Blind Side Of Love (7 page)

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Authors: Beth Rinyu

BOOK: Blind Side Of Love
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“Let the fun begin!” Ashton shouted as he pulled out a joint.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “Come on, let’s go for a walk,” Drew said. I looked around for Krista, but she had disappeared into the crowd, doing her social butterfly thing, no doubt. We took a walk along the water, finally taking a seat in the sand when we were far enough from the crowd. The full moon shined above the rippling waves. “That moon is beautiful tonight,” I said.

“Yeah, it is,” Drew said, throwing a rock into the water.

“I prefer half-moons, though.”

He looked at me and began to chuckle. “And why is that?” he asked.

I shrugged. “There’s just something about it, you know… kind of like it’s looking for its other half to make it whole but still beautiful just the same….I know I’m weird.”

He kissed me softly on the cheek. “Nah, you’re not weird, you just think outside the box. I like that.” His eyes widened for a brief second. “Hey, I forgot about something.”

“What?” I asked as I watched him pull out his phone from his pocket. He stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me up as
Moonlight Serenade
played through the speakers of his phone.

“I thought this would be better than listening to it in your head.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck, unable to wipe the smile from my face as we swayed back and forth under the star filled sky.

“Much better,” I said, standing on my tiptoes and planting a gentle kiss on his lips. He moved his hands to the small of my back and pulled me closer. I rested my head on his chest, breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne that I had grown so fond of. I had never felt so at ease, so free, and most of all so happy in my whole life.

After Drew and I finished our dance, shared a few long hot kisses, and got ourselves almost to the point of ripping each other’s clothes off right there on the beach, we decided to head back to the party. The crowd had died down and I scanned the area. I didn’t see Ashton or Krista and I immediately scolded myself for being a bad friend and leaving her. I only hoped that she wasn’t
drunk and didn’t leave with Ashton.  My attention was turned to the group of people gathered around as someone screamed, “Fight!” As I moved closer, I watched three guys run off, leaving the guy that they had just pummeled laying on the ground in the fetal position. Once I got a better look, I realized that it was my brother.

“Oh my God, Jordan!” I shouted, pushing my way through the crowd. I was shaking as I bent down to help him up.

“Becca, I don’t know what happened. I went to go get a drink and the next thing I knew these three kids were jumping him,” my brother’s friend, Jason, said.

Tears immediately gushed from my eyes when I saw his bloody face.

“Becca, what’s going on?” Drew asked, finally catching up with me.

“My brother….these three guys just–” I couldn’t even get the words out; all I could do was cry. Drew bent down on the other side of me and helped my brother up while his friend grabbed onto his other arm, helping him balance. “I have to get him home,” I said to Drew.

He nodded and helped my brother to his car. 

"Jordan, what are you even doing here? You're grounded." Of course I knew what he was doing there; my parents had gone to visit friends of theirs in Boston for the weekend which meant my brother took it upon himself to unground himself.

 "Becca, can you please spare me the lecture right now?"

 "Can you at least tell me what happened?"

 "Really, I don't know."

 "How do you not know?"

 "Ashton was leaving the party with Krista. He gave me this envelope and told me this guy was coming to pick it up and to make sure I got the money from him and he would give me a cut. Well,
guys ended up showing up, took the envelope after they jumped me from behind and never gave me the money. Now Ashton is going to be pissed."

 "Oh, fuck Ashton!"

My brother's bruised eyes widened at my uncharacteristic language.

 Drew was silent for the most part before finally chiming in. "What was in the envelope?" he asked.

 "What do you think?" my brother replied.

 "What?" I asked, totally naïve as to what they were talking about.

 "Oxycodone, Becca,” my brother replied.

 My jaw dropped and I covered my mouth. "Oh my God, Jordan, what the hell is wrong with you!? I'm going to kill Ashton for getting you involved in this!" 

"Becca, just calm down. Don't make the situation any worse!" Jordan said. 

"Oh, it's gonna get worse, especially when Mom and Dad find out about this!"

 "They're not gonna find out!" 

"Oh yes they—"

 "Becca, just let it go," Drew said. 

"What? Are you crazy? No, I'm not gonna let this go! Don't you see what those animals did to my little brother? Not to mention that your dirt bag friend has him pedaling pills for his benefit. Did you know about this, too?"

 He took his eyes off the road for a brief second and looked at me in surprise. "Becca, just because I hang out with Ashton from time to time it doesn't mean I know everything or am in on everything he does, and I really wish you’d stop lumping me in with him like that."

 "I'm sorry; I'm just really upset right now."

 "And you should be, but before you go making it any worse just calm down and try to think rationally." He looked in his rearview mirror at my brother. "Jordan, you do know that was a bonehead move tonight, don't you? You could have seriously screwed up the rest of your life if you got caught doing that. Not to mention you're lucky that those guys only used their fists and not guns."

 "Yeah, I do now, that's for sure."

 I turned around and stared at him. My stomach hurt just looking at his banged up face. "I can't believe how stupid you are! Now how are you going to explain that mess on your face to Mom and Dad?" 

"Just let me worry about that. I promise, Becca, I learned my lesson."

 I turned around, hoping that he had and that I wasn't going to regret not telling my parents.





Once we arrived home, I helped my brother clean up his face and got him some Tylenol. "I'm going to bed, I’m beat. Thanks Becca."

"Jordan, just promise me that you will never be that stupid again."

He nodded. "I promise."

"And stay the hell away from Ashton Barrett!"

"I will." He leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Good night, Becca. Love you."

"Love you, too," I replied while hugging him tightly. No matter how big and stupid he was, he would always be my little brother who I would protect with everything I had.

I walked back downstairs and into the family room where Drew was sitting on the couch waiting for me. "Thanks for calming me down. If you hadn't been there, my parents would have been on their way home, ready to kill my brother," I said while taking a seat next to him.

"No problem, Becca."

"I just hope that he's learned his lesson." I sighed.

"You're a good big sister." Drew smiled.

"Thanks," I said, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I should get going so you can get some sleep."

I lifted my head and looked at him with disappointment. "Well, I'm not very tired after all of that excitement." He kissed me on my head and my insides began to tingle for him once again. I was finding that it didn't take much for this to happen whenever he was around. 

"Okay, I just didn't want to keep you from getting your rest. Want to watch a movie or something?" he asked.

I shook my head and stared into his eyes before standing up and taking his hand. He looked at me strangely as I pulled him off the couch. I led him up the stairs to my bedroom and closed the door behind us, knowing that I was breaking the number one rule in my house:
no boys in the bedroom
. That rule was never challenged, because I had never brought a boy home before. Since my parents were away until Sunday and my brother was probably already passed out in his room, which was all the way down the hall, I knew I was safe.

We took a seat on my bed and my lips instantly found their way to his. He grabbed the back of my hair, pulling me closer and kissing me harder while he lifted my shirt over my head. He removed my bra before laying me down on my bed.

“Drew, this is my first time,” I whispered, a little ashamed to admit it.

His eyes widened as he gently swept his hand along my face. “Are you sure you want—” I nodded before he could even get the words out. I had never wanted anything more in my entire life. He kissed me again, this time a little gentler, moving his lips to my breast and tenderly taking it into his mouth. I arched my back and ran my hands through his hair, feeling my insides becoming awakened. He looked up at me and smiled before moving his lips back up to my neck. “Becca, are you sure that you want to do this?”

“Yes! I want you, Drew. I want you to be my first.” 

His lips trailed down my stomach as he unbuttoned my shorts, slipping them off along with my underwear. I took a deep breath when I felt him moving his way further down. I gasped as he began to work magic on my body with his tongue. Krista always talked about oral sex and how wonderful it was and I always thought that she was exaggerating. I realized now that she wasn’t. I ran my hands through his hair, lifting my hips in excitement. He gently placed his finger inside of me and I took a deep breath. He looked up at me, gauging my reaction. I tried desperately to hide the pain on my face but failed miserably. He moved back up and took me in his arms.

“Becca, maybe we should just wait. I don’t even have anything on me.”

“I’m on the pill. Please, Drew, I really want to do this….with you.”

He looked at me with hesitation before I grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. I lifted his shirt over his head and unbuttoned his shorts, staring at his perfect chest, his perfect arms, and perfect abs. Everything about him was flawlessness. I ran my hands down his bare back, feeling the buildup of desire and need for him reaching its breaking point. He was breathing heavily as he removed his shorts and boxers. My stomach fluttered with apprehension and anticipation when I saw him standing over top of me, naked. His fingers trailed back down to the spot that was yearning for him. He gently moved them around while he kissed me, which was only adding to my excitement and desire for him. After a few minutes of his pleasurable torture, I couldn’t take anymore; I needed to feel him inside of me. I looked up at him and arched my back as he gently eased into me, letting out a light groan of pleasure. I held my breath and bit my lip to try and halt the discomfort. I knew that this would happen the first time so I wasn’t concerned and I completely trusted Drew. I buried my face in his shoulder to try and hide my pained expression. I didn’t want him to know that it hurt. I didn’t want him to stop. I wanted to get past this point of pain so I could start experiencing the pleasure.

“Are you okay?” he asked. I nodded. He kissed me hard as he began to move in and out of me and my insides felt like they were tearing apart. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping that the hurt would finally subside. He slowed down a bit and brushed his lips against mine. My discomfort was finally diminishing as I raised my hips to meet him. I ran my hands up and down his back and felt his heart beating against mine. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered, pushing my hair from my face and staring into my eyes. “Are you sure this is okay for you?”

I swallowed hard and nodded. “Yes, it’s perfect,” I replied. This was so surreal to me. I had always imagined my first time and what it would be like. I was scared to death about giving something so special away to just anyone, but with Drew it just seemed so natural. He was so caring and gentle with me that I knew he was the right one.

His breathing was becoming heavier and I knew that he was trying his hardest to hold back for me. “I want you to…” I whispered in his ear.

He lifted his head from my shoulder and looked down at me. “But—”

I couldn’t help but smile. He was so giving and compassionate where most guys would have taken that as an open invitation. I ran my hands through his hair and planted a gentle kiss on his lips. “I think you and I both know it’s not going to happen for me the first time. But we still have lots of time this summer to make sure it does.”

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