Binder Full of Women (3 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Miles

BOOK: Binder Full of Women
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The night before their boating, a few doubts of his whole plan had crept into his mind keeping him from sleeping much. At four he finally gave up and got up to go for a jog on the Monon Trail. It was a beautiful tree lined path that went all of the way through Carmel, the suburb North of Indianapolis where he lived.

During the jog one thing became clear. This project of finding a wife was not making him feel the way he expected. It was supposed to be like any of his other business dealings with no emotions involved. This was to be a business arrangement after all. Both sides were to be clear of that.

The emotions were the one thing that kept making him doubt his decision. He was normally a direct decision maker. Once his mind was decided on something there was very little that could change it. This was an entirely new experience to him. His intuition was taking over and making him think that maybe his business idea needed to be revamped. What could the possible solution be where everyone ended up a winner?

On Saturday Trent took Ann along with Rachel and Brett on the boat. He just wasn’t ready to be alone with Ann yet. Geist reservoir was not large, but the only boating area around. Trent liked going through the coves, riding around to see if any of his other friends were out. It was one big social occasion with him knowing about a quarter of the boaters at any given time.

The sun warmed his skin while he steered through the main part of the lake. Trent planned on cruising through the main portion of the lake and anchoring in his favorite cove where they would swim. On the way to the marina he had picked up deli food for lunch.

Ann sat in the chair next to him in her red bikini and pulled up platinum hair. Her lips were red and full. Trent wondered what she thought of her future boat. It must be good because there was a permanent smile painted on her face.

Out of nowhere, another speed boat with a blue stripe pulled up alongside them and then accelerated and turned so fast that the wake created a huge spray of water into their boat.

A high pierced shriek rang through the air coming from Ann’s direction. The chill of the water hitting his bare arms was a shock. Chills passed over him as he turned his head to check on his passengers.

Ann was still recovering herself, wiping her face with her hands pushing a few stray hairs out of the way. Brett and Rachel looked similarly shocked in the back of the boat. Rachel was gathering the towels that had been out and ringing them out back over the lake.

Trent looked forward again and saw the same boat was circling around for what looked like another go at it. Trent slowed down, pulling closer to the shore then stopped.

“Hold on, we may just get it again,” Trent said keeping his eyes on the incoming boat.

There was really no way to avoid it and a high speed chase on this lake was not a risk he wanted to subject other boaters and water skiers too.

Trent watched the boat as it continued heading directly for him. He wanted to get a good look at this guy so he could identify him. It was just one man in the boat - the same man that harassed them at Captain Louie’s.

Sure enough, the boat flew by them again turning just the right way to soak all of them in the boat. Then pulled back around and stopped beside them.

Ann looked horrified and brought her hands to her face.

“I’ll find you later sucker,” the man yelled from his boat before speeding off again.

Another shriek from Ann hurt his ears. He watched as the boat disappeared out of site. At least it wasn’t coming back for more.

Once again he checked on his passengers. Rachel was once again in the back ringing out the towels. Ann was taking care of herself and Brett looked like he was ready to charge someone.

“What is that guy all about?” Trent asked to no one in particular while he started to move forward again.

“I don’t want to talk about him,” Ann said looking in a compact at her lips and fixing her hair avoiding eye contact with him. Trent glanced over his shoulder and saw that Rachel was still straightening things from her seat.

When they reached the cove, Trent pulled in joining four other boats that were already anchored there. This cove was his favorite because it wasn’t quite as popular and it had a more natural feel with trees scattered between the lake and the houses.

Shortly after their arrival, Ann had flipped the back seat down converting it into a tanning bed. Trent sat next to her trying to figure out the best way to talk to her about his situation and marriage plans.

The thought made him laugh to himself as he thought about asking her such a question.

They all lounged some more and then enjoyed chicken salad and rolls for lunch. Ann was surprisingly acceptable. Rachel had picked well all things considered.

After lunch, Brett and Rachel jumped in the water to race. Rachel had been on her high school swim team and still loved to compete with anyone that was up for it. It was always a fairly long race too.

“See those geese over there,” Trent said to Ann as a mother goose and her eight babies swam past and Trent wondered how the geese made it work. They mated for life and seemed to be just fine. What happened when one died? Who took care of the rest?

“Cute,” Ann said flipping to her stomach and propping herself up on her elbows to get a better look.

“They are together for life. Are you a traditional family person like geese or are you open to something that is more of a marriage of convenience?

That caught Ann’s attention. She sat up and looked at Trent contemplating her answer. “What do you mean a marriage of convenience?”

Trent was treading in dangerous territory here. There just wasn’t quite the right way to explain his situation to someone that didn’t know him like Rachel did. Even with everything she understood even Rachel thought he was a little crazy for going about a marriage this way.

“You know how the royalty used to do it in Europe.”

“You mean an arranged marriage?” Ann asked before Trent could finish. She was sitting at attention and definitely interested in where this conversation was heading.

Trent stood up and moved to the seat on the opposite side of the boat. If he had been in a room he would have felt much more comfortable pacing or doing something to work out the anxiety he was feeling.

“Not exactly. Both parties agree, but they both know that it’s about bettering their positions and that it for the greater good for a larger situation that they are together. It’s more of a business arrangement. It’s not about love.”

Ann jumped all over this. “So they both still get something out of the marriage.”


“Like say money,” she said with a sparkle in her eye. She was catching on fast.

Rachel’s giggle interrupted Trent. The race was apparently over and they were splashing each other in the water. Trent grabbed two swim noodles to throw to them hoping to keep them in the water longer.

Before throwing the second one, Trent saw Brett touching Rachel’s back. Not just touching her back. Touching her bare skin where her suit didn’t cover and giving her a look that was not about fun. Well, not the kind of fun that just friends had.

Brett had no right looking at her that way. He was jaded just like Trent and completely wrong for Rachel. Whoever ends up with Rachel will be perfect – not Brett. It will be someone with stability. Rachel deserved the real thing and Trent was going to keep anyone that couldn’t offer that to her away.

Purposely, Trent threw the second noodle about 20 feet from Rachel so Brett would have to distance himself to get it. Hopefully he caught the hint. Just to be sure, Trent made a mental note to warn Brett off once they were alone.

“Where were we,” Trent said sitting back down by Ann. Physically he was by her, but his thoughts couldn’t get off the way that Brett had interacted with Rachel. Brett did not have the right to do that. Rachel was strictly off limits.

Ann had a high pitched nervous laugh that sent the bad kind of chill up Trent’s spine - an ominous warning to his entire being.

“I believe I asked you if you were talking about where one party benefits from the marriage with money,” Ann said not being shy at all about approaching the subject.

At least he had selected the right type of person. She could talk about this without being shocked. Yes, the right kind of person that was in it for money. Was this what he really wanted?

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about,” Trent said glancing over his shoulder to make sure that Brett was not getting too close to Rachel again. Damn him. Brett was causing too much distraction by entering restricted territory with Rachel. It was breaking his concentration on his deal with Ann.

“You want to know my thoughts?” Ann asked almost jumping out of her seat. It was clear that she was excited. Without waiting for his answer she continued on, “That is what marriage really should be all about. I mean love doesn’t last forever anyway. There is a 50% divorce rate. When it is treated as more of an arrangement people aren’t disillusioned as to what they are getting into. They know what it’s all about.”

“You are familiar with marriages like this?”

Rachel let out a laugh that made him turn to check on Brett again. Hands off was all Trent could think. There was no skin contact so Trent turned back.

Ann went on to tell about how a friend had married a much older man like that. He really just wanted a younger companion with energy and someone that he could pamper. He was ok that they weren’t in love. It worked for them.

“What did she get out of the situation?” Trent asked.

“Access to his money, a great lifestyle, beautiful clothes and jewelry,” Ann stopped pulling back in her seat. Maybe she realized that her list was becoming quite long.

“Money basically?”

“Yes,” she said.

“Is that something that you would ever consider?” There. He had said it. He was just steps away from completing his deal.

“With the right person,” Ann said.

“Who is the right person?” Trent asked.

“Why are we having this conversation?” Ann asked leaning towards him with a come hither look.

This was the point of no return. It was like taking a fork in the path at dusk. A choice had to be made and he was entering in the near dark hoping to come out in a beautiful spot at the end, but with no idea for sure what it looked like. For all he knew it could be a living hell.

“I am considering such an arrangement,” Trent said.

“You? Why?”

The question was how much to tell. How would a woman like Ann understand the love that he had for Gramps and how he couldn’t let the man down even in death. Ann understood money. That was her language. He seriously doubted if she knew a thing about love.

“I need a wife in the next month.”

He went on to explain the important details and why it was all so crucial to him. While he was telling his story Ann listened intently. He thought that perhaps a tear came to her eye, but he passed it off as just the sun bothering her.

“So you’re seriously considering this? What would your wife get out of this arrangement?”

He could see the dollar figures adding up in her mind. She clearly liked this idea. This idea which he hated and at the same time needed.

“The obvious – money, my name, security, loyalty.”

“Security?” Ann asked leaning back and looking up towards the sky. That word grabbed her attention more than money. Interesting.

“Yes, security.” Above all he would provide stability and security for whomever he married.

“She will be a lucky lady,” Ann coyly said playing with the corner of her towel.

Rachel let out an even louder laugh than before. Trent switched seats so he could keep an eye on them without constantly turning around. There was still enough distance between Brett and Rachel to satisfy Trent.

“Would you consider being that lucky lady?” There he had asked. The deed was done. No turning back.

Ann let out a squeal of delight and ran over and sat in his lap before he could even brace himself for it. She ran her finger up and down his now bare chest.

Before she said anything Trent heard another boat entering the cove on the same side Brett and Rachel were on. He looked up to check. There were two things that made his blood boil.

First, the boat that was approaching was the same boat that the man with the wrinkled shirt from the night before was driving. The worse irritation that really set him over the top was that Brett’s arm was on Rachel’s shoulder.

This made him push Ann of his lap and stand yelling, “Swim, swim fast.”

Their safety was in danger. Fear surged through his body as he pictured the boat hitting Rachel. How could he protect her?

“Forget the noodles,” Trent said knowing that they could both beat the boat if they ditched their noodles and used full force power. Brett looked back and encouraged Rachel to hurry.

“Now,” Trent ordered.

They obeyed his command and made it to the boat before the blue boat arrived.

The other boat kept approaching. At least now it was going at a reasonable speed in the cove. At least no one would get hurt.

“What is your issue?” Trent said when the blue boat pulled alongside them.

“Just trying to do you a favor before you make a big mistake. That lady is a trouble maker. One big trouble maker. Aren’t you Ann? She plays the system well.” The man went on and on with similar lines.

They were trapped. There was no way out of the situation. They were literally stranded in a boat in a cove with some lunatic in a boat. It was like road rage, but water rage. Perhaps even more dangerous.

“Let’s handle this like men. You’ve had your say, now move along.” Trent said.

The man didn’t listen and continued on in an impassioned voice, “Ann, don’t you get it. I was just foolishly testing you then. I made a mistake -a huge mistake. I wanted you….I still want you.” Then finally in a near whisper, “I love you.”

Then a true tear crept down Ann’s cheek.

Trent didn’t know what to make of the situation. Was she happy or upset or a combination of the two?

“Ann, I am begging you, please come back,” the man said in a shaky voice.

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