Bliss (The Custos) (22 page)

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Authors: Melanie Walker

BOOK: Bliss (The Custos)
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Poor Preacher.


              The entire bar seemed to give him his dues because the only sound was his fingers strumming the acoustic and his heart singing out for his pain. I would remember everything in this moment for the rest of eternity. The blue light flashing against his Cladag ring, the white of the button down shirt he wore and the deep black of the guitar in his hand.


              "He's so beautiful Cash." I said not asking for a response.


              "I know Princess. This is his redemption and that will never change." The song ended but Cash's words rang through my ears.


              "What is your redemption?" I used a drink napkin to dry the tears from my eyes not wanting to make Preacher uncomfortable when he came back to the table. He was stopping every few feet as people paid him respect with 'good job' and 'that was beautiful'. I knew Preacher and he hated every minute of it.


              Cash stayed quiet not answering me immediately, but when I looked at him his stare swallowed me. "You are Princess. Every day that I love you I forgive myself for the pain I caused my wife and son."


              My Vampires were determined to make me cry tonight I knew it. Standing I bent and kissed him, slow and sweet, a thank you for being you kiss. "I'll be right back, I need to freshen up."



In the bathroom I took a deep breath calming my nerves. I would always love this night, for Preacher showing me such a sacred piece of himself and for Cash confessing that loving me was what saved his soul. When I finally had my eyes free of tears I stepped back out and my ears were assaulted by a female Vampires version of 'I can’t make you love me'. Even Vampires sang the same songs that humans tortured in karaoke bars. I was certain before the night was over I would hear a mangled version of 'Black Velvet.'


              Back at the table I had missed something. Preacher was still making his rounds, talking intently with a young looking Vampire with baggy pants, an oversized jacket and a Sox baseball cap flipped sideways. Preacher seemed stiff but interested and I hoped the guy wasn’t pissing him off. Preacher didn’t do well on really high nights if he had to fight, worse if he killed.


              Cash was watching him just as intently and I waved my hand in front of his eyes. "What's going on? And don’t you dare say
." I was a little freaked out and had the worst feeling to look over my shoulder.


              Cash leaned in but the jerked back and hissed, "Fuck me....." All of my warning flags inside were flying and screaming for me to ask them if we could leave. Cash stood and reached for my hand as if to say we




              "What Cash?" I asked on guard.


              "Princess go sit down and at act like your having the time of your life." He was still watching Preacher talk to the homey looking kid.


              "No, not till I know what’s going on." I made sure that my voice stayed strong. This secrecy between him and Preacher would soon drive me over the edge then they would fear me and my wrath.


              Cash looked at me, his gaze deep and intent he spoke through gritted teeth. "Be defiant later Princess, I can’t deal with you right now."


              He could have slapped me and it would have hurt less. "Don’t talk to me like that Cash.
. I may love you but that does not give you the right to dismiss me as some silly girl you’re putting up with."


              Now he leaned in his temper on display. "Well that is what you’re doing right now, making me deal with you like a child. I asked I won’t ask again, do it or I
make you."


              I snapped he should have known I would. "Fuck. You." I didn’t wait for a reply I walked to the bar and asked the waitress for a shot. I half expected him to come back and throw some snide hurtful comment at me but when I looked over my shoulder he was nowhere to be seen. I could still see Preacher and I made sure I kept him in my line of vision. Now he and the hip hop guy had taken a seat in a less crowded section of Doubt.


              I hated not knowing what Cash was up to but I had to get it out of my head. Every Vampire in here seen me walk in with him, they knew I was his but they also knew I was pissed off right now and they would use that to their benefit. I stayed at the bar until I had my shot. Setting the glass down I felt my nerves kick in.


              Something wasn’t right. Preacher looked tense and I didn’t have any idea where Cash had gone. They had said that I would never be alone, but I was. Right now and every Vampire, Custos or
were watching me.






"Klem, how are ya old friend?" I asked before taking his hand in a friendly shake. I had known him a few centuries and knew he would be strait with me. He was an old school Vampire. He fought for reasons not giggles. Now more powerful than when I saw him last, about twenty years ago. He had an entire team to do his bidding. He was a power player in the Immortal world and I was glad he had my back.


              "Cacius Troy, what has it been?" He was a large man to say the least. He stood around seven feet and I wouldn’t pretend to know what he weighed. Dolf Lundgren looked like a wimp next to this giant Russian.


              "I'd say twenty years. How have you been?" It was easy to be nice to Klem as long as you knew your boundaries. I was much older and had that on my side and the power players I rolled with were from the opposing team so our friendship was like keeping up with the Jones's, but he knew who out of the two of us would win in battle and knew not to fuck with me. He was an ally with a bridge I dared not burn, but his feelings were mutual.


              "Too long. I have been good." He said his deep Russian accent made his words sound heavy. "Tell me what do I owe the visit?"


              "I am looking for a Vampire, from The Nex. He's new can’t be more than a few months and his name is Conlin Freebold."


              I saw the look of awareness before he even spoke. "Little shit has been in here a few times trying to push his trade. I told him to leave if he liked his ass this side of sunrise."


              "What was he trying to push? Was it called Bliss?" I asked hoping that the name they were toying with hadn’t changed. It would add another hassle I didn’t need right now.


              "Believe so. I had never heard of it but these days most are manufactured in dingy bathrooms. The old days we stole from pharmacies or pulled it from the earth. I haven’t seen him though, not for the last few weeks, proves he's smart." A knock came from the door and Klem stood. "Excuse me."


              I sat looking around the office and saw the screens for the cameras out in the club. I scanned two screens before finding London. Sitting at the table alone I could sense her unease. I would have to apologize, I knew that. I was pushing five hundred and it had been a long time since I had a woman in my life to answer to. Well more like forever, I never paid mind to Mary unless it was her needs in bed. I was a shitty husband but not a shitty lover. I would be kissing London’s sexy ass in no time out of fear she wouldn’t let me touch her wet places any more.


              The woman had me, I didn’t stand a chance against her no matter how hard I tried. She was the most defiant thing I had ever met. The only way to get her compliance was to push until you hurt her, and I hated that I did that to her. She had a point, sooner or later I would need to keep her in the loop but I feared for her life to deeply.


              I saw no point in sitting here giving myself a talking too, she would have a mouthful later, no way would she back down. It was exactly why I loved her as much as I did. Her defiance made me hard even if we were in danger. She knew what set me off, but she also held the command to bring me down. It made fighting with her worth it when all was said and done.


              I knew we would fight tonight but I also knew she would get it out and then we would fuck and she would be so wet. I had never been with a woman who got as wet as quick as she did or came as fast and frequently as she did. It stroked my ego every time she broke into a million pieces beneath me. I had to find a new topic and fast because my cock was setting up shop in my pants. It had a mind of its own when it came to Princess.....


              "Sorry Cash but I need to get out there." Klem said and I stood to face him, adjusting my cock before I turned around and showed him my two man tent I built while waiting.


              "Yeah, here is my number. Call me if you see him in here again, but keep him around till I get here." I shook his hand and he agreed to call. He told me drinks were on the house tonight but I had a feeling that London would not be festive when I returned.


              I walked over to Preacher who was in deep conversation with the kid from earlier. But I knew what they were talking about. "Preacher you ready?" I asked, knowing he was about to get what we needed and by leaving the kid would follow desperate to make the deal.


              "Sure, I'll get my coat and meet you and London outside." I knew he said her name louder on purpose. Her name was a hot commodity on the streets right now; the Vampire world was all a flutter with the price tag for her alive.


              I nodded and headed back over to London, bracing myself for a war. "Princess are you ready to leave?" I asked hoping she had simmered down.


              She blushed and giggled, all fake and made for me she smiled. "I get a choice. Wow, you know how to treat a girl."




              She was furious, I could feel the energy as it flowed off her body and slammed into me. She smelled like burning hair. I always thought that was the perfect smell, you knew by that smell that 'Oh fuck, this is not good.' That was my night mapped out and wrapped like fucking Christmas.


              "Get your things please." I said. I didn’t have the energy right now to fight with her and keep a sharp eye with Preach. She didn’t like my tone, I knew that when she rolled her eyes grabbed her purse, or clutch or whatever the hell it was, and we walked towards the door. I placed my hand on the small of her back to guide her through the now packed to capacity club. She walked faster and as I tried to move my hand into hers she pulled back and gritted her teeth, "Do. Not. Touch. Me."


              It was going to be a long, long night.








He had to be kidding me. Did he really think I was that simple? Outside the cool air hit my skin and I reveled in the fresh air, well air. This was Vegas after all. The strip was bumper to bumper with cars and the sidewalks lined with tourists and street venders. Women at every corner promised a good time to anyone interested while others passed out hooker business cards and pamphlets to the best call girls. Even in its seedy nature, only in America could you fight with your boyfriend, storm out of a bar and be greeted with a list of other things you could be doing right now.


              A couple walked past Cash and I, the woman was plastered and the guy on her arm held her drink as she spun in circles screaming 'I love Vegas.' I felt Cash place his hand against my spine again and I wanted to scream. "Let’s just get to the car please so I can get home and as far away from you as possible."


              He scrubbed his face with his hands, a gesture that usually made me feel for him knowing he was searching for words but not tonight. "Jesus are you seriously still pissed?" He asked his tone implying that I was crazy. It only infuriated me more.


              "Do you think I’m that resilient? You treat me like a two year old one minute and a Goddess the next and when you feel like being nice I should bow down? Maybe I should drop to my knees and blow you? Or bend over and let you fuck me up the ass? Think again asshole."

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