Black Horse (Breaking Black) (9 page)

BOOK: Black Horse (Breaking Black)
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Colton was surprised. Randy did have an emotional marble in his head.




Black Horse sat upon the red rock of the plateau that rose in the landscape. His only worldly belongings laid upon the hard rock. With a cigarette hanging off his chapped lower lip, he
took inventory of his meager stock. He would certainly have to armor up before going back to the house. He spoke aloud, naming each item:


One silver-plated spoon with rigid marks around the mouth where his broken teeth had bit down on the metal. Stolen from the Cormac Glenn Diner.


Two cans of baked beans. Expired April 2013.


One Swiss army knife belonging to Reverend Tobias Sherman. Stolen.


One letter addressed to Thomas R. McClain at Ephraim J. Waikes Penitentiary from Ms. Averi Ford. Opened. No return address.


One 12 ounce bag of cocaine.


One McClain Family Bible, hollowed out.


Black Horse opened the bible and removed his gun. Unlocking the barrel, he spun it, revealing just one round loaded in the gun.


Hurriedly, he packed up his meager belongings in a beige sack, threw it over his shoulder, and kept an eye on the horizon. His son had agreed to meet him at twelve noon atop Red Rocks Plateau.


“Where the
is he?!”




Colt’s eyes scanned the horizon behind his sunglasses.


“Think he’s out there?” asked Randy as he approached Colt.


“I know he is…”


“What now?”


“Armor up.”


“Shelly’s coming to keep her calm. She should be here soon…”


“Does she know the plan?”


“Yeah. The trunk is loaded. Just have to give her the money.”


“Here…” said Randy as he dug in his wallet.


He pulled out his emergency visa and handed it to Colton.


“Here’s my emergency visa…”


“I think we’re okay…”


“No, seriously… this is an emergency. They might need it.”


“I’ll add it to the cash I pulled.”


“Now what?”


“We wait.”


Tim yelled in from the house, “Shelly’s here…”




Averi lounged on a pool float hiding her eyes behind her sunglasses. She appeared relaxed, but she was watching Colt and her brothers carefully. They appeared nervous. They were being just a little too agreeable. Something was up. She wouldn’t blow their cover, though. She wanted to enjoy the peace while it lasted. When they cast a glance her way she put her ear buds in and listened to Taylor Swift on her iPod, careful not to get it wet. She smiled when “I Knew You Were Trouble,” blared into her ears. She blocked out the scheming of the men as she closed her eyes and lost herself in the warmth of the sun, the gently sway of her float and the pumping beat of the music. She had a feeling that the calm would not last long.


After about an hour, Shelly waded into the pool. Tim watched her climb into the pool dressed in a bright blue bikini, and her red hair tied up into a high ponytail.


“Hey girl…” Shelly said as Averi took her ear buds out of her ears.


She smiled at her friend, happy to see her.


“Tim said you’d be coming…”


“You know I wouldn’t miss a party! So… Let’s see that ring…”


Averi beamed at her friend.


“Who told you?!” Averi said quietly.




“Oh, my God… Does Randy know?”


“No, not yet.”


“I’ll have to tackle that later.”


“You have plenty of time.”


Averi leaned back onto her pool float with a smile on her face. Everything seemed to be working out… but there was still the shadow over her fiancé and brothers’ faces that worried her.




“It’s about goddamn time!” yelled Black Horse as a black pick-up truck pulled up the dirt path to the plateau.


“You might not like me, but I am your father, and you will respect me!”


The man, who Black Horse purported to be his son, waited in the truck unseen.


“You’re right. I don’t like you, but I will help you,” said the low pitched voice. His arm hung out the driver side window. A spider web tattoo took over his elbow in grisly fashion.


“Now get in before someone sees you.”


Black Horse grabbed his sack and climbed into the passenger side of the badly wrecked truck. Jimmy Hearns had just returned from the shop to get new tires put on his truck. He’d worry about the other repairs later.


Colton McClain wasn’t the only son of Black Horse. Unbeknownst to him, he had a half brother by the name of James Thomas Hearns. Son of Lillian Hearns and the Devil, himself.




Everyone gathered at the table as Tim brought over plates of barbecue chicken, cheeseburgers, baby back ribs, hot dogs and bratwurst. Shelly and Averi brought out bowls of macaroni salad, potato salad and freshly sliced fruit from the kitchen. Colton brought over a couple of mojitos for the girls and freshened the guys up with a beer each. As they all sat down to eat, Averi eyed her brother Randy. Before Colt had even sat down Averi had spilled the beans.


“So we have an announcement to make…” Averi said looking excited and nervous at the same time. She hoped he kept his cool.


“Oh?” asked Randy giving Colt a bewildered look.

Colt and Tim instinct
ively stood behind Randy ready to control him should he get out of line.


“Colton asked me to marry him.”


Randy’s face turned a putrid shade of red.




Colt laughed at Randy’s reaction as Tim held his brother in his seat with a strong bear hug.


Colt remarked, “Now you’re never getting rid of me…”


“Over my dead body…”


“You know… We can arrange that…”


Randy narrowed his eyes at his future brother-in-law. Tim whispered something in Randy’s ear, and suddenly his face unscrunched and he appeared to be calming down.


“You okay?” Averi asked as she watched him try to gain his composure.


“Yes. Uh… yes, I think so.”


“Colt asked Uncle Shawn for Momma’s ring. Look…”


Averi showed off her left hand where her engagement ring shone brilliantly but not nearly at brilliant as her eyes did, staring at her brother, waiting for his response.


“Let me see…” said Randy, trying to keep his calm.


Averi showed Randy her hand that wore the ring that used to belong to their mother. Corinne’s face came to the forefront of Randy’s mind. He recalled a line that she would always say to him, “Pick your battles, Randy Ford…” He let out a deep sigh and a slight smile broke upon his face.


“Congratulations, Avie… I’m happy for you.”


Colt looked stunned. Tim looked like he had just been hit by a bus. Shelly’s jaw dropped.


Averi simply smiled at her stubborn brother. She swept in and gave him a big hug. She grabbed onto his arms and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He wiped off her kiss like a little kid and grimaced when Averi put too much pressure on his wound where he was shot.


“So Randy…” Averi said with a coy look written upon her face. “What happened to your elbow?” she asked in pure curiosity. She knew he was attempting to hide his injury from her.


Before Randy could reply, Tim piped up, “Oh, he’s fine… Big sissy!”


Randy cast his brother a loathsome glare. Tim, hoping to change the topic, starting to dish out the food.


“Who wants what?”


“Smells good, baby!” exclaimed Shelly.


Averi agreed. “Tim makes some mean BBQ.”


As everyone settled into the meal and warm conversation, Colton cleared his throat.

“Averi, we’ve come together to show our unity. Show you that our love and respect of you is greater than old beefs.”


Randy spoke up, “Look, I know I’m a hard ass. I’m just very protective. I don’t want anything to happen to you. We’ve lost too much, and I couldn’t bare it if anything happened to you. It’s not easy for me to lay down the hammer, but I will for you.”


Averi regarded both men emotionally. Tears wept from her eyes silently. Through the past
twenty years, though she loved them all, she felt fractured. Unwhole. She had lost her momma, daddy and eldest brother, Seth. She dealt with the trauma of the shot gun blast and saw Black Horse’s face, night after night in her dreams. Randy wiped his sister’s tears away, pulling her tight into his chest. Averi grasped Randy’s arm and he winced again. He tried to play it off, but it was too late. She had noticed his grimace. Immediately, Averi pulled his shirt sleeve up and saw the blood stained bandage that Colton had applied earlier. As she did so, Randy’s eyes lingered over Averi’s ring.


“You’ve been shot!” cried Averi in concern. 


Randy ignored her.


“Colton, who shot him?!”


No one said a word. Randy pulled her sister’s hand to regain her attention. He stared at the ring, leaving everyone in suspense. He sighed heavily unsure what to say. He was trying so hard to keep his composure.


“Randy! Answer me!” Averi pleaded.


Looking his sister square in the eyes, he returned her gaze with solemn eyes and a grave face.


Randy replied, “Your future father-in-law.”




“You can sleep here. No one will find you,” said Jimmy as he led Black Horse to an abandoned house behind the Monkey Bar.


“It’s a kind gesture… But I won’t be needing it tonight.”




“No… You see, son… I have no plans for sleep tonight.”


“What’s the plan?”


“It doesn’t involve you.”


“I’m trying to help you, let me help.”


“I don’t understand why you want to help me…”


“We have a common enemy…”


“And who might that be?”


“Colt. That’s who you’re after, right?”


Black Horse regarded his youngest son’s face. He knew he was in love with Averi and that Colt had made him look like a fool. If Black Horse could keep his plans for the girl quiet, Jimmy might actually prove useful.


“Yeah, that’s right.”





The breath was stolen from Averi’s lungs. Her eyes went wild as the thought sunk into her mind.


“Calm down, Avie…” Tim pleaded.


“No, I will not calm the fuck down! He’s out of jail? Somebody get me a gun!”


“Averi…” Colt pleaded.


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