Blind Side Of Love (5 page)

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Authors: Beth Rinyu

BOOK: Blind Side Of Love
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“Well, you certainly don’t waste any time, do you?” I raised my eyebrow at him.

“Not when I see something I like.”

He raised his eyebrow back at me and I was gone. I felt my knees melting and my heart began beating faster. His head inched closer to mine as I closed my eyes, finally feeling the softness of his lips on mine and his tongue parting my mouth. I opened my mouth wider to allow him in as our tongues began to dance together in perfect unison, the same way that our bodies did on the dance floor just a short time ago. And just like our dance, I didn’t want this most absolute perfect first kiss to end either. My insides awakened. Everything inside of me wanted him when he pulled me closer, moving his hands up my bare back. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have them all over the rest of my body. As our kiss ended, his hands had moved to both sides of my face while he stared down at me.

“Well, am I worthy?” I joked.

The corners of his mouth slowly turned up into a huge grin. “Yeah, you’ll do.”

He took my hand in his as we walked off to his car. My stomach was doing cartwheels. My lips still had his delicious taste all over them and my heart was opening wider than it had ever been in its entire life. 



Mrs. Barrett was keeping me busier than ever with the charity. I was running all over town, all over the state, and a few times even out of state and into New York to deliver information and pick up donations from the different benefactors. I was hoping that soon I would be getting in on the actual ins and outs and the day to day operations of how it all ran, which was my whole reason for getting involved in the first place. Drew and I had gone out on several dates and he always kept me company during all of my travels that Mrs. Barrett had me going on, which I was really grateful for. The benefactors that I would have to deliver to would range from everyday normal people to what seemed to be very powerful people just based on the size of their homes. Some of them had intimidating security guards that looked like they were plopped right out of an action hero movie. They would eye me up like I had no clothes on but they would back right down the minute they saw that I had a guy with me. I couldn't thank Drew enough for taking his time to come along with me. He normally took summer classes or would intern, but he wanted to take this summer before his senior year off completely. I felt a little guilty about making him feel like he had to be my babysitter, but he didn't see it that way and I was glad. I loved spending time with him. He was so easy to talk to about anything, things that I would normally find off limits with anyone else, even Krista. Not to mention that his kisses just got better and better, making me yearn for him more and more with each one. I didn’t mention anything about Drew to my parents. I knew that my father would not be pleased with all of the time that I had been spending with him, and I was quite certain that he would have made no qualms about letting me know. So, I spared myself the lecture and kept quiet. Normally, I would heed to my father's warnings, but with this I wasn't. Drew made me feel like a grown woman, not a child. He respected me and didn't demand perfection from me like everyone else did. I could be myself completely with him. He didn’t judge me for my imaginative thinking or my love of beautiful sunsets and star lit skies. He allowed the inner girl, the creative one, the dreamer, the one that I had suppressed deep inside of me for so long, to come out whenever I was with him. I didn't feel like Becca Keeton: Perfect student, perfect obedient daughter, and perfect role-model big sister. I felt like Becca Keeton: the girl that I
I could be.

 "So did you want to get something to eat?" Drew asked as we were on our way home from one of my runs. 

"Sure, but how about if I cook you dinner at your place as a thank you for giving up all your free time these past few weeks and keeping me company?" 

He smiled and my heart flipped. It seemed like he didn't have to do much of anything to have that effect on me and along with the butterflies that he set off in my stomach, I was also noticing the burning desire in other parts of my body. Parts that hadn't been explored by anyone, and every now and then I couldn't help but wonder if Drew would be the first one to get that special part of me.

“Sounds good to me, but I have nothing in my house to cook.”

“Well, that’s what they make grocery stores for, silly.”

“I would have never known that.” He grinned as I pulled into the food store that was right up the street from his house.

“Silly boy.” I giggled, leaning over the console in my car and placing a kiss on his lips. He gazed at me and suddenly I wasn’t hungry for food anymore. The only appetite I had was for him.

“Okay, if I tell you that you are a good cook as well as beautiful, are you going to get all embarrassed on me?” Drew asked, taking the last bite of his pasta.

“Nope! Thank you!” I said with a newfound confidence.

“You’re getting much better at it, Becca.”

I got up to start clearing the table, and he stood up and stopped me. “I’ll get it later,” he said, pouring us each a glass of wine before leading me outside. His grandfather’s beach house was absolutely adorable.
The rooms were soothing and decorated in calming pastel colors with light colored wood floors. Original art work hung on the walls, adding to the seaside feel. We walked out onto the larg
slate patio and took a seat together on the lounge chair. “Sun’s getting ready to set.” I smiled as we looked out at the water.

“It doesn’t take much to please you, does it?”

I shook my head. “Guess I’m not like most girls.”

“No, you are not,” he said as he moved his head closer to me and pressed his lips on mine. My tongue was intertwined with his in an instant. My entire body ached for him from head to toe. My heart was beating faster and my breathing became heavier when he moved his hands up my shirt and began kissing my neck. “God, you are so fuckin’ beautiful,” he whispered in my ear as his hand reached under my bra and his fingers began to tease my hardened nipple. My hands wandered under his shorts and to the waistband of his boxers before sliding my fingers underneath to his rock hard erection. He let out a deep breath when I began to stroke him up and down. Just knowing that I was causing him to get this way turned me on completely, creating an unbearable pain of want for him. He gently rolled on top of me and glided his tongue down my neck. It wasn’t a matter of me choosing who to give it away to now, it was a matter of needing to. I felt like my insides were going to combust. He moved my hair from my face and stared deeply into my eyes. “You have no clue what you do to me.” Taking his face in my hands, I kissed him hard as I ran my hands up his shirt and caressed his back.

His hands slid under my shorts, tracing his finger over the top of my underwear. He stopped and looked down at me for approval. “I want you so bad,” I whispered. His mouth was on mine once again. He was just about to remove my shorts when I cringed.

“Hey, dickhead, what’s goin’on?” I knew that voice all too well and detested it more than I normally did at that particular moment. “Oh, sorry didn’t know you were busy,” Ashton said, giving me an obnoxious smirk. I looked at him and the trashy looking girl that was with him with pure disgust as she giggled away. “I saw your car in the driveway and when I knocked on the door and you didn’t answer, I just figured you were out here.” He turned his attention back to me and raised his eyebrow. “Sweet little innocent Becca, does your dear old daddy know that his precious little girl is putting on a display for all of Drew’s neighbors?” I ran my hand through my hair and looked away, trying my best to not even acknowledge his vileness.

“Shut up, Ashton!” Drew said as he sat up.

“Calm down, bro. Maybe this will help a little,” he said as he pulled out a bottle of vodka from the brown paper bag he was holding in his hand and a bagful of weed from his pocket.

“Ashton, put that shit away!” Drew demanded.

My eyes widened as I sat up and adjusted my shirt and shorts as best as I could. “I’m just going to head home,” I said to Drew.

“Oh, come on Becca, don’t leave on our account. Or is it because you’re embarrassed by what we walked in on? Well, don’t be. Kayla just sucked me off on the way over; blew my whole load in her mouth and she’s not embarrassed. She just swallowed it down like a good girl. Right, Kayla?”

“That’s right, Baby,” the girl said while wrapping her arms around his neck and sticking her tongue down his throat.

I closed my eyes and shuddered in disgust, keeping my head down as I walked inside with Drew right behind me. “I’m sorry, Becca. Look, I could get rid of them if you want.”

“No, that’s okay. I really need to get going home. I have an early tennis match with my dad in the morning.”

“Well, thanks for making me dinner. It was really good.”

“You’re welcome,” I responded, giving him a halfhearted smile.

He pulled me into him and rested his forehead on mine. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay?”

“No, that’s okay, really.”

He gently pressed his lips on my head. “I’ll call ya tomorrow?”

“Sounds good,” I whispered.

He walked me to my car and waited until I got in before walking back up the driveway and into the house. God, how I hated Ashton Barrett, not only for being the normal obnoxious jerk that he always was, but for interrupting what could have been happening between Drew and I right now. I pulled down my visor and looked in the lighted mirror at my swollen lips from kissing and my brush burned cheeks from rubbing up against the razor stubble on Drew’s face.
Damn that Ashton Barrett.
Just because he could never have the one thing from me that he always wanted, he had to go and ruin it for everyone else.


“Well, I see you haven’t lost your edge after being away at school,” my father said as we sat down to breakfast after our tennis match at the country club.

“See that, Dad, all of those tennis lessons really did pay off.” I grinned, taking a sip of my orange juice.

He smiled back. “That’s my girl, successful at everything she does. I couldn’t get your brother to pick up a racket if I paid him.”

“Well, Jordan just marches to the beat of a different drummer.

“Yeah, I suppose,” he said, shaking his head in disappointment. Even though I had become so busy with this charity and with Drew over the past few weeks and hadn’t been home much, I
know that my brother had been grounded for getting drunk the night of the benefit.

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