Bidding War (33 page)

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Authors: Julia P. Lynde

BOOK: Bidding War
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I nodded.

She put her camera away before reaching down and grabbing my wrists by the loose piece of rope. She tugged me to my feet, then held my hands above my head and pulled me to her. I followed docilely, the urge to resist completely gone. I felt like her prisoner.

She pulled me into a deep kiss, her tongue immediately demanding attention. She invaded my mouth and explored. I could taste dinner, and desert, and Gwendolyn's unique taste.

She pulled me further to her, and her free hand snaked around, cupping my bottom, pulling me tighter to her, and squeezing. I moaned and squirmed.

She released my hands and wrapped the hand around me, under my arm, with her hand at the back of my head, guiding my mouth for her deepening, amazing kiss. With my arms bound the way they were, I had no choice but to either leave them there or bonk her over the head with my arms. I held my hands in the air where she had left them.

My knees started to sag, and she tightened her hold on me, holding me against her.

When she finally broke the kiss, I was panting and couldn't think, and I continued to sag in her arms. She held me up for a moment while I collected myself. I opened my eyes and stared into her eyes. She was smiling.

"Yes," I told her.

"Go slow?" she asked.


Her smile widened. She reached up and grabbed the free end of the rope and immediately turned towards my bedroom, pulling me behind her. I resisted just enough she had to tug me after her. She looked over her shoulder at me, grinning.

"Am I your prisoner?"

"Yes," she said. There was a small growl to it. She pulled me into the bedroom and pushed me against the wall next to the door, pushing my hands above my head. She held them there and said, "If your hands move, I will punish you."


"You're not going to find out, are you?"

I looked down. "No."

She gave my hands one good push, then pressed her body against mine and was immediately kissing me again. She shifted, and her hand was on my breast. Her other hand caressed my cheek as she kissed me. I started to sag again, and she pressed more firmly against me, pinning me in place on the wall, one of her legs between mine.

She broke the kiss. "Are you all right?" she asked quietly.

"Don't stop." I paused. "I might panic."

"You won't," she said. Then her voice grew firm. "Do not move from that spot. Keep your hands right there."

She stepped away from me and looked around the room. "Candles. Where is a lighter?"

"Top dresser drawer on the left."

She crossed the room to the dresser, opened the drawer, and removed the lighter. She lit all the candles. She returned the lighter, then walked past me, turning out any lights that would spill into the bedroom. The bedroom overhead light was last.

She turned to me, standing several feet away, and studied me. I watched her, my eyes big and my heart pounding.

"I will never hurt you," she said.

"I know," I said in a small voice.

"I will stop if you ask, but only if I am sure you mean it."

I nodded.

"I will ask you if you are sure, if you ask me to stop. If you say yes, I will untie you and, if you want, hold you until you calm down, then I will leave. You can decide later if you wish to be friends after that."

She would leave, just like that?

"This is not about a toaster oven."

"There's no toaster oven," I said.

"You know what I mean. This is about you. And me. Do you understand?"

I nodded.

"You have one more date with Moira?"

I nodded.

She nodded back. "That's probably best," she said. "After tonight, I don't want to see you again until you've had your last date with Moira. Then I want to see you as soon after that, either as friends or lovers. Do you understand?"

I nodded.

"If you reject me tonight, I will be hurt, but I will forgive you. I want a friendship with you."

My heart caught in my throat. "I want that, too."

"You are very good for me," she said. "You don't know what that means to me." She smiled. "And my only go partner. If we are friends, we will still make wagers over go."

I nodded.

And then she began walking to me, very slowly, almost as if she were stalking me. I waited for her. Just before she touched me, I said, "Wait."

She froze.

"I don't know what to do."

She smiled. "I do."

And then she was kissing me, and I surrendered to her completely.

She reached behind me and unzipped my dress while still kissing me. She unsnapped my bra with her clever fingers. And then she broke the kiss at me. She looked up at my hands and down at my dress.

And she began laughing. "God, I'm an idiot."

I grinned. "I was wondering when you would realize your mistake."

"I'm sorry," she said. "I'll buy you a new dress." She reached for the straps over my shoulders, and I could tell she was about to try to rip the seams.

"I like this dress," I told her. "But I'll let you retie my hands."

She looked at me. "I didn't think you would capitulate so quickly. I thought this would take a couple of hours. I figured binding your arms would make you more complacent."

"It did. Now stop messing around," I told her.

She laughed and untied my hands. She slipped the dress and bra off me, then I meekly held my hands for her to tie them again.

We were still giggling by the time she was done tying them. "If I ask a question," I said. "Would you lie to me?"

"No. I hate dishonesty."

"Did you do that on purpose so we'd have something to laugh about?"

"No. I really thought I'd have to tease you for a couple of hours first."

"I should have played hard to get?"

She growled.

I smiled. "Can you get the mood back?"

"Oh yes," she said, "I most certainly can." She immediately lifted my hands over my head, pulled me away from the wall, then used her other hand to spin me around and press me face first towards the wall. She did it so quickly I didn't have time to protest.


She stepped up behind me and thrust a knee between my legs, pinning me against the wall with one leg, but still pressing my hands against the wall with her left hand. Her right came down and began caressing my bottom.

"I like your undies," she whispered into my ear.

"Mmmm," I said.

She ran a fingernail up my spine, and I squirmed. When she ran it back down my spine, her fingers slipped into my panties, and her fingers began teasing my tailbone.

"Oh god!" That was intense.

"If you move," she said, breathing into my ear. "I will stop."

"Oh god."

She released my hands and began touching my exposed skin with both hands. Soon she had me squirming under her touch, her delicious touch, and my heart was pounding so hard I was sure she could hear it. My brain was shutting down further and further, and all I could do was stand there, mentally begging her to take me.

I had never been with a woman. I had never been with a man that made me feel like this. I had never been with a man who was so focused on my pleasure.

"Please, Gwendolyn," I said. "You're driving me crazy."

"I've barely started, Pamela," she said. "You will beg a lot more than that before I'm done."

"Oh god! What will you make me do?"

I felt her smile against my neck. Her fingers continued to stroke me, her left hand now on my side, her right inside my panties, flicking against my tailbone.

"You will agree to let me do. Whatever. I. Want. To you."

"Oh god!" I squirmed again, and she shifted, sliding both feet between mine, then using her feet to spread my legs.

Then her hand slipped out of my panties and slipped between my legs. I jumped at the intrusion and hissed, and her hand was over my vulva, cupping me through my undies and hose. She ran a finger from front to back, causing me to jump and squeal.

"Oh god! Gwendolyn! Is this real?" I asked.

She kissed the back of my neck. "Yes, honey. This is real. Are you all right?"

"I don't know. I can't think. Oh god."

"Shhh," she said. "You are safe."

I was safe. This was Gwendolyn. I trusted her. I liked her. I wanted her.

"Hold me," I told her.

She immediately wrapped both arms around me as well as she could without releasing me from my position pressed against the wall, and I felt her body pressed against mine. She kissed the back of my neck again.

"Ohh," I said. She kissed me there again. I liked it. No one had ever kissed me there.

"Do I need to stop?"

"No! No no no!"

She kissed me again.

"This is real," I said quietly.

"This is real. A woman is making love to you. A woman who wants you very much, a woman you trust is making love to you."

Then her hand slipped down between us. She crouched down slightly, and I felt her fingers as they began tapping against my vulva. I squirmed and moaned, still pressed against the wall.

"Yes, yes, yes. Oh god."

"This is real," she said quietly. "I am making love to you, Pamela."

"No going back."


"I don't want to go back."

She stepped way from me and slipped her fingers inside my undies. She stripped my undies and hose down my legs. "Step out," she ordered, and one leg at a time, I stepped out of the last of my clothing. When I was done, I was wearing nothing but the rope around my wrists.

She kissed my tailbone and I almost jumped to the ceiling. So she did it again, using tongue this time, and I screamed a wordless sound.

The she kissed her way up my spin
e, and it was soothing and safe, and I almost sagged before she could slide her leg back between mine again, spreading my legs widely and pinning me back in place against the wall.

She reached the back of my neck.

"Are you going to do it like this?" I asked. "I'm not sure-"

"I'm getting you ready," she said. "This is too intense for your first time. In the future, you will scream my name in a variety of positions."

"Oh god."

Then her fingers were between us, sliding down, and I knew this was it.

She stopped at my tailbone again, and I thrashed against the wall.

Then she moved on, and I felt her hand between my legs.

"Oh god!" I said, even before her fingers parted me.

She slid her fingers along my slit, and what I had done last night was like nothing compared to how it felt when she did it.


"You're safe," she said quietly.

"I know. Please. Take me."

"I will," she said. "You know I will."

She flicked her fingers and I jumped. She crouched a little, reaching further, and she found my clitoris.

I could feel my juices flowing out of me. I wondered if they were dripping into her hand. I started to blush at the thought, but then she kissed me again and said, "Oh god, you feel good."

Then she shifted, and withdrew her hand.

"No! Don't stop!"

But she spun me around and pushed me back to the wall, facing her this time, and her hand was immediately between my legs again while her lips found my mouth.

I moaned into the kiss and tried to press myself against her fingers. My only thoughts were, "take me, take me, take me."

She broke the kiss, then reached up and grabbed my wrists. She pulled away from me, her hand withdrawing from my clitoris, and she pulled me to the bed, pushing me onto it, then following after me, pulling me completely unto the bed. She roughly grabbed a pillow and shoved it under my head, then pushed my hands above my head.

"Move those, and I will tie them to the headboard."

"I won't move, Gwendolyn."

Then her lips were on my mouth and her hand, the one that had been between my legs, was tracing patterns on my nipple. It instantly sprang to attention, but the thought of her painting me in my own juices began to wig me out.

She broke the kiss.

"No." I said. "Eww."

"Shhh," she said

And she lowered her mouth to the nipple she had just been touching, pulling me into her mouth, and I exploded into a frenzy of squirms and a flurry of "oh god! oh god!"

Then her hand was back between my legs, and I spread for her, opening widely. Her clever, delicate surgeon fingers from my clitoris and I began panting her name.

Whatever was left of my brain finished shutting down, and all I could do was feel. I tried to thrust against her hand, wanting more, but she rode with it, then her teeth nipped me and I bucked in surprised.

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