Bewitching The Alpha (Hex My Heart, #3) (4 page)

Read Bewitching The Alpha (Hex My Heart, #3) Online

Authors: Talina Perkins

Tags: #witches, #witches and wizards, #werewolves and shifters, #alpha, #shifter romance, #magic, #werewolf romance, #BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance, #werewolf, #paranormal romance

BOOK: Bewitching The Alpha (Hex My Heart, #3)
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She rolled her shoulder. The effects of the charm were starting to kick in, but she managed to skirt the full truth. For now.

“A charm.”

Normally, she would have bought some time with an answer of Lust Dust or something equally horny-sounding to make him think she was here only to get into his pants.

Which currently rode low over his hips, as if he’d dressed in a hurry to get here. She raked her gaze over his bare chest, pebbled nipples from the cold before returning her attention to his face.

“Ride like the wind, did you? What’s the hurry, wolfie?”

Without breaking eye contact, Julian reached into the back of his jeans to produce his phone. With a flip of his thumb, a bright red dot flashed on the screen with an intruder warning in a bubble to the side.

“That’s new.”

“It is. Had it installed a week after you skipped.”

“Burn, baby. Why would you want to do that?” She mentally slapped a hand to her forehead. Truth charm, stupid. Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.

“To keep meddling little witches out of my house. For good this time.”

“Hmm. Might want to get your money back for that cuz I strolled right in. No bells or warnings of impending doom.”

“It worked just fine. I’m here, aren’t I?”

Wow. He sure as Hades had a way of making a girl feel two inches tall.

She cringed inwardly but held her ground.

Julian edged forward a step, his boots laced halfway. “Why are you here, Ember? Don’t you have some spell to work up or potion to mix?”
Or a heart to break?
She couldn’t hear the words, but he didn’t need to say them. The tight-lipped and brow pinched expression he wore like a second skin said it for him.

He brushed past her and headed toward the kitchen and all but skidded to a full stop when he spotted her mischief spread over his dining table.

“The spell work is done. Now to see the results.” Her voice low, calm and a complete contrast to the ire she could see tightening his shoulder blades.

“I can feel whatever you dosed me with. What have you done, babe?” He turned to face her, his expression tight with worry.

What was it about him that made her so hot she rivaled the sun? “Do all the other woman I’ve seen you parade around the Matchstick take the edge off, Julian?” She hadn’t planned to rip off the Band-Aid in one pull, but there you go. Deep down, she didn’t want to know his answer, but couldn’t stop the question from slipping out.


Warning bells went off in her head for all the wrong reasons. His jaw clenched and unclenched. Was he gritting his mouth closed to keep from answering?

Lips moving soft as butterfly wings, Ember chanted a line from her spell in a hushed whisper.

Bring to me truth this night

With open hearts and secrets revealed

“Tell me, Julian. No secrets, no lies. Not tonight. I just want the truth. Then I’ll be out of your hair for good, wolfie.” She forced out the lie. Her charm took a little longer to work on her. Perks of being the casting witch.

Muscles flexed, bunched. She took a step toward him and his eyes flashed in warning. A deep, guttural growl stopped her cold.

“You can’t fight the lure of the charm, Julian.”

He gave a fierce nod. Out of agreement or frustration, she didn’t know. He rolled back on his heels as he crossed his arms over his bare chest. Small droplets of sweat beaded across his brow as the only sign he felt the pull of her charm. Stock-still, he stood there, laser sharp eyes honed on her. Seconds ticked by before he finally broke the silence. “Truth?” His chest heaved with the single syllable word and he made it sound as though it weighed more than ten boulders. Edgy and dangerous fit the man’s description, but so did patient and cunning. She’d do well to remember that.

“I’m not the one that left without a word. Remember?” He jutted his chin and lowered his lashes. As if that would intimidate her or keep her from finding out what she wanted to know. “Don’t go there, Ember. Don’t use words that mean nothing to you. And sure as hell don’t ask me questions you don’t really want the answers to.”

What was that flaring to life in his irises? Lust? Desire to touch her the way she craved to touch him? Or was that pure, unfiltered hunger she saw? Could she handle him this lit up? She sure as Hades could try!

“Do they lessen the ache?” She’d tried taking a lover once after leaving Sweet Briar, after leaving him. But the thought made her sick and the bond they shared forged a painful ache in her belly until she no longer even thought about wanting anyone else. Was it the same for him?

“They calm the wolf from hunting you down. Barely.” He bit out.

“To what? Make sure I never returned?” She knew better to feign fear— he’d smell that. Surprise or shock, well, not so much. Besides, she already knew his answer but wanted to hear him say it.

“To fuck you until you submit to me.” He dropped the truth between them just as she wanted. A bomb loaded with enough explosive power to level both of them where they stood.

He shifted his weight and braced his hands on the back of a kitchen chair. Wide shoulders tapered into a thick waist and long legs that could eat up the distance between them in two strides. Then what would she do? Jump him and ride the bad-ass shifter like her inner vixen caved.

But he didn’t budge and she didn’t get to test her reflexes. Instead, he stood there white-knuckling the poor chair as if he wanted to get his fingers around something. Or

Despite everything, nothing could keep her gaze from zeroing in on his impressive bulge through the wide-spaced wooden slats of the chair or notice how he was already sporting a hard on.

Her body flushed with waves of heat to reach down to the very part Julian affected the most.

His eyes shined and sweat dampened his brow despite the cold weather and the lack of a fire in the hearth.

She stilled her nerves and slipped a soft smile in place. “That must be painful. Let me help.” She forced him to move back or risk her touching him. He took two steps before she had him trapped with his back flat against the tall windows filled with moonlight. She cupped a hand over his thick shaft, the length encased in rough denim against her palm. On her tiptoes she leaned in inch by inch until her nipples rested against his bare chest and turned her lips up to his ear. “Moonlight. I love the way you look wearing a curtain of silver.” She couldn’t hold back the husky lust that coated her words. No need. He could already sense how she felt about him. Or at the very least smell her desire for him. It tainted the air enough even she could feel it twine around them, a life of its own.

Julian sucked back air between clenched teeth and let his head fall back to thud against the pane. “Woman, you have fire in your soul and if I make one false move, I’ll be burned.”

“Don’t you know, Julian, my love... fire starts with the smallest of embers?”

“And ends in ash and destruction,” he added in a gravely pained voice.

She grimaced at his words. “Touché.”
She dropped her gaze to the floor. Ash or not, hopefully they still had a chance.

He clamped a hand around hers and tightened his grip until his erection throbbed against her palm. “Now stop with your games. What are you after tonight, because I think you made it clear you want nothing to do with me—or my dick—months ago.” He looked pointedly at their joined hands. She held his a little too snug.

“I thought I could walk away, Julian.” She stepped back half a pace to look into his eyes, her hands now resting on his chest.

Such solid strength. Banked strength.

One kiss. Just one, then she would tell him everything. Collecting a handful of his thick hair in her hand, she angled his mouth close.

Soft yet firm. Her lips grazed over the full length of his bottom lip, but he didn’t move to kiss her back. He didn’t pull away either.

Her tongue snaked out to run along the seam of his mouth.

Cinnamon with a hint of vanilla. And all male. Her male.

She loved the unique combination of his favored chewing gum and the very essence of what made up Julian. It was her favorite drug of choice and she couldn’t get enough.

Electricity shot through her and left her breathless. She pulled back enough to look into his eyes. Her voice pitched low, barely above a whisper. “I thought I would save you the heartache by keeping the truth from you.”

“How you deduced that is beyond me, Ember. Mates don’t run.” His lips glistened with her kiss. She wouldn’t lie, it hurt that he hadn’t kissed her back, but a sliver of hope shined through the tense atmosphere when she saw him suck the flesh of his bottom lip between his teeth.

“I have something to tell you, Julian, and you might hate me for it.” She reached between them and let her fingers trail softly along his jaw. She’d do anything to see him smile her way again. Anything.

“I want to know what you charmed me with. Now, Ember, and no more dodgy answers.”

Including telling him everything she had no right to hold back from him to begin with.

“A truth spell,” she blurted out. Time for all cards to hit the table.

“What do you want to know? The faster I tell you, the faster you can leave.”

Did he mean that? She was here to mend their differences, and all he wanted was for her to leave and the spell made it impossible for him to lie. She hated the catch twenty-two shit of the law of magick. You can ask for it, but it didn’t mean you would like it once you got what you wanted.

“It’s also what I have to tell you, but you’re right. You first.”

Her people acted as if she’d done something wrong by loving Julian in the first place, and it made her heart ache that she’d followed them blindly. Now she saw red and want blood in return for her pain and the pain she caused him. If she’d had parents with enough balls to stand up to the High Council, maybe things between her and Julian would be different.

Witnessing the pain Ambrosia was in tonight because of someone trying to dictate the right and wrong in the matters of the heart was her last straw. No one had that right over her, and in the end, if the price was the magick she was born into, they could have it. “I’m done running. Fearing what might happen for what should have happened. I’ve hidden out, not wanting to mess up the witch’s brew, so to speak, and tick off the Council. “She threw her hands up and waved her fingers. “Scared of some antiquated fucking laws.” She stifled a laugh. “And they call you the animals.”

His lips lifted in a half-smile.

She took another step back and leaned a hip against the table. “No more, Julian. You have two choices. Walk me out that door and leave me on the other side or walk over fire with me and let’s burn the rule book. The world, the High Council, the laws and all the controlling factions of my people... Be. Fucking. Damned.” She would have smiled at the complete and utter look of shock on his face, but so much as a twitch would ruin the seriousness of her words.

His eyes narrowed and his gaze landed on her right hand. He moved, reaching out, but she was faster. Fist closed, she pulled her hand back where he couldn’t reach the pack ring she’d slipped on her thumb earlier. He cocked a brow in answer. She shrugged. “The choices are rather simple, don’t you think?”

“That’s a lot to ask, Ember. You ever stop and think laws are in place for a reason? Or are you bent on breaking them all for the hell of it? Come to think of it, maybe it was a good thing you left. Now that I’ve had a good amount of time to think it over, a witch and a shifter aren’t the best mix. Besides,” Julian gestured to the ring on her thumb, “when you sent that back to me I think you were pretty fucking clear about which side of the law you stood on.”

Burn! The spell forced him to speak his mind, and he had no plans to let her actions slide. He dragged his gaze up, and her heart stumbled over several beats. Hurt. She could read it in his eyes as if he’d said it out loud.

Pride had a way of choking a girl up, but she managed to force it back down. Just as with magick, all actions had consequences. Royal status didn’t give her any buffer from reality. “Sure, rules and laws have their place. Stop lights can save a life and in general are good to follow, but as of late, I haven’t found a law I’m not willing to break... so you got me there,” she amended. “But this law, the one that states no witch of the Ruling Families can marry outside his or her station, the law that tore a rift in my family and me away from you, is nothing more than a way to control the masses.” She pushed a step closer, pleading for him to understand. “It might have been necessary or even a good measure two hundred years ago during the Witches and Weres war, but I’d say that’s in the past with little to no hold over us now.”

“So, why should the present be tainted by the past?” His question was more of a statement and she saw his angle a mile away. Bright sapphire eyes turned from stoic to withdrawn between one blink and the next. He turned away from her, obviously preferring the inky black view of his property highlighted by faint moonlight.

Boy, if that wasn’t a loaded statement she didn’t know what was.

With an elbow propped on one side of the window, his attention focused out over his property, she got a good viewing of all six feet of well-defined alpha. She bit down on her lip to hold back the groan. The jeans did nothing to hide the man she loved. He was a damned sight to behold from any angle. Hard muscles shifted and rippled along his back with the slightest movement.  And his tousled brown hair never quite managed to stay put. Her fingers worked over the corded gold design of his pack ring a little faster.

With his back to her, the air between them grew colder with every passing second. How could she make him see how grief and hurt left her chest empty like a black hole? Coming here was a bad idea. Damn her soft, unprotected heart. The one time she unhooked the chain-link fence long enough to see what was on the outside she got stabbed. A direct shot of reality to the heart. That shit was deadlier than pure snake venom in the vein.

“I’ll go, but remember this, Julian. I only loved you.”

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