Between Sisters (26 page)

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Authors: The Queen

Tags: #Erotica, #Fiction, #Family & Relationships, #Family Relationships

BOOK: Between Sisters
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Of course, Shawnee denied any involvement with Eric to Kelly, but felt the need to confess her addiction to me. When Shawnee told me that she has been having sex with her old-ass boss as a substitute, I like to have died. When she told me that she actually enjoys it, it made me sick. She said it started off as just flirting, then it grew into the exhibition game, and ultimately, they went all the way. Supposedly, “it just happened.” Yeah right! I think one way or another, Shawnee has been doing whatever necessary to make it to the top all her life. She claims this is the first time she went all the way with a boss. I guess for her, it’s all worth it. She decided to go out with different guys she’s met in New York and just wants to keep all her options open. I guess after all that she’s been through with Robert, she’s entitled. Particularly since she’s open with her arrangement and not trying to deceive anyone into thinking they are exclusive.

Other than finding out that she is sharing New York with Shawnee, thankfully, Elaine is the one person who hasn’t been calling me with something nasty or some drama. Elaine’s shoe stores have been bringing her much success. They have been featured on one of those fashion television programs. I can’t remember the name of the show. It was with some west coast celebrities talking about how they always fly to New York to get some of the hottest shoes and accessories. Then they gave the two stores a plug-in on the show, which only increased her business. She’s even hired three more buyers for her stores and a full-time manager to work with Jason. Elaine is still considering that west coast location. I always wondered how she afforded to pull off these two high-end stores in the most expensive parts of town. Hell, we all received the same inheritance, but she seemed to have worked miracles with hers. She has always been a hard worker. Hats off to Elaine, I guess. Somehow she’s doing it.

Angelo finally got up the nerve to share his lifestyle with the family. I had already softened the blow for him months prior. Although, he ruffled my feathers when he said he’s considering getting a sex change operation and changing his name to Angela. I guess if there were ever a sequel to the story of our lives as sisters, Angela would have to be included. He said he’s going to use his business degree to open up a high-end hair salon and day spa either in New York or Los Angeles in the next year. He feels if Elaine could pull it off, he could do it, as well. Elaine offered to let him run the west coast location if and when she opens it up. He said he’d consider it after investigating the feasibility of the operation he’s trying to embark upon. I guess with Jason on staff, Elaine is finding the gay image is not a detriment to her business. Now she wants Angelo. Particularly since Angelo knows his shoes and knows of all the well-known fashion designers.

Todd proposed to me on Valentine’s Day. Our wedding is scheduled for next Valentine’s Day. We decided to marry at the same resort in Cancun where we began our relationship. I hope Charise and Sandy duke it out before my wedding if they’re going to do it. I’d hate for their first time of getting together to be at my wedding and then they decide to get into it. If it were left up to me, none of my family would be there, but since Todd wants both our families present, we can only hope for the best. Hopefully, Angelo stays Angelo long enough to walk me down the aisle. I don’t think it would be cute to have Angela walking me.

After all these months, I finally gave Todd some, and it felt pretty damn good. I kind of wanted to wait until we got married, just out of tradition, but then I thought,
Who am I trying to fool?
I go to church every now and again, but I’m not so religious to where I learned to completely put away fornication. Thankfully, since he’s going to be my husband soon anyway, he’s open to the idea of providing me at least one offspring before my biological clock stops ticking. Todd’s older sons are also excited about the possibility of having a little brother or sister. I will inherit a wonderful new family when we are married. I wish I could say the same for him.


The End!

(For Now…)

Thank you for reading
Between Sisters
. If you enjoyed this novel, be sure to lookout for:


Between More Sisters

Caught Up Between Sisters

The Evolution Between Sisters

Never Again Between Sisters

Revenge Between Sisters



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