Bewitching The Alpha (Hex My Heart, #3) (7 page)

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Authors: Talina Perkins

Tags: #witches, #witches and wizards, #werewolves and shifters, #alpha, #shifter romance, #magic, #werewolf romance, #BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance, #werewolf, #paranormal romance

BOOK: Bewitching The Alpha (Hex My Heart, #3)
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She tugged on them, gently. They were so sensitive. “Harder.”

She couldn’t.

He could.

Moaning, she bit her lower lip to keep from screaming as electricity burned through every nerve ending between her nipples and her pussy.

Heat bloomed, spread from her core and ignited another kind of fire. At first the burn was small pinprick. His cock pounded into her, and with each thrust it increased. A small whimper slipped from her lips. “It hurts.”

He stilled. “What hurts?” His fingers tightened, worry slashing through his words.

“The mark... ARH... it burns.”

“Shh, baby, it will be all better soon.” Slowly, he withdrew from her then eased back in. Then repeated.


“Trust me.” She did. With everything in her, she did.

He leaned forward without losing pace and licked the burning scar. Immediately the ache dulled and she relaxed into his embrace.

A cry shattered the quiet night. Hellfire was tame compared to the flame that consumed her. Teeth broke flesh and in a blink everything turned pitch black. All quiet but for her shallow breaths.

Every emotion ran rampant through her, flooding her mind in a mixed wave of confusion. Flashes of her smiling flitted across her mind’s eye. Images of their first bonding. And pain. Not her own, but his. She’d hurt him bad and now she could feel the moment his heart had broken over her leaving.

Shame at her past actions shoved everything else to the side. How could he still want her?

Warm hands cupped her face, and she slowly returned to reality.

“There you are.”

“It doesn’t burn anymore.”

“And it never will again.”

“Julian, I’m so sorry.”

“Shh, never apologize. You’re here now, and you’re not going anywhere if I have anything to do with it.”

His shaft pulsed deep in her core and everything else faded away. He had a way of making her feel safe and comfortable. And wanted. She liked that. A lot. His hands traveled from where he held her around the waist to grip the ample flesh of her breasts. Each thumb stroking over her distended nipples sent a rush of anticipation along her nerves. Goddesses, she loved this man.

“Touch yourself. I want to see what you look like pleasuring my pussy.” He growled, his voice rich with hunger, deeper than she’d ever heard it before. And it thrilled her.

“Possessive, much, wolfie?”

She liked the saucy grin he flashed much better than the dangerous, edgy scowl he’d worn before tonight.

She lowered her fingers to pet her clit with a gentle touch that matched each thrust. Otherworldly power gathered in her core alongside the pressure of her impending orgasm. Magick flourished to life and surrounded them with a thick wall of inky purple tendrils.

Her hips slapped against thighs. She arched, unable to control the building energy. “Julian... Julian, don’t stop.”

Anchoring her hips in place, he snarled out a roar that reached into her and said MINE. His cock rode deep, dancing along the tender nerves. Pulse after pulse of heat flooded her channel and it was all she could do to hold onto the here and now.

As if a light switched on, clarity bitch-slapped her and the true reality set in. But she didn’t have to hold on. With him, she could let go.

So she did.

Her hips arched, juices gathered and with a sigh she gave herself over to pure untethered ecstasy.

He grew tight, rigid with his impending release. Her channel clamped around his thickening length. So tight so could feel every ridge of his cock.

She slumped forward to her hands and reached between her thighs to fondle his balls. “Yes.” He grunted and slammed home one more time. Ribbons of hot semen coated her insides. Before he could finish, she gave a soft dip to her hips and loved how it caused him to shudder.

Their eyes locked. Ice blue turned crimson then back to ice blue. Her mate was once again hers. Much like humans did with their vows, they’d just recommitted to one another on the most primal of levels. Soul to soul.

“Now that I’m yours again, what are you going to do with me?”

Julian rolled to the side, pulling her with him to spoon her from behind. “Have you every which way I can until my wolf and I are fully sated. And baby, that’ll be a beat longer than forever. In the meantime, I plan on loving you.”

In a soft tone she added, “And who knows maybe...” She gathered his hand to rest along the soft skin of her belly.

“Yes.” There were no other words needed. Pure male hunger stared down at her, filled her and she could feel through their bond he meant exactly what he said. He wanted a family with her.

“There will be no one to stand in our way. You are my family and I am yours And so is the pack. Anyone wants to have a word about that, let ‘em come, but they better be prepared for a fight. Ember, you will never be afraid to follow your heart again, that is a promise.”

“Speaking of promises, I think you said something about an all-nighter.” A playful smile tugged at her lips. She gave a tease with her hips and loved how his body was already responding to her need. This bond thing could really come in handy.

“You’re teasing the wolf, baby. Be careful—he bites.”

She knew all too well and she liked it.


Keep reading for a chapter excerpt of the second Hex My Heart release, Jinxing the Alphas.

Coming Titles for the Hex My Heart Series

Hexing the Alpha
– Out Now

Jinxing the Alphas
– Out Now

Bewitching the Alpha
- July 2015

Enchanting the Alpha
- August. 2015

Charming the Alphas
– September 2015

Other Available Series

Sexy Siesta Series

His By Sunrise

Tequila Sunset

Sunrise for Three

Look for more anticipated novels from Talina

Sunrise Till Sunset

(Joel Cordona’s Novella-Fall 2015)


Sexy Siesta Full-Lengths

Controlled Heat (2015)

Tropical Heat (2015)

Relentless Heat (TBA)

Savage Heat (TBA)

hank you for reading Bewitching the Alpha! I hope you enjoyed it! If you liked this book-or any of my other releases-please consider reviewing the book at your favored online retailer. Your ratings and reviews help other readers find new favorites, and of course there is no better or more appreciated support for an author than the word of mouth recommendations from readers. Thank you again for your interest in my books!


Talina Perkins

Want more smokin’ hot shifters

and misadventures with magick?

Read on for a sneak peek

at the second book of Talina Perkins’

sexy Hex My Heart Series


lump beams of silver light broke through the scraggly canopy of branches to peel away a small portion of the night’s veil. Fresh snow shifted and crunched beneath Ambrosia’s winter boots, bringing her closer to the clearing ahead. And, by all the witch’s brooms in Sweet Briar Hollow, closer to shedding the bond.

The bond she shared with Luke and Evan. Both were alphas of a neighboring pack and each an owner of a deeper part of her soul than she cared to admit to. And that is why she was in this mess to begin with.

She clutched the crystal around her neck and stroked a thumb down the smooth heart-shaped surface.

Each day the bond grew stronger. And each day she refused to relinquish control to the burn and ache, it only made the longing grow and the weight of their absence more unbearable by the hour.

Fear. Doubt. Maybe sheer stubbornness kept her from stripping the bond, if it were even possible. Who knew?

Because, really? How did she call either, Luke or Evan, and ask how to rid herself of their claim over her? That was not a conversation she wanted to have, not after what happened between them that saddled her with the insatiable craving for both men in the first place. And her last phone call to them almost lead to exactly what she didn’t—shouldn’t—want.


mbrosia, what will it take?” No hello, no pleasantries. She didn’t need any to know the frustrated man on the other end of her phone. “Tell us and we’ll travel to Hell and back if it will return you to us. Your pain...” a deep gut-wrenching sigh followed by a growl broke his words, “... woman, it’s eating us alive. Stop shoving us away. Please.”

She continued to lie in her bed, eyes closed with silent tears wetting her cheeks and pillow.

Luke’s commanding voice dripped with the same all-consuming need that knotted her insides. So used to getting what he wanted, the need to act and not being able to, brought out his beast. Desperation stained every word he uttered.

He could never stand seeing her unhappy and took every opportunity to make her smile. Tonight he must have sensed her need for them.

Birthdays were his favorite. Surprise gifts appeared on her doorstep every year since she’d arrived in Sweet Briar with only a small note showing two wolf prints as a signature. One print for Luke and the other for Evan. She silently treasured their gifts, each one tempting her closer to the edge of breaking her peoples’ law.

Until she finally did break the law three months ago.

She shouldn’t have answered the phone. The minute Luke’s husky voice reached her, the pain eased and she caved by not breaking the connection and hanging up.

She couldn’t give him what he wanted. What she wanted. Her as their mate. Instead, she did the next best thing. With the phone cradled to her ear, she listened as he shared stories of his childhood in a deep voice that always soothed her. The way he revered his father and loved his pack life.

He’d then shared what she imagine was one of the hardest things to reveal—the violent loss of his father and mother. Her pain had turned from her own to that for the boy who’d witnessed their deaths.

He’d given her a piece of his past and she’d taken it for what it was—a peek behind the force of strength the man personified.

It wasn’t long before Evan picked up on another line and the conversation settled into an intimate moment. Hours passed and just as she watched the sun peak over the mountain, Luke made a promise to her in a gruff voice. “Little witch, you can’t run forever. We will be together and sooner than you think.” No question of if it would happen, just a matter of time. Such arrogance. Conviction.

Something clicked and a resolve so profound settled over the connection she could almost reach out and touch it. And it scared her. Not of what he and Evan would do to be with her, but the price it would take for that dream to become a reality. When Luke made up his mind not even the power of magick would stop him.

Evan, his tone just as grave, added, “This is the last night you shed any tears. That’s a promise, sweetheart.”

And she believed them.


heir shared call three nights ago looped in her head. Every word burned in her memory.

Ambrosia stumbled slightly, her vision a blurry mess.
Damn Luke and Evan and their promise.
She paused, wiped at her eyes, and flicked open her cell to hit the speed dial for her sister. After several rings Honor picked up.

Snaps and cracks followed by a few colorful curses blared in her ear. “Honor, you there?”

“Uh, Ambrosia... gotta go.”

The line went dead. “Okaaaay.” Hellz bellz. Whatever her sister was up to now just turned Ambrosia’s plan into a solo mission. No excuses and no one to talk her out of the crazy plan.

It was too late to turn back anyway. She broke through the barrier of the woods opposite her sister’s property as the moon swam behind a wave of fluffy clouds. It was just her and the moon-drenched scenery now.

Ambrosia’s brain replayed her fated night of Moon Lust and hot sex. Luke and Evan had no right over her, but she only had herself to blame for letting the power of their bond grow to this strength. Three months gave her plenty of time to figure out a way to break their claim, but like a spell held her bound, every time she tried something to break the hold, her heart would quiver with a rush of anxiety, making  every breath next to impossible. The second her thoughts changed, the symptoms disappeared.

Tonight was no exception. When her sisters had sat her down and handed her the small vial of magick, she’d balked. But after the death glares and a few sisterly threats, they’d convinced her they’d finally found a way to break the alphas’ bond.

At this point, she had little choice, so down the hatch the first elixir went, quivering heart or not.

As she swallowed the bitter potion, Honor gave her the low-down.

Step one: strip away her magick, temporarily, of course which would break the defensive barriers protecting the bond. Her magick would be spotty up until it became a no-go. After that had time to take effect, then came...

Step two: Get her ass to their protective circle, shoot back the second vial full of ingredients Ember promised her would then cut the bond between Luke Evan and herself. Only then could she perform a cleansing and healing ritual. BAM. She’d be free of the shifters and alone. Again.

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