Blaine: A Wolf's Second Sight (7 page)

BOOK: Blaine: A Wolf's Second Sight
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Well, he was not going to do it with his bike. HIS BIKE!

“Hey, I was just trying to make it easier. Besides, you are on the Council now. You will not be doing the Enforcer thing. No more travels for that. Now if you travel, it will be Council business, and then we will go with you.” Dalton said and ran his hand up Blaine"s arm.

“Oh, this is so better than watching cable.” Devon said.

“Yeah, we don"t have to pay for this. If we had some popcorn and beer it would be perfect.” Jaden said and laughed.

“Shut the fuck up!” Blaine growled over his shoulder.

“Fine, fine… continue.” Jaden said holding up his hands and waving them in a circle.

“How can I get you to understand?” Blaine said, the anger leaving him for a second and then returning. “I don"t have to get you to understand. It was MY BIKE! You are not allowed to touch MY BIKE! No one is allowed to touch MY BIKE, but me!”

“YOUR BIKE!” Dalton said with an exaggeration. “Do you know what that sounds like?

I was just trying to take care of you and our mate. I assumed you would want to express our mating on YOUR BIKE. I assumed you would want to travel with your mates on YOUR BIKE. I assumed that you would want us to be comfortable on YOUR BIKE, since that is our only mode of transport. And you seem to love riding YOUR BIKE! My mistake, I will buy you a new one exactly like YOUR BIKE! So you can have YOUR


By the time Dalton was done speaking, he was yelling. It was the first time the man had lost his temper with Blaine. It was strangely hot and sexy. Gods, he was turning into a dysfunctional freak. And he had an audience to prove it.

“Listen, there are boundaries that you just cannot cross. That is one of them. I do not want a new bike. I will take care of it.” Blaine growled and stepped closer to his mate.

He did not know if he was going to be able to hold back from grabbing him and claiming him. He had never felt an emotion this strong. It was very disconcerting. His anger left him, and in its place an emotion he could not explain.

“Fine!” Dalton yelled and stepped around him, put his hands on his hips and yelled at the group that was sitting there watching. “And I am sick and tired of you dumbasses sitting there watching us like we are your own private soap opera! I am not here for your entertainment!”

Blaine put his head down and waited. This was going to go from bad to worse and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He had no control over his mate because he had not claimed him. Maybe if he had, he would be able to stop it.

Jaden laughed and stood up. “Now Dalton, don"t go getting all upset. We are here for moral support for our man Blaine.”

Dalton snorted and said. “Moral support, my ass. You just like to see someone taking a chunk out of my hide. I know that you find this very amusing and all, but I am ending the show right now. If you will all excuse us, we have to have a private discussion.” They all grumbled and stood up. Cloe stopped and turned before leaving and glared at Dalton. “If it were me, I would have kicked your ass first and asked questions later.” Blaine nodded and looked at his friend. Cloe would always have his back. Dalton rolled his eyes and turned to look at Blaine as the door shut. He raised his eyebrows and waited for a minute to see if Blaine was going to say anything. When he didn"t, Dalton shook his head.

“Fine, I will start. We are mates. You recognize that already. So, we are going to have to set a few rules. First off, I am not trying to control your life, or rearrange anything. I am trying to make it easier. I talked to the mates of all the Council; I wanted to know how it works with three mates. How does everyone fit in? They said that each of them have a place in the relationship. One is more dominate than the others are, or as Cami likes to say, high maintenance. Then there is the emotional caregiver, the one who makes time for each of them to have space or to be together. That usually is the one more in tune with their feelings. And last, there is the organizer. The one who arranges things to make it easier on the triad to function as a group. I certainly know who the high maintenance one is and since I am not really good with feelings and shit, I figured I was the organizer. So I wanted to get started. I really don"t think it is too much to ask for a little gratitude for it either.” Dalton said pouting a little.

Once again, Blaine knew that he was not going to win this fight. The man was a major guilt player. Every time that Blaine came to confront him, he left feeling terrible and ungrateful. His mother had even called him on the carpet for it when word had gotten back to her about him and his mate"s fights. It was embarrassing.

“Let"s talk about the rules a little shall we? Rule number one: All decisions need to be made together. I don"t want to keep repeating this subject again and again.” Blaine said and Dalton nodded and smiled.

“And?” He said leaning back on a table and crossing his arms in front of him.

“Certain things are off limits, like my bike, my cupboards, the refrigerator, the closet, and hell, let"s just say the whole cleaning thing.” Blaine said.

“Dominance is one thing, obsessive compulsive is another.” Dalton laughed and stepped toward him.

Blaine almost took a step back, but he stood his ground. This had been going on for too long. They needed to come to an understanding. “Okay, I realize that I may seem a little controlling about certain things.” Blaine said and Dalton snorted again.

“A little?” Dalton said stepped closer. He ran his hand up Blaine"s arm and started massaging his shoulder, then did the same to the other arm.

Blaine rolled his head back and just savored in the feeling of one of his mates touching him. His wolf rolled over on his back and wiggled with glee. It did not care if their mate was a purple elephant, as long as it was their mate. Damn it, this was not the way things were supposed to happen. First, they were supposed to find their other mate and then they would claim each other all together.

“Dalton.” He said wanting to tell the man to stop but he just could not get the words out.

“Mmmmm, Blaine.” Dalton said softly and then ran his hands down Blaine"s chest and stopped at his waist and pulled himself a little closer using Blaine"s belt buckles. They were touching from chest to thigh and Blaine was having a hard time thinking past the sensations that he was feeling. To finally be this close to one of his mates and not claiming them would be the death of him.

“Now what?” Blaine growled and leaned down and sniffed the rich deep scent of his mate. He smelled like dark chocolate. He could almost imagine taking his mate and eating him whole. But he was not going to go there, he thought, and pulled back. They all needed to be together. If they did not get a lead on their mate soon, he was going to have to take matters into his own hands.

“Let"s just see what comes up, shall we?” Dalton almost purred, pulling his mate"s head down and devouring his mouth with their first kiss. It was amazing and overwhelming at the same time. Blaine had heard from his friends what it was like to find your mate.

When he met Dalton, he had refused to think about this part of the deal. If he had known what it would feel like to kiss his mate for the first time, he would never have waited.

They explored each other"s mouth, not being gentle with each other. They dueled their tongues, drawing out the kiss for as long as possible. Dalton swept his mouth across Blaine"s cheek, kissing and touching most of his face until he got to his ear where he whispered, “Oh, I see something has come up.” And then ran his hand down Blaine"s chest and settled at the thick bulge coming from between his legs.

“We can"t, not until we find our other mate.” Blaine groaned and then tried to get control of himself.

“I know we can"t claim one another, however, I could help you with your little problem.” Dalton whispered again, then pulled his ear lobe between his teeth and bit down gently.

“Fuck it.” Blaine said and then pulled Daltons head back by tangling his fingers in his hair and then swept his tongue across the crease of his lips. Slowly he deepened the kiss again, making it almost impossible to think straight. Just a taste, he thought.

Dalton had other ideas though, pulled away, and began to kiss down his chest slowly lowering himself to his knees in front of Blaine. “Perfect.” Dalton murmured but just as he was reaching for his mate"s zipper, they both heard a knock at the door.

“Found her.” Jaden yelled through the door. “And just so you know, we have excellent hearing.”

Blaine wanted to hit the smart ass Alpha as he heard him walking away. Dalton leaned his forehead against his mate"s Jean clad thigh and took a deep breath. Damn them all.

“Let"s go see what they found.” Blaine growled and held out his hand to his mate. As he pulled him up, he kissed him briefly, then looked into his eyes and said, “Soon.” Chapter 6

Kira looked behind her again and slowed her pace down. They had been following her for blocks and she was growing very tired of carrying around her bag while trying to run.

Ducking into a few storefronts and using their back exit had proven to be useful. She should have gone to the new hotel when she found it this morning instead of being lazy and sitting in the café to drink her coffee. Someday she was going to learn to trust her instincts.

Just two more blocks and she was going to be home free. She could cut through the alley to the back entrance of the hotel and she would be there. Once she had a room she would be able to breathe easier and she would not leave again until her dreams told her too.


Blaine and Dalton walked into the meeting room and focused in on the Alpha who was barking out orders.

“No, we need to track her down if she is not in her apartment.” Quin growled into the receiver, looked up at the two men waiting, and nodded. “Yes, I know that if she is gone we will have to search the whole city. I will send more people now.” Blaine waited as his Alpha hung up the phone before speaking. “Tell me.” He demanded.

“Dalton, it seems your father is very motivated to find your mate. That was him on the phone, they found the bear shifter"s family who told them where to find her. Obviously she has been off the grid for the last few days. Her father told us that he was worried that someone had found her before we did.” Quin said and then held up his hands.

“Hang on. I sent people to her apartment but she was not there. We are tracing an email she sent to her parents a few hours ago. I suggest you get ready to fly to Detroit.”

“Fly, I will flash us there. Saves time.” Dalton said stepping up next to Blaine.

“Oh, well, that sounds like a good idea.” Blaine said looking at the other man nervously.

“Trust me.” Dalton said and smiled when Blaine nodded and looked around the room.

Everyone had stopped what they were doing and were staring at him.

“What?” Blaine growled. Cloe laughed and stepped toward her friend and pointed to his hand that held his mates.

“Are we finally seeing the unflappable Blaine come to terms with his future?” Cloe asked.

“My future with my mates, that is all.” Blaine said smoothly.

“We will see.” Cloe smirked and proceeded to make sure that Dalton and Blaine had the necessary weapons in case they came across the Rogues.

An hour later, they were ready to go. Quin's resources had tracked their mate to a coffee shop where she accessed the Internet. They were going to go from there. Dalton explained to him how flashing went. Apparently, people became disoriented if they were not prepared. Surprise, surprise, Blaine thought and then sighed. Driving fast on his bike was completely different from moving through space and time. The thought was making his stomach upset already.

Dalton said that it felt like walking in a dark tunnel, he just had to keep his head up and focused and he would be fine. Right, like he believed that. He was a wolf. He could see in the dark. Taking away his ability to see was akin to turning him in circles and telling him to walk straight.

“I will have a plane waiting for you when you find her.” Quin said and nodded. It was the last thing that Blaine saw before he felt like his stomach was trying to crawl out of his body.


Kira slowed down when she saw the entrance to the back of the hotel. Almost home free. She wanted to take a long hot shower and get some clean clothes on. It sounded like heaven to her. Unfortunately, fate had another plan for her. One she did not think she was going to like. Kira stepped out into the alley and looked both ways before proceeding across to the back door of the hotel.

Two men stepped into her line of sight. They were huge, like two pillars of marble that had come to life. Kira slowed her footsteps and then hesitated. They had seen her but were not moving toward her. Shit, she thought the moment before she realized that they were behind her too. She had two choices. One, surrender, and figure out what the hell they wanted form her, or fight. She knew what she was going to do before her thought process ended. She had no choice. She had to fight.

Shaking her head, Kira made a show of putting down her bags and putting them aside so they would not be damaged, before turning to the men in front of her and smiling. The two men who she spotted behind her moved around to her side and they had her partially surrounded. Bouncing on her feet she shook out her hands and rolled her head around, loosening up before she battled for her life.

One of the men laughed and pointed at her. Clearly, they did not believe in her abilities.

Well, they were in for a surprise. Her parents knew this day was coming, and they had paid a handsome price to make sure she knew how to defend herself. Granted, she could try to use her cloaking abilities, but they did not work real well when someone was focusing on her.

So she was going to have to fight on her own, against four men. This was really going to suck, maybe she should try to talk to them before she commenced to kicking their ass.

“Hey, before we get started, can I ask why the hell you are looking for me?” Kira said.

“No.” The big pillar said and then walked toward her.

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