Read Beyond the Call of Duty Online

Authors: Wendy Stone

Tags: #Eternal Press, #love, #witness protection program, #contemporary, #agent, #romance, #erotic, #Wendy Stone, #erotica

Beyond the Call of Duty (15 page)

BOOK: Beyond the Call of Duty
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“I sent him home. He was going to ask Molly to marry him tonight.”

“Oh God, and she’s gone now, because of me.” Gabe turned away, not answering when she called after him

She sighed. She started to get up, and then looked at the cell phone in her hand. She sank back down, hitting her phone book and finding the number. With another sigh, she heard the phone ring for the third time before it was finally picked up.

Chapter Eleven

It had been a week since Molly’s death, and Lexi was feeling every bit of missing the girl with her sunny attitude and go-to demeanor. Jack replaced Molly with a green agent, and the guy jumped at every sound. His hands shook if he reached for his pistol, and Lexi wasn’t sure what he would do if push came to shove.

To tell the truth, she was missing Gabe as well. They lived together in this safe house, twenty-four-seven, and she’d never felt so far away from a person in her life. She missed his kisses, his touches, the way he made her laugh. She badly wanted to go back to that day and forget the words that had been said.

However, time travel was impossible, and they both agreed a relationship between them would be a mistake. Hadn’t they? She shook her head, feeling the beginning of a stress headache land right squarely above her right eye.

“Agent Hunter, perimeter is clear, ma’am!”

“It’s Toby, right?” She waited for him to nod. “Toby, we do things a bit different than the secret service or any of the alphabets. My name is Lexi. If we were outside and someone heard you call me Agent Hunter, it could blow the cover, and Gabe’s goose would be cooked. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

He was quick to correct himself when he saw her wince. “Yes, Lexi.” He paused and continued to stand there.


“I just wanted to tell you how great I think working for you is. You’ve always been one of my role models. Can I ask a question?”

Lexi lifted her hand, desperately trying to stop the boy before he declared his love or some other silly thing. “That’s great, Toby. Sure, ask away.”

“Alphabets, ma’am? I mean, Lexi?”

“CIA, FBI, ATF, NCIS, JAG...alphabets. Understand?”

“Oh, yeah. That’s kind of funny,” he said with a horsey laugh.

She grimaced and managed to hide the pain she was feeling. “Why don’t you go up and relieve Luke? Thanks.”

Toby nodded and grinned. He turned, almost knocking over a lamp, and went charging for the stairs. “Can anyone say moose?” Lexi asked, and cringed as something crashed overhead. “I think we should get him hired in by the Traegers, at least then we might have a chance.”

She dropped her head in her hands, sighing heavily. She wasn’t used to so little action, and it was affecting her mood about the same way the headache was. When two wide hands started massaging her shoulders, she almost wept in relief. “Oh, God, please don’t stop,” she moaned, her voice husky. Her eyes were closed, and she laid her head down on her knees, giving her masseuse all the room he needed.

Tiny moans and whimpers escaped her lips. He found every tight knot, every stressed nerve, and rubbed them into obediently loose strands of spaghetti. By the time he finished, she was almost incoherent with relaxed pleasure.

She reached up, picking up one of the hands that had given her so much pleasure. She expected to see Gerald or Joe, or even Luke, but when Gabe sauntered around the side of the couch, his hand in hers, she was confused. “T...Thank you,” she said softly as he sank down next to her.

“You work too hard and worry too much. You looked like one more thing would have sent you over the edge, Lexi. I don’t want to be responsible for your nervous breakdown.”

“It’s been a hard day,” she admitted. “Molly’s memorial is tonight. I’ve given Luke the time off, but I hate that I won’t be able to go.”

* * * *

“You’re the boss, why shouldn’t you go?” he asked, his hand still in hers. He wasn’t eager to let her go. Despite the things that had happened between them, he was unable to forget how she felt next to him, leaning against him, writhing under him. He was hooked and had it bad, bad enough he’d give up everything if she would only tell him that she wanted him. The blonde hookers, his refurbished muscle-car, his fancy lifestyle; he’d give it all up for her, only for her.

“If someone was looking to grab me so that they could get to you, the memorial would be a good place to do it. Jack’s got agents covering the event already, and he doesn’t need me making an appearance and screwing up the disappearing act I’ve already done.” She sighed and wearily rubbed her forehead.

“What about the disguise? That old lady thing you did before. I wouldn’t have looked twice at you, Lexi. Molly was not only one of your team, she was a good friend, and I know you miss her.” He slid a little closer and wrapped one big arm around her shoulders. “It kills me inside to see you like this.”

* * * *

She stared up at him, her tired mind unable to figure out what kind of game he was playing. “I’m fine, Gabe. You’re the important one here, the one we have to keep alive. I’m not going to allow anything to happen to you. It would be like a slap to Molly’s memory if we couldn’t get you through this. I won’t allow that either.” She made to rise and felt his hand slip down her back before falling away. Reaching down, she grabbed her empty coffee cup. “Want a cup?”

“No. I’d like you to talk to me.”

“Gabe, we’ve discussed this...”

“Well, maybe I’ve changed my mind.”

Her mouth fell open, and she blinked a few times before she got control of herself. “You’ve changed your mind? What the fuck does that mean?”

Before Gabe could answer, Luke walked into the room. He stared from one to the other. “You two need to get your heads out of your respective asses. I love you, boss, but I’ve had my world taken away from me. Grab onto yours before someone takes it from you.” He ignored the look of shock that came over her face. “I’m leaving for the memorial. I was wondering if you had that thing done you wanted me to read?”

Lexi reached into her back pocket, pulled out a square of folded paper and handed it to him. “I wish I could be there to give it personally,” she said as she hugged him. “Molly was one of my closest friends. I’ll never forget her, Luke. I’ve put her in for a posthumous award for exceptional merit above and beyond the call of duty.”

“Thanks, boss. I...I had the ring I bought for her buried with her. I really think she would have said yes.” He sniffed harshly and rubbed at his eyes.

“Go home and hug your boy, Luke, then go and say good-bye to Molly. Take tomorrow off, if you want. It might be good for Toby to have some one-on-one time with us.”

Luke chuckled. “He is a bit of an ox.”

“You could say that again, but please don’t.” She hugged Luke one last time and watched as Gabe shook his hand and bent his head close to Luke to whisper something in his ear. Luke glanced up once and nodded before turning around and leaving the room. They heard the back door close, and he was gone.

Lexi stared down at the coffee cup she still held. Without another word, she turned away from Gabe to go into the kitchen to refill it. He grabbed her arm and suddenly found himself on the floor with her kneeling on his back, his arm twisted up behind him. “Whoa!”

“I don’t want to talk about this now,” she growled against his ear. “Just leave it alone.”

She got up easily and reached down to grab his arm, helping him up. “Leave it alone,” she repeated, but he shook his head.

“I can’t do that, Lexi. I have to tell you how I feel. This situation we’re in, it could kill us. The thought of leaving things unsaid between us…” He shook his head. “I can’t feel right about that. Just talk to me. What could it hurt?”

“It’s already hurt too much, Gabe. You are my witness, and that’s all it can be.” She tried to push past him, but he wasn’t budging. Instead, he reached out and dragged her into his arms, bringing his head down to take her lips in his in a kiss meant to make her rethink things, to make her realize she had feelings about him too.

It burned into her, shattering what little composure she had left. She felt a sob catch in her chest and clasped him close, her hands desperate against his arms. She couldn’t get enough, of him or his taste, the feel of him against her. She wanted to rip his clothes off and pull him down and into her, to have those feelings that had been so wonderful just a week before. She’d never felt as complete as she did when she was with him.

She moaned, and it seemed to energize him. He lifted her, carting her up the stairs and into her bedroom. He didn’t break off the kiss as he laid her on the bed and pulled at the hem of her T-shirt to drag it up and over her bra-encased breasts. The clip between her breasts was easily unhooked, and she was free, her flesh being mauled by his rough hands.

“I want you,” he growled against her mouth. “You want me too, I know you do.”

“Yes,” she finally whimpered, arching her back to press her breasts further into his hands. “Yes, Gabe. Yes.”

He groaned his victory, lifting his head just long enough to tug her shirt and bra off her head. His mouth found one of those hardened ruby-colored nipples, taking the taut nub into his mouth to suckle and tease. He pressed his knee between her legs, nudging against the tight seam of her jeans that rubbed against her pussy. His cock was hard against her leg, and she rubbed against it, hearing his heartfelt plea in the growled tones of his voice. “God, yes, Lexi. Oh, love, don’t stop!”

He stroked his hands down her stomach and over the waistband of her jeans, pushing underneath, and her tummy muscles tightened and jumped beneath his touch. Lifting himself up, he tugged off his sweatshirt and pushed his hair away from his face before concentrating on the button and zipper of her jeans.

She dug into his hair, twining her fingers through it, rubbing against his scalp. She heard her zipper lower, felt her jeans loosen and felt his hand slip under the satin panties that covered her mound. His thick fingers were as delicate as a master pianist sitting down to play a complicated piece. They played over her skin, finally pushing between her swollen lips to find the exposed bud of her clit.

She cried out in pleasure, feeling the rush of that first climax hitting her. She was like putty in his hands as he stroked and touched, moving his lips across her skin, tasting and kissing. “God,” she cried, digging her nails into his wrist as he moved his fingers through her wet slit, pushing her ever quicker toward her next explosion. It was good, but she wanted more. She wanted him, wanted his cock to fill her empty pussy. She needed that closeness they had, the teasing and play that had been cut off with just a few harsh words. She yearned to see that look in his eyes; the one that said he wanted her and would take her any time he wanted.

She wanted him to tell her he loved her and everything would work out okay―that he would always feel like this for her―but that was pushing the dream a bit far, and she dared not hope for any of that, not now, not while his life hung in the balance.

Lexi wriggled her hips, helping him rid her of the tight jeans, watching as he stood to pull off her tennis shoes and socks. He was so gorgeous with his wide chest bare and his hazel eyes staring at her naked curves. She could see the need in there, the same need she’d been fighting for over a week. She knew she was done fighting it; she wanted him as much as he did her.

Holding out her hands, she pulled him down into her arms. She unbuttoned his jeans, feeling the hardness of his cock under the soft material of his boxer-briefs. She squeezed that ridge with one hand and heard him moan and felt his lips grow even more heated. “Tell me you want me,” she ordered huskily, slipping her hand into the small opening in the front of his boxers. “Make me believe it.”

* * * *

Gabe thought he’d go up in flames as he felt her soft palm curl around his hard cock. She stroked him, her little fingers swirling around the soft head and gathering the drops of pre-cum that leaked out. He heard her words as if from a distance, a roaring need and the sound of his blood rushing through his veins blocking out almost everything. “I want you, Lexi. I have from the first moment I opened my eyes in that damned hospital room. I need you, love.”

“Love?” she whispered against his lips.

He rolled to his back, letting her lay on top of him. He slid his hands down her spine and over the rounded curves of her ass. “Yes, love,” he growled. “You’re all I’ve been able to think of, Lexi. Without you, I’m nothing. Is it such a terrible thought, a stooge like me being in love with you?”

“Who are you calling a stooge?” she growled, lifting her fist up so that it was under his nose. “Don’t make me hurt you.”

* * * *

“Nope, don’t want that, I know better than that.” He smiled as she giggled before she moved down from his chest to stand next to the bed, tearing off his sneakers and pulling on the legs of his jeans. She moved onto the bed and grabbed the waistband of his boxers, tugging them off until he was as naked as she was. She straddled his loins, feeling his heavy cock push against her wet slit.

She rose up and took hold of his staff, angling it up and meshing his glans in the sweet, silky wetness of her core. Before she could go any further, he stopped her. “Lexi? Usually when a guy tells a girl he loves her, she has something to say about it.”

“Thank you?” she teased, raising her brows at him.

BOOK: Beyond the Call of Duty
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