Between Us Girls (8 page)

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Authors: Sally John

BOOK: Between Us Girls
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Every once in a while, like now, the whole scene felt constricting. The thoughts of freeways enveloping Seaside Village like octopus arms and of three million people driving on them threatened to cut off her breath altogether.

Chad poked her shoulder. “I said, what's the problem?”

“Oh, nothing.” She lied through her teeth. “It's just kind of a big nerve-racking deal. I'll have to go out of town periodically. Out to Lotanzai.”

His brow furrowed and he stared at her for a moment. Then his jaw dropped. “Whoa, Nellie! The Lotanzai Indian Reservation?” He grinned, nodding knowingly. “You're building that new hotel, casino, and golf course.”

She lifted her hands in surrender.

He gave a low whistle of approval. “Well, well. You are moving up in that hoity-toity firm of yours.”

Maybe. For four years she had worked for them on schools and parks and community centers. She did well with schools and parks and community centers. Probably because she liked schools and parks and community centers.

She did not like hotels, casinos, and golf courses. She did not like leaving town. If the Lotanzai project was moving up, she'd prefer a demotion.

“It's only because of those eco-engineering courses I took this summer, and they needed—”

“Get over it, Samantha.” Chad held up his palm. “You did good. Give me five.”

She met his slap and tried to smile. “Move. I'm closing the window.”

He stood back. “Did you hear about the powwow tonight?”

She let go of the window button. “No.”

“Seven o'clock, Liv's place. Mark my words. She's handing out assignments for her latest project: Make Jasmyn Feel Welcome.”

Sam groaned.

“Tsk, tsk. No frowning allowed. Better bring your peace pipe.
.” He strode off.

Sam caught her frowning reflection in the rearview mirror. Crow-black hair. High cheekbones. Broad face. Olive complexion.

Powwows. Peace pipes. The rez.

Would she never get away?

Maybe she'd just sit in the car for a while and scream.

Liv McAlister did not email. She did not text. She did not put up notes in the laundry room. She called meetings by word of mouth. They were not mandatory, but if Sam wanted to stay in the loop, she needed to attend.

Besides that, Liv served home-cooked food.

“Thank you all for coming.” Liv addressed her guests from the bend of the “L” where the living room and kitchen met at the counter that separated them.

Chad, seated on a braided rug next to Sam, a dinner plate in his lap, winked and forked a piece of lasagna. He came for the food too.

Except for Piper and the newcomer Jasmyn, everyone was in attendance, occupying the couch and chairs and most of the floor space. Keagan,
who seldom joined such gatherings, stood in the kitchen area behind the counter to Liv's side. Tasha was behind him, eating at the table with her mother, Riley.

Liv's long, flowery skirt billowed around the stool as she sat down. She was an earthy dresser, sort of Hippie Meets L.L. Bean, Senior Style. “I won't keep you long. As cheeky Chadwick has already asked me, is this meeting about saving Jasmyn?”

Laughter rippled through the group. Everyone knew only Chad would ask the question. They also knew the answer.

By “saving,” Liv meant making the stranger feel welcome. When Sam had first moved into the Casa, there had been a similar meeting. She didn't know about it until after Piper had moved in and Sam was part of a meeting to save Piper. It was then she realized why each resident had managed to do special favors for her in those early weeks.

“Jasmyn will tell you her story when and if she wants to, but she gave me permission to share a few things. About six months ago she lost her house in Illinois and everything she owned when a tornado hit. She came here for a little vacation. Then, as you know, her rental car was stolen along with all of her things. Talk about a double whammy.”

A murmur of sympathy rolled through the room.

“New credit cards and a temporary driver's license are in the mail, but she has no clothes or food aside from what we provided last night. Piper has taken her shopping tonight. I'm sure Jasmyn will pay her back.” Liv glanced over at Keagan.

Deadpan Keagan did not respond.

He and Liv had an odd relationship, somewhat like that of a president and her secret service agent. No question about it, the guy watched over her. Liv would have given Piper money for the shopping trip simply because she trusted Jasmyn's character. Keagan, on the other hand, would have run a background check on her last night and taught her—if she did not already understand—how to electronically pay Liv back.

“So.” Liv brought her hands together in a single clap. “What do you all think? What can we do for Jasmyn?”

Casa people were a brainstorming bunch. Suggestions flowed from everyone but Keagan and Sam. Keagan was being Keagan, and Sam was thinking about work. On second thought, she too was just being herself.

Tasha walked over to Liv and laid a hand on her arm. It was the little girl's polite way of letting Liv know she wanted a turn to speak.

Sam's heart came as close to melting as possible, although she never let on that Tasha affected her like that. It wasn't pity over the fact that Down syndrome heaped special challenges on the youngster. It was, rather, an almost reverence because there was absolutely no guile in her.

Liv patted Tasha's hand. “What's your idea, honey?”

The little girl flashed her thousand-watt smile. “Let's give Jasmyn lots and lots and
of hugs.”

Laughter ended the meeting and Sam slipped away.

Liv caught up with her at the front door. “Samantha, dear, might I put a bug in your ear?” She went on, not waiting for a reply. “Jasmyn is a runner.” She smiled, squeezed Sam's arm, and turned back inside.

Sam went out into the cool evening air and considered that Jasmyn factoid for about two seconds. Liv's bug was nothing compared to the lions growling in Sam's path.

Maybe she could talk Randy into giving her a different assignment. Maybe—

“How does she do that?”

She jumped at Chad's voice over her shoulder. “Chad!”

“Whoops, sorry. Seriously, how does she do it?”

There was no need to ask whom he was talking about. “Do what?”

“Make me want to take part in her crazy scheme.”

“She put something in the lasagna.”

“Aha! It worked on you too, didn't it?”

Sam stopped and faced him, her hands on her hips, determined to deny his assumption. Instead, the tiny white patio lights glittered in the jacaranda tree and the palms. The fountain sang gently like an ancient lullaby. She saw herself last night gathering linens, lifting the portable television from her kitchen counter, and hauling everything over to Eleven.

Chad laughed. “It's nothing to be ashamed of, Sammi. Mama Liv is not exactly a bad influence on us. So what's your assignment?”

“I don't have an a—” She pressed her lips together.

“Mine is to do something fun with her, like go to the zoo. It can't look like a date, though. She's probably old enough to be my older sister. I think I'll ask Piper to join us.”

“No wonder you're on board with the crazy scheme.”

He raised his hands and shrugged. “Maybe the love of my life will say yes this time.”

“Right. Fantasies come true all the time. See you.” She walked toward her cottage.

“You didn't answer my question.” Chad was beside her again.

“Jasmyn runs.”


“I don't have the time.”

No time
No time and definitely no emotional space for another new project.


Late Tuesday night, Jasmyn sat in her borrowed rocker in her borrowed cottage and, using a borrowed cell phone, she phoned Quinn.

No way was she going to tell her about how Liv prayed and thought she got answers or how Jasmyn felt definite mom vibes coming from the woman. But she did describe the sense of homecoming to end all homecomings.

“Quinn, it feels like I've been away for such a long time and now I'm back. I'm back home.”

“You're back home. In California. Jasmyn, that's the loopiest thing you have ever said. But then again, you are loopy. I mean that in the most affectionate way.”

It was a running joke. Jasmyn was loopy, Quinn was sassy.

Quinn sighed. “It sounds more like heaven. No work, no humidity, no bugs. Movie stars around every corner. Not to mention you're on vacation, loafing on the beach, and doing those number puzzles to your heart's content.”

“I haven't seen a movie star.”

“You wouldn't recognize one in the flesh. On the street they look just like us.”

“Oh, Quinn, it's more than that kind of stuff.” How could she describe the impact of Southern California?

She was a country girl who had never been anywhere before. She loved the Midwest and its beautiful, changing seasons. By now the cornstalks would be elephant-eye high, the soybeans beginning to yellow, the air
wobbling with late summer heat. Potted mums of every color would be on everyone's front stoop. Tree-covered hillsides would soon be masses of brilliant reds, yellows, and oranges.

Which was why the effect of the crowded city and its ocean surprised her so much.

“It could be that California feels good simply because it's not Valley Oaks where a tornado turned your life on its ear.”

“Maybe. But still…” Still, it felt as if she had landed in a never-never land of unbelievably exquisite sights and smells. Sights they had seen on television and smells they paid for. “Quinn, you know how we buy dried eucalyptus stems at the craft store?”

“Yeah. So?”

“So guess what. Eucalyptus trees actually grow here. Whole entire blocks smell like our little bouquets. And the flowers. Oh my goodness. Jasmine blooms outside my cottage. Jasmine! Walking down the street is like walking past the perfume counter at Dillards. And the sky! It's every shade of blue rolled into one and coated with a pearly glaze. And the ocean! Surfers ride on the waves, on
of the waves with seagulls and pelicans and
. And people are so happy. They're always smiling.”

Quinn laughed. “Well, yeah they're smiling. They're all either on vacation or they get to live there full-time at the perfume counter with the seagulls and the pelicans and the

“That was mean.”

“Sorry. Hey, I get it. I do. After what happened here, I don't blame you for feeling at home somewhere else. A vacation was definitely in order, but I really think you should cut it short.”

“Why? I planned to stay four weeks. It's only been ten days, and I haven't been to Disneyland yet, and some people here said they'd go with me and even loan me the money if the debit card doesn't get here soon.”

“But all your new stuff was stolen! It's like you're jinxed. At least back here you know people. Not to mention I miss you like crazy. We all do. Customers ask about you every day. Danno's having fits over the new girl, who is absolutely clueless. No kidding. I'm talking true-blue space cadet.”

Jasmyn could imagine Danno scowling at the new girl the exact same way he had scowled at her when she started, pretending he didn't have a heart of gold.

“Work is a total drag with Miss Airhead. Sorry. That was mean. Again. I'm nicer when you're here. You know, we don't call you Sunshine for nothing.”

Suddenly Jasmyn felt tired, way down, bone-deep tired. She wished with all her heart she had a safe place to go to. Living in a borrowed cottage with borrowed things and surrounded by borrowed friends did not exactly fill the bill.

But then neither did Valley Oaks anymore, not since the tornado.

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