Blind Side Of Love (17 page)

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Authors: Beth Rinyu

BOOK: Blind Side Of Love
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“I love you, Becca.”

“I love you, too,” I whispered, throwing my arms around her and hugging her tightly. I reached into my purse and dug around in the pocket, pulling out the chain with her half of the best friend charm. “I took this to the jeweler and had it fixed. I want you to wear this when you go because you’ll always have the other half of my heart.” She lifted her hair as I clasped it around her neck, letting out a loud sob before pulling me into a hug once again.

“I’m so sorry, Becca.”

“It never happened, remember?”

She nodded and wiped her tears. “Becca, I don’t want to upset you but please just be careful. I can’t say for sure if Drew is involved in this whole drug thing, but I have seen him at a few parties hanging out with Troy Baker.”

“Who’s Troy Baker?” I asked.

“He’s the biggest dealer around.”

My stomach dropped. I had been clueless about my brother and Krista, who I knew better than anyone, so what made me so sure that Drew wasn’t doing drugs? Maybe my dad was right. What did I really know about Drew? I didn’t want to think about it now. My heart couldn’t handle it. Instead, I just switched the topic, reminiscing about our younger years when life was uncomplicated, fun, free of drugs, and free of heartache.

After I left Krista’s, I didn’t want to go home. I had so much on my mind. I was worrying about my best friend, hoping she would be okay. She looked so weak and vulnerable today; so much different than the girl I had known my whole life. My mind began to shift to my brother. I didn’t want him suffering the same fate as Krista, and I suddenly became angry at myself for not telling my parents about the incident with Ashton. If something were to happen to him, it would be all my fault. My father was right; I was stupid to believe Jordan. I only hoped that he wasn’t right about his assumptions he was making about Drew. I couldn’t even believe that I was doubting him. I was allowing my dad to unleash all of the insecurities that would flourish inside of me, once again. Whenever he didn’t approve of something that I wanted to do, he would always tout the dangers or negatives to it, and normally, I would surrender and talk myself right out of it. But he wasn’t going to talk me into thinking that Drew was a bad person. I
Drew even if it hadn’t been for that long. I knew there was something about him that was special. I started to second guess myself as I walked up to his door. I should have called him first, but my mind was going at warp speed, especially after what Krista had told me. I needed to hear it from him that both she and my dad were wrong.

An uneasy smile slowly stretched across his face as he opened the door. “Becca. Hey.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t call you first. I was just driving around thinking and I needed to talk to you about something.”

He opened the door wider and kissed me on the cheek. He hurriedly grabbed the papers that were on his coffee table and shoved them in a folder; clearly he didn’t want me to see what he was working on. “Sorry for the mess. I was just trying to get a jump start on some of the paperwork I need for next semester.” I could tell he was nervous about something but I didn’t know why. He took my hand and led me over to the couch. “This was a nice surprise.” He smiled, sounding a little more like himself. 

I smiled back, hoping that I wasn’t going to jeopardize anything by confronting him. “Drew. Who’s Troy Baker?”

His eyes widened. “He’s a friend of Ashton’s. Why?”

“Well, I went to see Krista today. She’s really bad. She’s leaving for a drug recovery center in California.”

“Wow. I’m really sorry, Becca.”

I nodded and sighed heavily. “Anyway, she told me that she saw you hanging out with this Troy guy and that he was bad news. Look Drew, I can’t tell you who you can and can’t hang out with but if you are involved in drugs in any way, I need you to come clean and tell me, because that’s just something I can’t deal with.”

“What?” He laughed. “Where is this coming from, Becca? Just because I was talking to this guy? Just like you
I was like Ashton because I’m friends with him?” I could hear the frustration in his voice, making me sorry that I had even confronted him.

“I’m sorry, Drew. It’s just been a bad day and I just –” I couldn’t hold back my tears. “I’m sorry they made me doubt you.”

“Hey come here.” He stretched out his arms and I moved closer to him, resting my head on his chest. “What’s going on, Becca?” I opened up and told him everything that was going on with my brother and my dad, including my dad’s request to stop seeing him.

“I’m sorry that this happened. I don’t like seeing you this upset.”

“No, Drew, I’m sorry for even thinking that about you.”

He rested his lips on the top of my head. “Just let this whole thing blow over with your dad and everything will be fine.”

I lifted my head and looked up at him. “I really don’t care if it doesn’t blow over. I don’t care if he never speaks to me again. I’m not going to stop seeing you.” He pushed my hair from my face and that same look of apprehension washed across his face. The same look that he displayed when he opened the door. The same look as when I gave him the painting last night. “Drew, don’t be nervous. I’m not expecting a marriage proposal or anything. I just have a great time when I’m with you. You make me happy and I’m not going to let him take that happiness away.”

“You make me happy, too, Becca,” he whispered in my ear.

“My father makes me feel like a little girl that can't think for herself and I hate it!”

“He just worries about you, Becca.”

“Well, I wish he wouldn't. I know we haven't known each other very long, but I feel as if I know you almost better than anyone in my life.”

He sighed heavily and kissed me on the top of my head. I looked up at him and was unable to resist kissing his perfectly full lips, instantly yearning to feel them all over my body. Maybe I was naïve to think that Drew would never do anything to hurt me, but I was willing to take that chance. He was definitely turning me on to an addiction, but it had nothing to do with drugs..... I was becoming totally and overwhelmingly addicted to him.


My brother was on his best behavior as the weeks passed. My parents were watching him like a hawk, making him attend sessions with a drug counselor. I was hoping that Krista's situation would hit home with him and make him stop and realize what could happen. Still, I had learned to not assume anything when it came to my brother. My father and I were speaking only when necessary with my mother as the go between and even though it hurt like hell, I didn't back down. I continued to see Drew and didn't feel guilty about it.

"Come in!" I shouted when I heard a light knock on my door. I lifted my head from the text message I had just sent to Drew, smiling upon seeing my mother.

"Hey there," she said, taking a seat on my bed.


"What's going on? I feel like I never see you anymore." She was right; I had been dividing every free moment that I had between Drew and Mrs. Barrett's charity.

"Yeah, sorry. Just been busy," I said as I put down my phone.

"Have you heard from Krista?"

I shook my head. "Her mother said that she doesn’t get phone privileges until she's been there for a month. I really miss her."

She gave me a sympathetic smile. "So Friday is your birthday! What did you want to do?"

I wanted to spend it with Drew. I only had a week and a half until I was back in school and I wanted to make the most of what little time we did have together. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I haven't really thought about it. It's just another day."

She took my hand in hers. "I know you want to spend it with him, Sweetie, and that's fine, but I would like to do something special for you. It is a very special me. So, why don't we have a little party here and you can invite Drew?"

Was she kidding me? My father and I had spoken approximately five words in the past two weeks and she actually wanted me to invite the source of that animosity over to a party.

"Mom, I don't think that's such a great idea."

"Becca, it seems like the two of you are becoming pretty serious and your father needs to come to terms with that. If Drew is going to be in your life, then he needs to get over it and move on."

I loved my mom for her logical way of thinking. Unfortunately, my father never listened to logic; it was either his way or no way. "Mom, I just don't think it’s a good idea."

"I promise you it will be okay."

I took a deep breath. I wasn't even sure if Drew would even want to come over given the circumstances, and I couldn't say that I blamed him. "I guess I'll ask him and see if he wants to come," I relented with a very uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"Good!" She smiled, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I had procrastinated all week with telling Drew about the party tomorrow night. Even though I wanted him there more than anything, I didn't want him to feel obligated. As I stood on his front porch, I was working up the courage to ask him.

"Hey there!" I smiled as he opened the door.

The wary look that was on his face scared me, and the little bit of bravery that I had mustered waiting for him to answer was quickly fading. His lips were on mine in an instant as he closed the door behind me, taking me totally off guard. He wasted no time lifting my shirt over my head and removing my bra. He didn't say a word as he took my already hardened nipple in his mouth. My body immediately responded in a positive way to his intensity as I removed his shirt and ran my hands up and down his bare back. We slid down to the floor and he swiftly removed my shorts and underwear, before removing his own pants and boxers. Immediately, I felt the fullness of him inside of me. It wasn’t the normal relaxed and gentle lovemaking that I was used to with him. It seemed much more intense. He seemed to be filled with desire and I was more than willing to fulfill whatever needs he had. He moved in and out of me, breathing heavily. Each thrust turning me on more than the last. Our tongues collided and I felt myself coming undone around him.

“Oh my God, Drew,” I screamed, never feeling anything that intense.

He continued with the same velocity and I could feel the momentum building up once again.
This couldn’t be happening again, but it was
. I gently dug my fingernails into his back as he brought me to a second orgasm within minutes of the first. I closed my eyes and let out a gentle cry. He finally slowed down his pace and was staring down at me when I opened my eyes. Taking my face in his warm soft hands, he kissed me hard before picking up his stride once again. He buried his face in my hair and let out a loud groan as I felt the warmth of him filling me up. He was still silent, rolling over on his side and pulling me closer. My body was trembling while still feeling like it was having aftershocks from the pleasurable state that he had put it in. We both laid in silence on the cool hardwood floor. I was feeling so relaxed as he played with my hair and the warm summer breeze flowed through the open window above us.

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