Blessing The Highlander (27 page)

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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

BOOK: Blessing The Highlander
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           Lokai raised his brows. “Are you certain, Sire? We thought he passed on.”

           He gave him a long look. “Yes, Lokai, it can be no one else. He wants the throne and only the royal blood has this much power. You know this!”

           “The crazy Fae has me wife?” Garrick roared. “Bloody hell! This just keeps getting better all the time!”

           Lokai began to experience fear for the first time since Seonaid disappeared. His father was ruthless. He would not think twice about harming… or even killing her! They needed a plan...and quickly.

           He turned ice blue eyes on Diedre. “You return home this instant. I will not have you in danger!”


           “Now!” he bellowed. She dared not argue with him. The look in his eye was a mixture of fear and resolve. She had never seen fright in his eyes before. It vexed her. Her mouth clamped shut as she left.

           Garrick looked at Hagar. “This goes back ta her vision does nae it?” She nodded. “Then we have our strategy.”

           “Our true problem is uncovering her first. How else can Lokai save her while we battle?” Garrick did not know. “Tell me, Garrick. Do you know of any place where she could be hidden away? Some place within a couple hours by horseback from Castle Brodie? An abandoned hut perhaps?”

           Garrick shook his head.

           A cracked voice spoke up just then. “There be the auld Fraser keep on the northwest border. Me and some of the lads used ta explore there when we were bairns. Tis nae much more than crumbling rock but the hall and dungeon still stand.” All eyes turned to Liam.

           “I could kiss ye lad!” Garrick grinned at him. “I had forgotten about that dwelling. Thank ye, Liam.  Ye shall be compensated with a foal from Cadence and one of the new mares!” Turning back to the king he said, “That must be where he has concealed her.”

           “It sounds like it. We must plan the battle now. It has to be convincing or he will not believe it. He may be crazy...but he is not senseless.”

           “Liam, are the horses rested?”

           The lad was beaming with pride as he turned toward his laird, not hearing the question, dreaming of his Cadence foal.

           “Liam! The horses?”

           He jumped. “Aye, m’laird. They will do as long as they go nae further than the castle.”

           “Prepare them then. I will be out in a moment. And Liam?”


           “Nae a word about what ye have seen or heard in here...understood?”

           He nodded. “I will do naught that endangers m’lady.”

           After he left, King Alred smiled. “He seems to be a loyal subject. I like him.”

           “Aye, he is also besotted with me wife. I think it is loyalty ta her that stills his tongue.”

           They finalized their plans and prepared to leave. Hagar walked up to Garrick handing him her staff.

           He stared down at it… puzzled. His eyes rounded as he comprehended that he held the Spear in his hands.

           “Although I appreciate the gesture, Hagar, I will be using a sword when I battle with the king.”

           She shook her head. “Tis nae for the battle with the king. Tis for the battle with Athor. But I warn ye now, it must nae be used in vengeance...only in righteousness! If vengeance be in your heart then let another strike the blow.”

           “Who would that be, pray tell?”



Chapter XIII




            Angus was standing on the steps in front of the keep as he watched the bedraggled highlanders enter the inner bailey. He could see that they had ridden hard to return.
Laird Brodie kenned that his bride was gone.
A trickle of sweat rolled down his spine.

           “Mary, see ta the men!” He took a long drink from his skin. The uisge beatha burned as it traveled down his throat. He offered it to Garrick as he drew near. He was going to need it.

           Garrick refused. “Nay, Angus. I must keep a clear head.” He lowered his voice. “Where be Malcolm?”

           “He has been aiding in the search, m’laird. He be in the hall with the men getting some food and rest. Nae one has slept since the fire.”

           His eyes narrowed with the hatred burning in his heart.
Not yet, Garrick!
He heard the king say. Slowly, he unclenched his hands as he tried to calm his fury. It took several moments to get his mask in place… and several more before he had his heart hardened sufficiently to face him.

           Angus eyed him inquisitively as he scrutinized the turmoil crossing Garrick’s expression. “Twas him?” he asked quietly.

           Garrick gave a brusque nod… not trusting his voice. He swallowed hard before he spoke.

           “Ye are going ta hear me say things this day that must ring true...even if they are nae. All ye need ta ken is that the Fae king and I have a plan.” He turned inflexible eyes on Angus. “Ye must nae interfere nor the clan! Seonaid’s life hinges on it! Can ye do this?”

           “Aye. For ye and m’lady I can do anything.”

           Garrick entered the hall despairingly. This he did not have to pretend. He was bone weary. Mary bustled up to him wringing her hands.

           “Oh, m’laird, come and rest. I will fetch ye some stew and ale.” He looked through her, not really seeing her as he let her lead him to the dais. She motioned a gillie over to serve his fare as he lowered himself in his chair. He stared at it without moving. He was totally focused on Malcolm who was seated just at the edge of his vision.

           Everyone was silent as they ate their meal, not wishing to disturb Garrick.

           Malcolm, too, was silent as he celebrated in his mind.
Look at him! He grieves already. Perhaps he will lose his mind! That will make it all the easier to be rid of him. He will be no match for Alred.
He smiled.

           A steely cold voice sliced through his thoughts.

           “Ye find this amusing Malcolm?” His eyes were a snake choosing its victim.

           All eyes turned on him. “Nay, m’laird. My mind had merely drifted elsewhere for a moment.”

           Garrick did not blink as he stared him down. “I see.” His voice was flat.

           The hackles on Malcolm’s neck began to rise as he saw the truth in Garrick’s black stare.
He knows! How could he? No. He cannot know! It is just my conscience playing tricks on me.
He shook it off.

           “We have sought m’lady far and wide, Garrick.” Angus drew his attention away from Malcolm. “Wherever she be… tis nae here. Where shall we look next?”

           Garrick chose his words prudently as he observed Malcolm from the corner of his eye. “I have felt a pulling ta the north, mayhap a little westerly. I only stop for replacement mounts and, perhaps, fresh eyes.”

           Malcolm visibly stiffened then forced himself to ease. He could not have penetrated the magical shield that was placed around the ruins. It was just coincidence. He would go there ahead of them and remove her. He could accomplish it before they even became close.

           Garrick knew then that she was there. He saw Malcolm’s reaction to his words, as did Angus. He let out a shaky breath.
She is still alive! Thank the heavens!
He took a long drink from his mug and began to eat. He would need his strength when this played out.

           As Malcolm rose to leave the hall, Garrick broke the silence.

           “Angus, I will be wanting both ye and Malcolm riding alongside me. Gather as many men as we may need but nae more than thirty. Have Cadence readied and send Liam ta help me with me armor.” Under his breath he said to him, “Do nae let Malcolm out of your sight for an instant. He be Fae.”

           Startled, it was all he could do to keep his face expressionless. “Aye, m’laird. It will be as ye command!”


            Diedre had left them swiftly but she did not return to the palace. She knew she could find her sister. Especially with the locket she now held in her hand. No one saw her take it as they planned their strategy. She smiled to herself.
Father will be proud of me when I rescue Seonaid. He will overlook all my other transgressions against her by this one act.
She squeezed the locket.

           Diedre traveled swiftly, traversing the highlands in her search for Seonaid. It was growing dark as she finally sensed a touch of warmth emanating from the golden heart. It was faint...but it was there. She had suspected that her father had physically linked the locket to Seonaid…and she was correct. Her gamble was paying off.

           Diedre scrutinized the area, finally locating a rundown keep in the distance.
There! She must be there!
Diedre clapped her hands in delight.
I have found her! Father will be thrilled!

           She crept close to the crumbling building as silently as was possible. She realized that no one was guarding it and quickened her pace only to run into an unseen barrier.

Damn! A shield. I should have known.
Oh well. It will just take me a little longer to find a weak spot.
She proceeded to test every inch of the shield.


            Seonaid shivered, then groaned, as pain wracked her bruised body.
What happened? Where am I?
Then she recalled Malcolm and what he had done to her. The room was dank and so dark she could not see her hand in front of her. For a moment she feared that she was blind. Something scurried past her and she squealed.
Rats! I hate rats!

           She used her hands to feel the floor, finding it to be made of stone. Cold slimy stone. Reaching further, her hands brushed a blanket and she snatched it to her. She wrapped it around her shoulders as she shivered. That is when she caught the scent. As she brought it closer to her face, she inhaled deeply.
She could smell his scent mixed with leather and pine.
I must have his plaid.
A single tear rolled down her cheek.
He must be worried sick.
She calmed herself as much as she could, then reached out to him with her thoughts. Nothing. What if her vision has come true? What if he is dead? Her hand instinctively covered her stomach as she thought of the babe.

Our babe seems fine, at least. Garrick!
Her mind screamed out to the void.
Garrick! Please be alive.

Mo cridhe! I hear ye, me love! Thank the heavens. Are ye harmed?

           Just bruised. I can nae see anything though. All is blackness. Watch out for Malcolm, husband! Twas him!

           Aye, mo gradh. I am aware. He is with me, so rest easy till I come for ye. Our babe is well?

           Aye, I believe it is so. All feels sound.

           Tis good. We must keep silence now. I do nae wish him aware that we can speak. Ken that I love ye, wife, and ye will be home shortly.

Her heart swelled.
I love you, as well, husband. More than you will ever ken.

           He was close. That was all she required to know to bolster her courage. Sighing in relief, she inched around the room until she found a door. She tugged on it but it would not budge. Locked! She sank to the floor in defeat, huddling in the plaid. Hugging her knees, she finally fell into a fitful sleep.


           Garrick had kept his eye on Malcolm as they spoke but he gave no indication that he was aware of the conversation. He glanced at the gloaming sky. They would have to stop for the night. There was no getting around it.

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