Blaine: A Wolf's Second Sight (2 page)

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The next child is born in July, a Cancer. They are the overseer of mates. Their gift allows them to see who is supposed to mate and who is not. They are also the protector of the mates, should anyone force a mating or abuse a mate, and they are the ones who will deal with it. Quin did not tolerate any abuse of a mate in the Denver Pack. They had heard stories of other Packs that used their females as slaves, and refused to do anything like this. The overseer of mates for the Council would have a big job trying to clean up the mess in America. Quin and Jaden spent half of their time calling the Alphas from other Packs and reporting mate abuse that they heard about.

Devon was born in August. He is the Leo, the leader of the Enforcers of both the Denver Pack and the Council Pack, the leader of their army, a natural protector. Should he wish, he could challenge Quin, of course he would never do that because he does not want the headache. He is perfectly happy being the Beta. Devon was going to be the leader of all the Betas. He would set up training for them and make sure that they were doing their job as well as making sure the Enforcers did theirs. He was like the military leader in the United States, the highest ranking General in the Were community. If there were a war with the Rogues, Devon would be leading it.

Next in line is Virgo, the child born in September. Cloe will be the medical advisor. She will work with the human doctors to understand the physiology of the Were, and will be the trainer of the Were doctors. Cloe was mated to Beta Darien, and actually, they shared a bond with another member of the new Pack, Teagan.

The child born in October, Libra, will be the Pack builder. They will be responsible for setting up a new Pack and knowing what is going on in each of the Packs and report to the Council. Once the Council officially moved to Denver, there was sure to be an influx of Packs starting in the United States. Many of the Packs for Europe had small Packs in the States, but Quin knew that they would grow and be much larger than they were now.

The next is the child born in November, the Scorpio. They are considered the oldest of souls and will be the consultant with the previous Council, using them as a resource, should the Council need them. There was much to be learned from humans and other Were. Quin wanted the Old Council to be advisers, but they needed someone appointed to help with organizing them.

Finally, the child born in December, the Sagittarius, will be the liaison between the other shifters and the Council. We know there are other shifters, all with different hierarchies, and this person will be the go-between for the groups. Devon had been surprised when he learned there were more species in the Americas than where he had grown up, and he had yet to meet any. Most of the shifter community kept hidden, even from fellow shifters. Once they became public, it would be a huge job to organize all the different communities.

Chapter One

Seriously, Blaine needed to get the hell out of town. People were asking too many questions that he could not answer, and they were expecting too much. This is why he never told anyone about his gift. People would want him to read palms and shit like that. That was not how it worked. He had no control over his visions. They came when the spirits wanted to tell him something.

That is what his adoptive mother had told him all those years ago when they found him wandering alone and sick. Blaine could not remember anything about the time before he came to live in Milliken, Colorado. He really did not want to.

“Are you sure that you don"t remember your parents?” His new Alpha asked him curiously as he watched the newest member of his Pack arrange the mess of papers and pens that littered his desk.

“Yes, for the last time. I have no clue when I was born, who abandoned me, or where the hell they went. No, I have not had any visions about it. My mother is the bear that raised me and my brothers are the bears I grew up with. They don"t care that I am a wolf and neither should you.” Blaine exploded and punched the desk the Alpha was sitting behind. He then proceeded to straighten up the desk that he disrupted.

Quin stood up calmly and walked around the desk, then waited patiently while the large wolf arranged his pens and papers in neat stacks. He felt like laughing while he watched the large man obsessively make sure everything was in line before taking a step back.

One of his mates and best friends, Jaden, stood and waited to see if he was needed.

Jaden smirked at his friend while he shook his head at the wolf, which had barked at him moments ago and now was calm. Quin did not have a temper, but the wolf had challenged him with his aggression. Most Alpha"s would put him on his back making him bear his belly just to stay alive.

“I know this is a touchy subject. Look at it from our perspective. We are told about a Prophesy, one that was given to us by a Seer. In that Prophesy, there is a child who will be even more powerful than the last Seer.” Quin said calmly and sat on the edge of the desk. He could have taken the large man down, but that is why he was such a good Alpha. He believed in listening before reacting.

“I know, „The next was the child born in March, Pisces. This child would be the visionary of the group. They would be the one who had the ideas and ability to see what the future held for the Pack. Though they had the Seer from the European Council Pack, the Spirits intended for this child"s gift to surpass that of the Seer." Cloe has told me over and over again. I just don"t think it is me.” Blaine said sighing.

“You were found wandering as a pup. Your mother thinks you were not a year old yet.

When Jo was kidnapped as an infant, everything was in shambles. No one knew where half of the Chosen went. Our records show the Chosen who was born in March, disappeared just days after the incident. No one, not even the parents, have ever been found or shown up in a Pack. Do you know how odd that is? We have trails on everyone in the Chosen, but the one born in March. Having visions and being a Seer is not a common gift. In fact, according to Oliver and my father, there has never been another shifter that is a Seer but you. So, you tell me, what are the odds that you are the missing Chosen?" Quin said.

“About a million to one. Tell me, what are the odds that I wandered into this Pack?

Cloe's father would have recognized me, don"t you think? I thought all the parents knew one another. Besides how would I have gotten here? No, I think that you are going to have to accept that what I have are visions. I am not a Seer. I can"t control it. It just comes to me.”

Blaine walked to stand next to the window and looked out. They were building a brand-new compound in Milliken. When Cloe accepted her destiny as one of the Chosen, her father stepped down as the Pack leader in Milliken, and Quin stepped in. It had all been a mess the last few months.

Quin and Jaden found their mate, and all had seemed happy in the Denver Pack. Then Jo, Cami"s best friend showed up, and they discovered that she was the lost daughter of the Old Council Pack"s leader. She had supposedly been kidnapped and killed. When she was attacked, then shot, her wolf appeared and scared the shit out of everyone in the room.

Jo was a White Wolf, almost as rare as a Seer. When her father arrived in Denver, he brought with him the documents of the Seer"s Prophesy. Each month on the first day of the month for one full calendar year, a shifter child was born. Only one on that day.

That child was called one of the Chosen. They would have a special gift that would allow them to fulfill the destiny the spirits intended. A New Council that was to rule all the shifters. The New Council would take the shifters into a new age, one where they lived with humans in the open.

Many shifters would rather live in secrecy. With their increased powers, they could use them to control certain things. It was mostly money, which is what the Rogues were after. Quin learned through a series of channels that the Rogue leader wanted to build his own Council. One that would use their power to gain wealth and power.

They had had a shitty year so far, Blaine thought. Cami had been poisoned. Jo had been shot. Devon and Casey had been attacked. Reggie had been kidnapped, and Cloe had her town surrounded and almost lost her mates. All in all, not a real good advertisement for being one of the Chosen. Blaine sure was not rushing to sign up, but that was for another reason altogether though. If he could, he would be what they wanted, he would.

The problem was that he did not think he was one of the Chosen.

“Listen, what would it hurt to find out?” Jaden said softly. The man was usually the funny man of the group; right now, he was very sedate.

“How are we going to do that?” Blaine said dryly. Like there was a blood test or something that he was going to have to go through.

“We are going to have a meeting in the morning with the rest of the Council. Come and we will tell you.” Jaden said and stood.

Blaine nodded and left the room without looking back. Quin knew he was one of the Chosen, he could feel it. Now he just had to prove it.

“Well, how are we going to pull that rabbit out of the hat?” Quin said and looked Jaden.

“Oh, I already have the idea for that. I just have to call Oliver. We talked about this a few months ago when we were looking for any clue on the Chosen. It was something he said at the time that stuck with me. I was waiting to talk to you and Cami about it, but now it looks like I have to get the story quickly and present it to the Council.” Jaden said, kissed his mate, and walked out of the room.

Quin shook his head. This was going to be another bumpy ride. Why couldn"t any of the Chosen be easy to find? He thought and went to seek out his wife and children.


Blaine rode out of the compound on his Harley without looking back. He needed to speak to his mother. She would know what to do. It may seem stupid and weird to most people, but his mother was the one who always helped him sort things out. Also, she understood what his dreams tried to tell him. Blaine thought it was because she had a little Seer blood in her too. She was part Cherokee as well as a bear shifter, but when he asked his mother would scoff and tell him no.

His parent's den was only a few miles from where they were building the new Pack compound. Though he was a wolf, Blaine had grown up in a den of bears. They were not Pack animals. They stayed pretty much to themselves and only depended on family when needed. When they joined the Milliken Pack, it had been a huge deal. Blaine knew that his mother and father had only joined to get him closer to his own kind. They refused to hold him back from his nature, but at the same time, they did not want him to go too far.

His mother was in the garden when he drove up. She had her hair pulled back in the same bun, and wore the same gardening dress she had since he was small. Her hair was black and her body round, just like the black bear she was. He asked her once how it always looked like new, and she said because she washed clothes so well. His brothers said that it was because their mom was a tight ass. When the bolt of fabric had gone on clearance, she had bought the whole thing and made a million of the same dresses.

“Son, what are you doing here? I thought you had things to do at the Pack house.” She called and put her vegetables in her front pocket. He guessed she was making stew, Blaine was glad he chose this night to come. His mother made the best stew this side of the Rockies.

“I needed to talk to you and dad.” He said and leaned over and kissed her.

“Well, come on in, the boys are all in town tonight. With the new people coming in, they have decided to be sociable. I really just think they like hanging at the bar and drinking with the foxes.” She said and walked into the large cabin.

It had not changed at all. His father built it with his own hands, the summer he turned five. Blaine remembered helping his brothers cut trees and pull logs all summer. It was a large A-frame log home. He loved it; it held so many memories for him.

“Dad.” He said when he saw his father sitting at the table cleaning his hunting knives.

His father owned part of the supply store in town. He bought in with a human when they moved into town.

“Hey Blaine, what brings you home?” His father"s loud voice boomed.

“Needed to talk to you and mom.” Blaine said and sat down at the table. No one said a word for a long time. The best part was it was because his parents knew him. It took a while for him to gather his thoughts and get them out. They went about their business and knew when the time came, Blaine would talk, and they would listen. He began to straighten the things at the table when his mother grabbed his hands and held them.

His parents teased him all the time about how neat he was. It was probably because his brothers were slobs and never picked up after themselves. He was always cleaning trying to help his mother, and then it turned into a funny quirk that his family all teased him about. He had to have things neat and straight or it drove him nuts. When eating, none of his food could touch the other. Blaine often had several plates arranged so his food was neat. His friends learned to accept his weird quirks, but his family teased him relentlessly. His brothers thought it was funny to go to his house and move things around; it usually happened on the full moon when he was out running. Blaine usually spent one night a month putting things back into place, and then driving over to his parent's house and beating the shit out of his brothers on the front lawn. It was the only time his mother allowed her sons to fight.

“So, Quin the new Alpha thinks I am one of the Chosen. He thinks I am the Seer.” Blaine said quietly.

His mother gasped a little, sat down, and looked at him with an astonished look on her face. His father kept cleaning his knife and nodded slowly, although he knew that he had surprised him.

“Why do they think that? I admit I don"t know much about the Chosen. Bears voted a long time ago to wait and see what the Old Council was going to do when that baby was taken.” His mother said quietly.

Blaine went on to explain everything he knew about the Prophesy and the Chosen.

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