Beyond Fearless (26 page)

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Authors: Rebecca York

BOOK: Beyond Fearless
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He rolled her to her back, and when he had buried himself inside her, she sobbed out her relief and joy.

She knew it was the same relief and joy he felt. Knew without his having to say a word.

He began to move, his strokes coordinated with her rising need—and his own. She wanted it to last. Wanted to wrap herself in this time together. But she was still too far gone for the luxury of long, leisurely lovemaking.

Next time. We'll make it last longer next time,
he whispered in her mind.

Before the words faded, orgasm took her, sending her spinning out of control and into an altered state of consciousness where release became the center of the universe.

When it was over, she lay panting on the bunk, her skin slick with perspiration.

He eased off of her, then cradled her against him, stroking her hair. When his fingers encountered the orchids, he plucked one out. “What the hell is this?”

“They wanted me to look pretty for the ceremony.”


“They were going to have an orgy after they watched him…rape me. I could feel their arousal. Smell it.”

He made an angry sound. “Too bad they can't burn in hell with San Donato.”

“They're poor, and he offered them hope.”

“Don't make excuses for them.”

“I understand how it happened.”

“You're too…tender. They're not stray cats. They can think for themselves.”

“Let's not argue about it.”

“Right. We have more important things to do.”

She curled her body against his, her breath still jerky. “Thank you for being here.”

He knit his fingers with hers and held on tight.

“I'm a little better. But I know it's coming back soon. That terrible need. How many times am I going to need to come?”

I don't know. But I'll be right here with you.
His lips stroked against her cheek, slid to her mouth.
Maybe this time, we'll take control.


We'll ride the wave up, not get caught in the undertow.

He kissed her deeply, bringing his lips and teeth and tongue into the discussion.

What a good idea.

And when she was still vibrating from the kiss, he slid his mouth to her throat.

She arched against his lips, barely catching her breath before he slipped lower, rubbing his face against the inside curve of her breasts, then nibbling and licking his way to one nipple.

And as she caught the sensations swirling in his mind, she knew he was as aroused as she.

He had already brought the heat back to her body, and she cried out as he sucked her nipple into his mouth while teasing its mate with his thumb and finger.

My turn,
she breathed, reversing their positions so that she could play with his broad chest.

Her teeth on his nipple wrung a cry from him, and she smiled. It was good to feel like she was the one in control again, and she meant to make the most of it.

But she was in no shape to hide her intentions. As she slid down his body, she could feel him tense in anticipation.

Without using her hands, she maneuvered her mouth to the head of his cock, circling it with her tongue, then sucking him partway into her mouth, sliding lower, then withdrawing, gratified by the response she felt.

You don't have to do that.

I want to. I need to feel like I'm taking charge.

By turning me into a basket case?


She punctuated the observation by sucking on him as though he were a delicious lollipop, then switching to the ice cream cone method—little licks, working her way around so that no side melted before the others.


She knew he liked it. Not just from his exclamation. She could feel what he felt, the exquisite sensation of her mouth on his penis. What she did to him was making her hot, and this time it felt like it was really her, not the damn fire soap.


She knew he was commenting on the thought—and the sensations.

And she knew he was close to climax. She could hear it inside his head and in the sound of his harsh breathing.

Come up here.

As she read his mind, she knew what he wanted most. And she straddled his body, coming down on his cock with an exclamation of triumph.

She had made herself hot. And him, too. And now she rode him like the magnificent being he was. Her man. Her lover. Her soul mate.

She grinned when she felt his control slipping. Grinned again when he climaxed.

After she followed him, they collapsed in a tangle of arms and legs. When she could move, she shifted off of him and slid onto the mattress.

He cradled her close. “I love you.”

She nodded against his sweat-slick chest. “Loving you was the only thing that kept me alive when he had me.”


“The idea of his…invading me was terrible.”

“For me, too.”

She tightened her hand on his. “I know.”

By mutual agreement, they stopped talking aloud.

I feel…

So close to you…


What does it mean for us?

I guess we can talk to Jordan and Lindsay.

She felt her face go hot.
I didn't exactly meet them under ideal circumstances.

Neither did I. I thought Lindsay had something to do with kidnapping you. And I tried to strangle her.

Anna gripped his hand.

He gave her a mental summary of the past few hours, and she winced.

You had a bad time.

Not as bad as you.

Then, swiftly, as only they could through mind-to-mind communication, he relayed what Jordan and Lindsay had told him about the Remington Clinic, about Jim Swift, about the couple who had discovered their powers a few months earlier.

They can help us figure out where we go from here. And they can help us figure out what powers we have
and how to develop them.


Did we really loosen my bonds?


She dragged in a breath and let it out.

Will we have to hide from Jim Swift
or whatever he calls himself

I'm afraid so
until we figure out where he is and…get rid of him.

Is that what we've turned into? Killers?


left alone to live our lives,
Zach answered.
That's all I'm asking.

Her life. And his. They had found each other, after years of being apart. But she hated the direction fate had swept them in. It was so sudden. So unexpected. So frightening.

Including the part with me?
Zach silently asked, the question like a flame burning in her mind.

No. You're my touchstone.

The look on his face told her he wasn't sure she was telling the truth.

You don't think I'm lying, do you?

Before he could answer, she opened her mind and her heart, making herself totally vulnerable to him, letting him know everything inside her.

He didn't have to speak for her to know he'd understood her heart and her mind.


I love you. I'd be in hell by now without you.

I was in hell when he had you.

He reached for her, and they held each other tightly for long minutes.

It's hard for me to trust,
he whispered in her mind.

I know. But I wouldn't be here in your arms if we didn't have something extraordinary together.
She felt him absorb that truth, and felt him settle into the miracle of their bond.

They were warm and close for a long time. Finally, he moved his hands to her shoulders.

We need to talk to Jordan and Lindsay.

I know.

We can't hide down here forever.

You weren't naked and spread-eagle on an altar when they first saw you.

No, I was lying on the ground, almost dead. Then I attacked them.
He gripped her shoulders more tightly.
They're good people. They understand what you've been through.

It's still hard to face them.

I'll be right beside you. And I'll punch Jordan out if he's stupid enough to…think…anything you don't want to hear.

She laughed, feeling a little better. But she was still hesitant, and she knew Zach had caught her thoughts when he said, “Want to take a shower before you go up?”

“Yes. Thanks.”

She disappeared into the head attached to the cabin. And when she came out, she found that Zach had ducked down the companionway and taken a quick shower in another head. He was dressed in the jeans and T-shirt he'd been wearing. And he'd laid out clothing for her—a man's long-sleeved shirt and a pair of sweatpants—which she donned.

Finally, she couldn't stall any longer. With her insides jumping, she walked hand-in-hand with Zach to the main deck.

Jordan and Lindsay were standing at the rail, looking toward land. But Anna could tell from the way they stood that they were very aware that she and Zach had arrived.

When Zach cleared his throat, they both turned. Lindsay's eyes went to Anna. Then she crossed to her and gave her a long, warm hug.

“I'm so glad we found you,” she murmured. “How are you feeling?”

“A lot better,” she answered.

“You and Zach are lucky to have each other…like me and Jordan.”

“And lucky for us you got here in time,” Zach said, his voice thick with emotion.

He and Jordan shook hands.

“We were so alone,” Lindsay said. “You don't know what it means to us—finding you. When we first bonded with each other, we were…afraid of what was happening.”

“Maybe I had an advantage because I already had the mind-reading act,” Anna answered.

“You've been in hiding since you escaped from the Crandall Consortium?” Zach asked.

“Yes,” Jordan answered. “And we've been looking for other Dariens.”

“I guessed that!” Anna said. “Did you find any?”

His expression turned grim. “We were on the track of several others. Jim Swift found them first. They didn't make it.”

She felt her stomach clench.

“I hope you'll join us,” Lindsay said. “We could use some help locating other people like us and saving their lives. And getting Jim Swift off our backs.”

Anna took that in. “You mean kill him,” she whispered.

“Yeah. Before he kills us,” Jordan answered.

She swallowed hard.

“It's hard to get used to the idea,” Lindsay murmured. “That somebody hates you so much that he wants you dead.”


“If we can get Swift out of the picture, we can save a lot of lives—not just our own.”

She nodded, then scuffed her foot against the deck. “If Zach and I need to hide and can't pursue our professions, how do we make a living?”

“We'd like to establish a self-supporting community.”


“We haven't figured that out yet.”

Zach looked uncertain. “I'd hate to give up my salvage business.”

“If we can eliminate Swift, you can go back to work. If we can't, it's not safe for you to be out there under your own name doing the same kind of job. And if you take another identity, he might be able to find you anyway, by studying the probabilities.”

Zach made a rough sound.

“He'd be more cautious now, because he knows that the two of you have bonded,” Jordan said. “That means you are more than the equal of anyone he sends. So he'd want to figure out a way to take you by surprise.”

Zach nodded tightly, digesting the information.

“And what about the police? San Donato is dead. Are they going to come after us?” Anna asked.

“Did any of us touch him?” Zach asked.

“No,” Anna answered. “So what can they prove?”


Lindsay spread her hands. “Let's assume nobody can figure out
happened at his ceremonial ground. Or if they come up with theories, they will involve the Vadiana gods; he tried to take too much power, and they smacked him down. For all we know, maybe that's what
happen. Maybe that's why our plans worked out.”

Anna's eyes widened. “You're joking, right?”

Lindsay shrugged. “Who knows who they really are. Maybe they're spirits who have been on his island for thousands of years. Maybe they're space travelers stranded here, meddling in the lives of the islanders.”

They were all silent for several moments. Then Jordan turned toward his wife, and they exchanged a long look.

Moving to Lindsay's side, he addressed Zach, “I think we can't solve the big questions in one conversation. For now, we should let the two of you settle down a bit. So why don't we dock this baby? Then you and Anna can stay on board and hide out, and we can go to a hotel in town.”

Anna heard the words, but she caught the edge of something more in Jordan's mind. Jordan wanted to leave them alone, but he also wanted to be alone with Lindsay.

She and Zach had felt a strong sexual pull from the first time they'd wanted to touch each other. Was it the same for Jordan and Lindsay? And had it continued?

The ghost of an answer flickered in Anna's mind, and her gaze shot to Jordan.

When he grinned at her, she struggled to hold her gaze steady.

“Sorry. I picked that up. And I couldn't help answering. Probably I should have kept my mouth shut.”

“The four of us can communicate…silently?” Anna asked.

To some degree,
Lindsay answered.
We can get better at it if we practice,
she added.

Jordan urged.

He wasn't saying so, but probably they'd gotten caught by the undertow of the intense encounter between her and Zach. Probably that had worked on them, and Jordan really did want to spend some quality time alone with his wife. They deserved it. They'd come down here to help her and Zach, and they'd saved his life—and helped save her sanity.

The captain piloted the rented boat to the slip where it had come from.

After they'd tied up, Lindsay hugged Anna again, and also Zach. “Let's plan to get together tomorrow morning,” she said.

“Where can we find you—if we need to get in touch?”

“We dropped our stuff at the Eden Hotel before we rented this boat.”

“Okay. In old town. I know where it is,” Anna answered.

They stood on the deck, watching the other two Dariens and the captain leave. He was going with them to get the payment they'd promised him.

, Zach murmured in her mind.
That's what we are.


I like having a name for our strange condition.

She smiled at him, then sobered.
There must be a lot of people around here who were at San Donato's ceremony. Like Bertrand. Do you think they'll look for us?

Zach's face turned fierce.

I think he's got sense enough not to tangle with us,
she said quickly.
After what we did to his master.

His master?

That's what he called San Donato.

Zach made a disgusted sound.
Just to be safe, maybe you'd better go below. There are probably a lot of kids around the docks who'd like to earn some money by picking up a carryout dinner for

He stopped short.

She looked around in alarm.

I just saw Claude, the guy who was with me when José tried to kill me on the dive.

Anna sucked in a sharp breath, trying to rearrange her thoughts. “You think he's after us?”

“No. I think he doesn't even know we're here.”

He gestured down the dock, and she saw a muscular man chatting casually with a boat owner about twenty yards down the pier.

“I'd like to try and use our powers on him.”


“Somebody set me up—let's see if we can find out who.”

“You think he can tell us?”

He gave her a steady look. “I'd like to see.”

“What do you want to do?”

He switched to silent communication.
Call him down here
if we can. Not out loud. Then when he gets here, we'll ask some questions.

She could read how important it was to him, so she whispered, “Okay.”

They held hands and he led her back into the shadows. Then she lent him her power, helping him send out a call to the man twenty yards down the pier.

Claude, come down here. Let's have a little talk. I don't blame you for anything. I just want to know what happened.

She watched the man's head jerk, but he stayed where he was.

Claude, come on down here. Let's talk.

Claude straightened up, said something to the man he'd been chatting with, then looked up and down the dock.

Over here. Come chat with me.

Finally, Claude turned in their direction and started walking down the dock, his stride a bit jerky.

When he reached the boat where she and Zach lurked in the shadows, he stopped.

Come on board.

When the man hesitated, Zach repeated the invitation.

Claude gripped the rail, pulled the boat against the dock, and stepped aboard.

“Anybody here?” he called out.

“Yeah.” Zach stepped from hiding, and Claude gasped.

“You! What you want, mon?”

“Nothing much,” he said out loud. But his silent message was different.
How did you and José happen to set me up?

Claude's lips moved, but no sound came out.

Come on. You can tell me.

“Git away from me.”

Anna stepped forward, and he stared at her. “Who are you?”

“I'm Zach's friend.”

As she delivered the bland line, she heard Zach's silent laugh in her mind.
How about fiancée? And we'll change that to wife as soon as you'll agree.

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