Read Birds Of West County Jail: Interracial Group Lesbian Erotica Online
Authors: Bebe Lix
Rugburn looked me up and down, her eyes narrowed. From the sidelines, Hendricks and Malone were looking at me with obvious approval. Rugburn, though, didn't show any kind of reaction.
"Your bra and panties, too," she said.
There was no use in protesting. Swallowing hard, I took off my bra. Now I was nearly naked and trembling in the middle of the cell. Across the hall, the four prisoners had returned to the door to watch.
Footsteps came from the hall. Thompson! She was out there - she had to be making rounds. She would have to save me from whatever these women were going to do to me.
Of course. I wouldn't come to any harm. I was in jail; these women couldn't run wild doing whatever they wanted. If there was any place in the world that was subject to law and order, this was it.
My breathing came easier and my back even began to untense as I listened to the sweet sound of Thompson's feet getting closer and closer.
They were just outside the cell now. As the severe-looking woman walked down the hallway, she glanced into my cell and took in my nearly nude body. I caught my breath. She had to say something now that she had seen this; she had to yell at the other women and tell them off. Maybe I would even get my own cell.
For a brief moment, my eyes made contact with hers. I begged her silently for help. She was the only person that could save me.
But her pace didn't even slow.
"Thompson!" I yelled. I ran to the bar door and shook it, frantic. "Thompson!"
Without a pause, she kept walking down the corridor. She was ignoring me!
Rugburn pulled me away from the door, my hands opening to release the bars without any resistance. "Bitch, you ain't finished taking off your panties," she said, smacking her gum. "What are you waiting for?"
Hendricks and Malone's laughter was joined by that of the women across the hall. They were grinning, apparently finding my predicament the most hilarious thing in the world.
"What's going on?" someone from what sounded like the cell beside mine called out.
One of the women across the hall called back. "They got fresh meat in C2!"
"Y'all are so lucky you can see!" the first woman yelled. "We ain't had or seen nothing fresh in forever."
"Yeah, she's a pretty little one, too," the second woman said. She held the bars tightly next to her cellmates, all four of them leering at me.
Were these women all lesbians? Or had they become that way once they got here? Pretty much every woman I had seen had looked at me like a piece of meat or made comments about me.
"Drop the damn panties," Rugburn growled.
I had almost forgotten. She sounded more serious than ever, and she was right - I didn't want to fuck with her.
Trembling, I dropped my panties to the ground and stood in front of the other prisoners naked.
Rugburn chewed her gum lazily as she looked me up and down. I hoped she liked what she saw - somehow I felt things would go better for me if she did. But she still showed no reaction.
"Sit down," she said, gesturing to Malone's bunk.
I had half expected her to order me to go down on her or something. If I was going to be sitting down, it couldn't be that bad. I took a seat on the hard mattress, trying not to bang my head on the bunk above me.
Malone came forward, seeming to be taking over again. I breathed a sigh of relief; she wasn't great, but Rugburn was just scary. "The first thing is you need to get wet," she said. "Hendricks is going to do a little strip for you."
I blinked rapidly. Hendricks had to make me wet? That was going to be hard. "I'm straight, though," I said.
"We'll see about that."
Hendricks stood in front of me, looking almost as uncomfortable as me. It was clear that she was at the bottom of the food chain in this cell - and that Rugburn was at the top.
She was at the bottom of the food chain until I came along, I should say.
I watched with slight curiosity as she began to unbutton her orange jumpsuit. I'm straight, but I can appreciate a woman's body. And Hendricks had a nice one - a vast expanse of smooth, light brown skin, and her breasts jutting firmly out in front of her. She let the top half of the jumpsuit rest on her wide hips and paused, looking down at me.
"Look at the look on her face," Malone said to her. "Check the sheet under her."
"Not yet," Rugburn said. She had her ice-blue eyes on me, too, watching my expression carefully.
Squirming nervously, I looked at Hendricks again. As she took off her bra, my clit twitched a little bit. It wasn't gay to feel like that. It was just that it was a person, with warm blood and less and less clothes on, standing just inches away from me. That doesn't make me bisexual if my clit responded.
Her breasts were just as perky without the bra as they were with it, even though they were big and round. I almost wondered if they were fake, but the way they jiggled as she moved told me they weren't. Her nipples were a dark purplish color, just begging to be sucked.
To be sucked by a man, of course.
I closed my mouth - I hadn't realized it was open - and readjusted my position on the hard mattress. The light-skinned woman's proximity was disarming. She even smelled good. Womanly, but good.
"Is she wet yet?" she asked, sounding even less at ease.
"She probably is," Malone said. "Look at how she's wiggling her little ass there."
"Big ass, for a white girl," Hendricks commented.
"Maybe she is, but let's make sure," Rugburn said firmly. "If she ain't wet when we check, you know what's going to happen."
What was going to happen? I didn't like the sound of that at all.
Fortunately or unfortunately, though, I was pretty sure Malone was right. My pussy was beginning to throb, and I could feel the juices flowing down there.
"Go ahead and stick your tits in her face," Rugburn said to Hendricks. "Just to be sure."
Hendricks blinked a few times, but nodded. A second later her breasts were covering my face, surrounding it from both sides. Her scent was even stronger, but not unpleasant, as she pressed her tits against my cheeks.
I leaned in, feeling her heat on my face. I could almost forget where I was, what I was doing, the fact that I was just as naked as she was. All I knew for that moment was her breasts against my skin.
Even a straight girl can like breasts. They're just beautiful, that's all. My girlfriends in college would talk about how much they liked boobs. Some of them would even feel each other up when they were drinking.
I never took part in that, though.
Now that I was thinking about it, I had always been a little jealous at the time.
"Stick your titty in her mouth," Malone said.
Hendricks was moving to obey when Rugburn said, "No." Then Hendricks stopped immediately.
I closed my mouth, not sure that I liked how my lips were already parted in anticipation. I didn't want to suck a tit, had never wanted to. Why had I opened my mouth to Hendricks so eagerly?
"Check the sheet," Rugburn ordered.
She beckoned and I stood up, feeling small and naked next to Hendricks', half a head taller than me, and the other two, who were fully clothed.
I was pretty sure they would find what they wanted on the bedsheet. Whether I wanted that or not, I didn't know.
Malone leaned under the top bunk, her hand exploring the mattress. She ran her fingers over it for a moment before finding what she was looking for.
"So?" Rugburn asked. "Is it wet or not?"
"Hell yeah," Malone said. "She's one of us!"
She lifted her fingers. It was hard to tell in the dim light, but I thought I could see a trail of sticky wetness rising from the mattress. Malone brought her fingers to her lips and licked them clean.
I should have found it disgusting, but it made me even wetter instead. I wasn't "one of them," I knew I wasn't - but then why was the bedsheet wet?
"What now? Is it over?" I asked, my voice weak.
Rugburn turned to me, exploding again. "I tell you to talk, bitch? Who told you to talk?" She grabbed me by the throat and thrust me against the cell bars. My body shook as the cold metal rubbed against me. From across the hall, the women whooped and cheered. They had to be getting a fantastic view of my ass.
"I'm sorry!"
That seemed to placate her a little bit, and her grip loosened. She let me take a step away from the bar door. "That's more like it," she said, her breathing slowing. "And no, it ain't over."
The other women laughed.
"What happens now is you need to prove yourself." Rugburn spat her gum through the bars, then started to unbutton her own jumpsuit. Her pale body emerged from underneath, no bra covering her perky breasts or big pink nipples.
I swallowed hard, unable to take my eyes off her body. Did she want me to go down on her? I couldn't do that. "I'm straight," I mumbled again.
She sneered. "Relax. It ain't even your turn yet," she said, nodding to Malone.
Malone stripped off her own jumpsuit, her body as dark and curvy as Rugburn's was pale and skinny. They both knelt on the cement floor, Malone behind Rugburn.
The women across the hall were watching more intently than ever. Even from where I was standing, I could see their eyes widen as Hendricks pushed her jumpsuit from her waist down to her ankles.
She took her place behind Malone, her nose right up by the black woman's pussy. The three of them were in a row, all up close to each other as if they were going to...
"Now it's your turn," Rugburn said. Malone's tongue was already finding her pussy as, from behind, Hendricks did the same to her. My eyes widened. They really expected me to get down there and do that?
"I can't," I whispered.
"If you don't..." Even naked on her knees on the floor, Rugburn intimidated the crap out of me. Once again I reminded myself that I didn't want to fuck with those women.
All she had said was that I needed to prove myself. Maybe that would just mean that I could lick Hendricks for a minute, and then they would let me go to sleep peacefully.
Slowly, hesitantly, I dropped to my knees. There wasn't much space in the small cell, and my ass was right up against the wall as I took my place at the back of the line of naked women licking each other.
I touched Hendricks' ass, which was even bigger than mine. Was I really going to be able to put my tongue between her thick thighs? I enjoyed getting eaten out well enough, but I didn't even like going down on guys.
As I squeezed the round curve lightly, she gave a soft moan. She didn't pause licking Malone for a second, though. Her tongue worked diligently, working its way up and down Malone's pussy.
Malone was moaning softly herself, but still doing her job on Rugburn. I couldn't see the young white girl's scarred face, but from her groans and the way her ass shook back and forth, I could tell that she was enjoying herself.
I squeezed Hendricks' ass again, a little harder this time. It wasn't so bad touching another woman. I was going to get through this.
"Rugburn, she ain't licking me yet," Hendricks said in the tone of a child tattling to a schoolteacher.
"I'm licking her!" I said, not wanting to see how Rugburn would react to this infraction. Before she could even turn her head, I had nudged my way between Hendricks' ass cheeks and found her wet pussy with my tongue.
It wasn't so bad at all to do this. I didn't mind the way Hendricks moaned as I tongued my way around her pussy. Actually, I didn't mind it at all.
"How's our fresh meat doing?" Rugburn called back, her breathing heavy.
"She ain't bad," Hendricks said. "Not half bad."
"Don't stop licking me," Malone moaned, the frustration in her voice evident.
"Don't you stop licking me," Rugburn rasped.
Although I didn't dare to stop what I was doing to Hendricks, I couldn't help but smile at hearing myself described as "not bad." For a first-timer, I thought I was doing pretty well.
Hendricks' big tanned ass jiggled in my face as I continued to explore her pussy, tasting her juices. When guys went down on me, though, I liked them to lick my clit. I nosed around further, trying to find Hendricks' clit among her wet folds. When she gasped and her body shook, I knew I was in the right place.
"What's she doing?" Rugburn asked from somewhere up ahead. I couldn't see her anymore, couldn't see anything farther than Hendricks' pussy and ass in my face.
"She's learning," Hendricks breathed.
Malone was quiet except for her soft moans. She seemed to be doing a good job on Rugburn in front of her.
As for me, my pussy just kept getting wetter and wetter. I almost wanted to touch myself, but didn't want Rugburn to get mad at me again.
Then again, she didn't seem to be in the mood to get mad anymore.
I brought my hand between my legs, finally laying one finger to my throbbing clit. Still licking Hendricks' own hard little nub, I began to rub my own. Soon I was making muffled noises along with the rest of them.