Billionaire's Bounty (Plus Size Loving) BBW Erotic Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Billionaire's Bounty (Plus Size Loving) BBW Erotic Romance
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The chauffeur
arrived, and she did go out.
Sightseeing in a limousine was
certainly a perk worth savouring
she had to admit
But even with the lovely sights she visited, she couldn’t help feeling that
same inner anger – at herself mostly. She then had to keep reminding
herself the main reason she was here, and tried to let things percolate far
beneath so as not to ruin her day. But then when, at a few minutes past three
pm, she was in the limousine and the phone rang, she knew at once that it was
Jude. And her irritation rose up from the surface in a flash.

“How’s your day
going?” he enquired smoothly. “I’m having a hectic one of it myself – and
we just had a brief break for a late lunch so I decided to ring you up. Carly
mentioned something about you being a little...offended about something.”

“Offended? How
could I possibly be?” she said airily, even as her heart seemed to strum at
hearing his voice. The tinted partition between her and the chauffeur was up, and
she could talk freely. She knew Jude could at least detect the steel in her
voice. “I know exactly my position as far as this arrangement is concerned. I’m
not surprised if you wish to further demean me by throwing your money around in
my face.”

“I’m sorry that
it looks that way to you,” he said, and the coolness in his tone pricked her.
“It was not my intention to insult.”

“No, it wasn’t,
was it? Because insulting is what you do naturally,” she said cynically.

“Even when you
don’t mean to, you still manage to make other people feel even lousier about
themselves. I guess that comes with being a hotshot corporate mogul

There was a
pause, and Miranda wanted to kick herself. What was her problem? Showing
emotions where he was concerned was not how she’d planned to handle things. The
sex had been high-octane, yes, but she’d sworn that the strictest level of
disengagement should be maintained on all levels. The last thing she wanted to
happen was to do something stupid fall in love with him.

Was that why
she felt so irked? She wondered frantically. Was she developing feelings for
Jude, and could she be wishing that she didn’t have to be in the situation? Did
part of her wish that they were on level playing ground, and not this increasingly
uncomfortable sense she was having of being nothing better than a paid whore?

It was a few
seconds more before he replied, and his tone was devoid of emotion.

“Apparently, we
“hotshot corporate mogul billionaires” are the ones most prone to being too
easily misunderstood,” he drawled. “But that’s no problem. We both know the
score, Miranda. Maybe it’s time we stuck to it. Which brings me to the other
reason why I called.”

Miranda wasn’t
sure how to respond to this, though something in his tone made her feel a
little ominous.

“We’ll be
having dinner with a few very important business associates of mine and their
partners. It’s very high-profile, so I’ll imagine you’d want to go out and look
for something appropriate to wear.”

“Trust me, I’m
no Cinderella, Jude,” she said stiffly. “I’m certain I have a dress worthy of
your hallowed clique of...”

“Oh, but I
insist,” he drawled, tone chilly. “Considering my status, I wish any woman
that’s seen with me to look the part. You’re a very beautiful, stylish woman,
Miranda. I’m sure you’ll easily create an outfit and jewellery to match the
Use the card
get anything
you need
. Never mind about the cost. And oh...don’t forget to get some
really sexy lingerie as well. I like red, keep that in mind will you?”

“Would there be
anything else your majesty would be requiring of me?” she enquired with steely
sarcasm, her teeth aching from gritting them so hard.

else...for now,” he returned mildly. “We’ll need to be ready by seven. Let’s
try not to be late.”

He hung up, and
Miranda would have smashed her receiver murderously down unto its cradle, but
restrained herself. She knew it would be futile to fume.
was right
she knew the score
. No matter what
she thought or felt, he was the one in charge here. And it looked like he was
going to make sure that this time, she didn’t forget it.


Miranda had
been sure that the dinner to be harrowing. But to her surprise, it turned out
quite be more exciting and enjoyable than she’d expected. Jude had been right about
it being a very high-powered event. They were seated at a long table in the
exclusive restaurant, and there were at least eight of them, including her and
Jude. The men were mostly elderly, but looked just as rich and powerful as Jude
– and some were certainly more, she sensed. The women were exquisitely
attired, their bodies dripping with jewels.

Miranda was in
no way shabby herself. She’d been quite furious with Jude for his insistence
that she spend his money – but it had certainly proved interesting to
walk into the most exclusive stores and pick just what she wanted. However, she
had opted for understated, yet tasteful elegance. Her dress was
, and it had been a thrill to put it on and see how
well it draped over her frame. It was in a black, slimming style, the waist
cinched in right beneath the bodice, the neckline draping low to reveal just a
tempting glimpse of bust.

Jude’s bank
account certainly had far more commas than hers, but Miranda would certainly
not wish to give him the satisfaction in thinking she was enjoying
this...extravagance. She was no way in the least happy that she’d had to trawl
a high-end lingerie boutique in search of his so-called favourite red-coloured
under things. No, it hadn’t been fun in the least...

One buy she
could never regret making though, was the diamond necklace she wore. She’d been
walking past the window of the jewellers and had backed up when she’d caught a
glimpse of it in the display. It was nothing gaudy: and yet even in its
simplicity, it was devastating. She’d walked into the glamorous store, and had
tried it on. Seeing its intricately set edges laying upon her neck in a
glittering mantle, with its tip projecting to nestle within her cleavage, made
her know that this was what she needed to finish off her look.

It turned out
she was right. Once she’d been dressed and Jude had seen her, he’d had the look
in his eyes she was coming to recognize easily. He’d come forward, hands
cupping her shoulders as he swept his gaze over her from head to foot. “Ravishing,”
he’d murmured, dipping his head to nuzzle her neck lightly, even as he drew in
a deep, appreciative breath. “It would be so unfashionable – and
downright rude, to be late. If it wasn’t for that...”

He didn’t
finish his sentence, but the woman in her knew exactly what he was thinking.
And the woman in her had ached with an answering need. And it was one that
never eased throughout the evening. Even with the distinguished company, the
fine food and dazzling wine, she never lost consciousness of the virile,
gorgeous man at her side. It didn’t seem possible, but he looked even more
handsome than ever that night. His perfectly fitted suit moulded his dashing
frame like a glove, and her eyes felt constantly drawn to his face. When he
laughed, or his smile... or listening to him converse comfortably with the
people of power seated with him at table, she got a deeper explication into the
man he was, and how much she was drawn to him.

At first it had
seemed only physical; he turned her on and that was a fact. But if her heart
fluttered every time he looked at her or held her gaze briefly, she knew it was
something deeper than sexual desire she felt. He aroused her body, and thrilled
her mind.

When he spoke,
on whatever topic, she loved to listen, admired the way his sharp mind worked
and how he analysed things. It wasn’t hard to see why he was so successful, and
why he commanded so much respect.

Since leaving
university and joining her brother in trying to pick up the pieces of their
family finances, she’d come to understand a little bit of the cold, steel-hard
reality of the business world. And she remembered one of the first things Jude
had told her that night they’d met, after she’d found out who he really was.
About how he made no apologies for what he’d had to do in the name of business
– such as the takeover of her father’s company. Was she wrong to have
hated him for what had simply been a corporate call?

But then,
wasn’t she betraying her family by beginning to have certain feelings for him
that she shouldn’t? She’d already spent one night of pleasure with him
–and even when she kept reminding herself it was all for the good of
those she cared about, she knew there was more.

It was weak and
foolish of her, but she should have known. It should have been obvious from the
start that in this game, she’d already lost too much ground. And when it was
all over, when she walked away with those signed papers, she knew she’d have
given away even more than she’d gained.


Miranda thought
of her previous allusion to Cinderella, and yet once the dinner was over and
they were back inside the limousine, she couldn’t help thinking that for them,
the real party had just begun.

Once alone
inside the air-conditioned lavishness of the limo, he drew her into his arms, and
kissed her. No warning, no
, nothing. It
was like he’d been raging for her all through the evening. His mouth was
insistently passionate, and very rough against hers. The evident strength of
his desire for her thrilled and yet amazed her; he seemed ready to rip her out
of her clothes.

Obviously, one
night of abandon had only managed to whet his appetite for her, not assuage it.
Miranda found this prospect very gratifying – especially since it was the
same for her. His ardent kiss was making her belly do flip-flops, and her heart
pounded so hard she could hear it ringing in her ears. Her hands clutched his
jacketed arms, and she gasped against his tongue sucked sensually on hers.
For heavens sake
, she thought
desperately, as her pussy instantly began to vibrate like it had been plugged
in. A shudder passed through her body, her arousal intensified by his hand
slipping beneath the draped neckline to cup one full breast in his large palm.
He thumbed her nipple roughly, drawing out a harder gasp from her lips. His
lips broke from hers, and he bent his head, pressing hot, hard kisses down her

The sensation
of his hand on her naked skin was making her inner thighs quiver all the more.
She moaned, pressing her knees together to fight off the dripping wetness she
could feel forming in her panties. In the next moment, he’d pushed the sleeve
off her shoulder, baring one full, thrust-out breast. She felt his lips latch
on her rock hard nipple, and gasped. “Jude...the driver...”

“Can’t hear or
see us,” he growled, his fingers moulding the firm, fleshy underside of her
breasts. They both moaned, and this time when he sucked on her nipple, he took
a whole lot of breast in his mouth as well, as if to swallow it in one go. He
licked, suckled and nibbled on her tit till she was a shuddering mass on the
seat of the limo, where he now had her half-lying on her back.

His free hand
reached down searchingly to her thighs, and found them locked tightly.

“Spread your
legs, honey,” he commanded huskily, and Miranda forced her rigid leg muscles to
relax, parting her knees and letting him slip a hand beneath her dress. He
touched her through her panties, rubbing strongly on the moistened patch over
her pussy.

A half-sob
caught in her throat, even as he groaned, his teeth sinking deeper on the skin
of her nipple. Miranda’s head fell back as myriad sensations spread through her
whole body, bringing her too close to the brink. If she didn’t try to hold
back, she knew she would come. In just minutes, he’d been able to bring her to
the highest point of stimulation – and if he didn’t stop, soon, she was
going to combust.

But he didn’t
stop; he kept sucking on her nipple, rolling it around in his mouth with his
tongue, while he caressed her through her thong, making her so wet she soaked
it right through. It took less than thirty seconds of this merciless
bombardment to get her
in helpless release.
She bucked beneath him, her lips parted in a soundless cry as the most powerful
climax ripped into her. She pressed her knees strongly together, stilling the
motion of his hand, even as she clasped his head to her breast, holding on
tightly to him as she came in waves.

Her face was
red as she tumbled back down to earth, and she almost couldn’t meet his when he
lifted his head to look at her. She cursed her body for being so susceptible to
him, and yet, when she finally caught his eyes, she saw the answering flame of
passion flickering in their navy depths. “God, you are so sexy,” he breathed
out harshly, his hand lifted to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. Miranda was
trembling, feeling warmed by the heat in his gaze. The limo had now come to a
stop, and a glance out of the window showed that they’d arrived at their hotel.

“Are you okay?”
he asked softly, when she hadn’t spoken. His hands were gentle as he helped her
straighten her clothes.

How could she ever be okay? When a man like him could
so effortlessly reduce her to jelly without really trying? But then, his own
intense passion had been doubly arousing, so she hadn’t stood a chance against
his frenzied lovemaking. But she mumbled that she was fine, and managed to
fumble out unto the pavement, her knees wobbly. She was still in a bit of
after-shock after that unexpected episode inside the car during the drive back to
the hotel. She couldn’t remember ever coming so quickly in her life. It scared
her how strongly he affected her both sexually and emotionally.

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