Betrayal: Whitey Bulger and the FBI Agent Who Fought to Bring Him Down (38 page)

BOOK: Betrayal: Whitey Bulger and the FBI Agent Who Fought to Bring Him Down
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“That is absolutely untrue”:
Shelley Murphy, writing in the
Boston Globe,
July 22, 1998.

In August of 2009:
The entire decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit upholding the ruling of the lower court can be found at:

And on April 30, 2010:
Solicitor General Elena Kagan and the Department of Justice’s decision not to appeal the Salvati decision further can be found in the
Boston Globe
, May 1, 2010:

“Judge Admits”:
Referenced article in the
Boston Herald
, “Judge Admits He Was Too Harsh on Mother of Whitey Bulger Victim,” by Laurel J. Sweet, November 5, 2009:

“They are lying”:
Author’s quoted testimony supported by trial transcripts.

“I’m prepared to find there is a massive”:
As referenced in the
Boston Herald
, “Judge Admits He Was Too Harsh on Mother of Whitey Bulger Victim,” by Laurel J. Sweet, November 5, 2009:

In May 2009, Judge Young also awarded an $8.5 million:
From article by Shelley Murphy and the
Boston Globe,
June 12, 2009:


“Here’s to Honest Cops Who Made a Difference”:
Article by Kevin Cullen,
Boston Globe,
July 3, 2011:

“The FBI Agent who Really Wanted ‘Whitey’ ‘’:
Article by Deborah Becker and Lisa Tobin, WBUR, July 7, 2011:

“I hope we all”:
From “Setting the Stage for Whitey’s Arrest,” by Nancy Harris,
Boston Globe
, July 14, 2011:



The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

ABSCAM investigation

lessons from

results of

as RICO sting

significance of

Williams and

Ahearn, James

denial by

as SAC

Ainsworth, Kathy

as informant

murder of

Angiulo, Gennaro (“Jerry”)

arrest of

background on

case against


electronic surveillance of

for Patriarca

role of

Army, U.S.

education in

in Germany

training in

Assistant Special Agent in Charge

Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC).
See also specific ASACs

Attorney’s Office, U.S.

Bates on

Piro and

Weld in

Wyshak in

Bailey, F. Lee

Barboza, Joseph

background of

description of

fear of

as informant

murder of

murders by

against Patriarca

as sociopath

testimony of

Barrett, Bucky

baseball case

Bates, Dick

on FBI politics

Fitzpatrick with

on irregularities

on LCN

on MSP

on O’Sullivan

on Race Fix case

reluctance of

on rumors

on U.S. Attorney’s Office

Bath Shipyards kickbacks, bribes

Benjamin, Frank

Bin Laden, Osama

Black Mass
(Lehr and O’Neill)

on Bulger, B.

Jennings for

on McWeeney

Boeri, David

on Connolly, J.

Weeks to

Boeri, Steve

Bok, Sissela



Miami compared to

Mount Loretto compared to

Boston College basketball team point shaving

Boston Globe

on DEA

against FBI

Fitzpatrick to

Jennings in

on Race Fix case

Spotlight Series in

vindication from

against Whitey

Boston Herald

on Davis

Greenleaf in

on leaks

lies in

Lindsay in

on Whitey

Boston Magazine

Boudreau, Martin

leaks and

McIntyre case against FBI related to

with Strike Force

Bowers, Sam

arrest of


Boyle, Bob

Bradley, Ed

Bramlett, Leah

The Brothers Bulger: How They Terrorized and Corrupted Boston for a Quarter Century

Brown, Billy

explanation to

on interviews

protection from

Brown, Paul

Buckley, Michael

Bulger, Billy

Black Mass

body language of

case against

Connolly, J., and

FBI for

at House Committee on Government Reform

Lehr on

meeting with

Morris for

O’Neill on

O’Sullivan and

payoffs and

position of

rise to power by

St. Botolph Realty Trust for

testimony of

Whitey compared to

Bulger, James (“Whitey”)

ambition of

background on

Body Space and

Boeri, D., on

bookmaking and

Boston Globe

Boston Herald

Bulger, B., compared to

capture of

Castucci and

Chalmas and

Ciulla against

common knowledge about

Connolly, J., for

control of

description of

disappearance of

drug trade and

electronic surveillance of

eyes of

Fitzpatrick against

Fitzpatrick meeting with

against Flynn, J.

girlfriend of

hostility from

humor of

image of

as informant

intimidation and

invulnerability of

IRA and

jai alai and

Knotts against

lack of evidence from

liquor store of

lottery for

for McDonald

against McIntyre

McIntyre case against FBI related to

meeting report on

money laundering by

Morris for

on Most Wanted list

murders by

against Murray

O’Donovan against

opportunism of

O’Sullivan and

for Patriarca

payoffs from

President’s Commission on Organized Crime against

as psychopath

reputation of

research on

Rico for

against Russo

Salemme and

and Sims

as sociopath

as TEs

torture by

weapons smuggling by

Weeks and

Wheeler and

Winter and

Winter Hill Gang takeover by

Wyshak against

Burke, James

Burton, Dan

Callahan, John

and Halloran

Halloran’s murder and

Huff against

as informant

information about

murder of

Wheeler and

Carr, Howie

Caruana, Sal

Castucci against

Knotts on

case fixing

Castucci, Richie

background on

against Caruana

Connolly, J., and

criminal activities of

description of

favors from

FBI and

as informant

McDonald and

murder of

O’Donovan and

Opie with

Sims and

special treatment for

as TE

Whitey and

Cavanaugh, Paul

apology from

on cover-up

Chalmas, Jimmy (Ted Sharliss)

See also
Mount Loretto

anger and

brutality in

child-care home in

domestic violence in

dreams of

education in

FBI in

fears in

informants in

Jesus in

loneliness of

mother’s death in

O’Rourke for

parents in

personal belongings in

police in

without power

radio in

siblings in

without trust

Chinlund, Christine



at Mount Loretto

Ciulla, Tony

and Flemmi, S.

racehorse fix case of

and Whitey

Clinton, Bill

Coleman, John

Condon, Dennis

Connolly, J., with

without ethics

for FBI

as hero

informants for

leak from

for public safety

Connolly, John

ambition of

arrest of

arrogance of

background on

Boeri, D., on

and Boston College point shaving case

Bulger, B., and

Callahan’s murder and

Castucci and

Condon with

conviction of

delusions of

description of

diamond for

dirty work by

distrust of

Durham against

as fallguy

falsifications by

fears of

fictions from

for Flemmi, S.

ice cream story of

against Knotts

leaks by

loyalty of

McIntyre case against FBI related to

modus operandi of

against Morris

against MSP

O’Donovan against

Opie and

political intimidation from

priority of

ratting by

against regulations

retirement of

against Salemme

sentence of

suspicions about

testimony of

Wheeler’s murder and

for Whitey

Connolly, Tim

See also specific agents

Cavanaugh on

by O’Sullivan

Trout on

Crawford, Jim

against Twomey

Cronin, Matt

against Twomey

Cullen, Kevin

Darkness at Noon

Davis, Debra

Drug Enforcement Agency

Deegan, Teddy

murder of

Department of Justice.
See also
Office of Professional Responsibility

on LCN

O’Sullivan for

protocol of

Sessions and

Dershowitz, Alan

Donahue, Michael

Donovan, Richard


Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)

Boston Globe

without FBI

Kennedy, Rod, with

Drug Task Force

drug trade.
See also
Boudreau, Martin

Hells Angels in

leaks about


in McIntyre case against FBI

Miami and

misinformation about

with Murray

Trout and

Twomey and

Whitey and

Durham, John

appointment of

and Connolly, J.

failures of

for FBI

objectivity of

Ebb Tide

Economic Crimes

Economic Crimes (EC)

electronic surveillance

of Angiulo

on Flemmi, S.

on Flemmi, V.

by Halloran

illegality of

of Irish soldiers

McIntyre case against FBI and

of Patriarca


of Whitey

of Williams

The Estate of John McIntyre, Plaintiff v. The United States of America, Defendant
McIntyre case against FBI


See also
McIntyre case against FBI;
specific agents

ASAC for

Bates on

Bath Shipyards kickbacks, bribes and

belief in

on Boston College basketball team point shaving

Boston Globe

Boston office of

for Bulger, B.

case fixing by

Castucci and

change-of-command change in

in childhood

civil cases against

classification system of

Condon for

court disclosure of

culture of corruption in

DEA without

Durham for

embarrassment of

fingerprinting for

first grab in

Fitzgerald suit against

judgments against

Lancaster Street Garage without

leaks from

lookout for

motto of

MSP and

oath of

O’Donovan against

police brutality and

probationary period for

radio show about

reports for

Rico for

Salvati, J., against

SATU for

transfers in

warning from

Wolf against

Wyshak against

FBI Academy

Body Space at

Royal Ulster Constabulary and

work at

FBI New York


Fishman, Kenneth

Fitzpatrick, Robert.
See also
childhood; McIntyre case against FBI

allegations against

with Bates

by the book

Boston Globe

boxing match of

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