Billionaire Brothers 2 : Love Has A Name (20 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Brothers 2 : Love Has A Name
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I laughed. “Let’s see if you’ll be doing that in the next two or so years.”

Instead of letting Trudy exit on the curb where I’d stopped, I drove off around to the parking lot.

“What are you doing?”

“Coming in to mess around with your boss a little,” I sang, then stopped at a thought. “You know if he’s in any meetings or anything right now?”

Trudy’s brows furrowed in displeasure. “Don’t know. I’d have to check with his assistant when I get in.” Her frown still residing, she tentatively broached, “Axia, I still think it’s weird that you’re dating my boss. It feels awkward every time he asks me about you.”

The parking lot had next to no spaces available and I tried to reverse Rumby between two cars without dinging any. It better fit. “I’m not dating him, Trudy.”

“Okay then. It’s weird that you’re
my boss.”

“I’m not screwing him either,” I said, checking my rear-view mirrors.

“Well, having oral sex with my boss.”

Finally squeezing the jeep into the space, I switched off the ignition and laughed. “That was one-sided. I told you.”

Trudy huffed in exasperation and I had to laugh again. The woman allowed anything and everything to bother her. “Whatever the hell it is that you two are doing, I don’t like it. Okay?”

“Well maybe you shouldn’t have given him any information about me,” I retorted.

“I didn’t think —”

“That’s right. You didn’t think.”

“Axia, I’m sorry. I’m just worried. I know what you’re like and I know what he’s like. Yes, he’s an amazing boss but he’s also a careless douche with women. And you, you’re the bitchiest bitch. The chances of you two working out together as a couple just don’t seem probable in my eyes. It’ll have a nasty ending and I don’t want it to affect my job or the relationship I’ve worked to build with him for so long. I’ve gone through three bosses to get to where I’m at. That now he’s no longer my boss’s boss’s boss’s boss. But my actual boss. You can’t screw this for me.”

Flipping down the visor mirror, I began cleaning my face of any ice cream remnants, moisturized my lips and ruffled my ponytail. “I really don’t know what you’re worried about, Trudy. Nelson and I aren’t trying to become a ‘couple’. You know I’m not in for all that shit. So there won’t be any ‘nasty ending’. Relax.” I flipped up the visor, hopped out of the jeep, and turned to look at Trudy who was still sitting in the passenger seat scowling at me. “I’m just going up there to mess around with him a bit, is all. I think it’s only fair. He’s done the same to me on numerous occasions. It’s payback. So are you gonna get me in to see the man or not? Be careful not to let the door hit the car next to you, there’s little space.”

Trudy moaned in misery and carefully slumped out of the jeep. “Why, oh, why did I sneak that Snickers in my bag that morning? All of this started because of that irresistible Snickers. And now I’m stuck in the middle with you two.”

Laughing — damn, I’d been doing that
a lot
since Saturday — I crooked my arm through Trudy’s and patted her shoulder with fake consolation. “I bet the next time you try to cheat-eat any prohibited food, you’ll think twice. You see, my dear friend, diet disobedience can cause you more than just calorie and fat problems.”


e’s currently in a meeting via Skype, Trudy. He, however, gave the green light for you to head on up in twenty minutes,” Lovello’s cute assistant informed Trudy. She was fair-skinned, with low-cut dark hair that waved in S-curls and was faded neatly around the sides. Her feline brown eyes gave her an exotic look. Eying her up and down, I wondered if Lovello had slept with her, too.

“Thanks, Carla,” Trudy acknowledged.

Carla lingered in the office doorway, staring expectantly at Trudy who was looking at anything else but her. Carla flicked her eyes to me, then pointedly back at Trudy, who then looked up at her with a pointed glare of her own. “I said:
Thanks, Carla.

Carla narrowed her eyes at Trudy, then at me, and then at Trudy again before stomping from the doorway. What the hell was that about?

“Nelson slept with her, too?” I blurted.

“No,” Trudy answered in firm assurance.

“How are you so sure of that?”

Her cheeks flushed and a nervous expression passed over her face before she snapped at me. “I just know, okay.”

Suspicion lingered on the turf, but I decided to make nothing more of it.

Not wanting Pretty Boy to know I was here, Trudy had told Carla to tell him that she was humbly requesting a brief consultation, all the while grimacing and worrying about how Nelson might react to this lie. By gad, she could worry her socks off! I was not sure what had gotten into me, though. Popping up and messing around with people was rather uncharacteristic of me. But knowing Lovello’s genial spirit, I had no qualms about it. I did, however, know that the last time I saw him he was pissed at me. And I therefore had to admit that I was a bit dubious about how receptive he would be of me and my idleness today.

The truth is, I missed him. Like crazy.

In L.A., I’d had unexpected fun with him. Had enjoyed every single second spent with him. And since I came home, I’d wanted nothing more than to be around him again. To hear his deep, masculine chuckle. To see him grin and do that sexy lip biting thing. To feel his touch again. His tongue. I
him. But I’d managed to keep away and shrug off my girlish feelings in a prideful way that only I could. Upon being in front of his building, however, the compelling urge to come inside and see my pretty boy was a wrestle match that I lost.

After thirty forever minutes of hanging around and jabbering about nothing in Trudy’s office, Carla returned with tight lips and grim eyes to let Trudy know it now was okay to head on up to Nelson’s.

All the way up to the forty-sixth floor, Trudy voiced her worries, driving me into annoyance. I was beyond relieved when the elevator doors opened.

“His office is that way,” she said, pointing to her left. “The black door. It’s the only office on this floor.”

“What are those other two doors, then?” I asked, nodding in the other direction where there were two white doors on either side of the hall.

“Rooms. Kinda like his quarters when he has to work for days on end without going home. He hasn’t really left the building since his return on Tuesday. There are more than desired inactive accounts on Tellit, so he’s been working on new designs and features to refresh it.” Trudy frowned, then stepped back into the elevator and made a furious punch on the button for her floor. “Don’t ask me anything else.”

“You really suck at keeping information in, Trudy.” I felt like teasing the worry rat. “Ooooh … your job is
on the line.”

As she started to curse at me, the elevator doors closed in and I couldn’t help laughing. The woman was a nervous wreck. But hell, I loved her to pieces.

Lovello’s office door was left ajar, cool air-conditioner leaking through the space. What was it with this man and the cold? Before knocking, I traced my fingers over the rectangular gold nameplate that had
‘Lovello T. Nelson. Chief Executive Officer’

My knuckles tapped on the door twice, and Lovello wearily voiced “Miss Green, while you stand outside and knock, the clock inside sings tick-tock.”

Someone seems to be in a grumpy mood. Didn’t sound like my usual pretty boy at all.

Ready to make his day mood worsen, I pushed open the door with a smirk on my face. Lovello was sitting behind an immense crescent-shaped desk made of dark wood, two big, black leather club chairs in front of it. A black L-shaped leather sofa on the far left, with twin flat-screen televisions on the wall adjacent.

His desk was messy with paraphernalia strewn about as if he’d been deep in work all day. Three
cups, a Chinese food box with chopsticks jutting out, two half-empty bottles of
water and a crumpled
wrapper all sat in line on the right end of his desk as if they were awaiting the next passing train. His white shirtsleeves were folded up to his elbows, his dark gray tie loose around his neck, the first three of his shirt buttons undone, and his hair looking as if he’d raked his hand through it a million times for the day. Behind him was a vista of the many towering buildings in San Francisco, serving as the backdrop of a beautifully disheveled businessman.

Lovello didn’t look up when I entered, his eyes focused on his computer screen, tapping a single key on the keyboard at every three seconds. That had given me enough time to take in the glorious sight of him. An inexplicable sensation seeped through my veins. I was turned on. And I mean turned the
on. He looked as if he’d been wrestling with a lioness and walked away unscathed, if only a little shabby and disheveled. The whole weary, messy thing he had going on made me want him even more. My initial plan had been to just screw around with him a bit. But at this delectable view, I knew, instantly, that what I wanted to do was

Without turning around, I reached for the door behind me, closed it and turned the lock.

At the sound, Lovello began speaking, drearily and reluctantly dragging his eyes away from the computer screen. “Green, this better be imp —” His words tripped once his eyes were fully away from the computer screen and settled on me.

Myriads of expressions sprinted across his face and I knew that, out of confusion, he wasn’t sure what to make of my visit.

“Is this how you have meetings with your workers? Looking all disheveled and harassed?”

The amalgam of expressions disappeared and now he wore … none. His tone was as flat as stale soda when he asked, “What are you doing here?”

Determined on getting what I wanted, I started towards his desk — it was a good distance from the door. Once I got around to where he was, I perched my ass on the edge. “I told you, Pretty Boy, that I know exactly where to find you when I want a quick fix.”

do you want? Don’t you have classes to instruct? Propositions to turn down? Bitchiness to dish out?” His tone was confirmation that he was still vexed with me. Hell, I didn’t need his tone to tell me that. The man had been avoiding me all week.

“I just told you what I wanted. And don’t you worry about what’s on my agenda. I’m the
who does whatever she wants.”

“Listen, Axia, I don’t —”

I pressed my index finger against his lips, stopping his words from spilling. “Shhh…” I pulled his loosened tie from around his neck. “No talking today, Pretty Boy.”

His face twisted in a confused expression when I covered his mouth with his necktie, knotting it at the back. Nevertheless, he didn’t stop me. Knowing Lovello, there’s no doubt he was amused.

I kicked off my sandals and made little work of removing my jeans. Lovello’s eyes followed my every move, and my core blazed like a furnace when his eyes grew dark and hooded, his breathing growing heavy. He remained motionless, but I knew he wanted me as badly as I did him. Pissed or not.

The throbbing between my legs increased much to the point of pain. Desire for him grew wild within me. I was aching for him, to feel him, his touch. Panties finally off, I swiveled his chair away from the desk and straddled him.

As if our contact made it harder for him to breathe, Lovello tore the necktie from his mouth.

“Don’t. Speak,” I ordered. If this was a Sub of mine, he’d definitely be penalized for removing a restraint. But Lovello was anything but.

He didn’t respond, though, merely watched me with hungry eyes. No problem. There was still some control, so I could work with that. Roughly grabbing his chin, I brought my lips to his, kissing him deeply and forcefully while rocking back and forth against his erection. He returned my kiss with the same intensity, but made no attempts to touch me.

The friction of my neediness against his had me building such deep pleasure that I almost growled. As I scraped my teeth along his impeccably squared jaw, I unbuttoned his shirt the rest of the way down. My lips drifted down his neck, and he tipped his head back to expose his throat. He still didn’t touch me.

BOOK: Billionaire Brothers 2 : Love Has A Name
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