Binding Vows (4 page)

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Authors: Catherine Bybee

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Love Stories, #Time Travel, #Fiction

BOOK: Binding Vows
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A man, dressed in a bright yellow and orange oversized shirt and brown pants, stopped blowing his horn when Tara popped her head out of the tent.

His voice boomed out, demanding the attention of all who stood by and watched. “Hear ye! Hear ye!”

He removed a scroll from under his arm and started to read.

“Madame Gwen has declared the fair maiden 24

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Tara and her chaperone Cassandra, to be the royal guests for the duration of the fair. Hereby granting them the privileges bestowed upon royalty. From this time forward, all are to bow and pay respect to our Lady of the court.”

The man stopped bellowing, rolled the parchment, and handed it to Tara. The spectators started clapping drawing in even more attention.

“Oh great,” Tara grumbled.

The man started to leave. Tara yelled, “Wait!

Just wait a minute.” She ducked back in the tent, kicked Cassy’s side, and hissed, “Get up.”

Cassy muttered, and rolled over.

Tara snatched the blanket off of her. “Get up!”

Tara poked her head outside the tent again to find the man still standing there. The size of the crowd grew by each passing moment. “Just one more minute.”

She hurriedly yanked on her dress and stared into the bloodshot eyes of her friend. “You got me into this,” Tara snarled between clenched teeth.

“Got you into what?” Cassy rubbed her eyes.

“There’s some guy standing out there saying we’re royalty or something. Get up and fix it.”

“What? Royalty?” Cassy’s eyes focused. She scrambled out of her blankets and poked her head outside. “No shit,” she said with glee. Cassy tossed her dress haphazardly over her head. “This is great.

This is going to be so awesome!”

“Great my...” Tara left off the insult and stepped outside the tent. At her appearance, the men bowed, and the ladies curtsied. “Oh great.”

Cassy stumbled into her, noticed the people, and clapped her hands together like a six year old on their birthday.

“Listen, mister,” Tara addressed the ridiculously dressed man.

“Your Highness.”


Catherine Bybee

“Yeah, about that…” Tara batted Cassy’s hand away when she pulled her back. “We don’t…”

“Yes, we do.”

“No. We, don’t!”

Cassy turned Tara around. “Yes, we do. Come on, Tara, this is a once in a lifetime. What’s it going to hurt?”

“Excuse us,” Tara said and yanked Cassy back inside the tent.


Outside the crowd waited. Muffled voices from inside the tent could be heard as the women argued.

Heated shouts and the occasional head popping out kept the onlookers entertained.

After several minutes, Cassy emerged smiling and triumphant. “We accept.”

“Very well. Gather your belongings and return to Madame Gwen’s tent before breakfast. You will be told what is expected of you then.”

Elated, Cassy went back inside.

The crowd erupted in laughter.


Binding Vows

Chapter 3

“Do you see her anywhere?” Fin asked after their third trip around the camp.


“Say ‘no’ Duncan. We need act as they do.” Fin smiled at a brunette who openly swept his body with suggestive eyes. “You don’t want the lass to think you are a
, do you?”

“Nay...No. I don’t.”

“Try and smile as well.” The infamous MacCoinnich scowl was one of his brother’s most favored expressions. Also the most annoying. “What good is all the work we’ve been doing to learn the speech of this time if you come here and keep saying nay and ye? ’Tisn’t right!”

“I’m not hearing many people saying ’

“Ah, but the bonny lasses do like a bit of our Scottish flair. Try and remember where we are supposed to be from.”

Fin continued his verbal tips while searching for the red haired lass. He rattled on and on until he noticed he talked to himself.

Duncan stopped. A smile tugged at his mouth, with a hint reaching his eyes.

Fin followed his gaze and saw the object of his expression. “God’s teeth, is that her?”

Gazing at her beauty, Duncan’s mouth had gone dry. “Aye!”
Dear God, was she really so fetching last

Heart pounding, he trembled. He remembered her puzzling look and the blood on her hands.


Catherine Bybee

Now she stood as regal as a queen surrounded by her court. Her flamed hair flowed to her hips.

Flowers woven into soft tresses made it even lovelier than he remembered. A deep emerald gown with specks of gold and black enhanced her beauty. Even from the distance, Duncan saw the green of her eyes matched the elegant dress.

Although stunning beyond words, the smile she wore was forced, her movements stiff and unnatural. She was flanked by two men standing as guardians at arms, her protectors or more to the point, keepers.

Cassy, on the other hand, smiled, laughed, and carried on with one of her many admirers. Her grin was genuine and not at all alarming.

Duncan watched the maiden move along with her entourage. He wished he knew her name and made a mental note to find out soon.

Making their way toward the dining area, Duncan saw her eyes roll back in disgust when strangers bowed as she passed.
Duncan heard in his head, almost like she whispered it.

One of the protectors caught her arm when walking over a step. The lass flinched, obviously uncomfortable, and pulled away.

Seeing her shy away in distaste, Duncan was instantly on alert. He moved a hand to the hilt of his sword.

Fin’s voice broke the spell. “Easy, brother.” Fin’s arm shot out. “Those are Grainna’s men. We don’t need them knowing we’re about. Come, let’s eat and watch. We’ll have our chance.”

Fin led Duncan to a table occupied by others.

Soon, a serving woman brought them a plate of food and filled their cups with ale.

Duncan surveyed the room and became aware of the many men watching her. Their lustful looks made Duncan’s hair stand on end. The reaction was 28

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natural to want to guard a virgin from the sneers of men, or so he told himself. They only wanted to dishonor her. But somehow, he knew his protective instincts meant more.

Hell, if one of the men here had made good on their promising look, she wouldn’t be in such danger now. Fin made conversation with the others. It didn’t take long for the talk to go to what was happening with the women at the head table.

“I haven’t seen them before,” a stout man of middle age told them. “Most of the time Gwen picks patrons who have been with us previously.”

“What have they been picked for?” Fin inquired.

“You’re looking at much of it. They are treated as fair royalty, complete with costumes, service, food and accommodations.”

“Don’t forget the tournament,” his wife reminded him.

“Oh yeah, the tournament.”

“What happens then?” Duncan spoke up.

“The knights fight for the right to take the arm of the chosen one.” The older man nodded toward the head table. “Since her hair is down and she’s posing as a marriageable virgin, Gwen will ask for a mock handfasting ceremony at the end. It’s all very entertaining. When was the last time we saw that, Marge?”

“Goodness, John. I don’t really remember. It must be at least two years.” Marge waved a hand in front of her face, shooing away a fly.

“Handfasting adds another layer to the games.

She’ll be a beautiful prize for the winner,” John said between bites.

“Who are the knights?” Fin asked while glancing around the room.

“Anyone can join in the games, as long as they have a horse. But Gwen’s men always prevail. Not 29

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too many of these weekend players know a knight’s game.”

Duncan and Fin exchanged a knowing look and a quick nod.


“I’d like to talk to my friend in private.” Tara told the Neanderthal.

He didn’t budge.

“If I am going to go along with all this, you need to give me some space.”

He didn’t even smile.

“Listen, as your queen, princess or whatever, I demand you leave.” She pointed to the entrance of the tent.

Knowing she was losing Tara by the second, Cassy spoke out. “Hey Bruno?” She took his arm and tugged. “Have you ever heard of PMS?” That got him moving, but only outside the doorway.

“There.” Cassy brushed her hands together.

“You just need to know what to say.”

“I thought he’d never leave.”

“It’s not so bad.” Cassy picked up a brush and ran it through her hair.

, you can walk out of here without being chased. Bruno won’t leave me for a minute.” They came up with Bruno on their own. He never volunteered a name, and only spoke when he had too. And that wasn’t often.

“You have to admit the room is awesome and the clothes are fantastic.”

Tara regarded their spacious tent. The thing was so large, it could have held seven others. The beds were feather soft and draped in gold silk. She stared into a floor length mirror, and marveled at her reflection.

“We have been transported to the middle ages as much as we can be.” Tara picked up her skirt and let it fall to the floor.


Binding Vows

“Gwen has seen to our every need.” Cassy popped a grape in her mouth. “I wonder where she’s been.”

“Sleeping, most likely. She’ll show up soon enough.” Not that Tara looked forward to seeing her again. Something about the woman made her uncomfortable. Which was stupid, she thought. The lady had only been nice to them.

I really should try and get into the spirit of

Cassy certainly had. In fact, Cassy hadn’t stopped singing the praises of Madame Gwen since they met the old bat.

No matter how uncomfortable Tara was, this vacation would go down as one of Cassy’s better ideas in the end.

They were busy taking pictures of the room when Madame Gwen finally showed up with two more generic
at her side.

Gwen dominated the space with her presence.

Her robes were less like a Gypsy’s and more like a queen. Her arms were filled with bracelets. Every finger held a ring. In the light of day, the woman appeared even older.
Her smile is puzzling and
doesn’t suit her.

“I see you’re settled in,” Gwen said to Cassy.

“Yes, we are. Thank you so much for everything.

These clothes are marvelous, and this tent is so much nicer than the one we were in before. I’m not sure why you picked us, but we’re glad you did.”

“And you?” Gwen turned to Tara. “All of this suits you?”

“The dresses feel like they were made for me,”

Tara admitted. “The room is lovely.”


“I’m not used to all the attention.” Tara put a little distance from Gwen who had inched too close for her personal comfort.


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...well, that can’t be helped.” Gwen played with one of the many sparkling gems hanging around her neck. The glitter caught Tara’s eye and held her attention.

“No. I suppose it can’t.” Tara’s knees went weak.

She had a sudden need to sit.

“The patrons look forward to the coming games and celebrations, you wouldn’t want to disappoint them?”

“No. I don’t want to disappoint them. I just...”

Tara closed her eyes for a moment as she lost her train of thought. What were they talking about? She shook her head to clear it and sat down.

“It sounds like fun. The tournament I mean.”

Cassy walked to Tara’s side and attempted to get her to smile by sending a silent glare.

But Cassy’s face turned fuzzy and all Tara could do was close her eyes.

Nervous, Cassy did what she always did in such a state, she rambled. “Will there be knights in armor? What will you want us to do? Will we have lines to practice?”

Gwen stared at Tara. Her smile dropped but only for a fraction of a second.

A chill shot up Tara’s spine. That grave dancing thing was happening all over again. She snapped her eyes back to Gwen, whose face softened.

Tara got up and stood next to Cassy. “We have plenty of time before the jousts to worry about our role. Isn’t that right, Madame Gwen?” Tara wanted to get out of the tent. She needed some fresh air.

And she needed it now.

“Plenty of time, my dear. Plenty of time,” Gwen said. “Why don’t you both get some air? It’s too nice of a day to stay in here. Your minions await.” Gwen spoke directly to Tara. “If you need anything, you only have to ask.”



Binding Vows

Duncan stayed in the back of the crowd, waiting and watching. He searched for a vulnerability to the guard. A weakness he might push past to get her alone.

“Tara.” He rolled the name off his tongue, enjoying its sound. He had learned it from others who asked who she was.

Tara caused quite a stir amongst the people of this time. She wasn’t one of them. Some considered her an outsider and unworthy of the post she was given. Others, mostly unattached men, found her fetching and looked forward to the coming games, games in which they would compete for the opportunity to stand next to her and be handfasted.

It was expected that Tara would let the winner kiss her. But, judging by what Duncan had seen, she didn’t know that part of the bargain.

None of these people believed in handfasting.

They’d think it was only entertainment. Duncan knew it was more than a sport. Grainna was much more cunning than even he gave her credit for. She had managed to sequester the virgin without raising an eyebrow from anyone.

Grainna knew these people and knew what motivated them. That was one of her advantages. He and his brother had only journeyed to this time on two other occasions. Both were in the camp which Grainna had procured, but neither time before had Grainna gone through the effort to isolate a virgin.

Then again, Duncan and Fin saw to it there were none. Grainna hadn’t known they were there.

Or that they sabotaged her plans.

His father’s words rang in Duncan’s head.
underestimate Grainna. She lived for five hundred
years before she went into exile. She will crave youth
like a lover craves release. And stop at nothing to get
it. With her power restored by the virgin, she would
crush you with a thought. With power gained by your

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