Blind Love (Sulfur Heights Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Blind Love (Sulfur Heights Series)
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I release
the tension-filled breath from my chest. “I just want to tell him in person. For some reason, he doesn’t like Emerson and I’m sure if I were marrying someone else, he’d be fine with it.” I readjust my phone to my ear.

It’s no secret Jake hates Emerson. His hate is the main reason I
’ve never told him about our separation this summer. Without knowing what the future held with Emerson, a certainty became evident that, if I told Jake then got back together with Emerson, he would’ve freaked out. It will kill me if I have to lose our friendship, but Jake has to see that this is what’s best for me. Emerson is the person I’m supposed to be with. He’s the perfect guy to my perfect life.

, it’s your funeral,” Darcie snickers into the phone. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Can we change the subject now? How’s everyone? I miss Mia so much. The picture you sent me was adorable. She’s getting so big.” A twinge of heartache fills my chest.

I bonded with Mia for the month I was in Sulfur Heights. I basically cared for her full-time while Presley was going through her issues.

“Nothing’s changed since the last time I saw you except
…” She starts to giggle into the phone and it sounds weird. Darcie doesn’t giggle like a little girl. “Reggie and I decided to get married.”

“WHAT!” I shout
and bounce up and down with happiness. “When did this happen?”

, we were lying in bed last night, talking about the future and shit. Then, he just leaned over and asked me. He said I was his future. After everything we’ve been through, our lives belong bound together and then he asked me to marry him.”

I can hear the happiness in her voice.
It is something that my own voice would have lacked when I said yes to Emerson. This is what true love sounds like. She and Reggie are the picture perfect soul mates. No two people belong together more than Reggie and Darcie. I’ve witnessed his love for her daily. With the secret they have shared of what occurred with Darcie’s stepfather, I know he would risk everything he has to keep her safe. If that isn’t true love, I don’t know what is.

“Congratulations, Darcie. I am so happy for you. Do you know a date?”

“Yeah, and I kind of need your help. I really don’t know what the hell I’m doing, and since you’re planning a wedding yourself, I figured you could help me.” I let out a squeal, making Darcie cringe on the other end. “I take that as a yes. So… we are planning on a New Year’s wedding… in Las Vegas.”

Ugh, it’s horribly cliché
, however it’s not my place to add my opinion. “Okay, well, at least we have time then.”

we’re thinking this coming New Year’s.”

“Like in less than three months?”


, it’s good you chose Vegas because I don’t know if we could’ve pulled it off so soon. What do you want me to do?” I ask as I start running ideas through my head.

“I don’t know where to begin. Reggie gave us free
reign over his credit card and told me anything I wanted. We will pay for everyone’s tickets to Vegas and hotel rooms as a Christmas gift. But Delilah,” her voice is scolding and motherly, “you can’t tell anyone. Not even Jake. This is a surprise we will share on Christmas.”

Presley comes to the forefront of my mind. No one has spoken to her since she checked into rehab. I don’t know if she will be able to
handle a city as intense as Las Vegas; everything is so accessible and very dangerous for someone as fragile as Presley. “What about Presley?”

“I’m not even going to think about that because she’s going to be fine. I can feel it. She will pull through and be there when we get married.”

“You need to be prepared for her not to be. She—”

“No! I’m not going to listen to it
, Delilah. Presley will be fine. We have to believe she will be fine. Okay?” I can hear the sadness and worry in her tone. She knows there’s a possibility of Presley sinking back into her old ways, but Darcie’s right; we have to be positive.

We end our conversation and I begin to really think about my future. Emerson and I have been together for the last two years
. He’s exactly who I’ve expected to marry, however I’m not so sure I want to marry him. I know he’ll be good for me, treat me like a queen, but will he ever challenge me?

Our relationship thus far has been predictable and planned. I always know what to expect next. He is comfortable. I need comfortable. I’ve been comfortable all my life. But do I want it?
The questions are bouncing around in my head, making it pound against my skull. I can’t think of this right now.

I shut all my feelings off and move to the computer
, searching for venues, dresses, the whole nine yards. I’ve got a wedding to plan in Vegas.

Chapter 14



Last night was a drunken riot. I was planning on going home early
, considering Drake was in a huff to get on the road to Memphis, but in walked the redhead and her friend. Several drinks later, and I was in her apartment doing what I do best. By the time I made it home, the sun was already out for several hours and my body was aching for sleep.

So when Drake screams at me to wake up and get the hell in the car. I do just that.
I roll out of bed, grab some clothes from my dresser, toss them in a backpack and head down the stairs. Once we hit the interstate, I send my little southern angel a text.

Heading your way


We should be there by 9 AM. We will need to shower and clean up at the hotel.

That’s fine. Just be there at 10 AM sharp! I am dying to see Presley.

Oh, I can guarantee we will be there by then. Drake’s internally freaking out. Getting all sweaty and shit.


What are you wearing?

Jake Evans, I’m not sexting you.

You started it.

I most certainly did not.

The dirty picture. Which was killer by the way. I showed everyone I know.

It was hardly a dirty picture. Please tell me you’re joking.

I’ll never tell

Gotta go. Have a safe trip.

Night, cupcake. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

Me, too, Jakey.

After w
e’ve been on the road for a few hours, I’m so excited to see Delilah that I can hardly contain my smile. She’s been constantly on my mind from the day she left this summer, and it drives me crazy. The more time I have to myself, the more she lives in my mind.

Is this what happens when you are best friends with a girl? All the feelings are new and confusing, but I know for sure I don’t want to lose Delilah. She’s too important to me. In what way
, I’m still not sure, though. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep while Drake proceeds to cuss me out for not paying attention. He’s so anxious right now that I can’t deal with him.



I’m sitting in my car
, waiting for Drake and Jake to show up. I’m far too early, however I’ve had to get out of my house early as my mother is hung over and grouchy this morning. She’s been a nightmare since I became engaged to Emerson and is very unhappy I haven’t made a single decision regarding the wedding plans. She knows I’ve been looking at things on the internet, she just doesn’t know it’s for Reggie and Darcie.

Darcie and I have made some great headway with her plans
, though. We’ve secured the chapel, and to my surprise, it isn’t a cheesy, Vegas-style as I’ve assumed it would be. We’ve even booked rooms at the MGM Grand and the bridesmaids’ dresses have been purchased.

' found a boutique in Memphis that had exactly what Darcie had been looking for, and when I showed her the picture, she loved them. I quickly ordered Presley and my sizes, hoping no alterations would need to be made once Presley got out of rehab.

I don’t foresee her gaining too much weight, but I at least want to see her looking healthy again. Today’s the day where her current state will be shown.

I’m a nervous wreck. Not only am I seeing Presley, but Jake will be here here soon. I don’t know how to act around him now that I’m holding a secret. He will get so mad the minute I tell him Emerson and I are engaged. I may even lose him as a friend. He can be so stubborn sometimes, and when it comes to Emerson, Jake is completely irrational.

The sound of Drake’s
Chevelle grabs my attention and the butterflies swarm once again; it’s something that’s happened from the moment I’ve laid eyes on Jake Evans. I exit my car and move to the back, seeing the source of my butterflies striding over to me. He looks so sexy and I’m taken aback by that thought, but I would be dead if I didn’t notice. His hips swagger when he walks, the jeans covering them fitting perfectly to his frame, his tattoos dance across his muscled arms, and that smile. Yeah, he’s as big and magnetic as his deep, brown eyes. Oh crap, I’m in trouble.

, D.” As Jake picks me up and gives me a big bear hug, I wrap my arms around his neck and take in his scent. So manly. So Jake. “You look gorgeous as usual.”

“Likewise,” I think to myself, but then soon realize I said it out
loud when I hear Jake’s chuckle in my ear. He puts me down and I try to collect myself as Drake comes over and we make our way into the building.

More butterflies swarm as I wait to see Presley come from down the hall. This moment in time will make or break me. I can’t go through another terrifying situation like we did two
months ago. The images are still so vivid in my head and my guilt of falling asleep still haunts me. Then, she’s there and I cry. She looks amazing.

Jake wraps his arm around me and presses me into his side, I fall into him as he whispers, “I’ve got you, D. I won’t let you fall. Just lean into me.”

He’s holding my body up as I watch Drake and
Presley reunite. I’m so thankful he’s here because the ability to stand would be next to impossible right now.

Then it’s my turn.
I hold her against my body as the joyful sobs break free. She is alive and she’s okay. My oldest friend is going to be okay. And with that thought, the four of us move to the patio to get reacquainted.



“D! You drive like a fucking lunatic!” I shout from the passenger seat of her Lexus.

Fifteen minutes ago we left Drake and Presley at the rehab facility so they could begin their therapy session. Delilah and I have four hours of alone time and I don’t plan on wasting a single second.

“Where are we going anyway?”

She giggles. “You’ll see. It’s your turn to be surprised.” Delilah makes a quick lane change and turns down a residential street, still driving fast as hell.

Well, with your driving I may not make it there alive to see my surprise.” I grab the door handle and brace myself for another turn.

We pull up to a security house and Delilah smiles to the guard in the box
who opens a huge security gate. We wind around several curves, climbing hills as we get to where we’re going. Then she pulls into a driveway and the biggest house I’ve ever laid eyes on stands before us.

“Where the hell are we?”

“This is my house,” she says as she steps from the car.

I can’t find any words. I have never been to a place so extravagant in my entire life. It has to be at least fifteen thousand square feet and three stories. Delilah opens my door and takes my hand
, pulling me from the car. We walk up several stairs before I walk inside and it’s even more extravagant. The ceilings go on forever, there are beautiful wood floors, and enormous rooms. I suddenly feel very uncomfortable and out of place.

“This is something, D.” It’s all I can muster.

“Why, Jake Evans, I’ve never known you to be speechless.”

’m still staring at the huge family portrait when Delilah tugs on my arm, pulling me up the stairs. We walk down a long hallway and into her bedroom, which is the size of our entire house, I swear. It’s decorated all in white and dark wood while the glass doors open to her own private balcony overlooking the pool and vibrant green yard. This has to be a dream. It just seems so unreal.

She sits on the couch over by her fireplace. Did I see that right? There’s a fireplace in her bedroom.

I move to her side and flop down. She takes my hand and the happiness is gone from her face, making me wonder what she’s thinking right now. I’m sure she’s worried about Presley as we all are, but after seeing her today and listening to her talking, I believe she’ll be fine.

I break the silence. “This is some place, D.”

“Oh, thanks. It’s Mother’s pride and joy. She’s always doing something to the house, making it perfect.” Delilah looks down at her hands then back up to me. Her blue eyes soak me in and concern me all at the same time. I can tell immediately that she has something on her mind.

“Talk to me. I know something’s bothering you.” I pull her over to my side and she tucks herself into my chest, just as she always does.

“I’m just happy to see you,” she whispers into the air. “You tell me something. I know you’re itching to say what’s on your mind.” And she’s right. I am literally itching from the healing tattoo and about telling her she’s permanently added to my body.

“You know me like a book, D. Here, sit up and I’ll show you.”
She leans to the opposite side of the couch and smiles.

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