and aggressive.

Other journalists dug at this issue before we did, putting it on the map. First and foremost among them is Jason Berry, who put the sexual abuse of children by priests in the national spotlight, first in 1985 by writing about it for papers including the
National Catholic Reporter,
and then in 1992 by writing a major book on this subject,
Lead Us Not into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children.
James L. Franklin, the
former religion reporter, wrote many stories about the sexual abuse of minors by clergy over the years, and
reporters Linda Matchan and Don Aucoin made important contributions to the paper's coverage of the case of James R. Porter starting in 1992. In 2001, Kristen Lombardi of the
Boston Phoenix
wrote a number of articles raising troubling questions about the case of John J. Geoghan that the Archdiocese of Boston refused to address.

Our editors at Little, Brown and Company, Geoff Shandler and Ryan Harbage, helped to focus and tighten our work. Copyediting manager Peggy Preudenthal and her team showed grace under pressure, helping us to hone our language and check our facts.

Martin Baron, the
editor, touched off this investigation by demanding to know, during his first week on the job, why the Geoghan court documents were sealed. He insisted on thorough reporting, rigorous writing, and high editing standards.

This book would not have been possible without the direction of our boss at the
Ben Bradlee Jr., deputy managing editor for projects. He oversaw the
reporting and helped conceive the book project, fiercely directing it through its writing and editing phases.

Finally, we acknowledge the victims of clergy sexual abuse, for their dignity and their courage, and for allowing us to tell their stories.

Matt Carroll Kevin Cullen Thomas Farragher Stephen Kurkjian Michael Paulson Sacha Pfeiffer Michael Rezendcs Walter V. Robinson

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