One Night Stand with the Rockstar (With the Rockstar #1) (rockstar romance series)

BOOK: One Night Stand with the Rockstar (With the Rockstar #1) (rockstar romance series)
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From bestselling author,
Ana W. Fawkes
– the
voice that brought the erotic romance chart topping series –


This is…




Book one –


One Night Stand with the Rockstar

Welcome to the world of
Alex Slader
and Ashes
in Vain. He’s the lead singer for Ashes in Vain. He writes all the music. He
writes the lyrics. He records everything. And he owns more than anyone can ever
imagine… he’s a billionaire rockstar and more than that… he’s
rockstar… the one all men wish they could become and the one all women want to
be with.


Alex Slader
is dark and dominating… and he’s just met the only woman he’s only woman he’s
ever loved… she just doesn’t know it yet.

Just one night.

Just one night.


That's all Jessica Harpmae is looking for when she
gets a chance to meet billionaire rockstar, Alex Slader.


Just one night.


Alex Slader isn't just a rockstar, he is
rockstar... a complicated man, a
suffering man, a man who savers life through submission. And when he meets
innocent Jessica, listening to her generic questions about his band and his
life, his mind travels elsewhere... he wants Jessica.


Just one night.


Jessica must confront her deepest sexual desires and
fears as she stares at the most powerful and sexiest rockstar in the world. Add
to that her seemingly innocent roommate, Carrie, who is
secretly locked into a sexual contract of her own, and Jessica's life soon
becomes a twisted mix of reality, fantasy, and past memories that place her in
Alex Slader's bed and heart...


But, remember, it's only a one night stand...



everything. The way the sunlight cascades down her skin, the gentle silk of her
soul wraps around me, hugging me. Save me from this ground. This cold, bloody
ground. What my eyes have seen, the horrors I’ve lived to become, the destiny I
will break. Her eyes are glass, not like the mirrors of what I’ve seen.

I’ve left for good, then I’m sorry.

will return.

a better soul.

blood soaked back into my skin.

life... complete.



Jessica Harpmae had read enough
lyrics during her time as a writer for various online ‘zines, published
magazines, and even newspapers, to know what was real and what was processed
bullshit by those with a rhyming dictionary. So many attempted to understand
the human psychology to put words together the right way to invoke enough
emotion to make people believe something they really didn’t. Or worse yet,
believe something the band playing and singing these lyrics didn’t even
believe. It used to bother her, until she had to grow up. She then understood
what it all meant. It was a means to survive, the purpose of life. Just like
how Jessica spent her time taking any assignments she could get to keep her
name relevant to get noticed by someone for something bigger.

But this latest assignment was a
gift. After chasing a few small bands around southern California for a month or
two, writing story after story, reviewing album after album, scrambling to get
any kind of information, Jessica was told by Henry Plink - editor-in-chief for
PL Sound - that she could have her chance at his magazine. Jessica worked for
Mr. Plink already, but as an assistant. Not an executive assistant, which would
have come with a decent wage and benefits, but more or less an intern with a
meager paycheck. The pay allowed Jessica enough to pay her bills and travel to
see bands. Without her roommate, Carrie, Jessica knew she’d be sleeping in her

She sat at her desk, clicking
through MP3’s, listening to the music and matching the printed lyrics to really
feel the purpose of the lyrics. This was an interesting band. Led by someone
completely dangerous and eccentric, Ashes in Vain was the kind of band that
would pop up every now and again with an album and a tour. They were never
consistent. They weren’t loyal to fans - or media outlets. They were the true
definition of being a band for the music. And it all came from their leader. He
regularly fired and replaced band members, quoted once as saying,
“I can play any instrument created
in this world... if I need, I’ll do it all myself... I am Ashes in Vain...”

The quote gave Jessica chills the
first time she read it. Typically, these kinds of lead singers were just plain
assholes, wanting to hog the spotlight for their personal benefit. But the
strange part about the man known as Alex Slader was that he came to the rock n’
roll scene with a fortune already created. The music made him richer, sure, but
it wasn’t a means to survive... at least not in the financial sense.

And that’s how Jessica planned to
capture him.

As a man with enough money to buy
anything in the world - islands, small cities, literally anything - he still
wrote, recorded, and played music with such despair, pain, and emotion that he
seemed more of a man struggling to find a decent meal or a quick high.

Jessica had been warned the past
week through various emails; some from people she knew, some she didn’t. Each
one seemed to get darker, deeper, and each one made Jessica want the interview
to happen sooner.

It started with her boss. Right
after Mr. Plink told her of the potential assignment, he shut his door,
loosened his tie, and turned his clock around.

“We’re off the clock, Jessica,” he

He never called Jessica by her
first name. Mr. Plink was on a last name basis.

“Slader is intense,” Mr. Plink
said. “He’s rich. Powerful. He does what he wants, when he wants.”

“He’s a rockstar,” Jessica had
said. “Of course he does.”

“No, you don’t understand,” Mr.
Plink said. “He does...
and whoever is going to get this story will have to comply to...”

Mr. Plink raised an eyebrow.

Jessica said, “Anything?”

“Perfect,” Mr. Plink said as he
snapped his fingers.

But that was just the start.

Next came emails.

Emails from other people who tried
to interview Slader. Emails that suggested he demanded favors before questions.
Emails that said he wanted the person naked, blindfolded. Even one woman told
Jessica in graphic detail how he brought out handcuffs and wanted to handcuff
her so she couldn’t take notes...
told me he didn’t want me to write it. He wanted me to feel it. To live it. To
understand the pain of losing something so important... I refused, and I

At first, the emails left Jessica
in a state of shock. Could someone really pull this off? Could Slader really be
that abrasive? That bold? That intense... and sexy?

For some reason the idea sort of
turned Jessica on. She couldn’t picture anything actually happening, but rather
Slader trying to intimidate people and nothing more.

She could handle it.

Even when she received an anonymous
email from someone with an address made up of random letters and numbers
telling her to stay away.

perfect in his own world. He’s best left there. He feels he controls the
world... and in a scary way, he does. He does. He always controls...

Jessica read the emails again,
letting the feelings sink into her. She always tried to go into an interview
with a purpose. With a feeling of who she would be talking to. With Slader
though, it was a wild mix of feelings. Feelings for the interview. Feelings for
her career. And the feelings for Slader. Face it, he was a sexy rockstar and
while Jessica always swore she’d never mix business and pleasure, something
about Slader made it well worth it.

Jessica turned up the music a
little and closed her eyes. She took deep breaths, relaxing, almost going into
a meditated trance. This allowed her body to focus more on her ears than
anything else. So she could hear and feel and enjoy the anticipation of
actually seeing Alex Slader in person.

The knock at Jessica’s bedroom took
her attention off the music. She turned it down, frowned, and walked to her
door. She opened it, knowing it was Carrie. Carrie never barged in. She always
knocked and waited, like some kind of trained person. Which she basically was,
something Jessica couldn’t think about at that moment.

“Hey Carrie,” Jessica said.

If there was one person even more
innocent than Jessica, it was Carrie. That’s what bonded the two together.
Their innocence. Their vices. Jessica’s vice was a love and dedication to
music. Carrie’s vice was a love and dedication to her boyfriend, John.

“It’s a little loud,” Carrie

Jessica looked beyond Carrie. She
could see into Carrie’s partially opened bedroom and saw John’s long, skinny
legs on the bed, one bent. She sighed and looked at Jessica.

“He’s here again?”

“Stop it,” Carrie said. “He worked
all night and came over. It’s kind of romantic.”

“I’m sure you’ll be cooking for
him,” Jessica said. “Taking care of his laundry too. Don’t worry, I won’t be
home. I have a big assignment tonight.”

“Cool,” Carrie said. “Is it

“It’ll pay,” Jessica said. “Are you
worried about money?”

“No,” Carrie said. “I’m not...”

Her lips looked shaky. Nervous.

John sat up and when Jessica met
eyes with him, she felt a shiver in her body. A bad shiver. She didn’t like
that guy at all.

“Hey,” Jessica whispered. “He
worked all night, he’s tired. Come to the show with me tonight. We can hang out
in the crowd. Go backstage. Meet some rockstars. Have a few drinks. I’ll call a
cab for us. Come on. Ladies night.”

Carrie bit her lip. The nervousness
on her face was battled by the excitement in her eyes. Jessica knew that if she
could just get Carrie out of the apartment for a night or two and experience
something exciting in life, it would maybe help break the hold John had on her.

“I don’t know,” Carrie whispered.
“John came over.”

Jessica shrugged. “He’s tired. Let
him sleep. You two can have all day tomorrow to spend the day in bed.”

“Tempting,” Carrie said.


John’s voice boomed from the
bedroom. Carrie stiffened.

“He told me to tell you to turn the
music down,” Carrie said. “I’m supposed to be back in bed now.”

“Supposed to be? He orders you?”

“It’s sometimes sexy to be ordered
around,” Carrie. “In the bedroom...”

Jessica thought about it and could
understand the attraction to it. But not from John. He didn’t seem the type to
command sexually and leave it at that. All Jessica knew about John Pooling was
that he worked as some kind of investor, putting in crazy hours because of international
deals. He made a ton of money but certainly didn’t share it with Carrie. That
part didn’t upset Jessica so much because if John wanted to, he could move
Carrie out of the apartment in a heartbeat.

“Come on,” Jessica said. “This band
is pretty good. Well, it’s the lead singer and musicians he hand picks. He
writes everything. The music, the lyrics. I mean... just everything. You should
see it...”

“See what?” John’s voice asked.

Carrie’s bedroom door flew open and
John walked out. He looked tired, pissed, and just two steps away from
unleashing hell in the apartment.

“A band,” Jessica said. She wasn’t
afraid of John.

“Not tonight,” John said.

“No?” Carrie asked, looking back at

“Babe, I’ve got tickets to that
movie you want to see.”

“A movie?” Carrie asked.

“Little surprise. Now you ruined
it. Shame.”

John looked at Jessica and she
wasn’t buying it for a second. He shook his head and walked back into the
bedroom. He slammed the door. Carrie looked hurt and terrified.

“He’s full of shit,” Jessica said.
“He’s going to buy those movie tickets right now.”

“He wants to go to the movies,”
Carrie said.

“I guess I’m traveling alone

“You like being alone, you told me
that before.”

“That’s right,” Jessica said. “I’ll
try to keep the music down.”

She shut the bedroom door and

like being alone.

Does anyone really like being
alone? Probably not. But it was something to say. Something to keep an image

Jessica heard Carrie knock on her
own bedroom door and ask for permission to come in. Jessica retreated back to
her desk and grabbed her headphones. She had a few more songs she wanted to
hear again. And the last thing she needed to hear was Carrie and John talk,
yell, fight, or fuck.

Jessica had one thing in mind.


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