Blind Love (Sulfur Heights Series) (22 page)

BOOK: Blind Love (Sulfur Heights Series)
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I stand in front of her then warn, “Now, before you see this
, promise me you won’t freak out.”

“Really, Jake? Nothing you do surprises me anymore.”

Wow, she’s about to retract that statement in less than thirty seconds. “You have to promise?”

“Okay, fine. I promise. Now
, tell me before I go crazy.” She sits up at the end of the couch, anticipating my surprise.

“Oh, you’ll go crazy al
l right.” I pull off my t-shirt, giving the full effect to the tattoo, and turn my right arm in toward her.

She smile
s with excitement and then it evaporates abruptly. There’s anger in her voice as she stands to her feet and steps to me, “What the heck did you do?”

, remember how I told you I didn’t know how I wanted to finish my sleeve? Well, when you sent me that picture I knew it was it. Do you like it?”

She is mad. Maybe as angry as I’ve ever seen her as her hands dig into her hips and her face gets red. She
’s thinking of something to say, but comes up blank. I can tell.

“D? What do you think?”

Then she erupts, “What do I think? Huh, what do I think?” She starts to pace, wildly… angrily. Would I be a total dick if I was getting so turned on right now? Because, damn she’s such a firecracker when she’s angry. “I think that’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done! That’s what I think. Why on God’s green earth would you put a picture of me on your body?” I just chuckle at her rants, making her come uncorked. “This isn’t funny, Jake Evans. This is ludicrous.”

I stop her in her tracks and pull her into my arms, she tries to fight, pushing and slugging me in the chest. I spin her around and pin her back to my body. “Stop,” I command. “Just listen to me, okay?” She nods her head and I let her go.

When she turns around
, I pull her back into my arms and try to explain myself. “I was really feeling shitty when you sent me that picture. Jeremy and I haven’t been getting along, everyone in the house is stressed about Presley, and I was feeling like crap. When I opened your email and saw your picture, it took my breath away. I was instantly happy and I wanted a permanent reminder of how happy you make me.”

I can hear her breath hitch and my heart
begins to race. She peers up at me through her glossy blue eyes and just stares. This is it. The moment I’ve been dreaming about for the last two years. The moment that’s been the source of my weird new feelings and restless nights.

I look down to her lips,
which are full and soft, then I connect with her eyes. She doesn’t stop me, but she doesn’t move forward. Our moment is frozen as I slowly inch my way close to my salvation. I move my hand up to her face, cupping her cheek in my hand then lean all the way in. Her lips are right there, waiting for me to take them, until her bedroom door opens.

“Delilah! What are you doing?”

We both jump backwards, fearing the wrath of who I can only assume is her mother. She stomps her way into the room and stands between us, murdering me with her eyes. Yeah, this doesn’t look good at all.

“Who the hell are you?”
she seethes in my direction.

I’m about to answer when Delilah steps in
. “Mama, this is Jake Evans. I was just showing him the house. You remember Jake, don’t ya? He’s the boy I told you about.” Awe, she talks about me. I can’t help but smile

“What is he doing in your room? And almost naked?” I can’t help
laughing at that one.

Her mom is just as Delilah
has described. I’m not even close to being naked. She’s probably never seen a naked man before. Delilah has probably been conceived through strategically placed holes in their bedroom sheets.

“Don’t you dare laugh at me
, young man!” She bends down, snagging my shirt from the couch and tosses it to me. “Delilah, Emerson is downstairs. Get yourself together and downstairs in one minute.”

Wow, s
he’s full of piss and vinegar. I smile as I pull on my t-shirt and watch Delilah’s mom leave the room. When my eyes connect back to Delilah’s, she has become pale and scared. What the hell?

Chapter 15



This couldn’t have gone worse
, if I say so myself. Not only has Jake tattooed my picture on his body, but I almost kissed him. I’m engaged to be married and I almost kissed Jake Evans! Then my mother stops me from making a huge mistake by walking in on us. To top it all off, Emerson is waiting downstairs. I will have to bring Jake down from my bedroom while my fiancé watches. Oh, and I haven’t told Jake about my engagement.

, God! Emerson is here.

Jake already hates him. Now
, he’ll hate me. Where is that hole in the floor because I need to disappear immediately?

“This day just keeps getting better,” Jake says as the conceited jerk reappears. Oh
, my God. This is going to be bad. “I can’t wait to meet Emerson. Then I can prove to you he’s not worth your time.”

I grab a hold of his hand and make my way down the hallway. Pleading with Jake,
I say, “Please don’t, okay?”

“Don’t what?”
He stares at me, burrowing his way under my skin. “Don’t what? Are you worried what I’m going to say, cupcake?”

“Yes,” I whisper as the baseball from my stomach lurches to my throat. “Please don’t antagonize him.”

Jake looks down at me with the always present smirk to his face and then kisses my forehead. “You know me, cupcake. I won’t say anything he doesn’t deserve to hear. Okay?”

I shake my head and lead him down the stairs to a waiting Emerson. When we round the corner into the
kitchen, I plaster on the fake smile I’ve been trained to wear and walk up to my fiancé, kissing him on the cheek. Emerson immediately goes rigid and possessively pulls me next to his body. I look at Jake’s eyes ignite and recognize the glare immediately. This is going to be so bad.



Delilah is freaking the hell out when we make it into the kitchen and I get
a firsthand look at her home life. It’s eerie the way she instantly transforms into someone else. She’s walking taller, putting on a stupid fake smile, and her voice is different—condescending even. I don’t like what I’m seeing. I know it’s not the real her; it’s the fake version she puts on whenever she’s here, with them. It’s the version I met when she first came to Sulfur Heights and I don’t like it. Actually, I hate it and I don’t mind letting it show.

“Emerson, this is Jake Evans
,” Delilah shakily introduces.

He reaches out his hand and I take his immediately, crushing it in mine.

“Nice to meet you.” His voice is like a pansy. I just nod my head, not really acknowledging his comment because I don’t think it is nice to meet him. We stare each other down for another second before we let go of each other’s hands.

He stand
s about as tall as me, but is a skinny wimp. I bet if I flinched, he would piss his pants. Delilah is still connected to Emerson’s side and her eyes tell me how uncomfortable she really is. I’m about to pull her from his arms when Delilah’s mom intercedes.

“Let’s all move to the living room
.” She turns her condescending look to me. “I’d like to visit with Jake. I will admit I would like to have a word with you as well as Emerson.” She’s a class-A bitch. Snide and stuck up, her eyes glare at Delilah’s, almost threatening to destroy her if she doesn’t follow. Her mother is a puppeteer, controlling every move she’s made since her birth. It’s as plain as day, but Delilah doesn’t seem to see it.

We all sit in the living room, which
is cold and stuffy, like her mother. Emerson pulls Delilah to his side, making her sit beside him, and I can no longer hold my tongue. This is not who she is. I know what she needs and how she feels. I guarantee she won’t speak to her mother or Emerson the way she speaks to me because what she feels for me is real, not fake. I can’t keep my mouth quiet anymore.

I look over to Delilah and ask, “Are you ready to go?”

“She’s not going anywhere,” her bitch of a mother snaps back then takes a long drink of her brandy.

Ignoring her comment
, I look to Delilah again. “Come on. Let’s just get your stuff and go.”

Emerson stands, getting huffy. “Where do think she
’s going to go? With you? Back to your trailer?”

I stand
, too, meeting him inch for inch. Of course someone like him would think I live in a trailer. He wouldn’t know what real life is like because he’s never experienced it firsthand. Everything has been placed in front of him. He’s never really worked hard to get anywhere in life.

, go upstairs,” Emerson demands her to move, but I intervene.

“No! Come on
; we’re leaving.” She looks between the two of us, eyes flooding with tears, and now I want to rip this guy a new one. She’s crying and I hate when Delilah cries.

“My fiancé
e is going nowhere with you, gutter trash.” I let the insult fly off my back because I am too consumed with his prior statement.

She’s engaged to this douche bag? Why? I look at her and she shamefully tucks herself behind Emerson.

“D? When were you going to tell me about this?” As I stand to the side and pull her away from his grip, Emerson doesn’t make a move to pull her back, but he doesn’t step away, either. “Is this true? Are you going to marry him?”

She only nods her head, still letting the tears fall down her face.

I am angry. I feel like she’s just destroyed everything we’ve ever had and then purposefully hidden it from me. I look into her eyes and see this is not what she wants, but she is too scared to defy her mother and captain douche bag to leave.

“I’m sorry
, Jake. I tried to tell you.”

I move out
of the room and walk toward the door. “Jake!”

I turn.

She’s standing behind me, pleading with me to take her with me and I will. I will take her away from here and back home with me. She only needs to say the words. “Please… understand.”

“Understand what
, exactly? I never really believed you were weak until I came here and watched what you become when you’re around them. This,” I motion to her dress and pristine hair, “is not you. This is the
they expect you to be.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way, Jake
, but this is where I need to be.” And just like that, she makes her decision and it cuts like a fucking knife to my heart. I’ve been gutted and exposed from her words. It pisses me off. “Please, I still want to be friends.”

“Why? What’s the point?” I step from her and pull open the front door. With all the anger
I have, I slam it hard then walk down the driveway and out to the street.

After I Google cab companies,
I swing by a liquor store, buy a pint of Jack and ride to the rehab facility. I sit on the curb for at least an hour until Drake comes walking out. I say nothing when he asks. I only turn my murderous glare toward him, barely talking the fourteen hours it takes to get home.

Chapter 16



I pull up to
Sunny Ridges and see Presley waiting outside on the bench. She looks lovely with her skin a fleshy pink and the sparkle is back in her eyes. I run around the car and give her the tightest hug. This is the happiest I’ve felt since Jake left my house a month ago. The weeks have been unbearable without him, but there’s no one to blame except myself. I chose Emerson and that’s the choice I need to live with.

I help Presley get her bags in the car
and we take off for Michigan. I constantly ask her questions, wanting to know how she’s doing while also distracting my mind. When she asks about Jake and me, my heart falls to the pits of my stomach. I don’t know what we are anymore. A month ago, I would have said best friend without any hesitation, however now we’re in limbo. I’m hoping I can talk to him before I have to leave. I want things to go back to the way they used to be. I miss him so much it hurts. He’s my best friend and the one person who really knows me. How could I act so callously toward him?

Since the day I said yes, I’ve been second guessing my choice to marry Emerson. I do care for him and I know he means well, but I constantly question if he will make me happy. I’ve never had to question that with Jake because he does. Even when he’s acting irrational and rude,
he still makes me happy. He is who he is. Nothing is sugar coated or withheld. He is loud, obnoxious and in your face, yet he’s true to himself. I think that’s what I love about him the most. He’s not afraid of who he is and embraces it. It’s powerful, and when I’m around him, it’s infectious.

I chatter away about life the last few months, mostly talking about school and people we grew up with. She
is a little surprised when I tell her Emerson and I are engaged, but expresses her congratulations. I’m not the only one second guessing myself.

Presley falls asleep about halfway to Sulfur Heights and I get hypnotized by the lights on the interstate at this time of night. I’m not tired
, though. I’m too confused to be tired.

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