Billionaire Husband (13 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

Tags: #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Billionaire Husband
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Shaun leaned down, placing his finger within reach, and his son grabbed hold of him.

“Hey, son,” he said, and such protective love swept over him, just like it did with his twins. “You’re going to want for nothing.”

Addie lifted him up and pressed a kiss to his nose. “You’re so beautiful. It’s going to be nice to sleep all night without you kicking me.”

Shaun laughed. During the nights, Shaun woke up so that Addie had a good night’s sleep. He’d find a couple of hours during the day to sleep. Shaun always made sure Addie was strong enough during the day.

They had been lucky with the twins as they had started to sleep throughout the night really quickly.

The moment they started talking to their son, he stopped screaming.

“How’s Darla doing?” Addie asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Will you go and check?”


He moved toward the connecting door that had been closed for the birth, and he saw that Darla and Dean were also smiling down at a beautiful bundle.

“We’ve got a little girl,” Dean said.

“A boy,” Shaun said.

Opening the doors, Shaun got the staff to move the bed toward Darla’s. The staff had only kept them apart for the birth so no mistakes were made.

The two women shared a smile, and wrapped an arm around each other.

Shaun went and got Paula, bringing their daughters into the room. Standing behind his wife, he stared down at his woman, before glancing around at his family. This was his family. They were part of his world, and he loved all of them, even Dean.

Paula took the twins for the night, and promised to be back in the morning to help. They were all a family, taking care of each other, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Addie handed him their son, he sat down by her side, watching as she drifted off to sleep.

“This has to be the best thing in the world,” Dean said.

“It’s one of many.”

“What’s the next?”

Shaun smiled. “I can’t pick one. I can tell you a few. For me, it’s always when they hold my finger. They are so young, and they need love and support. Then there’s the moment they start crawling, and talking to you. Not words, but garbled noise that you know they’re trying to talk to you.”

He locked his hands with Addie, and as she slept, she snuggled closer toward him.

“Then there’s their first word, and helping them grow. You’re in for a treat.”

Their marriage had started out rocky, but now they were stronger than ever. He loved Addie with all of his heart, and she made him a better person.

They had been married six years. The first three years didn’t count. The last three had been the best of his life, and he couldn’t wait for the next fifty years with her.


The End




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