Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army (94 page)

BOOK: Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army
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Razzaq, Mohammed Abdul
Reagan, Ronald
Rebranding campaigns
of Blackwater as peacekeepers
of Greystone Ltd.
of mercenaries as legitimate, acceptable
as term
America’s Defenses (PNAC)
Red Tactica
Reed, Jack
Reeder, Edward
Reeves, Phil
Regency Hotel and Hospital Company (Kuwait)
Reid, Richard
Reilly, Robert
Reiss, James
Religious right.
Christian conservative movement
The Religious Right in
Michigan Politics (Bellant)
Rendition Group of CTC
Renditions of prisoners
by Blackwater
CIA program
by Cofer Black’s operations
to Guantánamo Bay
by private aviation companies
to Uzbekistan
Republican Party
See also
Neoconservative movement
Republican Revolution (1994)
Rhyne, Jim
Rice, Condoleezza
Ricks, Thomas
Ritter, Scott
Rivas, John
Roberts, John
Robertson, Pat
Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste
Roche, James
Roe v. Wade
Rogers, Mike
Rohrabacher, Dana
Romm, William
Root, Elihu
Rowe, Melvin
See also
see Blackwater sixty61 plane crash
Rubaie, Ahmed Hathem al-
Rubaie, Jawad al-
Rubaie, Mahasin al-
Rubaie, Raad al-
Rudy, Lisa
Rudy, Tony
Rules of engagement of U.S. military
Rumsfeld, Donald
on Al Jazeera
and Caspian project
and Cofer Black
and extensive privatization of military
and Fallujah
and IG Joseph Schmitz
on Iraqi death squads
and Perle scandal
Rumsfeld Doctrine
Running to Paradise
(Bremer, Frances)
Rush, Mike
Rusk, Dean
and BTC pipeline
and the U.S. in Afghanistan
See also
Caspian Sea region, Caspian Guard project
Saab, Ahmed Jaber
Saakashvili, Mikheil
Sabri, Ahmed
Sadr, Muqtada al-
and Bremer
Sadr City, Baghdad
Saha, Haitham
Salaries of mercenaries
Colombians’ fraudulant contracts
disparity with U.S. soldiers’ pay
in New Orleans operations
Salman, Ali Khalaf.
Khalaf, Ali Salman
Salman, Hassan Jabar
Salvador option
Samir, Hussein
Sanchez, Ricardo
Sanders, Bernie
Sanger, David
Sankoh, Foday
Santorum, Rick
Saro-Wiwa, Ken
Scalia, Antonin
Schakowsky, Jan
Scheuer, Michael
Schmitz, John G.
Schmitz, John Patrick
Schmitz, Joseph E.
Boeing scandal
Boykin controversy
dealings with Blackwater
as Inspector General
Perle scandal
religious zealotry, rhetoric
Shaw scandal
School of the Americas (SOA), U.S. Army
School vouchers
Schroen, Gary
Schumer, Charles
Schwan, Joseph Vincent
Scowcroft, Brent
Navy SEALs
Second Marine Expeditionary Force
black contracts of Blackwater
black fund for paramilitary
covert CIA prisons
dirty wars covertly armed by U.S.
Security contractors
Blackwater as leader in Iraq
concerns over increased use
costs, values of industry
from foreign countries (
Foreign mercenaries)
future roles projected
in New Orleans operations
perceived as Mossad or CIA
protected from prosecution, litigation(
see also
Immunity from prosecution and litigation)
as term
Senor, Dan
September 11, 2001, attacks
See also
9/11 conspiracy theories
Serbian commandos
Sessions, Pete
Shadid, Anthony
Shamsudeim, Edtesam
Shaw, John “Jack,”
Shaw Group
Shays, Christopher
Sheehan, Casey
Sheehan, Cindy
Sheikhly, Tahseen
Shell Oil Corporation
Shepperd, Don
Shevardnadze, Eduard
Shiite militiamen
Shippy, Jeffrey
Shkin, Afghanistan
Shoot-Out at Blackwater
Shorrock, Tim
Sierawski, Jim
Sierra Leone
Sig Sauer Blackwater 9-mm Special Edition
Silverstein, Ken
Simpson, Cam
Singer, Peter W.
on Aegis cost-plus contract
Sirico, Robert
60 Minutes II
TV program
Skinner, Richard
Sky Link
Slave redemptions
Sloan, Melanie
Slough, Paul
Smart bombs
Smith, Adam
Smith, Christopher
Smith, H. C. Lawrence
Smith, Jamie
Smith v. Halliburton Co.
Soldier of Fortune
Soldiers, U.S.
subject to rules of engagement
See also
Salaries of mercenaries; Specific branches of military service
Somalia attack (1993)
South Africa
South African apartheid mercenaries
Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Sovereignty handover
Special Forces soldiers, former
at Najaf battle
Special Operations Command
Special Operations forces
Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference (SOFE)
Special Police Commandos
Special Tactical Systems
Spicer, Tim
Spoelhof, John
Spohrer, Robert
Starr, Ann Exline
Starr, Gregory
Starr, Kenneth
State Department, U.S.
awards WPPS contracts
and Azerbaijan
Cofer Black resigns
conflict of interest over Blackwater contracts
militarization of Bureau of Diplomatic Security
State of Denial
Staton. R.
Status of Forces agreement
Steele, James
Steele Foundation
Stephens, Donald
Stevens, Ted
STI Aviation
Stop Outsourcing Security (SOS) Act
Stranger in the Arena
(Schmitz, John G.)
Strong, Martin
See also
Darfur Region, Sudan
Sununu, John H.
Surveillance blimps
Swaggart, Jimmy
Swannack, Charles
SWAT conference.
World SWAT Challenge conference

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