Black Horse (Breaking Black) (6 page)

BOOK: Black Horse (Breaking Black)
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Forever, Be Mine


Averi knew what his words referred to. The sweet decal over their bed that was written in cursive. “Forever, Be Mine,” was a constant reminder to them, as if they needed one. Averi pushed the bedroom door open gently and her breath was stolen by the scene before her. The room was lit by the sultry flicker of candle light. The light danced and swayed, casting the room in an erotic light. Hanging above their bed, on the shelf below the “Forever, Be Mine” decoration was a simple red box. The bed was covered in petals and Colton stood in the corner by the window, watching her reaction intensely. Averi had never seen Colton look so sexy before. Dressed in a black tuxedo with not a hair out of place, Colton smoldered like never before. He approached her slowly, never breaking eye contact. He made it hard to breathe. It was as if he stole the oxygen straight from Averi’s lungs. As he closed the distance between them, his heart began to hammer, too.

“Averi Ford,” he said as he took her hands gently with his.

“Colton McClain,” she replied breathlessly.

“I’m going to ask you something that I’ve wanted to ask you since I was five years old.”

Averi gulped as her eyes broadened in expectation. Colton led her to his side of the bed with an eager smile on his face. He was ruggedly handsome, but in this moment, Averi had never seen him look so incredible before.

Holding her hand with his left hand, he reached for the red box with the other. He got down on one knee, looking Averi adoringly in her soft brown eyes. He presented the box to Averi as a gift.

“Beautiful, would you do me the supreme honor of allowing me to be your husband?”

Averi thought she was going to faint. She felt like her body was on fire. Her brain couldn’t process anything. She couldn’t even put together the syllables to say the words she wanted to say. She wanted to fan herself, but she was afraid that she’d look like a vapid drama queen. After a moment of staring in longing at Colton, she still hadn’t answered his question. He was beginning to worry.

“Uh, Averi?” he asked, still on bended knee.

“Yes?” she said, sounding out of breath and clearly out of sorts.

“Will you marry me? I know I’m not perfect, but we’re perfect together. I will always love you, always protect and always treat you right. Say yes.”

Averi smiled sassily. She had finally
gained her composure.

“Yes. On one condition…”

Colton grinned from ear to ear.

“What’s the condition?”

“Never compare yourself to Black Horse again.”

A complex look over took his face. His eyes glistened as a dark and light mood fought for dominance. A war waged within him and Averi was the brave soldier that charged to battle when all hope seemed lost. Colton charged at her, climbing up from his stance. He pulled Averi into his arms and slid the ring onto her finger. He lifted her chin as a tear streaked down her face. His lips became one with hers, as they engaged in a passionate kiss. His kiss was pure electricity. Averi could feel a live current ripple through her body, just under the surface of her skin. The skin that tingled with expectation. Flesh memories. Her body knew what Colton was capable of. The thought sent her body into a frenzy. She needed his touch. Rather than letting him take control, she decided to show him who was really in charge.

With their tongues still engaged in a luscious tango, Averi grabbed hold of the waist band of his trousers and yanked him closer. Twisting the long length of his silk tie around her hand, she yanked Colt closer. 

“I want every part of you. Now and forever.”

“Then take me.”

“I will… and I’ll never give you back.”


Slipping off his black jacket, Averi maintained eye contact hypnotizing him with her soft and inviting gaze. With two hands she gripped his elegant shirt open, buttons be damned. She kissed him again, only this time she trailed her tongue along the line of his jaw. She followed it until she found his ear lobe. Biting down, Averi teased him until a subtle moan was released from his mouth.

“Out dinner is going to get cold…” said Colton with a smirk.

Averi didn’t give a shit.

“Dessert first.”

In a hurricane of a dance, the lovers whirled on the bed. Averi removed his belt and sent it flying across the room causing his passion to erupt to a ferocious roar; his moan grew in intensity. Averi stood up, pushing Colton down on the bed as she removed her red dress. He watched as she taunted him with her strip tease, removing each
article of clothing slowly and erotically. Finally, she had only her high heel shoes, her strapless bra and her lacey thong. Colton licked his lips as he awaited the on-slaught that Averi would pound upon him. Straddling his lap, Averi rubbed his toned chest and scratched her nails over his pecs. Grabbing her waist, he lifted her so that she was sitting directly on his lap. It was getting harder and harder to resist him. With one hand he removed her bra and brought her round breasts to his mouth slathering her nipples with his tongue. She moaned in response as her panties began to get wet from his touch. Colton had taken all he could take.

“I’m on top…”

“Don’t think so, I’m in charge.”

“Oh, are you?” he asked.

Suddenly, he spanked her ass leaving a hand mark on her right cheek.  Caught by surprise, she squealed with delight as he turned her over and took the lead. He leaned over her trailing his tongue down her stomach. His teeth bit into the lacey edge of her panties and he pulled them down, exposing her most private part. He lifted her ass so that he could have full access to her. He kissed her thighs, biting the skin, causing Averi to scream.

“Please….” she begged.

Finally, he inserted his tongue inside of her, teasing her clit and sucking her off into an orgasm, but every time she was there, he backed her off, building her up to an orgasm that was far beyond any she had ever experienced before.

“Colton, don’t torture me…”

“I bet you didn’t know torture could feel so good.”

“I need you, now…”Averi pleaded as Colton stood up and plunged into the deepest part of her.

She continued to beg as he glided in and out of her, driving her absolutely mad. Colton continued doing this, working Averi into a frenzy to where she couldn’t handle just the tip anymore. She needed all of him. Averi arched her back as her loins burned with passion. Colton watched with pleasure as he eased in and out of Averi, feeling like he was on fire. As she arched her back and pressed her breasts closer to his face, he felt himself harden to his fullest potential. He had to have her. Without slipping out, Colton flipped her on top of him, begging her to ride him. She went wild, riding him like a bucking bronco, allowing his long cock to penetrate deep inside her, tantalizing her g-spot and causing the most explosive orgasm of her life. Colton’s eyes rolled in the back of his head as her body gripped at his cock, begging for more. She milked him dry, thirsty for his essence. As the orgasm hit them, Averi fell on his chest entirely sated and happier than she had ever been in her entire life.

Colton admired the two carat diamond on her finger and kissed her forehead. They were asleep within minutes.


Chapter Eight

Veiled Threat


Tim Ford slammed the passenger side door of his brother Randy’s truck as the pair gave a wary glance at the blinking sign of the Monkey Bar. They both knew that Averi had taken the night off. They weren’t stopping by for a social visit with their sister. There was business to tend to.

“Think he’s here?” asked Tim as he gave his brother a sideways glance.

“He’s always here. Fucking loser…” spat Randy as he ditched his leather jacket in the backseat of his truck. His white t-shirt stretched across his bulging muscles showing off the tattoos that stretched across his arms and chest.

“Can’t get no better than a drunk bar fly? That’s friggin
pathetic,” commented Tim who was dressed simply in a pair of jeans and a grey t-shirt. 

“You saw his face. Looks like he got beat with a bag of nickels.”

“Yet, he thinks he has a shot with Averi…”

“What kind of booze does a guy like him drink to think he can take down Colt?”

“Were calling him by his name now?”

Tim gave his brother a look of warning.

“You know she’s going to marry him…”

“Let’s cross that bridge when we come to it.”

“C’mon, let’s get this over with,” said Tim as he pushed the door of the bar open.

Randy had a dangerous look in his eye. Worse than usual.

Somebody better carve Jimmy Hearns a box.



“Make it a double, Shelly!”

“How about a zero, Jimmy!”

“Why you gotta be like that?!”

“You’re a fucking low life Jimmy. You don’t pay your bar tab… You put your hands on my friend… and I just don’t like you.”

“Your bouncer ain’t here tonight… You better watch your tone…” said Jimmy with a nasty look on his face.

“Pay off the rest of your tab and you can have a double. Til then, fuck off!” yelled Shelly.

Tim walked through the door with a nonchalant look on his face. He scanned the crowd and spotted Jimmy at the bar harassing Shelly. He knew Shelly as his little sister’s best friend. They’ve been friends since they were little kids. Tim approached Jimmy and tapped him on the shoulder while he gave Shelly a wink.


Jimmy turned around and immediately backed off seeing Tim Ford in his face.

“No… no problem…”

After his years in the Marines, Tim had a short stint as an MMA fighter. His reputation was well known. He was a gentle giant, with a vicious choke hold that he reserved for assholes like Jimmy.

“Sure seems like a problem to me.”

“I was just leaving.”

“No you weren’t,” said Randy with a venomous look on his face.

“Oh, Randy… Hey, I’d love to have a few beers. Maybe another time though…”

“Fuck the beers. You lied to me.”

“No… No I didn’t…”

“Yes, you did. Averi, along with about ten other guys who were at the bar the other night said it was you who put your hands on my sister. Not Black Horse.”

“No… That’s not true…”

“I can pull the tape. You know me and the owner Danny are like this,” said Tim as he crossed his fingers and held them in the air for Jimmy to see.

“You can’t really be that stupid to think that I wouldn’t find out…”

“And to lie about it… C’mon now, Jimmy. People talk around here.”

“Yeah, I did it. But she led me on…”

“Yeah, okay. Let’s pretend that’s the truth,” said Tim as Shelly handed him a beer.

“Thanks, gorgeous,” Tim said as he winked at Shelly.

Jimmy looked Randy in the face. He knew what buttons to push. Especially with Randy, whose buttons were begging to be pushed.

“Don’t it piss you off that she’s fucking the son of the man that offed your mother?”

Suddenly Jimmy had grown some balls. Randy grabbed him by the throat.

“Stay the fuck away from my sister!”


In between swigs of his beer, Tim said with a smirk on his face, “Well, you have one of three options. One, we let her rabid boyfriend take a bite out of you. Two, I sic my twisted fuck of a brother on you. Or three, I handle it quick and easy and you won’t wake up for a couple months.

Randy pressed tighter into the flesh of Jimmy’s neck.

“She’s off limits. Leave her alone.”

Suddenly Randy threw Jimmy back sending him crashing into a pair of bar stools.

“Fuck! Fine! You know what… fuck this! Staying with him, she’s just going to wind up dead like your mother! Just watch!”

“What the fuck did you just say?!” yelled Tim, the calm one, from his bar stool. All calm was removed from his usually serene personality.

Randy watched as his brother bolted after Jimmy out the bar door. His brother, who was usually so calm and relaxed, looked fit to be tied.

Shelly yelled out, “That’s right, Tim! Get ‘em!”

Randy could do nothing but shake his head. He ordered a beer and told Shelly that he’d be right back.

“Better make that two.”

Jimmy sped across the gravel parking lot kicking up a cloud of dirt in his wake. Tim was right on his heels but he wasn’t quite as fast. Randy caught up to Tim, and held his brother back in a bear hug around his heaving chest.

“Let him go!” Randy said calmly to Tim.

“You heard what he said!”

“Don’t worry… He’ll get his.”

Suddenly the lights of Jimmy’s Ford 150 lit up the parking lot and a pair of shots hit the dirt at Randy’s feet.

“Oh, hell no!”

Refusing to let Jimmy Hearns get the last laugh, Randy pulled out his gun and shot out the back tire of Jimmy’s truck. Jimmy lost control of the wheel as the truck careened into a tree. Randy bolted across the parking lot. As he approached the driver side door, he swung it open and pulled Jimmy out throwing him to the ground.

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