Billionaire Romance: Flame (4 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Graham

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Flame
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Stephanie Graham

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A M Futures



John worked on the fence of the field.  It had been blown down in this last storm.  If he didn’t get it fixed right away the cattle would get out, and that would mean a ton of work, and possible loss of income.  Cattle could bring quite the price on the market when they were ready to sell.  So he really didn’t want them to get out.  Sure they had a brand on, but he didn’t want to deal with the trouble. 

He looked up into the distance.  There was a figure there, he couldn’t tell who it was, but it didn’t seem right.  He stopped his work to watch as the figure got closer to the field.  It was a woman, he could make that much out now.  But why was she out here walking? 

              “Excuse me ma’am.”  John shouted as she got closer to where he was working.  She looked at him, a blank look on her face.  But she didn’t say anything, just kept walking like she was in a daze.

              “Excuse me.”  John walked along the fence to talk to her.  “Why are you out here by yourself?  Where you in an accident?”  John noticed a bit of blood on her temple, and a few bruises that had formed around her neck.  He wasn’t sure what the story was, but it looked like this lady had been attacked.

John did a quick scan of the area, looking to see if anyone had followed the lady.  He didn’t spot anything on the horizon.  The lady still hadn’t talked, but she had stopped and looked at him.

              “Come with me.”  He said, grabbing her and brining her through the opening in the fence he had been mending.  He grabbed the woman, walked her back to the field barn.  Thankfully it wasn’t too far from this point.  John really wanted to get out of the day light.  He was still worried that perhaps someone was following her, though he had checked numerous times.

Once he was in the enclosed barn he had her sit down, and looked over her injuries.  He noticed the brushes forming around her neck again.  It looked like someone had tried to strangle this girl. 

              “What is your name?”  John asked.

The girl sat looking at him for a few minutes nothing coming out of her mouth.  John wondered if she was deaf and dumb, that would make sense.  Or maybe she was just in shock?  He got out the medical supply kit that he kept in the barn and started to clean up the blood on her temple.  The girl jumped as he began, like she was afraid of being touched.

              “I’m not going to hurt you.  I am trying to help you.”  John stopped and looked into her eyes.  He saw her relax a bit, and he began again.  He really wanted to see if there were any other injuries on her body, but wasn’t sure how to go about it.

              “I’m going to have to undress you to see if you are injured anywhere else, okay?”  He noticed her head move a bit as if saying yes.

John unbuttoned her blouse.  He noticed more bruises forming on her skin.  He shook his head, whoever had done this to her deserved to get the beat down of a lifetime, and he would gladly supply it.  He also noticed old scars from injuries the girl must have suffered before. 

He was a sensitive guy and it hurt him to imagine this girl going through the traumas she must have to have these scars.  He turned her around and saw some more blood on her back, he starting cleaning her up.  She jumped as he cleaned her, he was trying to be as gentle as possible, but it was hard.

              “Who did this to you?”  He asked.  He turned her back around and looked at her face and repeated the question.  “Who did this to you?”

The girl’s face crumpled and she began to cry.  She cried so hard her body began to convulse.  John wrapped his arms around her, protecting her from whoever this demon was that had damaged her so much.

              “Don’t get too close, this one could be dangerous.”  John heard Clyde say in his head.

John ignored Clyde.  This girl wasn’t dangerous.  “Maybe not her, but what about the person who did this to her?  You think they won’t come looking for her?”  Clyde chided in again.

              “Shut up Clyde, not now okay.  We will talk about this later.”  John thought in his head.

              “Well don’t say I didn’t warn you.”  Clyde huffed and went off to wherever it was he usually came from.  John wasn’t really sure.  Clyde had been with him for a few years now.  It had happened on time when he had gone on a peyote trip with the local Indians.  It must have been some really strong stuff, because he had met his spirit guide Clyde. That weekend he had also earned the name Six Gun Sorcery from the Indians.  They knew he was a cowboy, or a ranch owner, close enough to cowboy for them, plus the fact that he was a wizard.  The name had seem very appropriate and anytime he went to visit the Indians this was the name they called him!  The fact that Clyde had stuck around for all this time just made John wonder if he was crazy, or if Clyde was crazy.

              The girl was calming down, her sobs had slowed down, and her body wasn’t shaking as badly as it had been.  John pulled back and looked closely at her for the first time.  She was quite lovely, besides the bruises.

              “I wish you would tell me who you were.”  He said as he stared into her brown eyes.  He moved her long brown hair from her face to see them better.  John saw that her nose had been broken before, at least one time. 

              “I don’t know.”  Came a voice so small that John had thought Clyde was messing with him again.  She looked up at him, those big brown eyes lost, and said again.  “I don’t know.” 

She started to cry again.  John wrapped his arms around her once more.  It had been ages since he held a female this closely.  His body reacted as it should, but he didn’t want it to.  John tried to think of the man who hurt this woman and he was quickly under control. 

              “Shh, it’s fine.  Don’t worry, I will protect you.”  John whispered into her ear as he continued to hold her closely.  In his mind visions of what he would do to the man when he found him who had left her like this.

              “Thank you.”  She said softly.  She squeezed him tighter and he heard her cry out in pain, but she didn’t release her grip.  He tried to hold her more gently to not add to her pain.

He looked at her again, she was crying.  He couldn’t stand to see this girl cry.  She looked so beaten and weak, he just wanted to protect her and never let her go.  She leaned up and kissed him on the lips.  He was shocked at first, but she kept her lips there and he kissed back.  He was only a man after all, what else was he supposed to do.

              “Don’t do it.”  John heard Clyde scream in his mind.

John blocked him out, putting up the one wall that always worked to quite Clyde.  The kiss deepened and his body began to react again.  He could feel his dick stiffening, and was sure that she could feel it as well.  He was sure a minute later when she slid a hand down and rubbed against the outline in his pants.

He opened her mouth with his, and probed it deeply, his tongue seeking out hers.  She responded back, the kiss ignited so many feelings in John.  All the bad ones won out though, he soon had her pants off and was working on her bra. 

Unhooking the latch, he looked at the nipples they were huge and hard.  He lowered a mouth to one of them and sucked on it.  The girl’s body moved forward giving him full access to the breast.

John wasn’t thinking straight, he lowered her to the ground and moved between her legs.  He pulled the panties down slowly, revealing a shaved area, it looked delectable to him.  John took off his pants and stood above her, knowing that he shouldn’t do this.  The girl was in shock and he was most likely taking advantage of that, but his body was calling the shots.  His mind had stopped working a few minutes after she had kissed him the first time.

He looked down at the lovely body in front of him.  He should really stop, and had almost made his mind up to do so, when she moved and circled her hand around his hardness.  John lost any thoughts of stopping very quickly and he pushed her back on the ground.  He moved forward, his cock pointing the way to the prize and he entered her slowly.

She moved up to match his thrusts.  John was moving in and out of her, enjoying the feeling of her love hole wrapped around him.  He reached down and played with her clit while he fucked her, and go the welcome of her juices pouring over his member.  He could feel her orgasm, she got slick quickly.  It pushed him over the edge and he thrust forward one last time and unloaded into her. 

He rolled off her quickly, he didn’t want to put any extra weight on her body.  It looked as if she was bruised over quite a bit of it.  John felt suddenly guilty for having taking advantage of this lady and taking from her something that was so precious.

              “I’m sorry.”  He said, as he got up to get dressed.  He looked down at her, tears were in her eyes too.

John got back down by her and held her.  “I shouldn’t have I know.”  He said.

              “No, I wanted it.”  She said.  “It was nice.  I have never had an orgasm before.” 

              “What?”  John was shocked.

              “Never.  It is an unbelievable feeling.”  She kissed his cheek.  “Thank you.”

John was tempted to show her the many other ways he could bring her to orgasm.  But by this time his mind had told him not to do it again, and Clyde was back. 

              “Why did you do that?  She was innocent, you took advantage of a girl who was in shock, how could you?”  Clyde chided him.

              “I know.”  John answered Clyde back.             

              “Who are you talking to?”  She asked John.

He hadn’t realized he had talked out loud.  Of course since John was usually by himself it wasn’t hard to imagine that the fact he hadn’t slipped earlier was a miracle.  Normally he would talk to Clyde as if he was a man standing right beside him.

              “Clyde.  But that’s a long story.”  John said dismissing her question quickly.  He really didn’t feel like telling too much about himself.  Not until he knew a bit more about her.  Though John had to admit sex with her had been nice.  It hadn’t stopped his body from reacting to her, the fact that he knew nothing about her. 

              “Okay.”  She said.  John looked at her.  Why didn’t she ask again?

              “So you don’t know who you are?”  John asked again.

              “No, I don’t remember anything.  I just remember waking up and being in the woods up the road.”  The girl said pointing to the east. 

              “Hm.”  John muttered.  “No purse, nothing by you?”  John asked.

              “I didn’t look honestly, but there was nothing very close to me.”  She admitted.

              “I think it’s best if we go and check it out then.”  John stated.

She looked scared.  “No, please.”

              “It will be fine, I’ll get the truck and we’ll drive up there.  I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”  He put his hand on her leg.  She was still naked, and it was tempting him.  He would much rather show her the joys of the female orgasm, but this was important too.  Perhaps if they found out who she was, he could discover who had left her there.  Justice would be swift, he assured that to Clyde, in his mind.

              “I would think you would kill him, but make it a slow death too.  Any man who would do this to a woman, well he doesn’t deserve a quick death.”  Clyde stated.

              “Come on.”  John said helping her up and getting her dressed.  “I promise nothing will happen to you.”

She went along, albeit reluctantly.  Though John had to pull her along a few times, they finally made it to his truck.  He put her in and walked around to get into the driver’s seat.  “Do you remember where it was?”  He asked.

              “I think I’ll notice it.”  She said softly.

              “Look I know you don’t want to do this, but we need to try and find out who you are, okay?”  He stated.

              “I know, I’m just scared, but I don’t know why.”  She admitted.

Thankfully, she knew where she had woken up and he stopped to get out of the truck.  He looked around, but found nothing to identify her. 

              “So whoever left her here didn’t want her identified, if she lived.”  Clyde commented.

              “I know.  But her injuries weren’t that bad.”  John said.

              “Maybe something else was done to her.  You should check her out better.”  Clyde stated.

John hopped back into the truck.  “Nothing.  I think we need to go back to the house.  Are you hungry?” 

She shook her head yes, but didn’t say anything.  John wondered if Clyde was right.  He drove back to his house quietly.

As he pulled into the drive and up to the front of his house, he heard her make a surprised noise.  “Is this your house?”  She asked. 

              “Yes.”  He stated.

She looked at the huge house.  It was a mansion.  Was he married, how many people lived in this house?  But none of those questions came out, instead she just sat looking at the place.

              “Come on.”  He said as he opened her door and helped her out of the truck. 

              “Is this really all your house?”  She asked again.  Stunned by the size of it, she looked again at the man.  He didn’t look rich, but she had always heard that looks could be deceiving.  At least that’s what she remembered hearing.

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