Billionaire Romance: Flame (2 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Graham

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Flame
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Chapter Four


They were barely out the door when the echo of high heels enticed them both to turn around. Their eyes were greeted by black six inch stilettos with red soles on a woman donning a tight fitting white suit ensemble. She had radiant brown skin, long flowing wavy silky hair, cat shaped eyes and a bewitching smile. Dennis recognized her at once and she did too, because she went in straight for a hug, blessing him with red lipstick on his cheek.

“Jasmine huh?” she said in the most alluring American accent Belle had ever heard.

Dennis was clearly happy to see her. “I was just pulling your teeth, Jessica.”

“Good thing you’re not my dentist then,” she said. Jessica then whipped her hair to one side as she studied Belle who looked out of place. Jessica asked Dennis, “Your secretary?”

“Girlfriend,” he said.

Seemingly impressed, she asked, “Oooh, for how long?”

Before Dennis answered, Belle said, “About a week.”

She wanted so badly to be involved in the conversation but realized that the answer she’d given was not such a strong point. The amusement that had washed over Jessica’s face when she’d mentioned she’d only been with Dennis for about a week stung at her heart.

Jessica’s mischievous eyes looked knowing. “Of course.”

“I mean we just met, sort of,” Belle said.

“I’m serious Jessica. She is the one.” Dennis affirmed.

“I didn’t say anything…” Jessica  teased. She swayed her hips as she led them back toward the reception.

At the desk, Dina surrendered a room key without even being questioned. Jessica was indeed the Alpha of the resort. Belle didn’t care for that. What she cared for was the fact that Dennis couldn’t stop staring at her. He wasn’t checking her out in any sense but she had captivated his attention simply with her air of grace.

Jessica oozed sexiness even in the simple task of retrieving keys from her receptionist. She had such charm that she could wordlessly communicate what she wanted and get it. Belle was starting to hate her even if she had no reason to.

“Can we have our room now? I am quite tired.” The truth was that Belle just wanted Jessica out of Dennis’s line of sight. She locked her elbow in Dennis’s and was glad when he didn’t shun her.

“Just flew in from London,” he said.

“Oh, you let her ride in the chopper? Sweet,” Jessica said. “I always wanted that Kroesh experience.  Did you join the high mile club?”

“You’re still naughty,” Dennis said. Belle stiffened in his arms and he quickly changed the subject. He scratched his head. “What have you set us up with?”

“Our very best. A suite overlooking our gorgeous gardens. Don’t worry Dennis, I got you covered too.” She winked at him, then started walking. They followed her. “It is fitted with an outdoor Jacuzzi with those large smooth pebbles. I know how you like a good anchor when drilling them from the back.” Jessica threw a glance at Belle.

He laughed at the private joke but Belle was not amused. She stopped on her heels. “How would you know that?”

Jessica feigned surprise. “Dennis! You didn’t tell her? Maybe we should show her later.” Clearly unbothered, Jessica smacked the key into Belle’s palm with one hand and playfully squeezed Dennis’s buttock with the other. “Menage a troi, eh?” She gave them both a cheeky smile and disappeared, her footsteps echoing away.

Belle was livid. She burst into the suite not caring for its intricate décor. She was blinded by rage even though her brain had not fully comprehended what had just been exchanged. Time without  number she had been the fool for Dennis but he’d gone too far. Jessica had gone too far.

Dennis hurried in after her, shutting the door behind them because Belle was certainly going to explode. He braced himself, keeping his distance as she angrily paced.

“Did she just imply that I am an escort?” Belle screamed, disgust in her tone.

“Escorts don’t look like you, dear.”

“No. They look like her!”

“You’re overreacting, Okay!” His temper was starting to rise again.


“She’s just playful…”

Drilling from the back?
” she spat out the words.

“You’ve got to admit, it’s a little hot.”

“Get off. How would she know intimate information like that?”

Dennis paused. He wasn’t sure how to break it to her. He’d thought he could let it slide but Jessica had made it too obvious so he confessed.

“Well, I did date her for like two weeks. So theoretically, she’s my ex. She’s not usually like that with everyone but we did a lot of crazy things...”


It was his turn to be angry. “Don’t tell me to shut up! You wanted the truth, there you have it. Now stop acting like you’re some goddamn saint!”

“You want me to be okay with sleeping in your ex’s resort?” Her face was red with fury.


“Bollocks! It is all thanks to you that we are here. You just had to confront a police officer for no reason and get us in this shit.”

He punched the wall. “I didn’t force you to be here.”

Belle was going to say something but instead, her voice cracked and she burst into tears. She felt that eloping with Dennis was the worst decision she’d ever made. Her body shuddered with emotion even though she fought not to cry. Throwing herself on the luscious king-sized bed, she covered herself with the soft fancy white duvet yet it offered her no comfort. Belle Winters was heartbroken.

Dennis kicked the wall. He bit his thumb hard so as not to cry. Kicking the bathroom door open, he entered and turned on the shower. Only taking off his jacket and shoes, he stepped in and let the cool water trickle down his muscular body, sticking his white sweat shirt to his muscles and drenching his pants. It helped him calm down.

Dripping wet, he left the bathroom and then sprawled on the bed next to Belle. He could hear her stifled cries. Gently, he lifted the duvet off her face. He wiped her tears with his wet thumb but she closed her eyes to shut him out. She didn’t want to see him.

“Look. Belle, I am new to this relationship thing but one thing I know for sure is that we are supposed to trust each other… aren’t we?”

“Even when you bring your ex into our bed for a
ménage a trois
?” Belle said, her voice weak. She still didn’t look at him.

“Those aren’t really my scene. Cut me some slack, it was five years ago. Or maybe two. Okay, it was a year ago but a lot has changed since I met you.”

“Was. Is she better than me?” She finally locked her gaze to his. He laughed in relief.

“She’s just a rich naughty girl.”

Just a rich naughty girl.
You should hear yourself say that.”


Belle smiled a little. The tears had really helped her release many emotions and doubts she had been holding up inside.

“Peace,” she said.

The sun had set outside so Dennis put his muscular arm over Belle’s small frame. He couldn’t enter the duvet because he was wet. He watched her until she closed her eyes and appeared asleep. However, hours in the night, Dennis and Belle were on different sides of the bed with a large divide between them.

For the first time since they’d been together, Belle and Dennis had not made love before going to bed. Each with their backs turned to the other, they stared blankly in the dark. They were both so near yet so far away.


Chapter Five


The morning brought good tidings. Belle Winters roused to the scent of fresh coffee. When she slowly opened her eyes, she saw Dennis busy spreading petals from a rose flower onto the breakfast tray. He was only wearing tight nude briefs and so she took the moment to study his robust bottoms. When he turned, she quickly feigned to be asleep.

Soft kisses on her eyelids made her pretend to just awaken. She was pleased to see Dennis’s face. He looked well rested and was certainly in a good mood. That made her feel better. She was glad to start afresh.

“Morning darling.” He kissed her full on the lips. He started to poke his tongue into her mouth when she withdrew from him.

“Morning breath. Morning breath.” She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

“I don’t mind!” He shouted after her.

Belle quickly brushed her teeth with a new toothbrush, rinsed her mouth and then took a pee. Afterwards, she stripped off her clothes then took a refreshing morning shower after which she returned to Dennis, clad in a white bathrobe and feeling fresh.

“I ordered this full English breakfast for you and then you take your time.”

“Hardly.” She positioned herself and sat on the bed across him with only the tray separating them. “I’m famished. Thank you.”

He extended his hand and genially touched her chin. Dennis smiled. It was clear that he did not feel good about what had happened the previous day but he was ready to put it behind them.

“I didn’t mean to upset you yesterday. Or even bring you here,” he said, sincerely.

“It’s okay.”

“It’s not. It was just the nearer point from where we were. I didn’t want us on the road with an angry cop behind us. We had to make a safe detour.”

Belle nodded. She poured them the coffee. “Does this mean the trip is over?” She went on to butter both their buns so that he couldn’t witness the disappointment in her eyes.

“Aren’t you tired? I mean, I’m used to having a chauffeur.”

“I could drive.”

“You’re not my chauffeur. Now eat.” He broke bread and forced one into her mouth.

She giggled. “I’m not a baby, don’t feed me.”

He raised his hands in surrender and settled to watching her eat, like a predator waiting on his prey. She noticed and shyly kept her gaze on the breakfast. She was too famished to play staring games with him.

Belle may have been hungry for food but Dennis was famished for something else.  He was starving for her, so much that he felt his briefs were a prison. But he had to be patient. She had to eat. However, the moment she started nitpicking at her food, he flipped the tray out of the way. She squealed a little as it landed with a crush. He had no time to verbalize his needs. Grabbing Belle towards him, he licked her face with his long tongue. She shuddered. It was clear she was hungry for him too.

“I missed you,” he said, his hot breath on her neck.

“Show me!”

Belle ripped the bathrobe off of her, revealing her gluttonous red nipples. Dennis lowered his head and bit one. She screamed in pain and pleasure. Wanting to be in charge, she pushed him on the bed and sat atop him. Leisurely, she wiggled her bottoms in a circular motion over his stiff crotch. Dennis cried out. He knew she was punishing him.

“Take me. NOW!”

“Nah. Nah. Lover boy.” She teased.

Desperate for her, he pulled down his briefs. She had no underwear so their bodies were immediately touched, yet she gave him no relief. Belle pressed him down, her hardened breasts swinging as she rocked herself back and forth without taking him in. Dennis was powerless over her but soon, she too was powerless over him.

She lifted herself a little and with her hands, spread his muscular legs. He was shaking fervently with passion and she didn’t want him to suffer any longer because she was suffering too. And so, with precision, she lowered her body onto him. He gasped with pleasure while she moaned because going down on him slow was torturous. When she finally felt him fully inside her, she leaned forward and rocked back and forth; her sweat dripping onto him and his soaking the bed.

“You like that?” he asked, breathless.

Belle bit her tongue and closed her eyes. The emotions were so raw but she was in control. She didn’t want to be in control. Just when he was pushing his pelvic up to thrust into her, she pulled out. He cried out in denial. Belle licked the hair on his lower torso to tease him.

“Show me that Jacuzzi thing,” she said.


Belle did not wait for him to respond. She leapt out of the bed and ran outdoors. Without hesitating, she jumped into the Jacuzzi. Dennis followed, walking slowly and clutching his crotch.  He was so turned on that he couldn’t even walk straight. When he got to the Jacuzzi, he tested the waters with one toe.

“It’s not warm yet.”

“Scared the water will kill your passion. Hmm, just how much of a man are you?” She seduced him with her large blue eyes. He took the bait and slowly entered. The cool water didn’t thwart his passions even a bit, in fact, it made him hotter.

“Are you sure about this?” He asked for her consent.

“Yes. Yes!”

“Then get ready to scream.”

Before she could ask what he meant, he lifted and turned her so that her stomach lay on the ground and her lower body stayed in the Jacuzzi. With a firm grip, he spread her ass cheeks and squeezed hard. She turned to look at him and the invigorated stare on his face as he studied her buttocks made her melt in anticipation.

“Go easy on me, please.”

He smirked. “You may want to hold onto something.”

Without warning, he pummeled himself inside of her, thrusting quickly. Belle screamed but it was only in ecstasy. Her body shook back and forth as he pumped her. It was so rough that she had to grip the stones within her reach to remain steady as he rocked her entire being as though both their lives depended on it.

And then Belle Winters saw stars. Her body lost control as together they became ruled only by their animal instincts. She moaned and he groaned, then together, they blissfully blasted as he spent himself on her.

It was the best they had ever had.


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