Birds Of West County Jail: Interracial Group Lesbian Erotica (3 page)

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Hendricks shifted and I could tell that she was placing some of her fingers into Malone's pussy. That was a good idea; I should have thought of it myself. With my free hand, I put one finger into her own wet hole. Her little gasp encouraged me to put in a second one.

I worked my own clit harder, more turned on than ever. It didn't mean anything if I was aroused by these women. It just meant there were no men around. Even while fingering and licking Hendricks, I was still as straight as ever.

Rugburn groaned loudly. "Is she going to come?" Hendricks asked Malone.

Malone didn't stop what she was doing long enough to answer. "There's no way she's going to," Hendricks said as if to herself. She turned to look at me. "You know why they call her Rugburn?"

"No, why?" I kept my fingers deep inside her as I spoke.

"Because she makes girls eat her so long they get rugburn."

With that she turned to face forward again, sticking her face between Malone's ass cheeks. It didn't make sense, though. If Rugburn took so long to come, why was she on the verge of it before any of the rest of us?

I had to ask. "Why isn't she taking that long tonight, Hendricks?"

Hendricks laughed softly. "It's not every day we get fresh meat," she said. "Especially hot young white meat."

Heat rushed to my cheeks. It had seemed like Rugburn hated me - I hadn't thought she was turned on by me.

A sudden bravery came over me. "You know, this isn't the most efficient way of doing this," I said. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I began to regret them. But I couldn't seem to stop myself from talking. "We should really be in a circle. You know, like a daisy chain."

Rugburn was nearly panting as she turned her head and snapped at me. "A circle? What, so I could eat you out?" Her pale skin was flushed. "Bitch. You lick Hendricks, Hendricks licks Malone, Malone licks me. That's how it goes around here."

I rubbed my clit harder, trying not to let her scare me. "It just seemed like maybe you wanted to lick me."

There was a long moment of silence. Normally Hendricks or Malone would have laughed if I had said something wrong like that, but at this point the tension was thick enough to be cut with a knife.

Finally Rugburn herself laughed. "That's the first time the fresh meat of West County Jail ever said something like that. You got some balls, girl."

She hadn't called me "bitch" this time. That was a good sign.

"Yeah, bring your ass over here," she said.

Hendricks and Malone seemed to be trying to control their surprise as I crawled over to Rugburn and knelt with my ass right in her face. They readjusted themselves so that I could still go down on Hendricks. Across the hall, the other women watched us hungrily.

Considering that I hadn't even wanted to touch a woman an hour ago, I couldn't believe how badly I wanted Rugburn to touch me.

I knelt, putting two fingers back in Hendricks as I felt Rugburn's tongue slide over my pussy. I had never been licked from behind before, on my knees. Her soft breath caressed my ass and thighs between licks. It felt a million times better than my fingers, and definitely better than anything any man had ever done to me.

Sucking in a soft gasp, I returned my own tongue to Hendricks' pussy. Now I was a little bit distracted with what Rugburn was doing to me. It took more effort to keep pleasuring Hendricks the way that I had been. How did these women do it?

Practice, probably. Lots of practice.

I might be okay with that.

My body shook as Rugburn licked up and down my folds, finishing by finding my clit and staying there. I had already brought myself close to the edge with my hand, and now I had a good chance of coming even before Rugburn herself.

"Fuck," I moaned. I could hardly keep my head straight enough to stay on my knees without collapsing. It was more and more difficult to keep pleasuring Hendricks at all.

Her soft laugh from ahead of me reassured me. "It's all right, there, Daisy. You do what you need to do."

"What did you call me?" I breathed.

"Daisy," Hendricks said. "Like Daisy Chain."

I breathed in quickly. I could handle that for a nickname.

Rugburn's mouth was all over me, her fingers deep inside me. "She's going to come," she said to the others.

My body twisted, the tension building up in me. I dropped my head, forgetting about Hendricks for the moment as I let it build higher and still higher.

Rugburn's lips wrapped around my clit and sucked, and just like that, all of the tension released. My screams probably woke up half the jail.

I kept coming, my body shaking as Rugburn continued to work her magic on me until I couldn't come anymore.

I brought my head up slowly to see all three of them staring at me. It wasn't the same way they had stared at me when I arrived, though. There was no malice in their eyes, no animosity - just arousal.

Seeing them looking at me was making me too nervous, so I did the only thing I could think of - put my head back between Hendricks' curvy ass cheeks and picked up where I had left off. Moaning softly, she slipped two fingers inside Malone, who then began to go down on Rugburn again.

She wasn't going to be getting "rugburn" tonight, though. The scarred white girl was the next one to buck and shake, her orgasm coming over her with a guttural howl.

A second later, Malone was breathing heavily as Hendricks fingered her harder and faster. After Hendricks thrust deeply into her for a few minutes, she collapsed onto the hard floor, still breathing in short, ragged bursts.

Now it was just on me to make Hendricks come. I wasn't sure if she was close. She had said earlier that I wasn't bad, though. Well, she had seemed to like it when I had licked her clit itself. Bringing my tongue down there again, I caressed her hard nub up, down, and sideways, getting in as close to it as I could.

Hendricks moaned loudly. "Yes," she panted. I couldn't believe how much I wanted to get her off, this other woman. I had never even considered doing something like this, yet now it seemed like a matter of life or death for her to have this orgasm.

With two fingers inside her, I stroked her inner walls as I licked her clit faster and faster. Her body shook, her ass jiggling in my face. She was almost there now.

"Check out Daisy," Rugburn commented.

My new nickname was catching on. I would have smiled, but my mouth was too busy between Hendricks' thighs.

Her ass quivered. She was there. She was there! With a loud gasp, she began to come. I licked her harder, not stopping until her body stopped shaking.

I had made a woman come.

Once her tremors had stopped, she let herself fall face-first onto the floor. Her big, perfect ass stuck straight up into the air, and I resisted the urge to run my hands along it. I was straight, after all.

Rugburn and Malone were sitting up now. Malone winked at the women who still watched us from the other cell, now drawing back reluctantly from the bars. If either of my cellmates had had to "prove themself" at that moment, I was sure they would have passed. The cement floor underneath them had to be dripping wet.

"So, Daisy," Malone said casually, giving me that cheerful look that she did so well. The way she acted, it was as if we hadn't just had a lesbian orgy on the floor of the prison cell. "How are you liking being a prisoner here at West County Jail?"

Thoughts flew through my mind. How could I respond to that? The things that had happened tonight didn't even make sense to me. I couldn't even think through what had just happened.

I hadn't made any friends, I hadn't made any enemies, but I did seem to have made three lovers. And I was willing to see what would happen the next night and the next, even when there was no longer any fresh meat around.

This much I knew for sure. "I think I'm going to be all right here," I said.



If you couldn't get enough of Daisy and friends, you won't want to miss
Shakedowns Are The New Foreplay
! This sweet and sexy 60-page novella picks up where Birds Of West County Jail left off:

Daisy - short for Daisy Chain - is slowly adjusting to life in West County Jail. Not only has she learned to sleep on a hard mattress and help out in the kitchen, she's also found out that she's not as straight as she once thought - especially when she's around a certain prison guard.
Hearts and careers are at risk as Daisy pursues the object of her desires - and her violent ex-lover isn't helping...


Also by Bebe Lix:

A Bar Full Of Women

Penny, a secretary by day and a stand-up comedian by night, is surprised when she receives a call from a bar she's never heard of asking her to come in and do a show. The manager warns her that she might have to change up her act a little bit to suit the audience. When she gets there, she understands what the woman meant: this is no normal nightspot, it's a lesbian bar. The audience of rough older lesbians doesn't find her comedy too funny. But there's something else she can offer them instead...

Stolen From My Lesbian Wedding

It was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. I was having the perfect lesbian wedding with the woman of my dreams, and nothing could have brought me down. Then I got in the limo to go to the reception, and it pulled away before my new wife could get in. I asked the driver over and over what she was doing. She rolled down the window, and I saw it was my ex. She said she knew I still loved her, and she was going to prove it. She drove me out into the forest, until there was nowhere for me to run...

Bred By Her Best Friend

My life is nearly perfect. I have everything I've ever wanted: a great job, a girlfriend who loves me. The only thing that's missing is a baby - and I want one so bad! When yet another straight friend announces she's pregnant, I break down crying. Then my girl's hot best friend makes me an offer. He won't just get me pregnant, he says - he'll knock both of us up!

Leather Jacket Ladies

Hannah is a pretty girl, not a smart girl. She doesn't know much about cars. When hers runs out of gas on the side of the road, she's just happy that someone is going to help her. The fact that her rescuers are a group of hot lesbian bikers doesn't bother her, as long as they're going to take her home! Once they get to her house, a glimpse into Hannah's toy box turns the conversation more sexual. Hannah admits that she's not fully satisfied by her husband - and that she's never been with a woman.

The Lesbian Factory

Adelaide and I have been friends for a long time. She's very beautiful, and of course very rich, but I'm perfectly straight. I've never looked at any woman like that. I thought she was joking around when she talked about how she was done with men, and how pretty she thought I was. But when she had me kidnapped and hypnotized into becoming a lesbian, it didn't seem so funny anymore!


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