Biker's Claim: A Bad Boy Romance (Demons MC) (Contains bonus book Cocked!) (16 page)

BOOK: Biker's Claim: A Bad Boy Romance (Demons MC) (Contains bonus book Cocked!)
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I stared at him, wondering that exact same question.

He had a good reason for what he did all those years ago, but that didn’t excuse all the shit he did after that, all the lying and the death that followed. Jetter may have left for noble reasons, or at least he thought they were noble, but in the end Jetter was still just a selfish fuck.

Maybe a selfish fuck with a sad backstory, but still selfish.

“Yeah,” I said, “but maybe a little bit better.”

He laughed and stood up. “Fine. That’s fine,” he said. “Can’t hold that against you.”

“That’s all then?”

He smiled and nodded. “That’s all. You got to know me; you saw the trailer.”

“So I can go now?”

“I’m not holding you against your will, Janine.”

I pushed off the wall and headed back into the main room and toward the front door.

“Janine,” he called, following me. “One more thing.”

I paused and looked at him. “What?”

“This is happening,” he said with a serious look on his face, “whether we want it to or not. Things are moving fast. You’re going to have to come over to my side sooner or later.”

“Maybe,” I said. “We’ll see.”

He stared at me. I turned and quickly left the trailer, resisting the urge to run as fast as I could.

Clutch was still leaning up against his bike, chewing on a piece of grass. He looked up as I approached. “That was fast,” he said.

“Let’s go.”

“You got it.”

He got onto the bike and I climbed on the back. He kicked it to life and we headed toward home again.

I couldn’t get that story out of my mind. I couldn’t imagine Larkin doing any of the things that Jetter said he did, but why would Jetter lie? It did explain why Jetter would betray the Demons the way he did back then.

But I couldn’t let myself get sucked into his game. I didn’t know why he told me that story or brought me over, but Jetter was a liar and a cheat. We all knew that about him. I couldn’t get blinded by him.

Clutch rode back toward the clubhouse, and I gripped his body, holding tight. Clutch felt like the only stable thing in my fucked-up life.

Even if he wasn’t solid at all.


couldn’t stop thinking
about the look on her face as she came out of Jetter’s trailer.

She’d looked confused and afraid. She probably wouldn’t admit that shit to me, but it was right there plain as day on her face. I was supposed to pretend like I didn’t see it, act like nothing was happening, but that was getting harder and harder.

I wasn’t the type of man to hold back. I hated not taking what I wanted, even when I had damn good reasons for keeping myself in check. But there was only so much a man could take before he gave in and did exactly what he wanted to do.

Halfway back toward the clubhouse, I pulled off the road. I could feel Janine’s grip tighten on me as I hit a bumpy dirt road, but I ignored it. I was going somewhere on a total whim, not totally sure what my endgame was, but I was at the point where I didn’t care anymore.

We pulled through a short wooded area and I saw the spot up ahead. The building loomed up out of the clearing, old and rusty. It was probably once painted blue, but most of that paint had been worn away over time, and it looked more like a rust-covered steel beam than anything else.

I pulled off to the side and cut the engine.

“Why are we here?” Janine asked.

“Want to show you something.” I climbed off my bike and started walking.

She caught up with me. “Clutch,” she said, “you’re creeping me out.”

I stopped in front of the door to the building. The place was huge, at least three stories, and stretched far back. There were no signs anymore, and most of the walls were covered with at least some graffiti.

“I used to come here as a kid,” I said, kicking open the door.

It burst in and smacked against the inside wall. I stepped through and looked around.

Janine followed. “What is it?”

“Factory,” I said. “Used to be, at least. Not sure what they made.”

The main factory floor stretched on for maybe the length of a football field. There were once machines all over, but they were long gone. Clutter, trash, and debris stood in their place, trash from years of kids coming to hide away from their parents, junkies and homeless people looking for a place to crash, and who knew what else. I began to walk inside.

“Clutch, stop,” Janine said. “Stop. Why are we here?”

I turned back toward her and shrugged. “I don’t know,” I said. “I remembered it was nearby as we were heading home. Wanted to show you.”

She bit her lip. “I’m not sure we should be here.”

I laughed. “Nobody cares that we’re here.”

“No,” she said. “Maybe I do.”

I cocked my head. “You scared? Ain’t no ghosts here, princess.”

“I’m not scared of ghosts. I’m scared of you.”

I took a step toward her. “Nothing to be scared of.”

“You know that’s not true.”

I stared at her for a second without speaking. “When I was a kid,” I said finally, “I lived near here, for a little bit at least. I used to sneak out when my mom got too drunk or her new boyfriend got too violent. I’d come here, sit around, smash shit, pretend like my life wasn’t fucked up to hell.”

“Did that help?” she asked.

“Sometimes,” I said. “And sometimes it was just running away from the truth. Never helps, running away.”

She nodded. “Yeah. It never works.”

“So this is it, some big fucking part of my childhood.”

“When did you find the Demons?”

“Later,” I said. “I was just a little kid when I’d come here, back when my mom still tried to take care of me.”

We stood there and looked into the vast empty space in silence. I remembered smashing what was left of the glass windows, or at least some of them, with rocks. I remembered finding a stack of pornographic playing cards, the sort of score every kid dreamed of. I remembered pretending to be a soldier, running around with a stick that served as my rifle. It was just some dangerous-as-hell abandoned factory, but back then it was my fucking refuge from the world.

“Come on,” Janine said finally. “We should get back.”

“Yeah,” I grunted. “Fine.”

She turned, and I gave the place one last look before following her back toward the bike. We picked our way over the uneven dirt road, and as we got close to the bike, she tripped on something, stumbling.

I grabbed her by the waist, pulling her against me.

She took a deep breath. “Thanks,” she said, practically a whisper.

Her body was pressed against mine, my hands on her hips, my lips against her neck. My cock was suddenly rock hard, and that need, that same need from the night before, started coursing through my veins.

I wasn’t holding back this time. I wasn’t fucking playing games anymore. I kissed her neck and slipped my hand down the front of her jeans, finding her panties.

And they were soaking fucking wet.

She moaned loudly, tipping her head back. “Clutch,” she gasped as I found her clit.

I growled, desire and lust rushing through my whole mind. I couldn’t think of anything but taking her the way I wanted it. No more holding back. It was just me and her, alone in the woods with everything unsaid still left between us.

I kissed her neck, finding her clit, and began stroking her, rubbing her. She put her hands up and touched my face, moving them up to run her fingers through my hair.

“I can’t hold back anymore,” I grunted. “I’m taking what I want.”

“What do you want?” she gasped.

“This pussy. This fucking body. Everything about you.”

“What else?”

I pressed my fingers deep inside her and she gasped. I began to slide them deeply in and out, rubbing her clit and back in, working her pussy the way I knew she liked it.

“Your fire,” I whispered. “Your determination. Your loyalty. Your fucking brains. Everything about you makes my cock so hard I can barely fucking think.”

She turned around then, pulling my face to hers, and crushed my mouth with hers. I kissed her back, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close to me. We kissed that way for what felt like an hour, our bodies locked together, mouths moving, and my mind was empty. There was nothing there but Janine, her body, the wind through the trees.

Then she stepped back, pulling away. She moved back toward my bike, stopping once she felt it against the back of her legs. I advanced on her. She quickly unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off.

I did the same, keeping my eyes on her. We didn’t need to say a word. We just undressed. She left her low-cut shirt on but tossed her panties aside as I slipped a condom from my jeans and tossed my boxer briefs and my pants aside.

I tucked the condom under her bra strap and grabbed her hair, kissing her again, my fingers finding her absolutely dripping wet pussy. Her hands found my hard cock and began to stroke me as I stroked her.

There was no messing around, nothing but animal lust between us. I pushed her back slightly, sitting her up onto the bike. She gasped as I pulled her forward slightly and dropped to my knees in front of her, pressing my mouth against her sweet cunt and tonguing her tight pussy.

She gasped as I licked her furiously, working her clit with my tongue and mouth, sucking and lapping at her. She gripped the bike to steady herself, and I held on to her legs, locking her in tight. I licked her pussy while she sat on my fucking bike, pure power underneath her as I sucked and licked that perfect clit.

She moaned loudly, her legs spread wide open. Neither of us cared about being out in public; it didn’t matter at all. Anyone could see or hear us, but all I could think about was her pussy under my tongue. I wanted to make her feel good, right, push her close to the limit.

I pressed my fingers deep inside her as I sucked her clit. I heard her groan and then reach up and rip something open. I looked up and saw her dangling the condom in front of me, this intense lust in her eyes.

I didn’t say a word. I just stood, took the condom, rolled it down my length, and then pressed my cock deep inside her. There was no buildup, no fucking around. I pushed my cock deep inside her pussy, and she gasped, throwing her head back.

“Fuck, girl,” I said as I began to thrust. “I’ve always wanted to fuck a tight pussy on my bike.”

“Oh god, I needed this,” she said. “I needed it so badly.”

I kissed her mouth, fucking her pussy. My cock slid in deep and wet, pushing hard and filling her every inch. She groaned against my mouth as I kept fucking her, holding her legs tight, her hands back against the bike to keep her balance.

I reached down with one finger and began to rub her clit as I fucked her, rough and hard. The bike was rocking dangerously, but neither of us cared. I fucked her savagely and deep, filling her cunt up, working her tight pussy like she wanted it.

I pulled back suddenly, as the bike was so close to tipping over. I grabbed her hips and pulled her off, turning her around. She obeyed easily, knowing what I wanted. She spread her legs wide and held on to the steadied bike, bending over for me, showing me that wet fucking pussy. I grabbed her hips and slid my cock in front behind while she pressed her mouth against the leather of the seat, biting down against it.

I fucked her rough like that, slapping her round ass hard. She moaned, her mouth against the leather seat, as I fucked her harder, deeper, my cock slamming against her ass, filling that tight cunt up with my heavy dick. She loved it when I slapped her ass, grabbed her hair, treated her like the fucking bad girl she really was.

It was pure animal lust. We were fucking and nothing more, our bodies working together. I slapped that ass again, loving the way she moved it back up against my cock, and then reached around to get at that fucking clit with my fingers.

I rubbed her, fucking her deep and savagely. “Shit, keep going,” she gasped, raising her head up and arching her back. “Oh fuck. Keep doing that. Fuck me, Clutch. Fuck my pussy hard.”

“Damn right, girl. I want to come deep in this tight cunt. I’m going to fill you up, you dirty girl, make you fucking come and scream my name. I want the whole damn city to hear you.”

I kept rubbing, fucking her rough, sliding my cock in and out, thrusting hard and savagely as I rubbed her clit. Her whole body was tensing, her fingers grabbing on to the bike, her mouth pressed against the leather seat as I slammed into her.

And then she finally reached her peak. Her body arched and tense. I watched as she came, saying my name over and over, and I didn’t let up. I didn’t slow down for one second, because I wanted that pussy, wanted to make her come so hard she couldn’t breathe. She said my name, moaning it loudly as her body shook, her legs bending and tensing, but I held on to her, fucking deep, deeper.

And as she threw her head back and moaned my name, that shit tipped me over the edge. I grabbed her hips hard and fucked her rough, deep, and felt my cock come deep inside her tight pussy. I groaned, grunting my pleasure as the orgasm exploded through my veins, filling me with fire and fucking animal energy.

We came together, my cock thrusting hard deep inside her, pushed up against my bike. And slowly we came down together, the orgasms rushing through us and passing.

I pulled myself out of her slowly, breathing deeply. That had been one of the most intense fucks of my life. It had come on out of nowhere and finished fast and absolutely intense. She stayed where she was, legs less spread but facedown against the bike, breathing deeply.

“Fuck,” I said finally, taking off the condom and wrapping it back in its wrapper. “Shit, girl.”

“Yeah,” she said, standing up finally. “That was something.”

“You’re fucking something.”

I grabbed her and pulled her against me, kissing her hard.

“Come on,” she said when I was done. “Let’s get out of here before someone finds us.”

“Now you’re worried?” I asked, grinning. “Didn’t seem to mind when I was fucking you a second ago.”

“I couldn’t think about it then,” she said, smiling. She found her panties and jeans and got dressed again.

I put my clothes back on too. “Just admit you get off having my big cock fuck you out in the open like this.”

“Can’t deny it,” she said, that cute fucking smile still there.

Once we were dressed, I climbed onto my bike. She got onto the back and wrapped her arms around me.

I tore out of there, dirt kicking up from my wheels, and headed back toward the clubhouse.

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