Between the Lines (35 page)

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Authors: Tammara Webber

Tags: #Young Adult Fiction

BOOK: Between the Lines
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He considers this. “So the whole week before that—the ‘allergies’?”

I knew he'd seen through that ruse. He must have thought I was upset over Reid. “Yeah. That was about Emily, too.”

He scoots out of his booth and into mine, effectively blocking the two of us from view. His hand falls warm on my arm and it’s not fair that he has no idea what he’s doing to me. His dark eyes draw me in. Friendship with Graham is not going to work. Not when he’s this close.

I fight to keep my voice light and level. “The girl you love—is she someone I know?”

His expression is full of wonder. “Emma, you’re the most imperceptive person ever, right behind
. Maybe both of us need straightforward facts. No ambiguity. Everything clear.”

I nod. “Clear is good.”

He traces one finger down the side of my face. “How’s this for clear,” his voice is low and hollow as his fingertips brush over my lips. “I haven’t wanted anyone but you since the night we met. And as much as I value our friendship… being friends with you is not what I have in mind.” Cupping my chin in his hand, he kisses me softly, the tip of his tongue skimming my lips, and when I open and kiss him back, it turns deep and possessive and full of promise and I forget where we are and I feel it to my toes and back.

“Huh,” I say, my thoughts swirling as he smiles and rests his forehead against mine, staring into my eyes like he’s trying to read what I’m thinking right through them.

“You know, I think I’d prefer you keep that particular habit after all,” he says, before he kisses me again.






Heartfelt thanks to my critique partners Jody Sparks and Carrie Sullivan. Without your honesty, encouragement and line-item vetoes, these characters might have languished in my head forever. You guys are the best.

To my beta-readers—your optimism kept me writing and revising instead of pulling my hair out, and trust me, nobody wants that: A ginormous, extra-special thank you to Ami Keller for detailed, enthusiastic feedback and letting me know if the characters were staying on track or wandering off on their own. Thank you to Robin Deeslie and Hannah Webber for multiple read-throughs and superior discovery of grammatical goofs, to Kim Hart and Lori Norris for unwavering belief in me, and to MiShaun Jackson, Alyssa Crenshaw, Joy Graham, Zachary Webber and Keith Webber for providing plot feedback and character insights. Thank you Paul, for putting up with my personality craziness, my sleep patterns, my ability to find and retain cats, and my inability to earn a decent income the entire time we’ve been together. Finally, thanks Mom and Dad for loving the daughter you produced, even when you don’t understand why I curse so much.






Reading was one of my first and earliest loves, and writing soon followed. I wrote sad romantic poetry in high school and penned my first half-novel when I was 19, which was destroyed accidentally when I stuffed it into the shredder at work.


When my children were young, I began building each of them a personal library—holiday and birthday gifts always included a stack of books. My oldest was 13 or so when I first wandered into the young adult section and fell in love with what I found there. It’s where I belong as a writer. Between the Lines is my first young adult novel, with a sequel coming in Fall 2011.


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