Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2)
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“I fucking know that. Fuck, this isn’t good. How in the hell did the cops find it? I’m telling you, we have someone inside the crew that’s feeding someone information. There’s only a handful of us that knew where that warehouse was. You stick with Vince and try and get our boys out on bail. Ill deal with the fucking cartel. I want this shit cleaned up. And Frankie?” I have to take a deep breath and reel in my darker side. I am barely hanging on right now.


“Make it fast or it’s your ass I’m coming after.” I warn him through clenched teeth. 

I hang up the phone with so much force, almost breaking the fragile device. I cannot believe this shit. This is the last thing I need. I can’t focus on keeping Karen safe and on the run from Dominic. I need to find out who the fuck is telling the cops information and take that little shit out. I dread the call I need to make to the cartel. Roderick is not going to be happy one bit about this. Fuck me. I can only hope he doesn’t send someone to clean house for this. Roderick is a bad mother fucker, and I should’ve known better than to ask him to sell his drugs. Now I have to make it right. If I can’t, not only will I be running from Dominic, but I will be on the run from Roderick’s crew as well. 

This is not looking good for me … at all. 


It’s been two weeks since we had to move to another motel again. I have to say, it’s not been the worst experience. I mean if I don’t think about the constant boredom, being tied up, or staring at the walls all day isn’t too bad, then I’m doing great. Oh fuck who am I kidding? I am so ready to move or do something. I have looked at these four walls for so long I can point out every stain. Every chip in the off-white paint. I can tell you how the water drips from the bathroom every day for hours on end. How the lights blink on and off when someone is in the next room from us. I have even found little figures in the ceilings paint splotches. Kind of like how one will look at clouds and find a shape. And if that isn’t bad enough, Jason has been even worse. In the two weeks that’s past I think he’s barely said two words to me. He seems distracted or on edge. Hell it’s probably both. 

At least I don’t have to worry with the need to fuck him when he acts this way. It’s been so much easier for me to keep my distance and stay in control. Control is good. Control is what I need. The thing that bothers me the most is, every day Jason leaves. Not only that, I have no clue where he goes. No clue what he’s doing and every day I am tied to the fucking bed longer and longer. I fear he is out there murdering innocent people, or will come back to me covered in blood.  I almost feel like I will be better off with a ball and chain around my ankle. At least then I wouldn’t almost piss myself everyday from holding it. My poor bladder will be so stretched out by the time I am free of Jason, it won’t even be funny.

As much as I think about him when he’s gone, the sexual tension when he is around has me begging him to leave. The few times I lock gazes with Jason, I feel a hot rush of anticipation. I don’t like the way he just looks at me and makes me blush all over and the way he makes me ache to want his hands on me. I can’t deny how he makes me feel. It’s like a hunger I have never experienced before.  

At least I am able to have the distraction of the TV this time. I don’t think I would’ve made it this far without it. It’s doing a fabulous job of keeping my thoughts at bay and thoughts of shit I don’t need to think of. I just wonder how much longer we are going to be here. How much longer will Jason keep me prisoner? Surely by now my family has noticed that I am missing. I know Riley knows. She would’ve figured that out as soon as I’m not there for her ultrasound to see what the sex of the babies are. 

I sigh and toss the remote on the bed. There isn’t much on the tube today. Nothing that I haven’t already watched before. Or twice. Though I am grateful that Jason is nice enough to leave room for me to actually move and use my hands, I am getting to the point I will go insane if he doesn’t start to do something differently. All this sitting and waiting all the fucking time is driving me insane. 

I jump when Jason storms into the room, making the door hit the wall. He’s on his phone spouting Spanish again so I have no idea what is being said. I know he does that on purpose around me. He thinks he’s so smart. Pfft. He’s not doing anything but for his own benefit. He says he’s trying to keep me safe, but won’t tell me from what. I’m starting to think all that is a load a shit he’s been feeding me. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s lied to me and I damn sure know it won’t be the last. Jason paces around the room, and I notice he keeps saying the same thing over and over. Either the guy on the other end is deaf or the cell reception in the room sucks. 

Jason is so distracted that he doesn’t see the other man enter the room a few minutes later. I notice him and I won’t lie, I am getting nervous looking at him. He’s a little shorter than Jason but they have the same tanned skin. His hair is cut into a military style cut and he’s covered in tattoos. I mean they are everywhere that you can see skin. He has a few on his face, his hands, and hell there’s even one on his head. 

Jason finally notices mystery man in the room and I am surprised he didn’t freak out about it. I realize he must know this guy. I hear the name Frankie a few times and I guess that’s the man’s name. Frankie or whatever his name is, looks over at me and smiles at me. Wow. The guy looks a little scary but damn he has a beautiful smile. He nods his head at me and he walks out of the room. 

Jason walks over to me and quickly unites me for the day. I rub my wrist and I grab a pair of my panties as I make my way to the bathroom. I don’t say anything to Jason. Honestly, what can I say to him? It’s not like he’s going to suddenly change his mind. I can only imagine him saying, “Oops, I’m sorry. My bad but you are free to go now.” Yeah right. Only in my dreams. 

I do my business and walk out of the bathroom. I don’t see Jason anywhere, but I’m not stupid enough to think he left me. For all I know he’s right outside the door waiting to snatch me up again if I try to make a run for it. I walk around our small room trying to stretch out my legs when I see the cell phone on the table. Oh man, is this too good to be true? 

My breath hitches in my throat and my heart is racing. I feel like anyone can hear it, it’s beating so fast and loudly in my ears. My hands start to sweat as I walk over to the phone. I know I have one shot at this and I pray to God that it works. 

Stop being a little bitch Karen. Just grab the phone, go back into the bathroom and call Riley. Easy peasy.

My little pep talk calms my nerves a little and I snatch the phone off the table. I run to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I only wish this stupid door had a lock. 

I have to dial Riley’s number three times before I can get my fingers to work right. I am shaking uncontrollability and I hate I feel this way. I hate I am reduced to a scared little girl. That’s exactly what I feel like. I know I have to hurry cause any second Jason will come looking for his phone and or me.

When I hear Riley’s end ringing I close my eyes in relief. Even if she doesn’t answer I will leave a message on her machine. She will call the police and they will find me in no time. I want to cry when I hear her voice. 


“Riley! Thank God! Josh ... I mean Jason is crazy.”

“Karen? I … Hear… You ... Breaking up.”

Oh for the love of God! If I can’t hear her, I know she can’t hear me. This just isn’t my day. Even though I know she won’t be able to hear everything I try to let her know that I’m at least alright. For now anyways. 

“He took me Riley. I have no idea where I am. Riley? Riley can you hear me?”

Fuck! I look down at the phone and see I only have one bar for a signal. I am so focused on somehow getting another bar so I can tell my best friend to send a SWAT team or something when I feel a pair of hands grab me from behind. I didn’t hear the door open and I let out a piercing scream. 

I start to fight whoever grabs me. I don’t know if it’s Jason or not. And I’m not thinking about anything but getting away from whoever has me. I just want to run and fight. I thrash wildly hoping like hell I can break free. I throw my head back, successfully knocking the person in the nose. I hear a loud grunt and his hands are gone. 

I don’t look back as I run towards the door. I open it and run straight into Jason. He grabs me at my shoulders and stops me from leaving. I am breathing so hard and all I can hear is my heart beating in my ears that I don’t hear him speaking. I can see his lips moving but I have to shake my head to be able to focus on what he is saying. 

“…fuck happened?” I catch the very end of what he says. He shakes me again and asks, “Karen, what the fuck happened? Why are you running?”

“Someone grabbed me…I panicked…”

He doesn’t seem to like that answer. He looks past me into the room and I turn at who he is sending his death stare at. 

Jason’s hard tone calling out to the man, Frankie, startles me. Who is this guy? Where did he come from and why in the hell is he grabbing me? 

They start to argue in Spanish and for the millionth time, I wish I would’ve paid more attention to my Spanish classes in high school. Jason looks at me and I don’t like that look. Dammit. I knew his buddy would tell on me. That dick. Frankie, starts to say something when Jason cuts him off. 


Well at least I’ve been brought into the conversation. 

“Jason, man, I came in to get the bags just as you said and I heard her on the phone talking to someone named Riley. I swear that’s all that happened. The bitch went crazy and fuck man, she broke my fucking nose.”

Jason’s grip on my shoulders becomes tighter and I let out a whimper. His fingers are starting to dig into my bone. I know I will have bruises from his harsh grip and I try to shirk his grip. He looks at me, and I know he is pissed. His eyes are darker than before and his jaw is clenching. I can feel the anger rolling off him in waves. This is the Jason that terrifies me. This Jason, I can’t predict. I have no idea what he will do when he is like this. I don’t know if I can pull him back from the darkness that over takes him. 

Through clenched teeth he asks, “Is what Frankie says true?”

“Jason you’re hurting me!” 

“Answer the fucking question Karen!”

It doesn’t seem possible that his grip on me becomes even harder, but it does. I start to struggle and he pushes me against the wall. He is inches from my face and I don’t meet his eyes. I am scared to death of what to say. Will he kill me if I tell him I tried to call for help? I don’t know the answer to that. Maybe that’s what scares me so much. 

“I am only going to ask one more time Karen. Is it true?”

I slowly look at him, pleading with my eyes that he sees how much pain he’s causing me. I don’t say a word to him. Not that I can. It’s like all thought processes and words that I need to say have evaporated from my brain. Jason doesn’t like my silence. I think he feels it’s another way for me to deify him. He pushes me against the wall again with more force, causing my head to hit the wall. I guess I can add concussion to the list of injuries today. 

“Tell me!”  

When he goes to slam me into the wall a third time, I see Frankie grab Jason and pulls him off me. I take a shaky breath and bring my hands over my shoulder. Jason and Frankie are fighting now. Frankie is yelling for Jason to stop and calm down. It’s not working. Jason is too far gone at this point and I am afraid for the Frankie guy. I have to do something or Jason will end up killing him. 

I rush over to Jason and try to pull him off Frankie. That only gets me knocked onto the ground. I jump up and try again. Jason has Frankie by the throat, choking him. I try to pull on Jason’s arm to get him off, but fuck, it’s like trying to move a hundred ton brick. 

“Jason! Jason, please stop!” I scream at him over and over again. Nothing is working and I can see the fear in Frankie’s eyes. He knows he is about to die if I don’t do something. I have no idea what to do! Then I do what is probably not the best idea. 

I rear back and as hard as I can, slap Jason across the face. It doesn’t seem to faze him! Fuck! I don’t know what to do! Frankie is starting to turn blue around his lips and his eyes start to roll into the back of his head. I try to push Jason; I hit him a few more times in the arms and back. Nothing I do is getting through to him. 

I can’t let Frankie die. He was trying to protect me and I feel like I owe it to him to save him. Hell that could be the doctor in me as well. I squeeze right in front of Jason. He still has a death grip on Frankie and I notice Frankie is lifted off the floor a few inches. The power Jason has is crazy to me. 

BOOK: Betrayed (The Worshipped Series Book 2)
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