Between Sisters (9 page)

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Authors: The Queen

Tags: #Erotica, #Fiction, #Family & Relationships, #Family Relationships

BOOK: Between Sisters
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I felt kind of sorry for Charise. I knew she was having a difficult time, but it was about to get worse.

Shawnee chimed in, following Elaine to bang on my bathroom door. “Charise, there’s no point in trying to hide. Come on out and face the music.”

Charise slowly appeared from behind my bathroom door like a scared child.

I want to know who’s the daddy so I can go kick his ass,” Elaine threatened, cracking the kinks out of her own neck. “How could you let this happen? You don’t even have a boyfriend. Is this the product of your one-night stands?” she asked Charise, barely letting her make it out of the bathroom.

Charise began sobbing so hard, Shawnee moved around Elaine to give Charise a big hug. Then she told her, “Don’t worry, sweetie. We are going to get through this. You have five sisters who are going to spoil this baby shamelessly. Elaine called Sandy, and she’s trying to get here for you, too.”

Charise sobbed harder as they slowly walked into my living room, still embraced.

Charise, please tell me how this happened,” Elaine said. “You know you are queen of one-night stands. How could you be so reckless by subjecting a baby to growing up with no father?”

Through excessive sobbing, I heard Charise reply, “I know who the father is.” Then she sobbed harder.

Okay, sweetie, tell us who the father is,” Shawnee tried to say in the calmest voice.

Talk about the calm before the storm. Shawnee could be harsher than Elaine at times, especially with no Harmony to calm her down. Her niceness meant get the info, find the guy, and then beat him down as though Charise getting pregnant was all his doing.

Charise foolishly fell for the okie-doke. I thought I heard her mumble, “Lewis.”

Lewis? Sandy’s Lewis?” Shawnee’s calmness began to give rise to rage as she stepped away from Charise.

Oh, I heard her say Lewis as clear as day,” Elaine instigated. “I think she has lost her fucking mind. Oh yeah, you just wait until Sandy gets here and finds this shit out.”

Charise ran back into the bathroom sobbing like a wounded beast, while I just sat there speechless and in shock. Sandy was going to get on an airplane and fly across the country to be here for a sister that betrayed her in the worse way…with her own husband. Somebody needed to stop her, quick-fast.

Let me see if I got this right,” Shawnee began. “My little sister, who insists on having whoring one-night stands, decides to not only sleep with my other sister’s husband, but then doesn’t feel the need to exercise the same precaution she does with her one-night stands,” Shawnee stated in a question-like manner. Then she lost it and went to the bathroom door, banging on it like a lunatic. “Charise! Get your ass out here right now! Your dumb ass can’t hide in there forever. Get the fuck out of that bathroom before I kick this door in!”

Suddenly, I found words when I heard her threaten my defenseless property. “Oh no, you won’t!” I retorted. “You can kick her ass all day long, but you won’t be messing up my house.”

Both Elaine and Shawnee began yelling for Charise to come out. If I had taken the time to find out Lewis was the father, I would have thought twice about calling Shawnee.
They are not going to just go away, so Charise might as well come out and accept her beat down,
I thought.

As if reading my mind, Charise opened the door. She was no longer crying.

Okay, bring it!” she said, suddenly finding some balls. Charise stood 5’3”, looking like David, against a 5’10” Shawnee, who stood as Goliath.

Did this bitch just say ‘bring it’ like I won’t knock the shit out of her?” Shawnee asked in a higher pitched, unbelieving tone as she stepped in Charise’s face.

Calm down, Shawnee!” Elaine said, while placing her body between Charise and Shawnee. “I would love to kick her ass, as well, but there’s a baby here. Lewis’s baby.”

That last comment caused Shawnee to reach around Elaine and slap Charise in the face.

I rushed to grab Charise before this turned into a knockdown, drag-out fight inside my house of all places.

They shouted back and forth for a while before Shawnee finally broke down in tears.

What the fuck am I supposed to tell Sandy? Obviously I’m going to have to be the one to tell her,” Shawnee said. “How long have you been involved with Lewis? I thought you said nothing ever happened?”

Charise collected herself and answered, “I wasn’t involved with him. When they came in town a few months ago, he showed up at my door unexpectedly. Everything caught me off guard. I just got caught up in the moment. I’ve been kicking myself since then.” Tears began rolling down her cheeks once again.

Charise, why didn’t you just go to an abortion clinic so we could sweep all of this under a rug, and Sandy would never have been the wiser?” I asked.

I’ve been to the clinic twice and couldn’t go through with it,” she answered.

Charise, you have placed all of us in an impossible situation. How are we supposed to coexist with Sandy now?” Shawnee asked.

Sandy’s gonna kick your ass the minute you drop that baby. You do know that, right?” Elaine asked Charise. “She might kick that baby out of your ass if she actually was able to catch a flight.”

It’s not too late to go to the clinic,” I contributed. “This time, we can all go with you and help you through it.”

I’ll have to agree,” Shawnee added. “We don’t have to tell Sandy the baby belongs to Lewis. Otherwise, we’ll never be able to have another family gathering ever again without there being a war. Not to mention your baby will never have a father. Lewis is not going to leave Sandy to be with you.”

Charise foolishly responded, “Actually, he said he’s going to leave her to be with me. He was also happy when I told him about the baby.”

Oh my God, Becky,” Elaine said in her snooty blonde girl voice. “How dumb is this girl?” she theatrically asked. “You can’t be serious, Charise. Please tell me you’re joking.”

Lewis said he loves me and always has. He said he wants us to have this baby together,” Charise said, all excited.

Charise, he doesn’t do shit for his other two children,” Elaine replied. “Sandy probably pays his child support for them.”

I was stupefied; I couldn’t believe Charise could be so dumb.

Charise, you need to abort this baby!” Shawnee demanded. “Otherwise, when we are forced to choose who we will invite to family gatherings, it won’t be you.”

Boy, wasn’t that a blow below the belt. Unfortunately, Shawnee was right. We would have to eventually draw sides between Charise and Sandy. And since Charise made the decision to be a low-down trifling bitch, we were going to have to side with Sandy.

I think all of this is just as much Sandy’s fault. She insisted on keeping that dog-ass despite all of our warnings. She even knew Lewis had his sights set on Charise, which is why she tried moving away,” Elaine contributed.

I don’t know why Charise would want to be with Sandy’s leftovers,” Shawnee commented.

Shawnee suddenly realized her own hypocritical behavior with Eric because Elaine and Shawnee’s demeanor showed guilt.

Elaine quickly changed up, saying, “Well, maybe we’re being too hard on Charise. But, that baby has to go in order to save this family.”

I agree, Charise,” I added. “This family would never have peace again. Don’t you want the birth of your children to be a joyous occasion? This would be anything but joyous. The Wiggins family will not go on record as being man-sharers.”

Again, the look of guilt crept upon Elaine and Shawnee.

Shawnee walked to the door and said, “Well, you do what you must, but I have to go now. If you need me to go to the clinic with you, call me.” She put on her Bvlgari sunglasses, raised a hand up in the air, and made her dramatic exit.

I guess I better get going myself. I need to hurry up and stop Sandy from coming,” Elaine said as she headed to the door. “Let me know what you decide.” Then she was out the door.

I know what I just saw with Shawnee and Elaine, and I will get to the bottom of it. Right now, I have to get Charise out of here. I don’t feel like being bothered with her stupidity.

Okay, Charise, you’re gonna have to get going. I have a lot of work to do, and I now have a headache from hell. Hell, I need a damn drink,” I said, going to my bar to pour myself a shot of Henny.

What am I supposed to do?” she asked.

I waved my hand while chugging the drink down my throat. “That’s entirely up to you, Charise. It seems no matter what we say, or you knowing right from wrong, you’re going to do what Charise wants to do,” I responded, pouring another shot of Hennessey.

Fine, I’ll work out my own issues,” she said as she stormed to the door. “I don’t know why I wasted my time coming over here,” she added, then was out the door.

That doesn’t sound too good,” I said out loud to myself. “Where the hell is Harmony?!”

When I called Harmony last week, her voicemail said she was on vacation out of the country for a month. She didn’t tell any of us that she was thinking of going away, and I wondered why. No one even knew where she went to.

Bitch! Hope the burglars call and find out she’s gone.






Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. I have been sleeping with Eric on an almost daily basis since we met. Robert’s lack of attention prevents him from catching on. In over three months, Robert and I had sex a total of five times. You can’t tell me that he doesn’t have something on the side, and with me having Mandingo, I don’t give a shit.

I wouldn’t leave my marriage to be with Eric. He’s hardly somebody I’d want a commitment with, but the sex is to die for. I guess I can understand Charise to an extent when it comes to the dick making you throw all caution to the wind. At least Eric is an ex and not someone’s husband, and at least I’m not trying to have his baby. Nonetheless, I realize I’m going to have to end things with Eric. It won’t be easy, but I’m going to have to do it. I’ll tell him after our date tonight. He’s doing a show out of the country for the next few days. Hopefully that will make this break up easier.

I know Charise is not going to listen to a word we said. How can I blame her? I haven’t listened to a word Harmony has said to me about Eric. At least if I put an end to this now, Sandy never has to know.

As usual, the sex was wonderful. Eric prepared a great lamb dish. This man had some serious skills. He aspires to open his own upscale restaurant someday soon. He said his dancing will help fund his restaurant. He even had a business plan put together already.

This night, he privately danced for me to a Keith Sweat medley with a cow-hide cloth girded around his pelvic area. His large chest was covered in flavored oil, and his lengthy dick grew as he gyrated closer to my face while I sat in the assigned chair he placed me in for these private dances. He stepped back, took one of my feet, and rubbed it underneath his cloth, making contact with his large, exposed testicles. He grinded slowly up my leg until he was straddled over me and his big dick sat in my lap.

Each time I tried to touch his body, he’d restrain my hands. He undid the buttons on my blouse with his tongue. It was driving me crazy. I wanted him to suck the milk glands from my titties, but he wouldn’t. He just continued to tease me, rubbing his g-string covered penis in my face and pulling back if I licked out my tongue.

He stood me up and removed the skirt I had worn from the office, sitting me back down with only my thong on. Again, he lifted my foot, this time taking one toe at a time into his mouth. My pussy was going crazy just from the sucking. My nipples were hard and begging for his mouth, but he made them wait. I attempted to rub my own pussy and tits, but again, he moved my hands. He had me feeling so good and frustrated that I wanted to cry.

Finally, his mouth left my foot and slowly made its way up my leg. When his face made it to my thighs, I parted my legs to allow access to the wetness that waited. He kissed the insides of both thighs softly until he reached my pelvis. By this point, I was already moaning loudly. He parted my thighs and his long tongue licked my pussy in one long stroke, bottom up. His tongue crept its way up to my navel as my whole body quivered. His large hands savagely took hold of my breasts while his tongue slid between them.

Keith was crooning from the speakers, and I heard something about “I’ll do you…” I was feeling every single word. I heard him saying something about licking me from head to toe, and thankfully, my imagination didn’t have to stretch too far, as Eric did just that. Keith was begging in the song, and my nipples were begging to be sucked in a way that only Eric could do.

When I couldn’t take the teasing anymore, I whispered, “Please, baby, suck these titties. Suck them! Please!”

Eric looked intensely into my eyes just before his mouth attempted to swallow one of my large breasts. Then he let his tongue focus on my nipple before repeating on the other breast. I cuddled his head for dear life. This made my pussy scream. I don’t know what it is about my tits that make my pussy go crazy, but I was trying to position myself in the uncomfortable chair to make my pussy grind up against his chest while he was still sucking on my breast. He so graciously loaned my pussy his fingers to rub on as he continued on my tits. When my teeth started to sink into Eric’s head, it was his cue to make his way back downtown and clean up the spill he had caused on “Aisle 9”. And there was plenty of juice for him to clean up.

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