Billionaire Husband (11 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

Tags: #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Billionaire Husband
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“I love you, Shaun.”

“I love you, too, baby. I will always love you.”

He meant every single word, and he was never going to give up on them.

“Harder,” she said, begging him.

He increased the pace, fucking her ass harder than before. Shaun couldn’t look away from his cock taking her. It was erotic, possessive, and there were no other words for him to describe what claiming Addie meant to him.

She was the one woman he’d loved more than anything. Only she had the power to bring him to his knees.

“That feels so good,” she said. “Harder, Shaun, harder.”

“Come for me, baby. I need you to come for me.”

She stroked over her clit, and the instant she started to orgasm, he felt it around his cock. Her ass became stronger than any fist, and he couldn’t hold back his growl as he fucked inside her harder than ever before, pouring his cum into her ass. He grew lightheaded from the pleasure, and when it was over, they collapsed together in a spooning position on the bed. Shaun was still deep inside her, and there was nowhere else he wanted to be in that moment. Cupping Addie’s hip, he kissed her neck, and his other arm was beneath her neck.

“That was amazing,” she said.

“Fuck me, baby, it was more than amazing.” He kissed her neck again, sucking on her pulse, which made her moan. “Thank you so much for trusting me with your body.”

She released a sigh. “I do trust you.” Addie placed her hand over his that rested on her thigh.

“Why do I feel a ‘but’ coming on?”

“There’s no but. I’m just happy, and I’m in love. It’s hard to believe that a couple of months ago we were meeting up for meaningless sex, and leaving each other alone. We lived separate lives, and now, we’re on our honeymoon.”

“We’ve gotten rid of our parents, and we’re together.”

“Do you regret our parents?”

“I regret not doing it sooner. We were married for three years, and not once did either of us consider actually talking to each other.”

“I thought you wanted to marry my sister.”


“You don’t believe in divorce, do you?”

Shaun chuckled.


“I think divorce is necessary if two people can’t make it work somehow. With you, no, I don’t believe in divorce. I will find some way to make to make it work for us. That’s how adamant I am about us. That’s how much I love you. I will fight for us every step of the way.”

“Every step?” she asked.


His cell phone started to beep, and Shaun groaned. “It’s Bruce’s ringtone. I’ve got to pick it up.” He kissed her lips and eased out of his woman, grabbing his cell phone from the bed.

“What’s the matter?” he asked. “I’m on my honeymoon.”

Shaun had arranged it so that he could spare a week with Addie before she had to go to a couple of interviews, and he had to continue running the corporation.

“You better check the news over here, Shaun. It’s bad. I don’t know who it is, but it’s bad news.”

He frowned and grabbed his laptop. “I take it you mean American news?”


Shaun had no choice but to carry his laptop with him at all times in case there was an emergency. While he was on the phone to Bruce, Addie had tensed up, and was watching him as he loaded up the internet.

It didn’t take him long to find what was being posted everywhere.

In big, bold letters,
Arranged Marriage For … Greed?

Addie gasped as a picture of them on their wedding day was marked with the word, “Fake”.

He was so pissed off. “What do you know?” he asked.

“Someone has leaked out a business contract between you and Addie that includes marriage as part of a business contract. It is a vulgar representation of the company, Shaun. The press is all over the place. You’ve got to come back.”

Cursing, he hung up the phone, and looked through several more headlines. There were press reports, along with many other scandalous claims.

“Who do you think did this?”

Shaun opened his cell phone and dialed one of his old buddies who happened to work in one of the broadcasting companies. After ten minutes of catching up, Shaun was livid.

“It was my mother,” he said.

Before he got a chance to say anything else, Addie’s phone rang. She grabbed it, and accepted the call from Paula, putting her on speaker phone.

“Hi, Paula, you’re on speaker,” Addie said.

“I take it you’ve both seen the press?”

“Yes,” Shaun said. Addie was biting her lip and looking nervous. “How bad is it?”

“It depends how you look at it. It’s bad because you’ve got a lot of followers, especially with Addie’s book, and they’re all looking at your marriage now. I’ve checked the website, and there’s been a lot of questions about where you’ve been, and what exactly you’ve been doing, Shaun.”

“I told you my marriage was complicated, Paula. I didn’t keep it a secret from you.”

“I know, honey, and I’ve been told by my bosses to handle this.”

“You think this can be handled?” Shaun asked.

“Well, you can leave it, and let people think the worst, or you can come out, and tell the truth. You’re together now, right? You’re on your honeymoon, so why don’t you fly back home, and do a press conference? Do you even know who leaked this damn story?”

“Yes, my mother did,” Shaun said. “Don’t worry, I’ll be handling her.”

He was going to make sure that his parents never got the chance to hurt them again. After they finished talking with Paula, Shaun handled the return flights home, and offered his friend who’d given him the name of the person who sold the story, the first opportunity to hear their side of the story.

“We fly out tonight, and tomorrow, we’ll be doing our press release. There won’t be any script, just me, you, and the camera.”

Addie ran fingers through her hair. “Is it me, or does it sound all messed up?”

“It’s messed up, but don’t worry. I’ll handle my parents. I promise.”


Chapter Ten


They survived leaving the hotel, and even boarded Shaun’s private jet with no problems. The moment they landed, they were swarmed. Shaun did everything he could to protect her, and Addison was thankful. Microphones were thrust under their faces, and questions fired at them.

“What’s going to happen now that your marriage is a sham?”

“Did you remain faithful to your wife?”

“Is it really you cooking on your show?”

“Is everything a lie?”

By the time they arrived at the broadcasting house, Addie was exhausted. She’d never known anything like what she’d just experienced. She was used to being overlooked, not in the spotlight. There were many billionaires who didn’t live life in the camera.

“Are you okay, baby?” Shaun asked.

They had been seen to a private dressing room. She was going through some of the clothes that had been left out, and had been told they had an hour to get ready.

“I’m fine.” Her hands were shaking, and she felt sick to her stomach.

Shaun moved up behind her. “Don’t push me away. Talk to me.”

Letting go of the clothes, she released a breath. “I’ve never been so scared in all my life. Why would she do this?”

“My mother is a first class bitch, and once we’ve handled today, I’m going to pay her a final visit. She’ll learn to leave us alone.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Don’t worry about it, Addie.”

Her cell phone started ringing, and with Shaun resting his chin on her neck, she looked to see who it was.

“Darla. I wonder if she has heard,” he said, moving away.

“Hey,” Addison said, answering the call.

“What the fuck! Seriously, I log into our emails for the show, and all this shit is going on? It hasn’t been a week, and this is going on?”

Sitting down in one of the chairs, she ran a hand down her face. “Where do you want me to start?”

“At the beginning.”

Addison brought her friend up to date on everything that had been going on in her life, including all the crap that hadn’t gone right. She told her about the awful dinner, and how she and Shaun had finally cut ties. When she finished, she was crying, and Shaun was holding her.

“Fuck, I knew your family was fucked, but wow. You’re going to be doing a press conference?”

“More like an interview. Have you seen Dean?”

“Dean? Why would I see him?”

“He’s on his way to Yorkshire to be with you.”

Darla sighed. “Believe it or not, I’m at the airport to come and support you.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“You’re my best friend, and that is what people do for each other. We support each other with this kind of stuff. I’m not having anyone tear apart our hard work on our show. We did that, Addie. You and me, we put that together, and it’s our baby. I refuse for anyone to drag it through the mud. I’ve already been on the phone with Paula, and she’s arranging for me to come out on some of our own interviews. The public, our loyal watchers, need to see that we’re not fakes. Our show is genuine.”

“Then do me a favor, and call Dean. He’s going to be worried.”

“I will, I promise. I’ll meet up with you tomorrow at breakfast?”

She asked Shaun if that was good for them, to which he nodded. “It’s good.”

“Okay, honey, knock them dead, and you show them how good you and Shaun are together. We’ll fix this, all of us.”

Saying goodbye to her friend, she felt a little better. “It’s time you got dressed for show time.”

Kissing her billionaire husband, she moved toward the clothes, and grabbed something she would actually wear.

Once she was dressed, she turned toward Shaun. “How do I look?”

“You look beautiful, baby. You always do to me.”

Moving toward him, she snuggled in close and locked her hands with his.

“Will our lives ever get easier?”

A knock sounded at the door, and she turned to look at Shaun.

“It will get easier. I promise. It’s going to be amazing.”

He kissed her lips, and they both moved toward the door, where a guy was waiting to escort them onto set. They had microphones attached to their shirts that were similar to the one she used for her own work.

She took a deep breath as they made their way onto the set, taking the two available seats. Shaun moved his seat closer to her, and held her hand as they waited for the countdown for the interview to start. They were staring at two people, a married couple themselves, Elizabeth and David Palmer. They were a rock within the television community, and Shaun’s friend had made sure they were interviewed by those two.

“Welcome back, and I have to say our next guests have been all over the news lately for a marriage that is supposed to be a sham,” Elizabeth said.

“That’s right, honey. Please welcome Shaun and Addison Woodside.”

The camera pointed at them, and Addison held her hand up, waving, and said hi to the couple. Shaun squeezed her hand a little tighter, and she accepted his comfort and his warmth. Taking a deep breath, she turned her attention back to the couple.

“I can see already that the rumors couldn’t have any credence? Look at that, baby, they’re holding hands, and he’s even moved the seat closer to her.”

Suddenly there was a replay on the screen of Shaun moving closer toward her, and locking their fingers together.

Addison’s stomach was all in knots as they started to talk.

“You’re both here, and I know you want to set the record straight? Am I right?” Elizabeth asked.

Turning to Shaun she waited for him to answer.

“You’re right. Addie and I, we didn’t have the best start in marriage. We had a fucking awful start. What you read in the papers, and listened to on the news was partly right.”

“Partly?” Elizabeth asked.

Sitting on a television set, about to share their story with the world, terrified Addison.

“Our families came together to grow stronger. Originally, my parents wanted me to marry Evangeline, Addie’s older sister. It wasn’t happening. I didn’t love Evangeline, let alone like her. Addie, though, in a room full of darkness and cold, she sat there, and I just knew I was going to have her. If I had to marry someone for the company, I was going to marry a woman I knew I could fall in love with.”

“What about you, Addie?” David asked.

“At first I thought he was like our parents, cold, and without a heart. I was wrong, and he’s proven that to me.”

“So, your marriage started out rocky, you said that yourself,” Elizabeth said.

Shaun revealed pretty much everything, how they’d lived separate lives, and how earlier this very year, he discovered that he’d not been wrong about her at all. He’d been right. They’d reconnected, and he was very much in love with her.

“What about your parents?” David asked.

“Our parents don’t support Addie’s career, and for that reason, I will no longer be supporting them,” Shaun said. “I love my wife, and I will do everything in my power to show her how much I love her, and if that means I’ve got to fight my parents, I will.”

Several more questions were fired at them, and then the audience was given the chance to ask them questions.

“There was no sign of you when you the news was leaked. Where were you both?”

Addison smiled. “I was on my honeymoon. We were in England, and were going to Italy before we had to come back for work.”

“I’m so sorry you had to deal with this.”

“It’s all work, right?” Shaun said. “We can all handle work.”

The interview lasted another few minutes, and when they were close to calling it a wrap, Addison rested her head on her husband’s arm. She really did love him.


Shaun had left Addie at her apartment, and had some security placed around her building to keep her safe. He’d arranged for both of their parents to be present at Addie’s parents’ house. This was going to end once and for all, and he was going to make sure they never interfered with their life again.

Parking his car outside of the main house, he didn’t even bother locking his door, nor did he bother knocking. Going straight toward the main sitting room, he saw all four people who had tried to make his and Addie’s life miserable.

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