Blaine: A Wolf's Second Sight (3 page)

BOOK: Blaine: A Wolf's Second Sight
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When he was done, his mother had gotten out her documents and was looking for something.

When his first vision had come to him his mother made sure she wrote down everything.

She maintained this policy from that day on. His visions were always of the future.

Something that would happen in the next few days to years, he never knew. It freaked a lot of people out when he tried to warn them. But he felt it was his obligation no matter how nasty they were. One thing he could not do was see his future; it kind of pissed him off a little. The Gods give him a gift but leave him out of the equation, how rude.

“When you came to us that first day, I took you to the doctor. He wrote down how old he thought you were. Your father and I have just always celebrated your birthday on the day you came to us. Here it is. The doctor said that you were roughly seven months old.

So let"s see, you came to us in December. So, seven months from then was around March. So I guess you could be one of the Chosen.” His mother said and looked at her son who was shaking his head and smiled. “Why is it so impossible to think that you may be one of the Chosen?”

“Because damn it, I don"t need any more shit on my plate. I already have these visions that come and go whenever they want to. People are afraid of me because sometimes I space out in the middle of a sentence. Can you imagine how they would react if they found out that I was one of the Chosen? No one would believe it. They would think that I was just lying to get my way into a position of power. Hell, half of the Pack makes a wide berth to stay off the same side of the street I am on.” Blaine said and ran his hands through his hair.

“Son, they are afraid of what they don"t understand. Most of them are scared you will have a vision about them, dying or doing something they don"t want people to know.

Your gift is a blessing. Something to be cherished.” His father said quietly.

Blaine looked up in surprise. It had always been his mother who told him that he was special. To hear his father say it made him feel happy. That still did not make him one of the Chosen.

“How are they planning on proving one way or another that you are one of the Chosen?” His mother asked.

“I don"t know, they are having some meeting tomorrow that I have to go to. Jaden, one of the Alphas, said he has a way. Probably want to do brain surgery or something.” Blaine grumbled.

“Well, I suggest you take this stuff with you, and we see if you can give them some information. There are blood tests and DNA tests in there. We wanted to be sure no one was looking for you.” His mom said.

“What if I am one of them? I don"t have the kind of power they are talking about. I can"t control the visions.” Blaine said. “I am not what they need. I like being an Enforcer. I always know where I stand. Go to work, kick a little ass, sorry mom, and then go home.

No muss, no fuss.”

“You don"t know that. I have always told you when you found your mates, that you may develop your powers more. In my tribe, they thought that Shamans, who were grounded, were the most powerful. As a wolf, you will not be grounded until you find your mate. She could be the key to everything. As for the rest of that crap you said, let me tell you something, you know as well as I do that you are not an Enforcer. You are too special to be a lapdog. You are stronger than most of the Enforcers, including your Beta. I know it and you know it. Cloe knows it; she has said many times that if she were going to step down, she would name you as her successor.” She said.

“Mate? I hate to tell you mom, but my mate is nowhere around here. I would have to travel to the ends of the earth to search for her. I think they have a little more of a demand for a Seer right now. Look at all the shit they are going through.” Blaine said.

“Take it as it comes. We will stand behind you. But if you do find your parents, what are you going to do?” His father asked.

Blaine knew what he was asking. When he was smaller, he vowed if anyone came looking for him, he would refuse to go. He wanted to stay with the bears. They are the ones who always took care of him.

“You are my parents and will always be my parents. I don"t care who says they gave birth to me. They walked away.” Blaine said and stood up and embraced both of his parents and then left.

He got back on his bike and decided he needed to clear his head out a little. Maybe he needed to go and get more cleaning supplies and have one of his monthly spring cleanings. It always helped to relax him. Feeling a little better having a plan, Blaine turned the cycle towards the town and smiled. Maybe he would even clean the carpets.


Cami and her friends were sitting in the Pack nursery. It was where they hung out these days since Jo and she had given birth. Casey was starting to get bigger and Cami knew that Cloe was pregnant, she was just refusing to accept it.

“Cloe, when your pants don"t button anymore, it doesn"t mean you ate a huge meal.” Cami said dryly.

“Don"t care, I am a doctor. I think I would know if I were pregnant.” Cloe said and looked around the room. Why the hell was she hanging with the girls when she could be with the men planning for the Rogues? Oh wait, she knew, because her stubborn ass mates had decided that she needed to focus on medicine not fighting. They had smelled a change in her scent yesterday and since then she had been nearly on bed rest.

Ruby sighed and looked out the window. “Well, we have been trying like crazy to get pregnant, and nothing. You should feel lucky.”

Cloe laughed, “Yeah, we know. Ruby, you and Reggie are not the quietest wolves when you orgasm.”

Ruby blushed and said. “Damn wolf hearing.”

“Stop teasing her.” Casey said. “It will happen. Cloe checked you out, and you are good to go. Maybe the spirits are spacing the births out so we don"t freak out. I mean shit, Cami had triplets, Jo had twins, and I think I have a litter in here.” Cloe laughed and said. “I can do an ultrasound right now if you want to know.”

“Why didn"t you say so? Strap her up!” Cami said and jumped up and down clapping her hands. “We need to know how many more cribs to buy and what colors of clothes.

Plus, we are planning the future and need to know who is having possible mates for our children.”

Jo laughed and said. “Yeah, Cassandra is smitten with the twins.” Cloe went to the room they set up as the birthing room in the Pack house and rolled the portable machine into the nursery. “This is accurate only if we can see the little guys. So chill and let me do the test.”

“You are a twin, so your chances are higher for a multiple birth.” Ruby said.

“I am looking for Teagan, Cloe do you know where he is?” A deep voice came from the doorway, and all the woman turned and looked at Blaine filling to entrance.

“Yeah, he is with the other big bad wolves, in the special male room, where women are not allowed.” Cloe said sarcastically.

“Okay and that would be?” Blaine laughed.

Cami stepped forward and smiled. “It"s down the hall, third door on the left.”

“Thanks, and Cloe, why are you hooking that up. She is having twins, a boy and a girl.

She is thinking of naming them Sidney and Shad.” Blaine said and walked away, but not before making sure the nursery sign on the door was straight.

“Damn it.” Cloe said and looked at Casey, who was smiling and nodding. “Sneaky Seer.”

“I think he is one of the Chosen.” Cami said quietly.

“Me too, I can feel all of you differently than I can feel the rest of the Pack. I told Tey and the Alphas yesterday. But there is something else there. I am not sure what though.” Jo nodded.

Cloe looked at her friend and then grimaced. “I don"t know. He has always been secretive, but if he is the child of March, he is in more danger than we know. I heard Darien and Devon talking, and the Rogues have been talking about finding the Seer"s mates.”

“Crap, men are so stubborn. I am going to see what they are doing about this.” Cami said calling for the nurse who was supposed to look after the children back into the room. As she walked toward the door, Jo screamed loudly.

Cami turned in enough time to see that Hope, Cami"s daughter, and Christian, Jo"s son, were glowing again, but this time they were connecting to each other. Cassandra, Christian"s twin, and Cami"s twin boys were crying and kicking out their legs. They did not stop until Cami placed them with their sibling who soothed them with a touch.

“What the hell?” Cami said. “Get my husbands.”

The nurse nodded and ran out the door. “Well, this will make interesting dinner conversation.” Casey laughed.

“Wait until yours are born, one of them will turn into a glow worm, you just wait.” Jo said and pointed to her stomach, “Ha, so much for waiting.” Casey looked down, her stomach glowed, and she sat down heavily and started panicking. “Not cool.”

“Casey?” Devon said and ran to her side and looked around the room. The men flowed into the room looking for a threat. Finding none, they looked to where the women were pointing.

Hope and her siblings and Christian and his twin, had an arch of color coming from them. Cami"s children had gold, and Jo"s children had silver. They were giggling and wiggling like they were happy. Casey cried out when she saw a shower of green sparks join the children"s colors, it was coming from her. No one had been paying attention, and suddenly Cloe swore. “Damn it.” And they all turned to see a small glow coming from her stomach; it was red and very small, but still there.

Cami clapped and said. “Told you so!”

“Dude.” Levi said and looked around the room. “Your kids are glowing like a frickin"


“Uh Levi?” Reggie said in a panicked tone and looked at Ruby, who was standing there looking around.

“What?” She said and laughed nervously.

“Baby, look down.” Reggie said calmly and then braced himself for the screeching.

Cami, Jo, Casey and Cloe all began talking at once, because a tiny purple spark was erupting from Ruby.

“Seriously?” Ruby said and then fainted.

Reggie and Levi jumped to grab their unconscious mate before she hit the floor, and Blaine walked in.

“Do you know what is going on?” Quin demanded.

“Uh, your kids are freaks?” Blaine replied and laughed at the chaos. “Which one is gonna do the next trick?”

“I am gonna kick your ass.” Jaden said and walked toward him with his fist clenched and then the most amazing thing happened. A shield of color separated Blaine from Jaden. It made a bubble around him, like it was protecting him.

“Hope, honey, let your daddy kick the stupid man"s ass.” Quin said and bent over the crib.

“Ha, your kids like me more than you.” Blaine said and turned to move, but the shield would not allow him to.

“Really, looks like maybe they are keeping you prisoner.” Cami drawled and laughed when the big man tried to pop the bubble without success.

“Okay little ones, fun and games are over. Let Uncle Blaine go.” Sid said looking at his son calmly.

The colors began swirling and flowing, but did not let him go. Blaine groaned and fell to his knees and gripped his head. Cloe tried to get to him but when she touched the bubble, it only flexed under her fingers.

“What is going on?” Cami whispered and picked up Hope and held her close.

“Any ideas?” Devon said.

Blaine opened his eyes and said. “Yeah, they seem to want to think that I am one of the Chosen, and you were going to hurt me.”

Jaden went to his daughter, kissed her gently and said, “Daddy was just playing with his big stupid friend. He promises that he won"t hurt him for being an ass.” Cami laughed when the energy in the room flashed and disappeared. “Can we recap here? So Blaine is one of the Chosen. Cloe and Ruby are both pregnant, and our children have amazing powers. Let"s have lunch, shall we? It"s nap time, I bet they are exhausted from being so cool. Nanny Frieda, can you lay them down?” The small Alpha clapped her hands and pointed to Blaine, who was still on the ground.

Jaden and Quin rolled their eyes, went and gathered him up.

“I guess the meeting has been moved up.” Quin said and led the way to the meeting room while Cami called to have lunch delivered.

Chapter 2

Kira took a deep breath when she entered her apartment. Two days she had been hanging around the alleys of the city, waiting for the opportunity to get past the men who were guarding that building. In order to know when the guards were going to take a break and leave her door unmanned, she had watched for the last few days, getting their schedule down. The entire time she remained invisible and it was wearing on her.

She had never used her powers for this long and she knew she would not be able to hold it up for much longer. She just needed to get into her apartment and get her important stuff out then she could go to a hotel.

Laughing she looked around her apartment and thought they had not been able to find anything. She knew she was a slob, clothes and paper strewn everywhere. It was a mess, but she knew exactly where everything was before and now things were moved.

The idiots that had searched her room had not, that was obvious.

She quickly got the things she needed to have while looking at her watch every few seconds. She had exactly five minutes to get out of here, or be trapped until the morning. Who knew when the men were going to get tired of waiting, come and search her apartment again, they had been in here at least three times that she counted.

Last night Kira slept on the roof of the building across the street. She wished she had time to take a shower, but that was not in the cards. Prying up the board where she hid her money and valuables, Kira was happy to see that they had not searched the apartment too hard. It was probably because they could not figure out where to start.

This money would at least help her hide until someone showed up. She had seen in a dream where they were going to find her, but not when. So she had planned accordingly, taken all of her money out of savings, and put it with the rest of the things she wanted to take with her.

For all she knew it could be years or months until they came to find her. She could not be on the run that long. Kira prepared for this day because she had known it was coming. It did not make it any easier knowing it was finally here. Her parents would have received her cryptic message by now and would know that she was hiding. They would also know to stay away from her until she called them. When she had this dream the first time, she had seen her father get killed when she tried to go home for help.

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