One Night Stand with the Rockstar (With the Rockstar #1) (rockstar romance series) (8 page)

BOOK: One Night Stand with the Rockstar (With the Rockstar #1) (rockstar romance series)
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way she looks, the way I feel. I... desire... her.



The car stopped in front of the
restaurant and Jessica looked to the building. She’d seen it many times but
couldn’t afford an appetizer in the place, let alone a night in the hotel rooms
above the restaurant.

“This is too much,” Jessica said,
mostly to herself.

Slader’s hands were everywhere on
her, holding her. He moved the hair from her face to behind her ear. He kissed
her ear and shocked Jessica once more. Not that she didn’t expect to be shocked
again and again over the course of the night.

“I own all this,” Slader whispered.

“You own... the car?” Jessica

Slader exhaled a laughing breath
that climbed across Jessica’s face. He turned her head so she looked at him
instead of the building. Jessica couldn’t contain the way she felt looking at
Slader. There was command and compassion behind those eyes. It was a mix she’d
never seen before. A mix that attracted her not just physically but with her
entire soul.

“I own the car,” Slader whispered.
“But I own the restaurant and hotel too.”

“You’re a rockstar,” Jessica said.

“I told you... I am
rockstar. I control more
than you could ever imagine, Jessica. But tonight, I want to control you.”

“What’s next?” Jessica asked and

Slader moved at her. His lips gently
touched hers.

first kiss.

Up until that point Slader had
touched Jessica and enjoyed the comfort and taste of her breasts. Now he had
her lips.

Jessica kept her eyes open, as did
Slader. The first few seconds it took Jessica all her might not to smile. The
rockstar fantasy burning in her mind screamed,
I’m kissing Alex Slader!,
but it was more
than just kissing. His hands held her face, keeping her in place. He kissed her
over and over, just lips. It was erotic yet torturous at the same time. Having
his lips touching hers over and over made her warm and wet. His hands moved
down to her neck, gently touching her. The feeling was almost uncomfortable,
like a subtle domination attempt, but Jessica never spoke a word.

She’d rather just keep kissing Slader.

When he parted his lips and the tip
of his tongue touched her lips, Jessica moaned.

“Yes,” she whispered, opening her

Their tongues touched for a second
and then Slader pulled back.

“Everything,” he said.

“What?” Jessica asked.

“Everything,” Slader repeated.

He then knocked on the dividing
window separating them from the driver. A few seconds later the backdoor opened
and Slader climbed out first. He reached for Jessica’s hand and she offered it.
Together they crossed the street and walked into the restaurant. It was quiet
with the gentle murmurs of conversations. Some noticed Slader instantly and
were taken back. The stares. The smiles. Some dared to stand and attempt to ask
Slader for an autograph.

Once one person stood with enough
courage, a small group formed. It was quite the sight to see. Such a formal
looking dining room yet the sight of someone as powerful as Alex Slader turned
everyone into starry eyed fans. Then to Jessica’s surprise, Slader stood and
signed every autograph. She slipped back a little, towards the end of the
restaurant, near the elevators. She watched in awe as Slader signed everything
handed to him. Everyone wanted to be near him. Everyone wanted a piece of

Jessica understood that feeling.

She wanted a piece of Slader too. A
piece that would last all night long and into dawn the next day. Jessica
already had it planned... to go straight home to write with everything fresh in
her mind.  The story would be sent out and Jessica would finally have her
destiny sealed. The woman who got the full story on Slader. She would drop
hints of their night, the way he signed autographs, how he changed the world by
the second.

When the last autograph was signed,
Slader handed the marker to that person and then put his hands out, empty.

“That’s all I’ve got,” he said. “I
must tend to my other work now. Don’t forget... you never know when I’ll play a
show again. Ashes in Vain is everywhere... everywhere.”

The dining room looked at him and
Slader reveled the moment. He then walked to Jessica and put his arm around
her, taking her to the elevators. They stepped inside and the ride began.
Jessica suddenly became nervous. She watched the small light changing, going to
the next floor... to the next floor... to the next floor...

Before long they were at the top

The elevator stopped.

“Almost,” Slader said.

He led Jessica down to the end of
the hall. There was a large door that said DO NOT ENTER. It was pretty rockstar
like when Slader opened the door. Jessica almost wished she could have gotten a
picture of the sight. That was everything Slader seemed to stand for.

Beyond the door was a set of steps.

Beyond those steps was another

Jessica felt like she should be on
top of the world by then. She was pretty close to it, realizing when she walked
through that next door where she was.

Slader had taken her to the roof of
the restaurant/hotel.

The skyline was dark excerpt the
soft glow of lights coming from the other buildings in the city. They were like
stars but close to the ground. Above her, Jessica couldn’t see anything but
black. The night sky was like a giant blanket.

And she was with Slader.

Alex Slader.

On the roof.

“Come with me,” Slader said. “Trust

Jessica followed Slader. When she
saw him step up on the very ledge of the roof, she gasped. He turned and
smiled, reaching for her again. Cast against the backlight of the city
buildings and the ever consuming darkness of night, Alex Slader was something
Jessica never thought he would be, even in her wildest fantasies of life, love,
and lust. She let Slader pull her to the ledge.

She clung to his shirt.

Her hands shook as she held tight.

“This is...”

“Freedom,” Slader said. “This is
what I like to do, Jessica. To stand here. To look out and know there are
thousands upon thousands of people out there... fans. Those who love the music.
Those who worship the music. Those who will follow me to the end of it all,
just to hear one more song.”

“Freedom,” Jessica said.

“That’s right. And Jessica, I can
do the same for you. In a way you never thought possible.”

“Freedom? How?”

Slader looked at Jessica and
smiled. “Write your article. Then become mine. Forever. Become everything I
need. Everything I need to explore. There’s something behind your eyes,
Jessica. So much we have to learn. To do.”

Jessica looked out to the city,
still clinging to Slader.


“What about tonight?” Jessica

“That’s where we start.”

Slader moved and moved fast.

He turned and placed one hand to
Jessica’s back and one to Jessica’s stomach. He pushed and pulled her, leaving
Jessica with that sudden feeling of falling. She cried out as her knees gave
way. Her left foot kicked out, feeling nothing but air, and her right foot
tried to jump back, wanting to be on the roof. What it resulted in was a thrashing
Jessica as she fell back. Slader turned and took Jessica with him, safely from
the ledge to the roof.

But Jessica was in his arms.

She looked at him, not sure whether
she wanted to yell at him, cry, or even slap him. The way he looked at her
though, smiling, with the commanding look, the seductive smile, the perfection
of his face and body, it erased everything Jessica had been thinking.

They had to start with tonight.

That would be the beginning of
their future.


Slader lifted Jessica, his muscles
rock hard and powerful. He brought Jessica to his mouth and kissed her. The
kiss was nothing like it had been before. Slader held Jessica tight, his tongue
was ravenous as it explored her mouth. Jessica was completely under the command
of Slader. She put her hands to the back of his neck and clawed at him,
appreciating what he was doing to her.

When Slader began to walk, Jessica
held on tight, staring up at him. He walked her to the door and then had to put
her down. Her legs were still wobbly, reminding her of how close she could have
been to falling off the building. It would have been a free fall of screams
followed by the deathly thud of her body hitting the ground. And that would
have been everything. Her death. Her fantasy gone. Her night with Slader done.

But that wasn’t the case now.

Slader led the way down the steps
and back through the DO NOT ENTER door. He continued down the hallway and
stopped at the last door on the right.

It was his room.

His suite.

Then again, he did own the hotel.
He could have any room he wanted at anytime he wanted it.

Jessica took a step and Slader put
a hand out.

“I want you to understand
something,” Slader said, his voice full of power. “You step into this room, you
will listen to me. And everything I say to do.”

“Yes,” Jessica whispered.

“Tell me then. Tell me you’re going
to obey me.”

“Slader, I will listen to you,”
Jessica said. “Anything you want is what I need...”

Slader touched Jessica’s face with
his free hand. He moved up and down a few times, his eyes looking at her, but
Jessica wondered just what he was really thinking about.

She probably would never really
know, but he moved his hand, allowing Jessica into the hotel room.

Before the door could shut, his
hands were on her... and she was ready for him...


touched her today. I touched her hand. It was an accident, I swear. I’ve
resisted the urge, created by the creator. I feel like a harmful person,
swimming between glass walls. They’re getting smaller even though they’re not.
They’re getting harder to find... but they’re not.

touched her.

didn’t even notice, but I did.

silky feel that now possess my fingertips... oh, what have I done?

have you done?



Slader touched Jessica’s shoulders
and stopped her. His hands moved down to her arms, feeling and memorizing her.
She meant more to him than she’d know right then. Maybe with time, maybe with
full submission, Jessica would realize her purpose. Just who she was. Who she
looked like. How important she was to him.

Slader swallowed and felt Jessica’s
small wrists. He wrapped his hands around them and squeezed. Jessica sighed.
Slader stepped forward, his body touching Jessica’s. He pulled at Jessica’s
hand and placed her right hand to his leg. Her hand opened and touched him.
With her left hand, Slader finally gave Jessica the permission he knew she’d
been waiting for. And it was the same thing Slader had been waiting for too.

It hadn’t been long... but for his
aching soul, his burning heart, his hard cock... it felt like years.

He placed Jessica’s left hand
between his legs. She let out a small whimper as her small hand cupped him.
There was no way she couldn’t feel his thickness. He took his hand away from
her wrist, allowing her to explore him.

She did.

Jessica’s hand pressed hard against
Slader. She moved up and down, following his hardness over his jeans. She moved
her fingers to try and grip him. Slader looked down, the top of his head
touching the back of Jessica’s head. He saw her hand working to touch him.

“Oh, yes,” he whispered. “More. I
want more...”

Jessica’s hand acted right on cue,
right on command. She moved to the top of Slader’s jeans. She opened the button
of his jeans and went for the zipper.

“Gentle,” he told Jessica, letting
her discover the surprise that Slader didn’t believe in wearing anything under
his jeans. Ever.

Jessica moved the zipper down and
Slader listened to her reaction as she discovered the small thatch of pubic
hair with her fingertips. She moaned and forced her hand into his jeans,
finding comfort at the root of his shaft. Slader allowed the move and used his
free hand to slide his jeans down, becoming fully exposed.

His cock popped free, long and
hard. Jessica’s hand looked so tiny as she tried to grip him. She shook with excitement.
Whatever it was, Slader enjoyed it. He secretly hoped it was the same feeling
he had right then... the anticipation of a dream coming to life. A dream he had
been singing about for years. A dream he had been writing about. The dream he
shared with millions of fans - on a daily basis at that, thanks to those who
listened to Ashes in Vain every single day of their lives.

It made Slader even more excited.

He put both his hands back to
Jessica’s shoulders, giving her all access to his body.

Her hand gently slid up his shaft,
exploring him for the first time. She couldn’t see, she could only feel. Moving
endlessly up his long hardness, all the way to the fleshy, thick tip. The tip
that would soon penetrate Jessica and open her like never before. She gripped
the tip of his erection and pulled.

Slader thrust, touching Jessica’s
body. He wanted her to stroke him, but he didn’t want to command it. He wanted
her to know what to do. That’s how it was supposed to be. A moment of doubt
entered Slader’s mind. He saw himself throwing Jessica forward and demanding
her to leave. It could happen, and it would happen that quick. If he wanted
someone to fuck, he could have that without thinking. Without trying. Without
caring. He didn’t want that. Not with Jessica. He wanted more. He wanted the connection.
He wanted her body. Her mind. Her soul.

Alex Slader wanted Jessica’s heart,
a thought that hadn’t been present in the rockstar’s mind in a very long time.
Not since a time when his pain was separated by oceans.

At the last possible second, saving
her fate, something she’d never know, Jessica opened her hand and slid down
Slader’s cock. Down and back up, down and back up, she gently worked her way
into a rhythm, loving Slader’s body. Slader watched her hand work, his eyes
wide, not blinking, amazed at how she did it. The pleasure began to rush
through his body, like opening a dam and letting everything out. He thrust at
her tiny hand, prompting her to move faster.



Her small hand moved up and down,
touching Slader from tip to root. She took care of him everywhere, just what he
wanted and expected from her. His hands squeezed at her shoulders. He let his
head fall back and for a few seconds, his body became totally relaxed, worrying
about nothing but the feel of Jessica’s hand pleasuring him.

Jessica moved and didn’t stop. She
didn’t slow. She didn’t question. She didn’t look back. It was perfect. Slader
had found someone to command who could listen without a word being said.

When he looked back down at
Jessica, seeing her hand still going wild on his body, he suddenly wanted more
of everything. His hands then crept from Jessica’s shoulder to her chest. He
was tall enough to reach over Jessica’s slender frame. That, too, made the situation
even hotter for Slader. Jessica was everything he needed. His hands slid over
her breasts, over her shirt and bra, and he cupped her. He felt the tenderness
of her chest even through the cloth.

But he wanted more.

He needed more.

“Use your free hand, Jessica,”
Slader commanded, “and take your pants and panties off. Force me to fuck you,
Jessica. Force my cock to open you.”

Jessica groaned and took her hand
from Slader’s leg. To Slader’s shock, Jessica managed to keep stroking him at a
perfect speed as she undid her pants. She wiggled her hips and body, moving as
needed to take her pants off first. That’s what Slader wanted to see. See her
pants fall to her knees. See Jessica step and kick out of them. Leaving nothing
but her thong separating Slader from her tight, warm hole. The hole his finger
had explored earlier. There was something much bigger, much more powerful to
explore Jessica’s body.

Jessica then took hold of her
panties and just tore at them. She did whatever she had to do to make sure they
came off her body. The cloth of her panties clung to her wetness but only for a
few seconds before letting go. Then Slader was able to see Jessica... to see
her delicate folds in the flesh. The small, damp pieces of her body. They
looked delicious.

Slader thickened even more.

After stepping from her panties, Jessica
reached back and touched Slader’s leg again. He opened his mouth to growl and
command Jessica, but she was already there. She was already listening, knowing
what Slader wanted because they were meant to be together.

Jessica pulled on Slader’s cock, guiding
him towards her body. Her hand slid to the bottom of Slader’s erection and held
there. When Slader felt the tip of himself touching Jessica’s tight hole, he
groaned. Jessica moved her body, left to right, up, then down, anything to ease
Slader into her.

Slader knew just what to do.

“Reach forward and hold the chair,”
Slader said.

Jessica listened.

She released her hold on Slader and
when she grabbed the back of the chair, Slader placed his hands to her hips and
readied himself. The tip of his cock was still against Jessica. He took a deep
breath, realizing what was about to happen. He smiled and thrust forward,
forcing his way deep into Jessica’s body.

She cried out for what seemed like
minutes and Slader held himself deep in Jessica’s body. His hands were tight at
her waist, actually shaking. He’d never felt anything so beautiful and tight
before. It was like she was made for him. The way her walls gave way just
enough to let him inside. The way her warmth throbbed around him, blanketing
him, pulling at him. Her pussy stroked him without even moving.

It was that intense.

It was that perfect.

Slader slowly pulled himself from
Jessica, all the way to the tip of his erection. He left himself dangling at
her hole. He looked at her, watching as she tried to close back up. Her body’s
instinctive position. And Slader wanted to invade her again. So he did.

Again and again.

He offered deep, hard thrusts, one
at a time, pulling himself from her, then doing it again. The motions were slow
and powerful. The sound of Jessica’s wet body accepting Slader were almost as
good as the feeling of her gliding on his hardness. Each time he pulled from
Jessica, he looked at her, watching the way she throbbed and closed even slower
than the last time.

She was accepting him.

She was fitting him.

She was everything for him.

Slader looked at his glistening
cock and took his hands from Jessica’s waist. He stepped back and admired
Jessica as she remained bent over, waiting for the next command.

“Turn around and taste me,” Slader
whispered. “I want you to lap up your own desire off my body, Jessica.”

Jessica stood with a moan. Hearing
her voice made Slader groan. He was ready to explode, desperate to hold it
back. She turned around and when Slader met her eyes, he couldn’t help himself
as he moved at her, needing to kiss her. He needed to taste her lips again. His
hands touched her face, just like before, his lips caressing her lips, his
tongue flickering against Jessica’s tongue. Jessica knew better than to touch

This kiss lasted only a minute, if
that, before Slader stopped and nodded to Jessica.

No words needed to be said right

Jessica moved to her knees, obeying
the rockstar as he stood tall and hard.

Jessica put her hands to Slader’s
legs, her mouth open. She came forward, her eyes looking up at him. Her lips
touched him first, her soft, thin lips, gently gliding over the thick head of
his cock. That disappeared into her mouth. She moved down an inch and then
pulled back. Jessica’s lips slid back on the sensitive tip of Slader. It made
him groan and want to come right then.

But he wasn’t ready.


Jessica repeated the same motion,
tasting the tip of Slader’s body over and over. Slader thought about touching
the back of Jessica’s head, commanding her for more, but he trusted her. He
actually trusted her. And just as he thought it, Jessica opened her mouth wider
and moved further down Slader. She tasted more, her lips and tongue tasting not
just the hardness of Slader but also her own wetness. The wetness and desire
that Slader had taken from her with his deep thrusts.

Jessica went down as far as she
could and slowly pulled back. She took her mouth off him, licked her lips, and
took a few breaths. She was right back at Slader then, this time moving on him
faster. Her mouth enjoying his body, Slader gently offering thrusts at Jessica,
wanting more of her. He put his fingertips to her shoulders and started to move
her, not wanting her to take her mouth off him again. He guided her back and
forth, watching the way Jessica’s mouth looked with his cock inside it. Sliding
in and out, her lips clinging to his hard skin. The feel of her warm mouth. The
feel of her lips on him. The feel of her tongue trying to move along the bottom
of his shaft.

Slader bent his knees and let out a
long groan.

“Oh, fuck... Jessica...”

Jessica moaned.

The warm vibrations teased at
Slader, tempting him to come in her mouth. To fill her mouth and throat with
his desire.

But he couldn’t. He still couldn’t.

Not that first time... that first
time was meant for her body.


Slader pushed with his fingertips
on Jessica’s shoulders, forcing her mouth off him. She complied and Slader
stared down at Jessica’s hungry mouth, sensual eyes, and then to his glistening
cock again. The mix of Jessica’s body and now saliva was too much for even Alex
Slader to bear.

“Stand up,” Slader said.

Jessica listened.

Slader gripped the bottom of her
shirt and lifted it.

It was time.

He had to be inside Jessica again.
He had to come in her. He had to make her fully his, once and for all.

He tore Jessica’s bra off her chest
and his hands were eager to touch her tender breasts again. They were so full,
the creamy color of her skin accented by the rose color of her nipples.

Slader’s hand slid down to
Jessica’s waist and he pulled at her. His cock slid between her legs, touching
her wetness. He cupped her ass and lifted her. Jessica cried out as Slader
began to walk. He felt himself bouncing, tapping gently against her pussy. It
was a pleasure filled torture, and maybe one of the longest walks of his life
as Slader took Jessica to the bedroom.

Once inside the bedroom, he dropped
Jessica to the bed and wasted no time having her. With his feet on the floor,
Slader put his hands behind Jessica’s knees, spreading her open and thrusting
at her, in her.

He sank deep into her, but instead
of holding there like before, he had to fuck her. His body took control of
everything and there was no stopping. The harder he fucked Jessica, the more
she reacted. The louder her cries became. The deeper he felt himself inside
her. The more her ample chest began to move. It all became some kind of
challenge for Slader. To leave his mark with Jessica. So that if there were
moments in time they weren’t together, she’d think of him because she needed

He placed his hands to Jessica’s
chest and held tight. He squeezed hard enough that she cried out and then
slammed her hands to his. She began to thrust at him, matching his fast pace.
The thrusts were harder and faster, Slader beginning to reach a point of no
return. He and Jessica were perfect together, the sex had more lust and passion
than Slader thought to exist.

He finally climbed onto the bed and
lowered his body to Jessica’s. He felt her breasts touch his chest. He slid a
hand behind her neck and held her. His thrusts were just as deep but with a
slower pace. Jessica continued to thrust up at him, pulling at his body,
wanting everything.

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