Birthday (4 page)

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Authors: Allison Heather

Tags: #incest, #anal sex, #oral sex, #erotica anthology, #watersports, #bestiality, #sex with dog, #incest mother son, #incest fiction, #incest erotica, #incestuous love, #erotica for men, #incest sex, #zoophilia, #incestuous, #erotica adult, #erotica anal sex, #incest erotic stories, #new erotica, #incest erotic story, #incest erotic, #incest explicit, #erotica for woman, #erotica book, #erotica kindle, #erotica adult fiction, #incestuous impregnation, #incest family sex, #incest anal sex, #incestuous threesome, #incest erotica author, #incest erotica story, #incest mother, #incest son, #incestuous sex, #incestuous marriage, #sex with male dog, #womandog sex, #motherdog sex, #mothersondog sex

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First I giggled bathed in happiness. I
pondered over the word usurper. Joe and I were not used to dropping
irrelevant words. Joe meant he felt he 'owned' me. My son thought
he had right over me over anyone else, more so any other man. That
night that principle felt right.

"Joe how is almost-married life?" I placed
my face against my son's shoulder and looked up. I was hurt to see
a shadow cross across his face.

"Mum, Jenny and I have started to have
differences. She finds me forceful, domineering. She somehow
believes that I love another woman and probably having an affair."
Joe saw sadness on my face and quickly bent his mouth and kissed me
on my nose.

I knew my son was a confident assertive man
but an impeccable gentleman. What made my heart lurch was that any
man in my family could deceive the woman he loves with

"Joe, did you er have you had affair with
another woman?" I asked with heavy heart. I did not want to hear if
my men were unfaithful.

Joe smiled and shook his head emphatically
in a no. His smile had a tinge of strange sadness, "Mum, your son
would never take advantage of a lady, cheat on her or exploit her
in any way. You taught me all that. If I deceive any woman I
deceive you first. That I would never ever do." Joe's 'never' and
'ever' were spoken with heartfelt strength of honesty.

I flung my arms around my son's strong neck
and pulled myself up to kiss my boy's thoughtful face. Joe used his
immense strength to lift me up and I found myself sitting in my
son's lap like riding a saddle one sided. I kissed my son's mouth,
"I am so sorry. I am sure Jenny would realise her misunderstanding.
How can she assume you love another woman?”

Joe smiled ruefully and changed the subject,
"Mum we need refill but I do not want the angel who has dropped in
my lap to move from my lap."

I giggled like a schoolgirl, "JOE, you say
such nice things. You mum is an old lady hurtling towards her big
fifty. An angel she is not. I will freshen the glasses."

"No mum, this is the job for the man. I know
I can carry my angel, No, I insist you are," Joe got up with me in
his arms as if I weighed as much as a feather. I had both glasses
in my hands. We both laughed as I filled them shakily and my son
balanced me in his arms.

I had a brilliant idea I picked up the
bottle as well. We were once again comfortable on sofa and sipped
wine rather quickly.

I suddenly realised Joe had not answered my
question, "Joe, why does Jenny thinks you love another woman? Do
you?" I regretted asking that. Twice in short span I had doubted my
son. I was also a bit miffed with his girlfriend at being

"Mum, I have never said anything to support
that. I have never shown any signs to make anyone even think of
such a possibility. I have not even said it aloud in my own mind
let alone to anyone," my son's face was now showed a deep-seated

I tightened my arms around my son, "Forgive
your old mum, Joe. She is being stupid. I cannot see the pain on my
son's beautiful face."

Joe held me tight as well and buried his
face in my hair. We sat there for a long time.

"Mum realisation has set in as you quizzed
me," Joe whispered in thick voice into my hair, "I cannot be
dishonest anymore, not with you. I do love someone other than
Jenny. I just never acknowledged even to myself, as it would be
disloyal to Jen."

I moved back to look at my son's face. I saw
young Tom and my father in his incredibly beautiful and handsome
face. Suddenly my chest tightened. I wished we never had this
discussion. I had that premonition that mothers have intuitively. I
feared that my son would say something I possibly did not want to

"Mum, I am sure that other woman I am in
love with is you." Joe said simply. Atom bombs are dropped in a
simple gesture of gravity but devastation is phenomenal.

I gasped and somehow knew that's what my son
would say. I lost my husband, and now might lose my son because the
emotions we shared now moved into a different realm - prohibited,
illicit and deemed dangerous and wrong by society.

I started to cry silently and buried my face
in my son's chest. Joe kissed my hair repeatedly and kept on saying
'Sorry Mum’ that made me cry even more. I cried as much for the
insoluble problem we faced and, also that my son might feel sorry
he felt that way about his mother.

I stopped crying eventually and looked at my
son. I saw pure love written all over his face. I was not worried
about incest and all that goes nonsense with it. I was worried
about my son who now found himself at crossroads.

Joe looked at me with fierce affection that
took my breath away. Before I could do or say anything my son
crushed his mouth over mine. I clung on to his neck and allowed my
mouth to open and soon my son's tongue found its way inside his
mother's mouth. I cried and kissed my son. Joe stroked my back as
our kiss became fierce to the point of being violent.

Joe seemed to be angry with himself and me
that he somehow found loving his mother as a woman. I felt angry
that somehow I allowed my son to develop those feelings for his
mother. I moaned as my son crushed his mouth on mine almost
cruelly. I cried and sobbed and in wild anger at the travesty that
our lives had become bit hard on my son's lip. I heard Joe emit a
low groan. I tasted salty thick fluid in my mouth. Mother in me won
and I moved away and saw a deep cut on my son's lower lip

Joe smiled peacefully and sucked on his lip.
I touched my son's face with both hands and muttered 'sorry sweetie
so sorry' like mantra.

Joe laughed, my son actually laughed and
looked at peace with himself. I jumped and went to bring the usual
things mothers keep. I pressed Joe's cut lip in thick soft gauze
until it stopped bleeding.

"Joe, we need vaccination. Human bites can
be dangerous." I was and sounded very concerned.

"Mum relax, this is nothing. If I do die of
this bite at least I go out with a gift from the woman I love."
Joe's speech was funny as his lower lip was in my pinch.

I kissed his nose, "Joe, please don't talk
like that. I would die if any thing happens to my son."

Joe held me tight and moved my hand from his
lip, which had already swollen badly. The bleeding had stopped. I
did not fight the feeling and kissed my son's painful mouth gently,
as I always did.

"Mum, you will have to visit me to kiss it
better until it heals," Joe said mischievously.

We both started to laugh madly. I rested my
face back on my son's chest. We drank and finished the bottle. I
looked and felt tired, more emotionally than physically.

"May I take you to you bedroom, mum," Joe
asked and my eyes locked in to my son's brilliant light brown

I did not say no. Joe picked me up in his
arms and I stroked his face with my hands tenderly like his loving
mother. Rex bounded after us. Joe stood with me in his arms as we
both stared in to each other's eyes. Internal struggle was so
obvious in my son's face. Joe's face was transparent and showed his
emotions to anyone who knew how to read him.

Time seemed to have slowed down.

I whispered, "Joe, we can not deceive
Jenny." I saw Joe's face become calm right away. My son whispered,
"No mum, we cannot. Would I have my mum tomorrow morning as I did
until I said silly things tonight."

I kissed my son's cheek with fierce
affection and no answer was necessary. Joe placed me down and I saw
him walk away to his bedroom. I held back tears, I had cried enough
tonight to last me few years.

Rex nudged me on my bottom and I laughed
despite the pain in my heart.





Chapter 4

New Year Eve, 2009.

I felt hurt in a strange manner. My hurt was
compounded by the ache my son carried. Rex who had been patient so
far sharing me with my son now showed his envy fully. He sat on the
carpet showing no signs of jumping on the bed as he does when ready
to go to sleep. I had lost a bit of tipsy feeling from excess of

"Rex, you are impatient tonight. Do not
worry my older son is not competing with you." I talked with Rex as
I do, conversationally.

I pulled my blouse and shorts off. My
panties were soaked with my juices that surprised me. Rex stood up
looking for lead. I wanted Rex as much as he wanted me. Rex could
offer me catharsis my emotions needed. I wanted to see Rex's face
as he took me.

I lay down on my back on the edge of the bed
with a pillow under my bottom. Rex attacked my cunt and ass
hungrily. His raspy tongue licked my anus and continued to my
clitoris. Rex had me moaning in few seconds. I was few more seconds
away from my orgasm.

Rex jumped up on the bed. His massive furry
body between my flexed spread thighs. Rex found my cunt awash with
sex juices in one try, first for both of us. He had already started
to develop a knot. I had to bite hard on my lip as Rex slammed his
huge cock in one savage thrust. Rex started to fuck my cunt with
frenzy, I thought, surpassed anything we had shared before. His
spurted cum right away and kept on doing as his cock sped in and
out of my cunt. I came on his fourth thrust and kept on coming for
the next half an hour Rex fucked me.

"Rex, fuck mummy. FUCK MUMMEEE HAARDD," I
shrieked huskily as my teeth were clamed on my lip.

Rex's open mouth drooled over my face and
his tongue was close to my panting mouth. I flung my arms around
his strong neck and pulled his mouth on to mine. I sucked on Rex's
tongue as his haunches moved with ferocious speed. His movements
were a blur as his cock slammed inside my convulsing cunt with
amazing force and pace.

I moaned as each spurt of Rex's hot cum
bathed my cunt walls. Rex panted with happiness as my tight cunt
clasped around his cock. I had learnt that made Rex slam even
harder almost hurting me. I wanted to be hurt that night. I wanted
a physical pain to add to the deep emotional pain in my heart.

I moaned both in passion and pain as Rex
slammed harder and faster in my cunt. His cock seemed to have grown
even thicker. His long cock hit against my cervix creating another
sensation that pushed me over the precipice of lust into waiting
arms of violent orgasm.

I freed Rex's tongue to lick my face. Rex
found my nose and his tongue entered my nostrils on each upward
stroke. The tip of Rex's cock, enlarged even more. The flat angled
surface was ideal in connecting with my tender cervix. The bone in
his cock gave his shaft the rigid painful hardness in causing that
delicious pain that comes from a woman's cervix being mauled

I came again and tried to muffle my shriek.
I wanted Rex to hurt me even more. I had never asked Rex to pull
out of me with his knot fully inflated. I wanted him to take me in
my ass with his knot fully developed. I knew that will hurt me,
might even damage me. I wanted to punish myself in an irrational
fit of emotional turmoil.

"Rex, sweetie, mummy wants you to take her
in her ass," I used my feet to gently push Rex away. Rex was very
sensitive to my body gestures. I hurriedly pushed my hand between
our bodies to cover my cunt in case Rex understood my intention and
pulled out his cock, knot and all.

Rex surprised me by pulling his haunches and
his cock snapped out of my cunt making me yelp in pain. I moved my
feet away from Rex and that gave him signal to penetrate me again.
My hand had covered my cunt. Rex's cock hit my closed fingers
first. I moved my hips up a fraction. Rex's huge cock found my

I was expecting pain; in fact I wanted Rex
to hurt me. What happened was way beyond my expectation and
endurance. Rex slammed his cock, his flat hard slanted tip found my
anal opening and his powerful haunches did the rest. I felt my anus
being torn asunder. I screamed into the soft pillow I had bitten in
anticipation. My anus opened from tiny tight ring to accommodate
Rex's thick knot's girth bigger than any cock I had had inside me.
Even though my sex juices and his cum had coated his cock, my anus
was dry.

I screamed again as Rex pulled his massive
girth with lightening speed and slammed it again. My anus felt as
if a red-hot poker had been shoved inside it. I welcomed the pain
even though my senses were overwhelmed with its intensity.

Rex heard my screams and felt encouraged,
his instincts had been honed to take my screams as indicator of
pleasure he gave me. His haunches flew like a freight train. His
cock tore my anus apart as Rex fucked me with his monstrosity with
his typical speed and force.

I felt tears of pain stream from my eyes. I
sobbed as the horrible intolerable pain stabbed me with each thrust
of Rex's huge cock in my ass. I clung on to Rex's strong neck and
my heels dug on his back. Both were my signs for him that he was
pleasing his mummy, intended to make him go harder and faster.

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