Read Bidding War Online

Authors: Cher Carson

Bidding War (12 page)

BOOK: Bidding War
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Shane tried to rein in his frustration all the way back to his house, but it wasn’t easy. He wanted her, hell, he needed her in his life, and he knew he was going to feel the same way one year, five years, ten years from now. She was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, but it hurt him to know she still had reservations about him.

Reaching across the gearshift to claim his hand, she asked, “Are you upset with me?”

He sighed, knowing he couldn’t blame her for the way she felt. He would just have to find a way to moderate his need to control everything and let her set the pace for this relationship. It was going to be the hardest thing he’d ever done. “No, I’m not upset, just a little disappointed, I guess.”

“Shane, we haven’t known each that long, and we just started seeing each other.”

Logically, he knew she was right, but he wasn’t thinking with his head, he was thinking with his heart. “I know. It’s okay. We’ll just take our time and see how this plays out.”

She frowned, withdrawing her hand and settling it in her lap. “Does that mean you’re having doubts just because I don’t want to rush into anything?”

Gripping the steering wheel, he silently let loose a stream of curses. “No, I’m giving you what you seem to want: time and space to figure out if this is what

“Take me home.”

Once again, he’d managed to fuck this up. “Baby, come on, let’s just forget about this for tonight. We’ll go back to my place, open a bottle of wine…”

“And drink our problems away?” she asked, glaring at him. “Is that your solution?”

He knew he wasn’t going to win this argument, so he just continued to drive in the direction of his house.

“I asked you to take me home.”

“I am, to my home.”

Gripping the dashboard, she said, “Either you can take me home, or I’m going to walk.”

With a sudden jerk of the steering wheel, he maneuvered the car to the side of the dark road.

She gasped as she stole a glance at him, obviously considering whether he intended to let her walk all the way home, alone, in the dark.

He threw his door open, muttering a curse as he walked around the front of the vehicle. He was tired of arguing, tired of fighting this thing between them. He was ready to surrender, and he intended to make sure she went down with him.

He yanked the door open, reaching over to release her seatbelt. Capturing her face in his hands, he inhaled her gasp of surprise as he came down on her mouth, hard. He poured all of the frustration and fear he felt over losing her into that kiss. Fisting his hands in her hair, he pulled her head back as he explored her mouth with his tongue. He was harsh, unrelenting, daring her to challenge him. He pulled away, a ragged breath slipping between his lips. “Backseat, now.”


“Don’t argue with me. Just do it.” He knew his high-handed approach could backfire, but he couldn’t restrain himself. He needed to sink his cock into her, to prove to her and himself that, despite her reluctance to commit, she still belonged to him. He grabbed her wrist, pulled her out of the passenger’s seat, and opened the rear door.

“We’re really gonna do this here?” she whispered, looking around, as though she half-expected someone to jump out of the bushes and catch them in the act.

“This is a private road, local traffic only.”

She sunk her teeth into her bottom lip and looked up at him. “You’re sure it’s safe?”

Pulling her against him, all of the anger and frustration melted away as he framed her face with his hands. “You’re always gonna be safe with me, baby. Always.”

She smiled, standing on her toes to place a gentle kiss to his lips. “I believe you.”

He watched her climb into the backseat, offering him a decadent rear view that made his cock thicken inside his jeans. He couldn’t wait to sink inside of that lush little body. He’d plow in so deep, so fast, so hard, she wouldn’t even know what hit her. Weeks without sex were killing him, and it was his own damn fault. He’d had several opportunities to get laid, but none of those women were Lacy, so he’d declined their blatant offers. It scared him to think his body may not even respond to another woman since she’d crawled under his skin.

“Take your clothes off,” he said, watching her scoot back on the seat.


“No buts. Just do it.” He knew if he gave her an escape, she’d take the safe way out, but he was determined to push her out of her comfort zone and make her face her fears. She was afraid to make a commitment because she didn’t want to have to rely on him or anyone else, but he intended to prove to her that her life with him would be a hell of a lot richer than her life without him, in every way.

She did as he asked, slowly, as though she was questioning her actions. When she had stripped down to a navy blue lace bra and matching panties, she stopped.

“Take it all off.” His voice sounded choked to his own ears as he gripped the doorframe.

“It’s cold,” she whispered. “Can’t you come in and close the door?”

He watched her nipples pucker as soon as she released her bra. In a few minutes, he intended to make sure they were hot, sweaty, and satiated. He’d take his time satisfying her when they got back to his place. This wasn’t about making love. It was about fucking her hard, branding her, reminding her that she gave her body to him when she let him make love to her the first time, and he was ready to re-claim her. Only this time, he wasn’t letting her go, ever.

He undid his jeans and climbed in the backseat. He hadn’t had sex in the backseat of a car since he was a teenager. Of course, he hadn’t been this horny since then either. She brought out all of his animalistic tendencies. He didn’t want just a mutually exclusive relationship with her. He wanted to own her. He wanted to remind her that she was his with every stroke of his cock. He wanted to get inside her head the way she’d infiltrated his, and he wanted to claim her heart in a way no other man ever had or ever would.

“Fuck, I’ve missed you,” he muttered, pulling the hair at her crown as he kissed her neck. “I’ve thought about this sweet pussy every goddamn night.” He wanted to lick and suck her. He wanted to feel her come in his mouth, but the close confines meant he had no choice but to ready her for his cock using only his fingers. After sliding one, then two digits deep inside of her, he grinned against her neck when she moaned and ground into his hand. He loved that she was so responsive. “That’s it, sweetheart,” he whispered, licking her ear. “Just let go for me. Does that feel good?”

She rotated her hips, spreading her legs as wide as the passenger’s seat would allow. “Yes, God, yes.”

He wanted to make her come, but not until he could experience it with her. Bracing his body above her, he shoved his pants down with his free hand. He positioned his cock at her entrance, saying a silent prayer of thanks that she was willing to let him love her without a barrier between them. He knew that conveyed the faith she had in him and them, and he intended to build on that. The pill wasn’t one hundred percent effective, and with any other woman, he wouldn’t have even thought about taking the risk, but the thought of her pregnant with his baby…

“Shit, Shane, wait.” She braced her hands on his chest, trying to sit up.

He dropped his head, clenching his jaw. He was already too far gone to stop. If she was testing him, he feared he would fail miserably.

“I forgot my pills when I packed my overnight bag. Do you have a condom?”

He shook his head as he closed his eyes. He hadn’t carried condoms since the night they made love. He didn’t want anyone else, and he knew he would never be able to make love to her with a barrier between them now that he’d had her without one. “No.”

“We have to stop,” she said, trying to push him off.

“Do we?” he asked, looking into her eyes. God help him, he would give everything he owned to have this woman as the mother of his children.

“What? Yes, of course we do. I can’t… we can’t…”

“I can pull out.” He knew it would take everything in him to honor that promise, but he would. When she got pregnant with his baby, and she would one day, he wanted it to be her decision. He wanted it to be because she loved him and she wanted it as much as he did.

He reached into the trunk to grab the clean towel from his hockey bag. “I promise I will. You trust me, don’t you?”

She looked at the towel he tossed on the console between the front seats. “I don’t know. Isn’t that kind of risky?”

He smirked. “It’s no riskier than falling in love with a guy like me

A guy who intends to never let you go.

She smiled, shaking her head. “Okay.”

He didn’t wait for her to change her mind; he slid home with one quick thrust. Leaning back, he plowed into her, hard, fast, gripping the seats for leverage.

Digging her nails into his thighs, she said, “Shane, what if…”

He pried his eyes open, forcing himself to look at her, listen to her, as he sensed she was about to say something that commanded his full attention. “What, sweetheart?” he asked, panting as though he’d run a few miles.

“What if I did get pregnant? How would you feel about that?”

He grinned, lowering his head to hide his smile. “I wouldn’t complain.” She was frowning when he looked up and he knew he hadn’t said what she wanted to hear
. Shit, not again.

“Have you ever gotten another girl pregnant?”

“What? No! Hell, no. I’m always careful.” Fanatical was probably a better description, but she didn’t need to know that.

She smiled. “That’s good to know.” She bit her bottom lip, casting her eyes down to rest on their joined bodies. “I think I want a baby,” she said, quietly.

His heart damn near stopped. Was she saying she was ready to make a baby now, with him? Was he ready? Yes! Hell, yes. “You want a baby?” he said, carefully, not wanting to tip his hand too soon. “What does that mean?”

“Not now,” she said quickly, pressing her palm to his chest. “Don’t worry.” She laughed. “But someday.”

“Soon?” He cursed himself for sounding needy, desperate, but that’s how she made him feel. She was the first and only woman to ever make him feel that way.

“I think so,” she said, closing her eyes as he stroked her with his cock. “Hmm, does that scare you?”

He watched her gorgeous face convey her bliss. “Hell no,” he said, wishing she would ask him to come inside of her now. He was ready, so ready. “I want that.” He threw his head back, struggling to maintain control of his wild urges. “Fuck, I want that.”

Gripping his thighs, she said, “Shane, you promised…”

He felt that familiar surge and he knew his release was imminent, but he couldn’t betray her trust again. He would hate himself if he robbed her of this decision with his reckless behavior. He pulled out quickly and shot streams of come all over her flat abdomen, coating her round tits. Groaning, he spread his come between her legs, over her clit, smearing it all over her pussy lips. Seeing her body glistening with his sticky substance was almost as gratifying as flooding her womb with it. Almost.

He rubbed circles over her clit with the pad of this thumb, spreading her wide open for his perusal. He knew he could get hard again in no time, but he couldn’t give her everything she needed in the confines of this car. He would just take the edge off for her so he could take her back to his bed and see to her needs properly. “Feel good, baby?” he murmured, watching her spread his come all over her tits as she plucked her hard nipples. His cock stirred in response, and he marveled at the fact that his body hadn’t recovered this quickly in years.

“Yes. God, I’m so close,” she whispered, rubbing tight circles over her nipples as he mimicked the action on her clit.

“Lick your fingers. I want you to taste my come,” he whispered, closing his eyes. He would never be able to make it back to his place at this rate. There was a cup holder biting into his back, but he barely noticed the pain when he was so preoccupied with her pleasure.

She did as he asked, opening her eyes to look at him as she slid two fingers in and out of her mouth. “Hmm, so good,” she whispered, her eyes heavy with arousal. “I can’t wait to feel you come in my mouth.”

A slight shudder moved through him and he cursed his body’s perceptible reaction. He was usually good at playing his cards close to the vest, but with this woman, he laid it all out there for her to see.

BOOK: Bidding War
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