
Read Birthday Online

Authors: Allison Heather

Tags: #incest, #anal sex, #oral sex, #erotica anthology, #watersports, #bestiality, #sex with dog, #incest mother son, #incest fiction, #incest erotica, #incestuous love, #erotica for men, #incest sex, #zoophilia, #incestuous, #erotica adult, #erotica anal sex, #incest erotic stories, #new erotica, #incest erotic story, #incest erotic, #incest explicit, #erotica for woman, #erotica book, #erotica kindle, #erotica adult fiction, #incestuous impregnation, #incest family sex, #incest anal sex, #incestuous threesome, #incest erotica author, #incest erotica story, #incest mother, #incest son, #incestuous sex, #incestuous marriage, #sex with male dog, #womandog sex, #motherdog sex, #mothersondog sex

BOOK: Birthday
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By Allison



Copyright 2011
Allison Heather

Smashwords Edition, License

This eBook is original and
licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be
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might have published in part or full elsewhere under author’s old
pen names and the copyright extends to all those versions. Thank
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Dedication and

This book like my other
books written and to be written are a silent homage to all those
who have dared and would dare break taboos. I am struggling to do
so myself...probably one day I would accomplish that and join the
ranks of brave and wonderful. Until then, for me pen [keyboard] and
imagination are two very strong tools.

The book contains strong
adult theme and should be read by those who are open-minded and
like challenging imaginations. Best Wishes and thanks for picking
up [rather downloading] this book.

Happy Reading.

Allison Heather.

Feedback and suggestions
are very welcome







Allison Heather


Chapter 1

Winter of 2011.

I watched the late morning news on CNN with
half the concentration. The cold December morning was bitter and
snow has been falling pretty much every day. Ten days to Christmas,
I thought idly. My gifts had all been delivered well before the
Christmas day. I rubbed my pregnant belly. It was too soon to feel
much but in fourth month I started to show and feel the beautiful
affects of being pregnant. Fast approaching fifty years of age my
fertility was a blessing from my mother's genes. She had her
menopause in late fifties. I expect to have siblings for my baby
before my menopause sets in.

I patted the head of my beautiful Rex, a
huge St. Bernard. He had his beautiful face in my lap and nodded
off as her mummy watched TV. Rex was my companion through out the
day in the huge mansion we lived in. Rex and I would go for our
long walk in woods surrounding our house. Three hundred acres gave
Rex enough space to run free. For the giant breed Rex was superbly
fit and fast due to regular exercise. I had taught him to run on
treadmill after watching Cesar Milan. I sipped my green tea as I
savoured the morning sex I had with the man I love with my life. He
left for work a bit late but if you own a multimillion business and
your genius is what created it then your arrival at work is a
matter of convenience.

I smiled and kissed the handsome snout of my
Rex. He opened his eyes briefly and then closed them again. I
thought he smiled at my stupid expression of love that he trusted
and took for granted. I felt the effect of all the teas I had and
my full bladder started to 'pulsate'.

"Rex, baby. Mummy has to pee," I informed

Rex got up with agility that belied his
giant frame. Rex was taller than average St. Bernard. His heavy
muscle bound frame of 86 kg was spread over a height of a meter. He
was over six feet four inches long. He was as tall as his daddy
when he stood up on his hind legs. Rex kissed me on my lips - for
him that meant he licked my mouth three times with his warm raspy
tongue. Rex was very 'mature' and calm for his young age. He was
going to be three years old when I would be fifty on December

Rex has followed me everywhere. Rex had his
spot on our specially designed huge bed big enough for six people.
I could not envisage a day where I did not see the faces of the man
I loved and Rex.

I took off my negligee. I threw my panties
off. My large breasts drooped due to their weight and looked even
more beautiful than when they stood out like two half cut melons
during my teens.

I sat on the commode and let the urine
stream rip. I smiled at my choice of word. Rex moved his ears as he
heard the slash. He sat on his hind legs and could reach my face.
He kissed me again. I returned his kiss and roughed his silky coat
on his neck.

I finished peeing and started to brush my
teeth. I laughed as Rex licked my full wide voluptuous ass. I was
never 'stick-slim'. My curvy round frame had become even more
rounded with passing years. I had some dimpling on my buttocks and
thighs that never bothered me. My thighs were full and 'meaty',
term husband used. I laughed again, making Rex lick the crack of my
ass even with more insistence.

I separated my thighs as Rex became
impatient and nudged my ass with his nose. His nose was always cool
though moist. I gargled and flossed. I squirmed as Rex took my
silence [while my mouth was full of paste, floss] as encouragement
and his tongue pushed deeper.

"Rex, slow down," I whispered and spat out
the mouthwash.

I was about to enter the shower when phone
rang. Rex ran and soon came with the handset. I thanked Rex and
mussed his head affectionately. A sweet feminine voice asked. "May
I talk with Ms Angela Baker please?"

"Speaking," I said. I turned and supported
my ass against the rim of basin with my feet planted wide

"Oh! It's Katie from Baby World. Maa'm your
cribs are ready to be inspected. Please come whenever you can."

Despite my protestations father of my baby
insisted on ordering handmade special cribs and everything that
baby would need.

"Thank you very much. We would come by
weekend, OHHH....AAH." my reply ended with a shriek and a moan.

"Is everything all right, Maa'm?" the girl
was really sweet.

"Yes, Yes, please forgive me for alarming
you, Katie. You know baby..."

"Oh! Yes Maa’m. Hope all goes well.

"Thanks, Bye."

I threw the handset on the floor and grabbed
the sides of the huge washbasin to hold myself.

Rex's tongue had found my cunt and he had
started to lick my wet cunt filled with my lover's cum. I moaned,
"Rex, baby. You should have waited until mummy finished the
conversation. I scared that nice girl with my shriek."

Rex heard my voice and stood up on his hind
legs his massive forelegs on my shoulder and he licked my open
mouth. I threw my arms around his massive neck and allowed his
tongue to roam inside my mouth. I held his tongue between my lips.
Rex let out a low mewling sound that I knew very well. His tongue
now licked my mouth and nose. The tip of his tongue would time and
again find its way inside my nostrils.

Rex made love to my face. Then he sat down
on his haunches. I moaned as Rex's cool nose nudged against my soft
lower belly. His tongue soon found my lush bushy cunt. With months
of proximity I knew Rex wanted sex. I had learnt to yield to Rex as
a good female companion as he had learnt to yield to me as a male

I moaned loudly as Rex separated my cuntlips
with his long tongue and ran it all along my wet cunt flicking my
engorged clitoris. I looked down and saw Rex's huge cock poke out
of its furry sheath. My boy was really sex starved.

"Rex, let's go to bed," I whispered half
wishing Rex would ignore my suggestion and continue to lick my
cunt. Rex bound with me with an unseen bond moved away and walked
towards the bathroom door. I took some time to collect myself. Rex
stopped at the door and looked back. His brown eyes locked into
mine. I knew Rex could not be kept waiting.

Once in bedroom I positioned myself in the
best position Rex liked when he licked me. I lay on my back with my
ass close to the edge of the bed. I flexed my thighs and spread
them apart exposing my cunt and ass to Rex. Rex sat on the floor
and his tongue found my clit and he lapped the whole slit of my

My moans were familiar to Rex and he knew he
was doing it right. Rex's rough tongue licked my cunt from anus to
clitoris with firm rapid strokes. I started to moan in earnest. Rex
expertly licked my anus and managed to push his tongue to an inch
or two inside making me push my hips up. I started to massage my

"Rex, please lick mummy. Good boy," I
whispered totally unnecessary. By now Rex and I were fully tuned to
each other's needs.

Rex became more insistent. He pulled his
tongue out of my anus and pushed it in my pussy. He found the honey
pot of cum and licked it hungrily. Then Rex did his thing. He ran
his rough tongue at phenomenal speed along my cunt opening and
clitoris. I moaned loudly as my orgasm declared its arrival.

My thighs held Rex's noble handsome head
between my thighs. His tongue rasped and licked my clitoris and I
came with a muffled shriek. Rex was used to my loud screams and
this shriek did not even make him flicker his ears. My orgasm made
me sex juices and Rex lapped them up greedily.

I waited for few precious moments while Rex
continued to lick my ultra-sensitive clitoris making me wince with
delicious pain, "Rex, let mummy see if you are ready."

Rex stood back and I slipped down on the
floor. Rex quickly jumped up and his huge frame rose in front of my
kneeling body. Rex rested his paws on the bed. I reached for his
pink thick penis jutting out of his furry sheath. Rex had a huge
cock, keeping with his giant breed. I took Rex's half out cock in
my mouth and gently sucked. I knew Rex loved that and would be
fully erect in seconds. Soon his cock would be rock hard. My mouth
now was full with the second biggest cock I had seen and touched in
my whole life.

I was not disappointed. Rex's cock shot out
making me gag. Rex was steel hard and his nine and a half inches
long cock was out in its full glory. I tasted Rex's precum, thinner
than his real cum and more salty. His cock was very thick and was
well over six inches in circumference. I sucked his cock and softly
massaged his balls at the bas of his cock. Rex and I had perfect
understanding. Rex kept his knot in control until he penetrated

I was wet again and itching to be fucked. I
moved back and said, "Rex, time to fuck mummy." Rex's vocabulary
had fuck word well ingrained.

Rex thudded his paws on the carpet. I had
two choices either missionary or 'doggie' position. Rex was really
horny and I knew he would take me more than once. So I chose doggie

I lay down on my face with a pillow under my
lower belly to lift my ass up. I planted my feet on the carpet. Rex
jumped back up on bed his huge paws, much bigger than my hands,
were firmly planted on the bed on either side of my head. I turned
my face to my right. Rex loved to lick my face when he fucked me. I
loved him to do that too.

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