If you’d like to contact me, you can do so through www.roxannerustand.com. I also have a blog at:
www.shoutlife.com/roxannerustand. And if you’d like to visit a host of authors who write for Love Inspired Suspense, you can find us at: http://ladiesofsuspense.blogspot.com.
Wishing you abundant blessings and peace,

- Erin’s life has been marked forever by the murder of her cousin in high school. Were there any tragedies or hardships in your own youth that still affect you as an adult?
- Greed drove Ted to embezzle from his vulnerable, elderly clients. What does the Bible say about forgiveness? Do you think Ted could ever be forgiven for his crimes? What about the crimes Patrick committed?
- Ollie is a low-functioning adult, but pride, fear and attachment to his late parents’ home have kept him from using government services that are available to him. What types of services are available in your area for folks in need? What kinds of volunteer opportunities are there? Is there anything you could do to help—maybe as a family or with a group from your church?
- Max is devastated by the loss of his parents. Do children grieve differently than adults? Look up John 3:16. What reassurance does this verse offer to all of us? How would you explain this verse to a young child?
- Both Erin and Jack pray for help at different times during the story. How are their prayers answered? Are they answered right away? God answers our prayers, but in his own perfect time, and sometimes in ways we may never have thought of in advance. Discuss how your own prayers have been answered.
- Jack is wary of commitment after his fiancée ends their engagement while he is struggling with Ted’s embezzlement, the tarnished reputation of his company and becoming a single parent. Read 1 Corinthians 13. What are your feelings about love and commitment, through good times and bad?
- How did God answer Erin’s prayers for help when her life was in danger at the end of the book?
- Jack’s sister and brother-in-law, both strong Christians, died in a car accident. At the beginning of the story, Jack is angry at God for not saving them. Why do terrible things sometimes happen to good people? What does the Bible say about this?
- Initially Jack only wants to go to church so that Max can continue the traditions of his late parents. How effective will this be? Discuss the nurturing of faith in young children.
- Jack has gladly taken on the job of parenting his orphaned nephew, and is struggling to do the best job he can. Have you ever shouldered extra responsibilities to help a family member in need? What is the best piece of parenting advice that you could give Jack?

ISBN: 978-1-4268-3978-8
Copyright © 2009 by Roxanne Rustand
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