Beyond the Call of Duty (9 page)

Read Beyond the Call of Duty Online

Authors: Wendy Stone

Tags: #Eternal Press, #love, #witness protection program, #contemporary, #agent, #romance, #erotic, #Wendy Stone, #erotica

BOOK: Beyond the Call of Duty
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She smoothed the hair out of his face and kissed each eye before she led him back to the couch, sitting and letting him pull her into his arms again. She looked at the television set, getting a glimpse of her own picture and hearing the announcer speak of her death and of all those broken hearts she left behind. It was strange to hear about her cremation and her internment in Saint Michael’s Cemetery

“Weird, huh?” Gabe said against her skin. “It’s almost like you’re dead and the whole world is moving on around you while you’re stranded in some kind of limbo.”

“Yeah, but it’s for...”

“...our own protection,” they finished together. Lexi smiled.

“I’m really sorry about Teri, Gabe. I know she meant a lot to you, but to find out she’s the reason you can’t go home...that has to be hell.”

“I’m just glad I’m a believer in karma. She might be all sunshine and roses right now but one day...and she won’t know what happened. I talked to her not an hour before it all happened. There was no hint of what she’d planned to do.” He sighed heavily. “Thank you for being here for me.”

“There are not too many places I can go right now, Gabe, so think nothing of it.” She heard him snort, and it made her smile. “We’ll get through all of this and get you set up in a new state, a new city. You’ll get a new house and a job where you’re not running drugs for the mob.”

“What about you?” he asked, a strange note in his voice.

“Well, I’ll go back to work and do what I do best; protect witnesses.”

He didn’t say anything for a moment, and she felt his arms move from around her. He scooted over on the couch and crossed his arms over his chest. “Then I’m just a job,” he said with a sigh.

“No, Gabe, you are anything but just a job. You’ve got to realize I’m on unfamiliar turf here. I’ve never had sex with a witness before or allowed myself to have these feelings. You’re important to me, Gabe, so you’ll never be just the job.”

He glanced over at her and sighed heavily. Turning a little in the seat, he lay down on the couch, his head pillowed in her lap.

Lexi laughed. “Give the guy some head and he thinks he owns the world.” She stroked his long hair out of his eyes and away from his cheeks. The whiskers he’d yet to shave off rasped under her palm. The unkempt bad-boy look was a good one for him, and she felt her heart flutter. “You’re doing this on purpose,” she hissed, seeing his gaze flash to her breasts where her nipples now poked defiantly against the fabric of her sweatshirt.

“I haven’t touched you,” he whispered with a laugh, “but if you want me to, I will. Can you just imagine how your nipple would feel in my hot, wet mouth? I bet I could make you come just by playing with these beauties.” He groaned, and it seemed to echo the one she could no longer contain as the words he spoke made her hot and left her needy and wanting.

“I am not putting on a show for Luke and Jack, Gabe.” She tugged on a lock of his hair. “Now behave, or else I’m going to convince Jack you need to change your looks so we can keep you safe. I wield a wicked set of clippers.”

He reached up and tapped his finger on her mouth. “You wouldn’t do that; you like how I look too much. Try a different threat, Lexi.”

“How about this one; either you behave or you’ll never get the chance to touch me again?” She laughed at the look of horror on his face.

“You can’t mean it.” He glanced up at her. “You would mean it, wouldn’t you?”

Lexi shrugged. “If it keeps you in line, then yeah, I mean it. We can’t let any of this get out, Gabe,” she said, suddenly very serious. “I can’t let my boss see I have feelings for you, otherwise he’s going to ship me off to a different safe house than the one he’s shipping you too. We’d never see each other again.”

He let loose another long, drawn-out sigh as if he were the most put-upon man on the planet. “So, if I behave, does that mean I can take advantage of you later?”

“Hmm,” she said, as if deep in thought. “I think I might be able to arrange something like that.” She wiped the last of his tears off his face. They spent the morning watching the news programs on television. Lexi’s supposed death was a big local story and one of the major television affiliates also picked it up. She had become some kind of superhero and groaned each time one of the news programs showed her picture on the screen. “I’m becoming more of a detriment to this case every time they flash that damn picture. How the hell am I going to be able to stay hidden with all of this publicity?”

She glanced over at Jack who’d been on his cell phone since just after breakfast. She should feel better, knowing he was overseeing their case personally, but instead it made her feel worse. She could already see the stress building on him, and she worried about his heart. She got up and went into the kitchen, getting a glass of cold water and bringing it over to him, just as he hung up from the latest call.

“Take your pills, Jack. You’re beginning to look a bit pale, and I’m not going to be the cause of your death. Suzy would kill me.”

He smiled as she spoke his wife’s name. “She’s gotten very good at bossing me around; almost as good as you are Lexi. Don’t worry about me. I’ll take off after we get you moved and leave you with Joe and Gerald for the night.”

“Good, because I sure as hell don’t want that promotion yet, Jack. You’ve got to stay healthy.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a long pill-minder box. He flipped open one of the caps and poured the pills into his hands. Tossing them in his mouth, he took the glass of water she got for him and swallowed them down. “Thanks, Lexi. You just saved me from getting told off tonight.”

“Anything for you, Jack.” She bent and kissed him on the cheek. “You know I love you.”

He smiled, and then was interrupted from answering as his cell phone went off once more.

Lexi went back to her place on the couch. She curled up and felt Gabe rest his head against her thigh. Luke brought her a blanket, and she could feel her eyes wanting to close. She sighed, fighting to keep them open, but it was no use. Her breathing deepened, her body grew heavy and relaxed and she was out.

* * * *

She woke to Gabe gently shaking her. “Time to get up, Sleeping Beauty. I would have woken you with a kiss, but I didn’t think your guard dogs would appreciate that.” He nodded to where Joe, Gerald, Luke, Molly and Jack stood watching them.

“What’s going on?”

“We’re getting moved, darling. You’re all packed up, and everything is in the truck. All we have to do is get you in there.” She put her feet on the floor, searching for her shoes. Gabe bent down, picking up her shoes and sliding them one after the other onto her feet. “Okay, Cinderella, your slippers are on, let’s go to the ball.”

She couldn’t help but giggle at his silliness but quickly sobered up when she rose and took a step toward her teams. “Where do you want us, Jack?”

“You and Gabe will be riding in the back of the SUV. We’ve got some empty boxes to stack around you and a blanket that we’re going to throw over you. No matter what you hear, you keep your heads down and stay quiet. You’ll have Luke and Molly with you, and Joe and Gerald will be in the car behind you. I’m going to follow behind them, just to make sure you don’t have a tail. We’ve done this a million times, Lexi, you know the routine.”

“Yeah, but usually I’d be the one driving the car instead of the one hiding in it.” She glanced around at the counters. “Where’s my purse?”

“It’s in the back of the SUV, and yes, your baby is in it as well.”

“Then let’s get this show on the road.” She headed to the back door but stood back to let Luke and Molly go out first. When they gave the all clear signal, she grabbed Gabe’s arm. “This isn’t going to be the most comfortable way to travel, but it will be safe.” She helped him into the cargo area of the SUV, sliding in next to him. Finding her purse, she pulled her pistol and checked the load and the safety before dropping it back into her purse.

A blanket was pulled over their heads, and they were left alone together in the dark.

Chapter Seven

The dark under the blanket was almost absolute. Lexi could feel little but the boxes at her back, and then she felt Gabe’s hand, trailing up her arm to her face. His thumb rubbed gently at her lower lip, and he used it to help his mouth find hers.

She gasped under the heat of his kiss and felt him move closer to her under the heavy blanket. “Gabe,” she whispered against his lips. “We shouldn’t do this.”

“Shouldn’t do what, baby?” He smiled, letting her feel his lips curve. “We shouldn’t touch? Shouldn’t kiss? What shouldn’t we do?” Before she could answer, he took her lips again, this time settling in to kiss her until she was lightheaded. She grasped at the back of his sweatshirt. “Is that what we shouldn’t do?”

Lexi moaned helplessly. She heard the doors slam shut in the front of the SUV and the engine start, the radio playing Luke’s favorite rock station. “You’re going to drive me to drink.”

“As long as you only drink with me.” He kissed her again, both of them enjoying their captivity under the blanket and what little privacy it could give them. “Enjoy it, Lexi. There’s nothing you’re responsible for right now, except making me happy. Kiss me like you mean it, like it’s the last day of our lives.” The last word was muffled under her lips. She felt his pulse begin to jackhammer out of control.

He moved his hands over her, unbuttoning the jacket she’d put on, letting his palms fill with her breasts through the shirt she was wearing. She heard his growl of frustration and felt cool air on her chest as he quickly unbuttoned her shirt. The warmth of his hand slipped under her, easily unhooking her bra.

“What are you doing?” she gasped, feeling his mouth touch her skin. His lips felt so hot, as if he were trying to brand her with their touch.

“Loving you. Lexi, let me love you.” He encircled her breast with his fingers, lifting it to his lips. She barely controlled the moan of pleasure that wanted to erupt from her.

“Gabe, no,” she whimpered, just loud enough for him to hear.

“We have time, Lexi. Lavender Heights is a good forty-five minutes drive through rush-hour traffic. Relax, let me love you. Let me show you how lovemaking can feel.” He captured her nipple again, this time using his teeth. She arched under him and shook at his touch. He captured her other breast and played with her nipple, twisting and plucking at the puckered tip with his fingers. She moved her hips toward his body as he pushed his against her.

“Are you going to cum, Lexi? Can I make you cum just by playing with these treasures?” He suckled her in deep, taking part of her breast as well. He twisted her other nipple with his fingers as she tangled her hands in his hair, holding him even tighter to her breasts.

He reached down and pushed her thighs further apart, pressing his body against the apex of her thighs. She emitted a low moan she knew must sound desperate to him.

“I can smell you, Lexi. Your arousal is so sweet. Cum for me, baby,” he urged, rubbing his cock against her sweat-covered sex. “I want to hear you cum. You can do it.” He reached down and found the waistband of her sweats, pushing under it and feeling the silkiness of her thong. With a growl, he took the tiny string attached to the back of her waistband and tore it apart, letting his hand have free access to her wet pussy.

He found the small bump of her clit in the wetness of her pussy, and his fingers began to torture that tiny bundle of nerves. Lexi moaned louder as he covered her mouth with his, swallowing her moans as his tongue teased at hers.

Her hands were never still, pushing up his shirt to get at the hard curves of his chest. She grazed the thick bandages at his stomach, knowing exactly what his wounds looked like and not wanting to hurt him, but her nails turned into claws as she found the muscles of his chest. She raked them down his smooth flesh, feeling him shiver. “Minx,” he growled, nipping at her lower lip before pushing his tongue into her mouth once more.

He was like putty in her hot little hands, lifting his hips as she pushed his sweats and boxers down his legs, freeing his hard cock. “Fuck me,” she ordered, running her nails over the hard curves of his ass.

He rolled to his back and drew her over him, stripping away the sweats she was wearing. Her thong hung from around her waist, and he helped her pull that off as well, shoving the wet piece of fabric into the pocket of his jacket. He helped Lexi sit up, leaning forward so she didn’t uncover them in any way. The smell of their arousal was almost thick under the blanket; the aroma had Gabe pushing his cock into her pussy before she could move.

“Fuck me,” he ordered her back, roving his hands up her back to her shoulders and then down to her hips, tilting them to give him deeper access. “God, yes!” he growled, sinking his cock into the wet, tight depths of her pussy. He ground her hips against his own, hearing her own moan. “You feel so good, baby. You feel so incredibly good.”

She rotated her hips in a semi-circle, grinding her clit against his pubic hair. Her hands were like kitten paws, kneading at the flesh of his chest, letting her nails tease him. Her head was close to his ear, and she whispered words to him, words she’d have never said aloud.

He turned his head and took her lips with a groan. He kissed her hard and moved her hips with his hands, teasing both of them. “More,” he groaned. “I want more.”

Lexi heard his words, but her head was spinning with gossamer webs of brilliant hues, waves of colors that only seemed to intensify with every shattering thrust of his body. Then the first sharp shard of pleasure cut through them, leaving her stranded in a strikingly white wave of bliss. She could no longer breathe or think, could only feel each immense pulse. Her pussy fluttered madly around his cock, and she felt him jerk, his hand almost bruising her skin.

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