Black Kat (16 page)

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Authors: Kirsten DeMuzio

BOOK: Black Kat
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Chapter Twenty


Alexander studied Kat’s striking profile as she looked out window at the lights of the Strip flashing by as they drove away.  He had felt the genuine fear coming out as gentle trembles of her body as she had sat on his lap at the party.  As many times as he had longed for such close physical contact with her, fear was not an emotion he wanted her to be feeling.

She had hid it well from everyone else, playing her part flawlessly.  How
had he come to know her so well in such a short time, Alexander wondered as his eyes swept over her high cheekbones to the firm set of her full lips.  He couldn’t see her eyes, but he could imagine the turmoil that swirled in those aqua depths.  And for the first time he doubted his decision to help her.  Was immersing her in the demons of her past the best way for her to move forward?  Of course, it wasn’t his call to make.  And she would march on in her quest for revenge - with or without him.  At least he could keep her safe while she was doing it.  And the sooner they found the son of a bitch who had hurt her, the sooner she could move on - hopefully with him.

Alexander could hardly believe he was thinking of a future with a woman.  Yet at the same time it seemed as though there was no other option.  Their lives may have been worlds apart, but they really weren’t so different under the surface.  She was the only person he cared about, other than
Luke, that knew what he really did for a living.  And he relished the fact that he didn’t have to hide anything from her.

“Are you ever afraid?”  Kat’s quiet voice broke through his inner dialogue like a sledgehammer through a glass door.  She was always confident and direct when she spoke.  Never unsure of what she was saying.  But that one simple question, spoken in the softest tone he had ever heard her use, told another story.

“I don’t fear for myself.  I only fear for those I love.”  Alexander’s answer was truthful.  He had long ago stopped worrying about what might happen to him.  Not because he was invincible, but because he knew and accepted the risks of living the life he did.  Truly, Natasha, was the only person dear to him that he feared for on occasion.  Luke could take care of himself.  And…now there was another person that he cared for enough to fear for her safety - and her happiness.  Kat.

Kat’s right hand moved from her lap to the leather seat beside her, as if she were bracing herself.  Still facing the window, she whispered, “I’m afraid…all the time.”

The clenching pain in Alexander’s chest had nothing to do with a physical ailment and everything to do with the broken woman sitting next to him.  So close and yet so far away.  Everything in him screamed at him to haul her across the seat and into his arms, where he would hold her as long as it took…forever.  But he knew she wouldn’t like that.  Everything had to be on her terms.  Her decisions.  Her choices.  Her control.

But he couldn’t let t
he moment pass without doing something, so he reached across the space separating them and placed his hand over hers.  For a moment he thought she would pull away, but then she flipped her hand over and laced her fingers with his.  That simple gesture of trust sent a flare of hope through Alexander.

They stayed like that for the entire ride to her apartment. 
Kat looking out the window.  Alexander looking at her.  Their hands the only outward sign of the link formed between them.


When he stopped the car on the street in front of Kat’s apartment, Alexander made no move to get out.  He didn’t want this connection between them to be broken by time or distance.  No sooner had he opened his mouth  - to say something, anything, to keep her with him - than Kat pulled her hand away and pushed open the door.  With a sigh, Alexander got out of his side of the car and walked around to meet her on the sidewalk.  Kat said nothing as he followed her up the steps to the landing outside her door.

“I’ll let you know if anything pans out from the name Rainier gave us.  Gil should have something to go on by tomorrow.”

Kat nodded, her eyes still not meeting his.

Katya,” Alexander said softly, gently tilting her face up with one finger under her chin.  She closed her eyes, as if she were too emotionally raw to make eye contact.  Alexander cupped the side of her face, stroking his thumb over her cheek.  She tilted her head into his hand and a single tear escaped from the corner of her eye.  Taking a chance, Alexander leaned in and kissed it away.  As quickly as he made contact, he pulled back.

Kat’s eyes snapped open and locked on his.  Her chest was rising and falling with each ragged breath as she stared at him.  With any other woman, that look would have been an invitation to take what he wanted. 
But not with Kat.  If she wanted more, she had to be the one to take what she wanted.

As they stood in that unending moment of indecision, a gust of wind blew through, ruffling Kat’s long hair around her shoulders.  A creaking noise had them both jerking their heads toward Kat’s apartment door.  Only then did Alexander realize her door had been pushed slightly ajar by the wind.

He saw Kat automatically reach behind her for the gun that wasn’t there.  As he was similarly unarmed due the security precautions of the
they had attended, Alexander swept Kat behind him with one smooth motion of his arm.  Securing her behind him, he pushed the door open.

Kat gasped and Alexander narrowed his eyes at the scene before them in her small living room.  From the front door they had a clear line of sight through to the empty bedroom and bathroom.  Alexander quickly checked the two closets, and then shut and locked them
both inside.  Taking out his cell phone, he placed a quick call to Gil Westin with the basics of what he needed.

Slipping his phone back into his pocket, he walked to where Kat stood, pressed against the front door.  He was careful not to step on any of the photos that were strewn across the floor.  He also tried not to look at them.

Kat, however, was staring with wide tear-filled eyes at the visual representation of everything she had been through eight years ago.  Alexander hadn’t looked at more than a few of them on his way through to check the apartment, so he didn’t know if there were several copies of the same photos or if they were all unique.  All he knew was that each photo was of a sixteen year old Kat, tied to a dirty, blood-stained mattress in varying states of undress with unspeakable things being done to her.  The sight made his stomach roll and his blood boil.

Alexander stepped right up in front of Kat, blocking everything but him out of her line of sight.  If he thought she had been afraid at that party, it was nothing compared to this.  She was shaking violently, and the expression on her face was one of pure terror.  At this moment, every single one of Kat Rossi’s defenses had been broken down, and Alexander could see what Kat kept so well hidden.  And he never wanted to see that expression on her face again.

“Katya,” he said softly, leaning down to look directly into her wide unseeing eyes.  “Katya.”

He needed to get her out of here, but he didn’t want to ri
sk going back outside until Gil arrived in case whoever did this was still near.  The photos were contained to the living room, so Alexander took Kat’s hand and tried to lead her to the bedroom.  But she was frozen in place, her eyes going back to the photos without Alexander in front of her to block the view.

” he swore.  She was in some kind of a daze, no doubt back in that dingy basement tied down.  This was one time when he wasn’t going to wait for her to make a move.  Alexander swept her up with one arm behind her back and the other under her knees.  In three long strides they were in her bedroom, where he sat down on the edge of the bed with Kat still in his arms.  For the second time that night, Alexander had her on his lap.  And for the second time, he wished like hell it was for another reason.

Kat was outright crying now, the sobs rocking her body, her tears wetting the collar of his shirt.  Her arms were locked around his neck as if she would never let go.  And he wouldn’t have had it any other way.  This was probably the first time she had ever sought comfort outside of herself, and he felt tremendously grateful that she was able to find it in him.

Alexander’s cell phone vibrated, and he managed to get it out of his pocket and read the text from Gil.


Gil:  20 min.  All good?


In this situation, good was a relative term.  With one hand, Alexander typed in his reply.


Alexander:  All good.  Will wait for you.


Dropping his phone on the bed, Alexander resumed stroking Kat’s hair and holding her as she sobbed.  After several more minutes, her tears ceased falling and only the occasional sniffle remained.  When she straightened away from his shoulder and pulled back, Alexander released his hold on her only marginally. With one hand, Kat swiped the smudged mascara from under her eyes and pushed her hair back from her face.

Mr. Westin is on his way,” Alexander said.  “I would like to have my people sweep the apartment before we call the authorities.”

He hoped she wouldn’t fight him on this issue.  The FBI would need to be alerted to this, so that it was on the record.  But he wanted every bit of evidence catalogued by Gil and his team before the Feds made a mess of the scene.

Kat closed her eyes and nodded her assent.  Alexander was relieved, but his next suggestion was the one he prayed she would go along with.  For her safety and his sanity.

“I don’t want you staying here.  You can pack some things and stay at the hotel.”

Kat looked around the small bedroom as if she was memorizing every inch.  Finally she simply said, “Okay.”

And with that, her strong resolve shuttered back down.  She was no longer the vulnerable woman crying in his arms.  She was once again Kat Rossi, a woman with a single minded goal of revenge.  And tonight’s events had only provided more fuel to the fire that burned within her.

Kat stood up and smoothed her hair and dress.  The loss of the warmth of her body was immediate, and Alexander stood too, if only to stay near her.  She opened her closet and reached up to the top shelf for a large duffel bag.  Carrying it over to her bed, Kat unzipped it and began filling it with clothes from her drawers.  While she worked in efficient silence, Alexander wandered around the room, noting the lack of personal effects - no photos or trinkets.  It reminded him of his own home - a place to sleep and nothing more.

The closet door remained open and Alexander could see the corner of a newspaper article against the back wall.  While Kat rummaged around in the bathroom, Alexander went to the
closet.  Pushing aside the hanging clothes, he took in what resembled a police investigation board in the back of Kat’s closet.  There were various articles as well as pictures of all the city’s major players along with Post-It notes covered with Kat’s feminine scrawl.  That clenching pain in his chest returned as he looked at the barren bedroom and hidden investigation wall.  Kat had suffered alone for so long.

When Kat returned with an armful of cosmetics and toiletries, which she dumped into the duffel bag, Alexander pointed to a blank space on the wall.

“Who was here?” he asked, though he already knew the answer.

Kat glanced over, not surprised to find him looking at her wall. 

Alexander snorted.  “Well, I suppose I’m glad I have been removed.”

A sharp knock on the door and a simultaneous vibrating of his cell phone alerted them to Gil’s arrival.


Chapter Twenty One


Kat frowned as the elevator continued on past the floor that Larissa was staying on.  A moment later the ding sounded and the elevator doors opened into a vast foyer, all white marble with black and stainless steel furnishings.  Beside her, Alexander picked up her bags and nudged her forward.

Tossing him a glare, she stepped off the elevator and refused to go any farther.  Folding her arms across her chest, she demanded, “Where are we?”

Alexander walked past her, heading through the columns that separated the foyer from an expansive living area, saying over his shoulder, “My apartment.”

Kat rolled her eyes at his description of this penthouse as an “apartment.”  She could
fit ten of her apartments into the living room alone.  When he didn’t return, Kat sighed in annoyance and stalked farther into the penthouse to find him.  They were in fact on the top floor of the Onyx, and the wall of windows that lined the living room, dining room and kitchen looked out over the Strip.  Through the far side of the room, which seemed like it was miles away, Kat could see a rooftop terrace and the sparkling blue water of a pool.

This was his personal space.

Kat saw her bags lying in a hallway that stretched off to the right, but no sign of Alexander.  She ventured into the middle of the living room and looked around.  She turned around at the sound of a door closing, and then Alexander emerged from a small hallway to the left of the kitchen.

“Come.  I will show you to your room.  My sister has decided to drop by and is asleep in her room.  I’m going to put you in the guest room on this side, so she won’t bother your sleep.”

Kat tapped her foot on the ground, annoyed even more when the thick rug muffled the sound of her boot.  “Why am I not staying on the employee floor?”

A ghost of a smile played on the corner of Alexander’s mouth as he strode purposefully to stand before her.  He reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering on her jaw.

“Because, Katya, you are much more than an employee to me.  And I want you close.”

His voice was low and rough, and his eyes burned into hers.  She had felt this energy from him before, but it took on a life of its own as they stood alone, inches apart,
on his home turf.  Kat prided herself on always being alert, never letting her guard down, but she found it happening time and time again around this man.  It was at once thrilling and unsettling.

Alexander dropped his hand and his eyes and walked past her.  Picking up her bags, he disappeared down the dark hall.  Kat had no choice but to follow him.  Of course, she could have gotten back on the elevator and knocked on Larissa’s door, but at that moment that didn’t seem like a choice at all.

Kat followed the warm glow of light down the hall and stood in the doorway of a large bedroom.  It was decorated like the rest of the place - sleek, modern lines.  There was a huge bed, a spacious sitting area, a desk and a door that appeared to lead to a bathroom.  The entire back wall was glass, with the same amazing view as the living areas.

Alexander set her bags on the bed and swept his hand out.  “Is this room satisfactory,

He was giving her a choice.  It was clear that he wanted her close to him, but in the end he was giving her an out if she really wanted it.

Kat shrugged and nonchalantly said, “It’ll do.”

Alexander chuckled.  “Good, I’m glad to hear that.  My room is right across the hall, should you need anything.  And, of course, make yourself at home and help yourself to anything in the kitchen.  I’m going to call Gil for an update and then place the call to the authorities.”

He left, closing the door behind him and leaving Kat alone in the vast space that was her temporary home.

Kat didn’t want to take the step of unpacking her clothes, but she did need a shower.  The events of the night left her feeling stained, on the inside if not the outside.  Rummaging around in her bag, she pulled out a pair of pajama pants and a tank top.

The bathroom was spotless and well stocked with a lot of expensive looking toiletries.  She wondered if she was the first person to ever stay in this room.  Alexander seemed to be almost as private as she was.  Aside from his sister and Luke, he never spoke of anyone as more than a business acquaintance.

Kat took her time in the shower, letting the hot water rinse away the ugliness of the night and the
steam soothe her soul.  She used the fancy shampoo and soap that came with the bathroom.  When she finally emerged and wrapped herself in a thick fluffy towel, the bathroom was filled with steam and the scent of lilac from the soap.  The creamy lotion she found near the sink was similarly scented, and Kat decided her new favorite scent was lilac.

She brushed out her hair and let it hang
down her back in waves to air dry.  Once she was dressed in her pajamas, she padded barefoot through her room.  Digging her phone out of her purse, she checked for a text from Larissa.  On the way to The Onyx, Kat had texted to let Larissa know she would be staying there and to check on Blade.  Thank God he hadn’t been at the apartment during the break in.  Larissa had replied with a picture of Blade sprawled out on the end of her bed.


Larissa:  Settled in for the nigh


Kat smiled at the picture.  First thing in the morning she would go get him.  She wanted to do it now, but she didn’t want to wake up Larissa.  Or Blade.  Instead she went in search of Alexander.  Kat had to know what, if anything, his people had found at the apartment.

The light in his bedroom was out, and the main living area was empty.  Kat wandered through the massive kitchen that she seriously doubted Alexander ever used.  There was another wide hallway leading off the kitchen.  This place must take up the entire top floor.

Following that hallway, she passed a home gym and another door to the terrace.  Kat followed the sound of voices farther down the hallway until she could tell it was Alexander arguing with someone.  If he had been on the phone, she would have had no problem walking into what she assumed was his home office and parking it in a chair.  But she didn’t want to interrupt a face to face meeting.  Although meeting was a loose term, because whoever was in there was getting his ass handed to him by Alexander.

Kat only caught a few words clearly, most of which were some form of
.  Alexander wasn’t even raising his voice, but didn’t need to.  His tone was deadly serious.  Not for the first time, she wondered if he ever lost his cool.

Finally there was silence and then the door swung open.  Alexander had opened it and was waiting for
Dimitri to leave.  Dimitri looked extremely pissed off, and he wasn’t bothering to hide it.  When he caught sight of Kat standing in the hall, he raked his eyes over her body and muttered something under his breath.  Kat didn’t catch what it was, but Alexander obviously did.

In a split second, Kat witnessed what happened when Alexander did lose his cool.  One second
he was standing at the door, calmly dismissing his cousin.  The next he was slamming Dimitri back against the desk and pummeling his fistinto Dimitri’s flesh.  Kat’s first instinct was to try to pull Alexander back, but the fury pouring out of him stopped her.  And it wasn’t like she had a soft spot for Dimitri.

Alexander grabbed
Dimitri by the collar and pulled his torso off the floor.  Leaning down, Alexander growled into Dimitri’s face, “If you want to live,
, you will never speak to her or look at her again.  Do I make myself clear?”

response was a garbled version of
  Alexander pulled his arm back and sent his fist flying into Dimitri’s jaw one final time.  Dimitri slumped unconscious onto the floor when Alexander released him and stepped back.

Kat stood in the doorway, watching Alexander’s shoulders rise and fall with each breath.  His muscles were tense under his shirt, and his hands were still clenched into fists. 
Not that Dimitri would be waking up anytime soon.

Several seconds passed before Alexander turned and walked out into the hall, closing the office door with
Dimitri inside.  Without looking at her, he motioned for Kat to go ahead of him back toward the kitchen.  Kat knew when to hold her tongue, so she went silently.  As soon as they were in the kitchen, Alexander lifted a small panel on the wall and punched in a code.  A door slid across and locked into place, cutting off the kitchen from the hallway they had come from.

Alexander continued on through the living room, down the long hallway and into his bedroom.  Kat followed at a safe distance.  When she reached his bedroom, she hesitated in the doorway.  Behind a closed door across the room, Kat heard water running.  Alexander obviously needed some time to cool down after his confrontation with
Dimitri, but she still needed to know what he had found out about the break in.  And, Kat realized, she wasn’t afraid of him.  Even though he looked like he could have killed Dimitri with his bare hands just for an offhand comment, she knew he would never hurt her.

That knowledge gave her the go ahead to enter his bedroom and wait for him. After all, if he had wanted total privacy he wouldn’t have left his bedroom door open.  Kat walked over to the fireplace opposite the gi
gantic bed.  There were framed photos lining the mantle.  Almost all of them were of his sister, some with him and some of just her.  This was the only personal touch in the whole place.  Kat lingered there, studying each photo, spending extra time on the ones that Alexander was in.

The door to the bathroom opened and Kat looked over as Alexander emerged.  He had changed from his dress slacks and shirt into black pajama pants and…no shirt.  As he walked to the closet with his clothes in hand, Kat watched the defined muscles in his shoulders roll as he walked.  She had seen Dane without his shirt countless times in the gym, but for some reason his body didn’t fascinate her in the way the one before her now did.  Dressed in his expensive suits and his
clothes, Alexander exuded sophistication.  But the raw strength that Kat sensed beneath the surface was on full display now.  He was beautiful to watch as he moved across the room.  And then he turned around.  And Kat had to put her hand on the mantle to steady herself.

Alexander’s eyes were even darker, if that was possible
, and a lock of black hair fell over his furrowed brow.  His mouth was drawn into a grim line.  Kat tried to keep her eyes on his face and away from impressive abs and broad chest.  While Alexander walked over and sat on the edge of his bed behind her, Kat turned to look out the window.

“I’m sorry you had to see that,”
Alexander said gruffly.  “I never lose control like that, but…you seem to bring it out in me, Katya.”

Kat scoffed as she turned to face him.  “I bring out the worst in you?”

Alexander sat with his elbows on his knees.  He lifted his head to smile at her.  “And the best.”


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