Biker (11 page)

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Authors: Ashley Harma

Tags: #bad boys, #biker club, #biker romance, #New Adult, #Motorcycle club, #motorcycle romance, #contemporary biker romance

BOOK: Biker
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hot sex with Blaze.

Noelle broke down on Thursday night.

After getting off her twelve-hour shift, just past seven in the evening, Noelle pulled up outside a gas station on her way home. She dug in her wallet for a handful of change, and walked toward the forgotten payphone in the corner of the parking lot. She could barely believe that payphones still existed.

Taking a shaky breath, she dialed the number from memory.

“Hello?” Blaze’s voice came across the line, and Noelle’s insides melted as a burning desire ignited deep within her belly. Every feeling and sensation came rushing back, and she had to steady herself.

“Blaze... it’s me, Noelle. I – I want to come back to Vegas.” She couldn’t bring herself to say that she wanted more cash, or that she wanted to have more hot, dirty sex.

“Take the first flight to Vegas tomorrow evening. I will pick you up at McCarran International Airport. Call this number when you arrive.” He rattled off another number, and Noelle fumbled in her purse for a pen to write it down.

Blaze’s clipped, cold voice and the whole impersonal feel of the call astonished her.

“Okay,” she said slowly, “Should I pack anything –’’

Blaze cut her off. “Follow the instructions and I will see you tomorrow.”

The line went dead.

Noelle stood there, staring at the receiver in her hand.

What the hell had just happened?

Dazed, she hung the phone up and walked back to her car, clutching the scrap of paper with the new phone number on it.

She feared that she had just made a huge mistake.

It wasn’t that she had been expecting a warm and loving reception from Blaze, but she
thought that he would have felt some measure of happiness to hear from her. Instead, it had seemed like a business call.

Then an awful thought struck Noelle.

Maybe it really had only been a business call. Maybe Blaze regretted sleeping with Noelle, and now his only interest was to use her in another heist.

Noelle felt offended, but then she mentally scolded herself. Yes, she wanted to sleep with Blaze again, but she also was enticed by the promise of more money. So even if Blaze didn’t want to sleep with her again, the trip would still be worth it for the payout.

Noelle couldn’t believe she was willing to commit a serious crime.

A crime that could land her in prison for a very long time.

But the danger, the risk, excited and enticed her.

She knew that these feelings might be springing from her bipolar illness. It was as if being with Todd had helped keep her symptoms at bay, but now that she was on her own, she was free falling.

Not much caring what the source of these new urges might be, Noelle went home. She booked a flight for Vegas. She was scheduled to be off for the next three days, so she wouldn’t have to worry about missing work. Her flight had her arriving in Vegas around seven in the evening, local time, and she was flying back out Sunday afternoon so that she would be home for her Monday morning shift.

Noelle almost called Liz and Quinn to tell them, but decided not to at the last minute. They would only tell her that she was crazy and try to talk her out of it. She would just avoid their calls and texts for the weekend if it came to that.

Friday seemed to drag on, but Noelle finally found herself moving through security at Philadelphia International Airport. She managed to sleep for a good part of the flight, and Noelle knew that it would benefit her if she happened to be up all night.

At last she disembarked the plane, found a bank of payphones, and with shaking fingers, called the new number Blaze had given her.

“Hi,” she said awkwardly when he answered, “I’m at the airport.”

“Okay. I will be there in twenty minutes. Look for me outside. I'll be driving a black Escalade.”

And then he hung up.

“Nice to hear from you too,” she grumbled, grabbing her carry-on and making her way toward the exit.

Without having to wait for baggage claim, she was able to quickly make her way through the airport, and she found herself waiting outside, her eyes searching for a black Escalade.

While she was waiting, she had time to second-guess her outfit choice. She didn’t know if she should go for something overtly sexy, since that was what had attracted Blaze to her in the first place, or if she should go for her more regular, laid-back style. In the end she compromised, choosing black leggings, which were comfortable for flying, silver gladiator sandals, and a periwinkle halter tunic.

Maybe she should have gone for something sexier? Maybe she was trying too hard? Her auburn hair was plaited into a thick braid that she pulled over one shoulder. At the last minute, she pulled open the braid, fanning her hand through the waves it had had left.

Just as she finished tousling her hair, the black Escalade pulled up to the curb. Her stomach seemed to drop and she walked woodenly to the passenger door.

She opened the door, and there was Blaze, his hair disheveled and his eyes even bluer than she remembered.

He gave her a sexy grin and cocked his head to the side. “Are you getting in?”

Noelle realized that she had been standing outside, gaping at him.

“Oh! Yes!” She quickly climbed in, tossing her bag into the back. Blaze pulled away quickly, tires squealing.

“So you couldn’t stay away,” he teased.

Noelle felt a wave of relief to hear that Blaze's tone of voice was normal.

“Well, I wasn’t sure if I made the right decision from the curt phone conversations,” she couldn’t help saying.

Blaze looked chagrined. “Sorry about that. You never know who’s listening, especially with those numbers I gave you.”

“It wasn’t your cell phone?”

Blaze shook his head. “I don’t give that our right away.” His forehead creased. “So why don’t you tell me why you called me.”

Noelle squirmed, feeling put on the spot.

“You know,” she said, waving her hand.

“Actually, Noelle, I don’t.”

So he was going to make this difficult for her.

“Well you said to call if I ever wanted to make good cash, or... have a good time.” She turned crimson at the last few words.

Blaze smirked. “Well which is it?” he asked, “Did you call me because you wanted to make more cash or because you wanted a good time?”

Noelle bit her lip. “Both,” she said, looking Blaze directly in the eyes. She came all this way, she might as well be direct.

Blaze grinned widely. “Perfect. Because I’m interested in both, too.”

Noelle’s heart beat wildly in her chest, and she felt lighter than air at the prospect of spending another naked night with Blaze.

“But first things first,” he continued, “Business has to come before pleasure.”

That was exactly what Noelle had figured.

“But, maybe we can mix a little pleasure before business,” Blaze said slyly.

Noelle felt her body heating up.

“We won’t have time to plan something for tonight. But we can make plans for tomorrow night. When do you need to return home?” He paused. “I actually don’t even know where you live.”

Noelle laughed nervously. There was so much she and Blaze didn’t know about each another. She was completely crazy to fly halfway across the country for a man she hardly knew, not to mention that she was willingly agreeing to commit a major crime.

“I live in Pennsylvania.”

Blaze let out a low whistle. “Wow. Clear across the country.”


“Have you always lived there?”

Noelle was uncomfortable talking about her past. “Umm, no. I’m originally from New Jersey.”

Blaze nodded, and Noelle quickly changed the subject.

“So, what’s the plan?” Noelle asked carefully, as they pulled away from the airport.

“I’m going to take you back to the clubhouse. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure no one bothers you tonight. I know a lot of the scumbags were coming on to you last weekend. We’ll sit down with a few other guys and draw up a plan for tomorrow night. Obviously, we’re going to steer clear of the Mirage.” He looked at her out of the corner of his eye. “When do you have to return home?”

“I have a flight back Sunday afternoon. I have to work Monday.”

“Right. You’re a nurse.”

Noelle nodded. An awkward silence filled the car. They were just two strangers, really, coming together again under the most bizarre circumstances.

“So, you’re not going to blindfold me?” she teased, “Am I allowed to see all the way to the clubhouse.”

Blaze laughed. “I think it’s safe to let you see.”

The rest of the ride was fairly quiet besides Blaze asking a few polite questions about Noelle’s friends. Noelle wanted to ask Blaze a million questions, but she felt too shy. She felt like she needed alcohol to be comfortable around him. She knew that was a bad sign. But if she only had a little alcohol to relax her, then she could ask Blaze about his childhood, his parents and what his life was like being part of a biker gang.

Noelle watched as they pulled up outside the clubhouse, which looked like a small airplane hangar from the outside. The building was tan and non-descript. No wonder people would drive by without giving it a second thought.

“So, do people around here know what this building is?”

“Some people do. No one really bothers us though.” Blaze paused, deliberating. “We’re pretty much left alone because people fear us.”

Noelle didn’t find that hard to believe. She thought back to the men who had come on to her. If hadn’t been for Blaze, Noelle wasn’t sure what might have happened to her there that night.

“Do you have rules about sharing women?” she blurted out, unable to stop herself.

Blaze’s mouth set in a hard line. “Is this about last weekend? People kept mentioning rules, I know.”

“Yes. The men kept talking about the rules.”

“Well, my father was referring to the rule that we aren’t supposed to let outsiders in the clubhouse. If you had been my girlfriend, that would have been allowed, but you aren’t, so – you were basically a stranger.”

Noelle nodded, listening carefully, waiting for Blaze to continue.

“And yes, there are rules about sharing women. If we bring in someone new, a
” he said the word with disgust, “then we are supposed to allow her to be shared among the others. Most of the women enjoy being passed around from man to man.” Again, Blaze sounded disgusted. “That’s the kind of women we attract.”

Noelle shuddered.

“But I promise that no one else will touch you,” he said fiercely. “Just stay by my side.”

Noelle nodded, got out of the car, and followed Blaze inside.

Unlike last weekend, the clubhouse was fairly empty. A few people were milling about, some playing pool while others were drinking and watching TV.

Blaze’s father came up to them immediately. “Hello, Noelle,” he said formally, his eyes sliding over her in a way that made her feel unclean. “Blaze told me you were coming back to help again this weekend.”

Noelle leaned in towards Blaze. “Yes.”

“Good. Don’t make yourself too comfortable,” he warned, before walking away.

Noelle looked back over at Blaze, her eyes wide and worried. “He really doesn’t like me, does he?”

“You’re an outsider,” Blaze explained, his eyes hard. “He sees you as a threat.”

“A threat?” she asked incredulously.

“Let it go,” he muttered, taking her by the hand. Noelle hoisted her bag over her shoulder and followed him out of the main room.

“Where are we going?’’ she asked, hoping she knew the answer.

“My room.”

Noelle said nothing as they weaved their way through the halls, and finally they reached the door that she remembered from the previous weekend. Blaze pushed it open and Noelle saw the familiar room.

“Put your bag down.” He motioned to the floor. “And make yourself comfortable.”

Noelle set her bag on the floor and slipped her sandals off before sitting down on the bed. She felt awkward now, and she disliked the feeling. Blaze walked immediately over to where he kept his liquor and took out two tumblers. He didn’t even ask before pouring two drinks. He handed one to Noelle, and she took it gratefully.

She took a long sip just as Blaze sat down next to her. The alcohol warmed her insides.

“So tell me,” Blaze said huskily. “Why did you really call me? I have to admit that I didn’t think I would ever hear from you again?”

“Really? Why would you think that?” Noelle finished her drink and Blaze took the glass from her, rising to refill it. He remained quiet as he poured her second drink and spoke only after he returned to her side.

“Come on, Noelle. You seem smart enough to figure that out. You’re a nurse who lives across the country. You seem to have your shit together, other than getting your heart broken last weekend; and I suspect that was really the only reason you agreed to trust me. Women like you don’t get mixed up with men like me.” He said the last words darkly.

“I don’t know what you mean by ‘men like you,’ ’’ she said stubbornly.

Blaze rolled his eyes. “I’m going to guess that your ex-boyfriend was nothing like me. He was probably clean cut, had a good job, and came from a solid family.” He turned his face to Noelle, challenging her to disagree.

“So what? Clearly it didn’t work out with him!”

“Which is why you’re here? I’m different. I’m dangerous. Something refreshing from your safe little life?”

The alcohol burned as it coursed down her throat, and she finished her second drink.

“I have not lived a 'safe little life',” she a little too forcefully. “And maybe that is why it didn’t work with my ex. Who knows? And I’m not just here for a break from my life.” Secretly, though, she knew there was some truth to what Blaze had said.

“So tell me why, then. The money? The sex?”

He wasn’t going to stop asking.

“I told you already. Both,” Noelle said clearly, looking at Blaze head on. “If I had more money, then I could move and get out of the condo that now reminds me of my ex, who decided it was better to screw someone else while living with me, instead of being honest with me months ago!” The words came out quickly now, and she knew she was tipsy. She hadn't eaten on the flight, so the alcohol went to her head that much faster.

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