Billionaire's Bounty (Plus Size Loving) BBW Erotic Romance (9 page)

BOOK: Billionaire's Bounty (Plus Size Loving) BBW Erotic Romance
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He’d let go of
her hair now, this time reaching round for her tits with both hands. Focussing
on the sensations of his touch, she moaned over and over as he tweaked her
rock-hard nipples. His hips were moving like pistons now, pushing his cock even
deeper into her pussy if that were possible. Miranda felt herself blacking out
with pleasure, feeling his large hands squeezing possessively on her bouncing
mounds. He told her gruffly in her ear how much he loved being inside her, and
how good it felt to have her pussy wrapped around his cock so tightly.

shivered in delight at his raunchy words, her hands covering his over her
breasts which
he was fondling roughly. His thrusts were now
coming fast and choppy, jarring her whole body with the repeated impact. The
intensity of it all was just too much for her, and moments later, her mouth
opened in a soundless squeal as her pussy clenched and released continuously on
his cock with her resonating climax.

she heard him chant, the sound of his voice far away as her brainwaves seemed
momentarily devoid of any sense of time or place. Still he hammered into her,
his growls deepening as he too, finally succumbed to his own epic release. He
held on tight to her in those moments when the world seemed to go the other way
round, and she sank against him, unable to move as he ground into her with one
last, belly-ripping thrust.

Finally, spent,
he reached up to untie the blindfold, pulling out of her as they fell to the
bed in a collective heap. His breath was coming out in gasps, and she turned
into his arms, feeling the need to soothe him with her kisses. Their lips
joined moistly, and his arm wound around her in that strong, possessive way of
his. His face had that warm, sweat-beaded flush, and now that she could look
into his eyes, she drank in the strange expression that crossed his eyes. But
before she could search further, he reached up and kissed her forehead, and
told her to sleep. She closed her eyes obediently, and in the next moment, she
was off like a light.



It had happened.
She’d done what she’d feared, prayed she wouldn’t do. She’d fallen in love with
Jude Stone.

Nothing on
earth could have been worse than discovering that he’d stolen her heart. She
hated herself for it, but she couldn’t stop it from happening. It had crept in
on her and now she had only herself to blame. From one day to the next, she
kept imagining and even wishing that the feeling would ebb, that he wouldn’t be
able to move her as before.

But it never
happened; with each hour she spent around him, she buried herself in even

They’d arrived
on Monday, and now this was the third morning, a Thursday. There was barely
three days left till they’d have to return to London. After they breakfasted
together down in the hotel’s prestigious restaurant, he suggested mildly if
she’d like to spend the day with him.

“Don’t you have
any important appointments to attend?” she asked in surprise.

“I’ll cancel
them,” he said with a shrug. “I want to get more time with you. I’ve enjoyed
having you here with me, Miranda.” His eyes held hers piercingly. “And I
wouldn’t want to give the impression that I consider you no more than a sex
toy, to be used only for my pleasure.” He grinned suddenly, the flash of white
making her breath catch at how gorgeous he looked.

“How kind of
you to be so...thoughtful. But there really is no need for you to change your
schedule to suit me. I don’t mind being left alone.”

“Ouch. Nice. I
guess I shouldn’t expect you to want me around all the time. You need your
breathing space. I get it.”

Miranda looked
away from his ironic smile. She didn’t mind his mocking tone; keeping things
this way helped insulate her from what was inevitably happening. For him, this
was just sex. Great sex it must be said, but that was all there was. The last
thing she needed was for him to feel he had to further “compensate” her with
more of his presence. Also, the less time they spent around each other, the
easier it would be to keep pretending she was still aloof to him.

“How about
Carly?” she asked quickly, curious about his assistant whom she hadn’t been
seeing as often.

“Actually, I
gave her the day off,” he said wryly, and Miranda felt like an idiot when she
realized he really had meant to spend the day with her. Her heart almost began
to lift with hope, but then she squashed it down. Jude was the ultimate
charmer; it cost him nothing to be nice. Again and again she had to remind
it doesn’t mean anything

And yet, she
couldn’t help feeling a pang as she looked up and met his steady gaze. She wondered
what he was thinking, and why he was staring at her like that.

“Miranda...” he
began, but his sentence was cut off by the sound of her name coming from the

Miranda turned
in amazement to find her brother stalking into the restaurant, and she saw Jude
, his face expressionless.

“You son of a
bitch!” Jeffery snarled, reaching their table, his eyes fastened on Jude. “I
want you to let my sister go.”

The few other
diners glanced their way in curiosity, and Miranda wanted to sink into the
ground. “Jeff, what are you doing?” she hissed, her fists clenching.

Her brother
barely glanced her way, holding Jude’s gaze angrily as he gritted out, “I’m
trying to get you out of this asshole’s clutches. I don’t give a damn what he
may have offered you, Miranda. You’re worth far more than any stupid company. I
don’t even care about that anymore.” And this time, he turned to look at her,
his expression pained. “I felt like such a dick for the way I attacked you over
Kirk. I never meant to push you into doing something like

“This was never
your fault,” she said quickly. “I...” But his earnest words cut her off.

“No, Miranda,
listen to me; I flew straight here as soon as I could to tell you this: it
doesn’t matter. The company, getting it back; it doesn’t count as much as
keeping our dignity. And that’s why you’re coming back with me. I’m definitely not leaving you behind.


“No, he’s

Miranda stopped
short, turning to Jude when he spoke up for the first time. She looked at him
to find his face was an expressionless, marble mask

your brother says is true,” he went on calmly. “It was wrong, you being
practically blackmailed into this.

“I’m an adult,
Jude; it was my decision to make.

“Miranda, it
isn’t a decision if you were coerced into it. You’d never have agreed to be
with me if I hadn’t promised you the company. And for that, I’m sorry.

“What do you
mean, you’re sorry? Are you backing out of this?

“Don’t worry;
you’ll still get what we agreed upon. I’ll get the relevant papers signed and
delivered to you,” he said, his lips thinning in a humourless smile. “You’ve
more than earned it. And I release you from any obligation, Miranda. As from
right now, you owe me nothing.

“Go to hell,
Jude Stone,” Jeff growled, grabbing his dazed sister by the elbow and dragging
her from the restaurant. Miranda made no protest, her mind in a whirl as she
looked back for one last glance at Jude’s handsome face set in stone.


“So what are we going to do?”

Miranda was
standing in the middle of Jeffery’s office. She had the just-delivered sheaf of
documents on the desk in front of him. He stared at it, and then looked up at
her. “Rip it to shreds.”

“What?” she
gasped, staring at him
It was less than a week
since he’d practically had to haul her home from London. In that time, she’d
waited with bated breath to hear from Jude. She’d always known he would keep
his word, but she’d been looking forward to more than just the pile of papers
that now lay there before them.

, his face rigid with anger. “I meant what I said back
there, Miranda. Our dignity is more important. It’s bad enough that you thought
you needed to sell yourself to him –”

“I don’t need
you judging me, okay?” she said with flashing eyes. “Last time I checked it was
a free country. And never felt like I was selling
myself or anything
Because I wanted it,
I wanted
.” Her eyes
held his defiantly. “I think I always did. But I guess I needed that excuse of
telling myself it was for the company – even though it was never about

“Oh my God,”
her brother gasped in almost comical dismay. “You’ve fallen in love with him.”

Miranda turned
away, sighing deeply. He came up to where she stood, taking her shoulder and
spinning her round to face him. “How could that happen? You know it’s not going
to pan out, right? Jude Stone is...”

“I know what he
is.” But what Jude was had been different from what she’d expected. She hadn’t
expected to enjoy being with him as much as she had – and she certainly
hadn’t expected to miss him as much as she now did.

“Then you’ll
know it’s best to forget him,” her brother said, his voice gentling as he
placed a hand on her shoulder. “You made a silly mistake, but let’s put it
behind us if we can.”

“How can I put
it behind me if you refuse to consider taking hold of the company?” she asked,
glaring up at him. “I know you said it didn’t matter, but...”

“We’re not
going to talk about this, okay? I’ve made up my mind. I’m sorry if it feels
like you went through it all for nothing.”

You have no
idea, Miranda
as she looked away, her eyes
downcast. She couldn’t say it was completely accurate. She had come away with a
lot more than she’d bargained for. With Jude, she’d felt real, fiery passion.
And beneath the cold, hard facts of their agreement, there had been times when
she’d seen a spark in his eye when he looked at her. And the way he’d made love
to her...she could never, ever believe it had all just been part of the game.
But it didn’t matter now. It was over. The only thing
left to do – and this was the hardest part of all – was to try and
forget he ever existed.


Carly wasn’t
sure which was worse: brooding Jude, or quick-tempered Jude. He hadn’t been the
same ever since they returned from the eventful London trip. She’d missed the
main event, by his account. Apparently, Miranda Quinn’s brother had shown up
and rescued his sister from the vicinity like it was a hostage situation. Now,
they’d just had a gruelling meeting with his board, and he’d more or less
bitten the heads off most of the top-ranking members, over little or nothing.
He was getting really tough to work with, and she was concerned for him. Not
just as a boss or someone running a business, but as a friend.

“How long are
we going to go on like this?” she asked mildly, and saw him look up from his
desk, cocking a quizzical brow at her.

“What are you
talking about this time, Carly?” he asked on a sigh of exasperation.

She waved her
hands expressively. “You’re just no fun to work with anymore. You drive everyone
almost up the wall with your short fuse, and then when you’re not displaying
monumental levels of fury and impatience, you tend to be unapproachable and
difficult to get along with. I’m thinking maybe it’s time you called her.”

“Who?” he
growled, then sighed at the look on her face. “Why would I do something as dumb
as that?”

“It’s pretty
simple, even for you, Jude,” she said, voice teasing. “You want her, go get

He chuckled
humourlessly, swivelling his chair to the side and staring out of the picture
window. “She’s not going to want
Carly. Not the way I want her. It’s not like I have a carrot to dangle in front
of her anymore, do I?

Carly had to
smile. “You’re Jude Stone. You don’t need carrots.” Her tone was teasing as she
added, “What I mean is, she should be wise enough to sense that you have a lot
more to offer her as a woman, not just your money, looks or everything else.
And once she knows how you really feel...”

Jude huffed,
pushing up on his feet as he shoved his hands in his pockets before he began
pacing the expansive office. “You think I should go over there, tell her I’m
crazy about her? I’m not sure I relish the prospect of being laughed at.”

“And who says
she’s going to laugh?” Carly queried, throwing her hands in the air again.

“Carly, the
documents were returned, in shreds, inside an envelope. Does that sound like my
romantic declarations would then be welcomed?”

Carly paused
thoughtfully, and then said with conviction, “Yes.” She saw him glance back at
her with narrowed eyes, and she went on relentlessly, “Trust me, Jude; I’m a
female and we sort of have some intuition when it comes to these things. I can
almost guarantee you’ll get her.”

Jude’s face
seemed to brighten, but then he grimaced. “Too risky, Carly. If she says no, or
if I end up making a fool of myself, I’m not sure how I’ll take it.”

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