Billionaire Brothers 2 : Love Has A Name (22 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Brothers 2 : Love Has A Name
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He raised a brow. “Sure this is not a ploy to get knocked up in order to trap a young, hot billionaire?”

I gave him a disgusted look and scoffed. “I’m not even gonna bother telling you to ‘get over yourself’ this time. Just look at me and tell me if I look like a woman who gives a shit about pissing out annoying brats. Gotta be kidding me.”

He frowned in thought for a second, then shrugged. “Clean records. No condom. No problem.”

“See you around, Pretty Boy,” I sang as I sashayed to the door.

But he couldn’t let me leave before catching up to me and giving me another long, lingering kiss. “May thoughts of me keep you grinning all day,” he said, spanking my ass as I opened the door.

When I was halfway out, I poked my head back around the door and said in a sweet voice, “And oh, Mr. CEO?”

Lovello jerked around. “Hmm?”

“Clean up your damn desk!” I yelled and slammed the door. I could hear his deep chuckling as I walked away.

As the elevator descended with me, I thought about how content Lovello made me. If I enjoyed being around him this much, why was I so reluctant to enter a relationship with him? At times I wondered if I was truly over Zane or not. And if he was the reason why I tried to stay available. Was my father right?

Lovello was what I craved for, what I was addicted to, yet I was still reluctant. A sudden desire to please him surged through me, nevertheless, and I concluded my ‘thinking about it’ in less than five minutes …

For Love, I’ll try.


aturday night was a quiet and rewarding night of relaxation from a hectic day. I was curled up on my couch watching a muted television, sunken deep in thought after an hour-long telephone conversation with Zane. He’d babbled on in convincing tones about how much we were ‘meant for each other’ and that the idea needed to be put into action because he ‘loved me forever’ and whatnot. A few weeks ago I might have been glad to hear those words and jump into action on anything he offered. But the entire time throughout our conversation, my mind was on one person only: Pretty Boy Nelson. Such had caused me to hear only a fraction of Zane’s hour-long rambling. The scent of Lovello was still in my nostrils, the sensation of his touch was still there on my skin, the taste of his tongue was still in my mouth. And here was Zane, a little bit too late.

I’d already been claimed.

My intercom receiver rang, dragging me from my sweet reveries, and I lethargically rose from the sofa and trudged over to the wall by the front door to answer it. The disembodied voice of Bill, security of the gated community I reside in, came over the receiver. “Miss Blacksille, there’s a Lovello Nelson here who says you’re expecting him. Should I let him through?” Bill sounded annoyed, and I could hear Lovello grumbling his own annoyance in the background about being restricted entrance to his own brother’s complex.

How Lovello knew where I lived I couldn’t tell, for he hadn’t asked me. But to direct another ‘how did you know’ question at Lovello Nelson would sound inane. Since our ‘quick fix’ in his office yesterday, I hadn’t seen or heard from him. But I’d figured he was still laboring on revamping his social network and told myself that whenever he needed me, he’d come to me. And that he did. “Yes, Bill. He’s safe. Let him through.”

“Okay, Miss Blacksille. Have a good night.”

I opened the front door and leaned against its frame to wait for him. The cold night air swept across my bare legs, causing me to shiver and tighten the strings of my pink silk robe. Beneath it I had on tiger-print Victoria Secret boy-shorts and sleep tank. I’d showered about a hour and half ago and moisturized my skin, so I didn’t need to run to the bathroom to primp or anything. My hair was piled in a stringy heap atop my head and I was make-up-free, but I wouldn’t have the time to rush to the powder room even if I wanted to.

Car lights peeped around the corner, then turned straight into my driveway. The bright, bluish headlights shone directly on me in the doorway, and I raised my hand to shade my eyes from being blinded, signaling for him to turn the damn headlights off. But he didn’t, and, though I couldn’t see him, I knew, without a doubt, that he was sitting in his car with a cocky smirk on his face.

So, with a smirk of my own, I pulled the ties of my robe and held it wide open, displaying my body in just skimpy boy-shorts and sleep tank. With a honk of his car horn, the headlights went on high beam, blinding me further. In defeat, I rolled my eyes and closed my robe. There was no winning with him. A few annoying moments passed before he killed the engine of his Bugatti and stepped out, all six foot three of him, lean and formidable as he made lazy strides towards me. The car lights flashed with a beep behind him to signal its automatic locking.

It was when he got near to me that I noticed the weariness in his eyes. His hair was messier than normal and the usual spark his face had was absent. His suit jacket was missing, his tie was undone and I deduced he came here straight from work.

He stopped in front of me, twirling his car keys around his finger with a laggard smile. “Crissida Cove, huh? You know this is my brother’s complex, right?”

“Don’t I must?
bought the damn house, didn’t I?”

“Let’s see, all your electronic equipment are of a Nelson brand. The complex you live on is owned by a Nelson. And you’re quick-fixing a Nelson. You are quite involved with the Nelsons, Miss Blacksille.”

“It’s hard not to be, when the three Nelson demons are everywhere and all up in everything.”

He laughed. “I missed you.”

“Well, now you’re here. Come in. It’s cold.”

I moved aside to let him enter, and as soon as the door was closed, he had me up against it, his tongue delving into my mouth, kissing me with voracious need as if he couldn’t get enough. Drowning in my own need for him, I threw my hands around his neck and returned his kiss with the same hunger. Stroke for stroke. I missed him, too.

“You are so … sexy. So … sweet. You feel so … damn
he mumbled in between kisses.

Kudos to him for having breath sufficient to speak; mine was snatched away from my lungs by his desperate kisses. Lovello broke the kiss and dropped his forehead to mine, panting heavily, looking immensely tired and sleep-deprived.

“You look beat, Love. Have you slept? Are you hungry? I can fix you something.”

“Just hungry for you.”

“Lovello, be serious.”

being serious.” He gave a small shake of his head and pushed away, taking my hand and leading me to my own family room. Oh, so he knows the layout, too. “The reconstruction concept I’ve been working on is finished. I’ve tossed it over to the team. So now I can rest.” He plopped down on my red leather sofa, dragging me down with him.

An object was digging into my side and I twisted to remove the television remote from between us. “So you’ve eaten, then? You don’t want a cup of hot chocolate or something? I’m not used to you looking so … dreary.”

Lovello tilted his head to regard me, a contented smile spanning across his handsome face, his slate-gray eyes holding some unfathomable emotion. His hand went up to the top of my head and loosened the stringy mass of hair, causing it to tumble down my face and on his chest. Bundling my hair in one big palm, he pulled it away from my face and channeled it down my back, then pressed his lips against my forehead and whispered, “Just this.”

Trouble. Trouble. Trouble lies ahead …

This man and his tenderness were doing something to me. Something was changing inside me and I knew it could only mean
. Not wanting him to see that he was having a profound effect on me at this very moment, I averted my eyes and silently laid my head on his chest, wrapping myself around him. This felt good, he felt good, I felt good. And I wanted this feeling to stay with me. I wanted it to last. I wanted him. I wanted the ‘more’.

Lovello heaved a weary sigh and picked up the remote, nuzzling his nose in my hair as he switched the channel to
As he listened to boring dribble about the economy, I closed my eyes and listened to the constant beat of his heart. Scarcely five minutes had passed before his heart slowed to ponderous beats and his breathing evened out. I opened my eyes and peeked up at him. Pretty Boy Nelson was sound asleep, his long lashes fanned his cheeks, his mouth hung lax.

I stealthily snuck the remote from his hand, switched off the television and snuggled deeper in his arms. There was no way I was leaving his arms tonight. If at all.

Consciousness visited as the morning sun’s rays poked at my eyelids, the faint sound of Timo’s whining tickling my ear. My body contorted in stretches as I opened my eyes and reached out my hand to Timo who began sniffing and licking at it, whining like the bitch that he wasn’t. He was hungry and he wanted me to know.

I’d had a dead sleep. A blank one. For it took me a while to remember that I’d fallen asleep with Lovello on this couch, and awoken on it alone. Sitting up while pulling a squirming Timo onto my lap, I glanced around the room, wondering if Lovello was still here. He wouldn’t just leave without a word, would he?

I got to my feet and caught sight of his shirt and necktie strewn across the edge of the sofa, while his socks and shoes were tossed in the most unconventional way about the area. On my walk into the kitchen, I spotted his
Richard Mille
wristwatch, platinum ring and wallet on the kitchen island. Jeez, the man was a walking mess. There must be a live-in housemaid at his house if he’s this messy.

Just to amuse myself, I drifted my eyes to the ceiling, wondering if I’d see his pants dangling from the chandelier. No such luck, I smiled to myself. The said pants were found a second later, however, lying limply in the hallway. I couldn’t help laughing as I picked them up. Where was he?

I checked my bedroom but he wasn’t there. Not in Timo’s lair either. After dunking dog food into a bowl to quell a whiny and miserable Timo, I went upstairs to check the guest bedroom but halted outside the door when I heard mumbling coming from inside the room. It was barely after seven in the morning: who could he be talking to this early on a

Then I remembered who this man was: Lovello Nelson. Of course he wasn’t seeing me alone. He had his other girls to keep in touch with, and he was keeping in touch with them in
guest bedroom. He’d made it abundantly clear that he couldn’t tolerate sharing me with anyone else, but I hadn’t made any such demands on my behalf. And I wasn’t about to. That would make me look desperate or, worse yet, like I’m falling for him. Therefore, he had the liberty do whatever he wanted with whomever. Men like Lovello Nelson had to have their cake and eat it, too. Just not in my house.

Turning on my heels, I headed back downstairs to my en suite bathroom to freshen up, finding that Lovello had helped himself to a new toothbrush — the ripped packet tossed on the vanity, even though the waste bin was just a hand’s throw away. A used razor was there also which meant he’d shaved, and my fluffy purple robe was missing. I’d sure as hell love to see how that was fitting him.

Once I was done cleaning myself up — and the bathroom — I dallied back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

It was a good twenty minutes when I was just about done preparing a breakfast of scrambled eggs, waffles, sausage, with blueberries, strawberries and Greek yogurt, that Mr. Nelson came sauntering into the kitchen, making a show of sniffing and rubbing his stomach over the puffy purple robe. Ridiculous is too lame a word to describe how he looked in that robe. I desperately wanted to laugh but forced myself to hold it in because I was secretly vexed with him.

BOOK: Billionaire Brothers 2 : Love Has A Name
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