Blaine: A Wolf's Second Sight (9 page)

BOOK: Blaine: A Wolf's Second Sight
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Kira choked back a sob as she looked at the disaster she once called home. Slowly she picked her way through the room and went to the bedroom. All of her clothes were cut and in pieces, all except for her underwear which lay on her bed in a pile. As she walked closer, she could see that someone had jacked off all over them.

Dalton had followed her and swore when he saw what she stood staring at. He went to her side, pulled her into his arms and held her while she sobbed. Everything she owned was gone. All of her things touched and smashed by someone who wanted to prove a point. She wondered what exactly they were trying to tell her.

“It"s okay baby, we will replace everything. Don"t worry.” Dalton said softly and rubbed his hands up and down her back soothing her.

“You can"t. I mean look at this place. Those things in the corner were my collection of pewter animals. They were collectable. How will I ever replace all of them? It looks like they took a fucking torch to them.” She sobbed and pointed at the floor. They were her most prized possessions. The artist who cast them, only made a few a year. She had collected every one of them since she was a teenager and her mother had given her a bear with her cub. Now they were gone.

“And over there, was my Victoria Secrets corner. All of my matching bras and panties.

Do you know how long it took me to get them all? Some of those colors only come out once a year. They are always changing. I had one to match all of my outfits. And my clothes. I saved for months to get a personal shopper to help me buy those. She said a few expensive pieces were the staples of a good wardrobe.” Kira cried and then began to get angry when she saw the bathroom.

All of her personal things were dumped out and laying on the counter and the floor. Her lipsticks were all smeared and spread on the mirror. Her eye shadows painted the walls and someone had used her eyeliner to write her a note. It said, „If you know what is good for you, you will be waiting for us when we get back."

“Oh really, if I know what is good for me?!” She yelled and Dalton jumped and looked back into the room for back up. He knew she was going to have a melt down and was not sure he could handle it. He was the caregiver and everything, but female emotion was so far beyond his expertise.

Kira began throwing things in the air, ranting and raving about all of her stuff being ruined. Dalton backed up to get out of her way when toilet paper landed on his shoulder. Blaine had come into the room and was staring into the small bathroom with him. Soon the rest of the men joined them and watched in horror as Kira had a serious meltdown.

“Mother fucking men think they can come into my house and trash my stuff that I worked so hard for? How about I cut their dicks off and shove them down their throat?

How would they like that? That"s really the only thing they care about. Oh, they want women to dress up nice and be pretty for them, but how do they hurt them? Wreck their stuff! Just like a man!” Kira stormed around the small room looking for any salvageable make up. “Really? My fucking tampons! They had to fuck with my tampons? I would love to shove one up their dick and see how they like it!” Jaden laughed and whispered. “Dude, you are so not getting laid anytime soon.” The rest of the men nodded and continued to watch her as she screamed about men.

Then the meltdown came. Kira stopped, looked around her helplessly, sat in the middle of the room and began to sob.

“That"s my cue.” Quin said and walked into the other room. Everyone but Blaine and Dalton followed mumbling about feeling sorry for them.

Dalton went into the room again, sat on the floor next to her, pulled her into his arms, and rocked her while she cried. Blaine stood watching helplessly and finally sighed and went to his mates. He grabbed a trash can and began to clean up the floor before even beginning to sit on it. After he was satisfied that it was clean, Blaine grabbed a towel that still hung on the hook and laid it out before folding himself down next to his mates.

He had not noticed that they had both stopped talking and crying to watch him until he was down.

“What?” He mumbled and looked at his mates. Kira"s face was red and blotchy from crying and Dalton just rolled his eyes and smiled at him.

“Nothing.” Dalton said and turned back to Kira and smiled softly at her. “Baby, we will get this all worked out. When we get home, we will have a shopping spree and replace all of this stuff. As for the rest, who knows? Maybe we can find some of them on the Internet. We can do anything that you want.”

“Yeah, I will even take you to Denver. They have a few good malls. Cami and the other women would love to take you shopping.” Blaine said and laid his hand on her thigh.

He almost sighed at the first time they were all connected. He could feel the rightness about it. They belonged together.

“But, I lost everything, all my money and everything. What the hell am I going to do? I need to find a job.” She whispered and tears once again began falling down her cheeks.

“How many openings are there in Milliken, Colorado for quirky receptionists?”

“Baby, you don"t have to worry about that now, I have enough money.” Blaine whispered.

“So do I. We are mates, we will take care of you.” Dalton said and kissed her nose.

She frowned but then realized they were going to have to have that fight another day.

She would take them up on their offer because she had little choice, but there was no way that she was going to live off them. She would find a job to chip in.

Blaine pulled her up, kissed her on the forehead, then reached for Dalton and pulled him into their embrace. They stood there for a few seconds feeling the potential power flow through them and Blaine smiled.

Quin cleared his throat outside the door and then peaked his head in and looked at the situation. “Um, can we talk for a few minutes? This is kinda important!” Blaine and Dalton nodded, then hugged Kira quickly and left her to clean up a little before she had to face all the men that were waiting in the other room. Blaine led the way and frowned when he noticed that only the New Council members were waiting in the living room.

“What is this about?” He growled, thinking this was a bad time for them to have an impromptu meeting.

Jaden smiled, leaned back on his heels and rocked back and forth smiling like a loon.

Blaine was itching to knock the smile from his face but held back when Kira appeared in the doorway.

Quin smiled gently at her, and then looked at Dalton and Blaine. “It is time to find out once and for all if you are a member of the Council or not. Of course, it will not change the fact that Kira is coming back to the Pack with us, but it will change certain things. If my suspicions are correct then you three are going to be important to the future of the New Council.”

Kira frowned and then looked at her mates. “What do they mean? I thought you were already part of the New Council.”

Blaine cleared his throat, stepped forward, and took her hands in his. “Darlin" I wish I could say that our mating was going to be simple, but there is a lot of shit going on and we have to figure some of this out. The reason Quin is asking is because it is not really clear if I am part of the Council or not. You know the old Seer"s Prophesy?” Kira nodded, frowned, and looked around. “I don"t understand. Of course I know about the Seer"s Prophesy, everyone knows. What I don"t get is why you are questioning whether Blaine is one of the Chosen or not.”

Quin sighed and said. “Because Blaine refuses to admit that he is one of the Chosen. It is his story to tell, but we have been looking for you in order to confirm that he is one of the Chosen. No matter how hard we try, we can"t seem to get him to realize it.” Jaden laughed and said. “That is an understatement; the skid marks on the road to the Pack house should show that.”

Blaine growled, looked over his shoulder and showed his fangs. He would like nothing better than to rip out his Alpha"s throat at this particular moment. Jaden laughed and held up his hands. Quin stepped in front of his mate and then smiled.

“Kira. Can you explain to us what your special gift is?” She looked around the room nervously; she had kept it a secret for so long. Only her family was aware that she could see auras of people. She could tell if a person was a shifter and what kind of shifter. Kira could also read people"s past. She was shown in a dream that her mate would have the ability to see the future and so they would balance out. Kira looked at Dalton, smiled gently, and knew that she was going to drop a big bombshell on him. He thought he was the anchor to both of them, but he was wrong.

She took a deep breath before she spoke.

“When I was born, my mother knew that I was going to be special. Her tribe"s shaman saw my gifts and told her. They took me into hiding so I would never be exploited; never have to use my gifts for something other than they were intended. When I was five, I had my first dream about my mates. I watched them grow up with me. I would have dreams about all the people who were supposed to share a destiny. Quin when you were thirteen you changed for the first time in the middle of a high school football game.

Your father and mother thankfully were there, saw the signs, and hustled you to the locker room before anyone noticed. Devon when you had your fist date, the girl"s father chased you down the street after you kissed her in front of their house. Jaden, I won"t even say out loud the things you have been a part of.” Everyone in the room laughed and looked stunned at the same time. Kira hoped that they really believed in what she was saying.

“Anyway, I did not know your names, that is not how this works. I only saw you in dreams after something happened. I have seen all the Chosen at one time or another in my dreams. I wish I could tell you I know where they all are. I know you are looking for them. All I can do is tell you what I see. That is part of my gift. I dream of things that have happened, not of the future. I have never been able to tell the future. The other part of my gift is that I have the ability to see auras. I can see what type of shifter they are. I can usually tell what pack, den or pride they are from. They share the same actual color. For example, all wolves are red; however they are all different shades of red depending on what Pack they belong to.” Kira said and then smiled and looked around the room. They all shared the same aura and even though Dalton was not claimed, his Sidhe green aura was already changing to match Blaine"s.

Blaine nodded and then said, “So what you are saying is you can look at a person and see if they belong to a Pack. Well I already belong to their Pack, so I don"t see how this is going to help matters.”

Kira looked at him intently and wondered why he did not think he was one of the Chosen. He had the gold aura, the same as the rest of the people in the room. Although Quin and Jaden"s were the brightest, probably because they were the Alphas, Blaine still had a strong aura.

“Well, yes, that is true. However, the Chosen apparently have a different Aura. The men who are with you standing guard have a distinctive dark red aura. I would assume they all belong to the same Pack. The Council Pack if I am not mistaken. But the rest of you share a different aura. It is gold and bright, beautiful actually. I have never seen one like it. Blaine, you have the same aura as the rest of the New Council.” She said gently.

Jaden jumped up, clapped his hands, and then held one of them out while Devon and Darien slapped twenty dollars in his hand. They all grumbled goodnaturedly, and Kira laughed. “You bet he was not part of the Council?”

“Hell no, we knew he was part of the Council, we bet whether he would start crying when he heard.” Jaden smirked and pointed to Blaine.

Kira looked at her mate and became instantly worried. She saw that his eyes were glowing as if he was holding in his wolf. She laughed when he snapped at the Alpha and his friends. Kira realized life would not be boring with this group.

“Fuck off.” Blaine growled, Dalton laughed and put his hand on their mate"s shoulder.

“Dude, you need to take it down a thousand. So, we know that you are one of the Chosen. Now what?” Dalton asked Quin.

“Now, we get our asses home and figure this mess out. I hope we will be able to find the rest with your help.” Quin said and they nodded.

Devon stepped forward and cleared his throat. “Uh, we seem to have a small problem with that. The plane was delayed. We are going to have to spend the night here and return to Denver in the morning.”

Jaden growled and looked at Dalton. “Why can"t you do your flashy thing and get us all home?”

“Too many of you. I have never transported that many people before. I don"t know what happened. Sorry.” Dalton said and looked down at his feet smiling.

“My date night?” Jaden said with the look of astonishment on his face. “I am gonna kick your ass.”

Chapter 8

After a lot of drama and yelling, they finally settled for checking into a hotel that was close to the airport. Kira called her parents and let them know that she was all right, and she had finally found her mates. They wanted to come over but Devon did not want to risk the security. They settled for making plans to come and visit once Kira and her mates were back at the Pack house. They still did not know who was watching or listening, so they made general plans without discussing specifics.

The rest of the Council went to their rooms to call their spouses and get some sleep.

Once they were finally alone, Kira had no idea what to do. She paced around the living room wringing her hands. She had lost so much stuff and there were so many things that were up in the air. The only thing she knew is she was finally with her mates and she wanted to get to know them.

Dalton walked into the room and came to her immediately wrapping his arms around her. She could feel him smiling in her neck. It made her feel light headed to actually be touching one of her mates. It seemed like it had been a lifetime since she had touched them.

“Baby, I am so glad that we got to you in time. You know, Blaine and I ran through the streets of Detroit like a couple of crazed men. Blaine followed your scent and then he caught the scent of the ones who were following you. I thought he was going to change right there on the street. Now you are here, and I can hold you and touch you, any time I want.” Dalton said against her skin. She shivered a little, expecting the night ahead.

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